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О rillena

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  1. rillena

    IHCS2 - mass action

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  2. rillena

    IHCS2 - mass action

    [table][tr][td]Sentinel top top mid bot jungle [/td][td] team 1 ogre Andrushaz0r- enigma Virtue-- bane DTi.Twisted potm JesseQ soulkeeper PenguinQ [/td][td]-vs- - - - - - [/td][td] team 2 visage Astra stalker rillena puck cyberkoTg dragon Zhanis necrolyte begrip.krot [/td][td]Scourge top top mid bot bot [/td][/tr][/table] [info][table][tr][td]Name Andrushaz0r- Virtue-- DTi.Twisted JesseQ PenguinQ Astra rillena cyberkoTg Zhanis begrip.krot [/td][td]Hero Ogre Magi Enigma Bane Elemental Priestess of the Moon Soul Keeper Necro'lic Night Stalker Faerie Dragon Dragon Knight Necrolyte [/td][td]APM 111 152 110 156 127 90 149 86 139 66 [/td][/tr][/table][/info] [replay][table][tr][td]Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Game length: [/td][td]1.22 DotA Allstars v6.54b.w3x Maps\Download Virtue-- 49:43 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] [result]team 2 [/result]
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