нужен скрипт - https://github.com/DanielTaranger/poeTransactionCounter/blob/master/poeTransactionCounter.js
Instructions To use this script:
Login to your pathofexile.com transaction page
Copy the contents from the poeTransactionCounter.js script
Right click your browser and select inspect element.
Get to console and paste it in and hit enter. The browser may require you to type in a safety word to allow to paste scripts.
If you feel adventurous you can also save this Bookmarklet into your Bookmarks.
Tier 17 Maps are now modifiable only with Chaos Orbs, Vaal Orbs, Delirium Orbs and Chisels (previously only Chaos Orbs). They also now drop with a random Quality, rather than always dropping with 20% Quality.
бафаем пати шлюх, РАБОТЯГИ СОСАТБ