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О NozG

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  1. dud... i am pro player... amsi admin pleshka.. cmon man... dont mix me wit he..
  2. - _ - rly guiiiiiiis cmon... ..... i bekom rly angry watch dis replay u know just stupid mistakes..... where item basilius ? 3 ARMOR + mana regen for team only 500 gold!!!!!!!! FFS!!!! dendi wtf u tha suport hero u ( OFC) take tha basilus lol.... 3 armor team quote pgg (" basilius mini cuirass ") + tha mana n / c when making so beginner mistake u deserved lose!!!! dendi i thot u was tha best playar ffs!!!!!
  3. woaaa..... dendi mass imba... !!! lost INDIGOmode = on... wat can i said .. game over enemy team...
  4. NozG

    [CW] RoX.KIS vs Ravens

    dread.....pro player............
  5. NozG

    privet - bout pleshkaTRIO

    fuck amsi1!!!! he GAY GUY dont listen him !!!!
  6. NozG

    privet - bout pleshkaTRIO

    guys do u know amsi ? he is pro player play for UA team WG nick : AmsiTheBest aniway .. . he also admin on site : www.pleshka.com he ply 3 heros : potm morphling shadowfiend dis trio willl now known as : pleshkaTRIO ok just free info tnx
  7. NozG

    [EMS IV - Group B] Ravens vs TeG

    anarchist want some replay ? mymym ? ? dota allstar ? dota gosugamer ?? dota sgamer ?? no..... PRO DOTA RU
  8. SRY FOR NO FAIR PLAY KSINT IN OUR TEAM : LIGHTOFHEAVEN ( indigo status ) no balance for enemy team admin tell us : U NEED PLAY!!! we say : NO 5 PLAYERS!! they say: TAKE STANDIN!! and i see lost login in mirc and he rdy for game!!! SRY KSINT for bad fair play!!! but not us mistake admins mistakE!!!
  9. NozG

    [EMS IV - Group C] DTS vs nExt

    congratulation clan dts
  10. NozG

    [Dota league XI - Div 1] dmZ vs Xeo

    info : ( i not pick hero )
  11. NozG

    [EEDC - LB Round 6] DTS vs Srs

    blablablablablablabalbal bad play dTS they rly paly bad dota . i need teach them some things its rly easy if they only listen for me first thing not good hero picks . hero PUCK in poool why not pick this hero ???? just so easy dota sometimes need make simple things dp solo puck shaker potm + 1 +1 = in this situation is best : ABADDON he will be support hero bird+ buy all wards and in fight be very good with SHIELD for counter bane sleep/ultimat + rasta shacle /hex and sandking stun so simple and good lines no need 3 x lines and brood... but thing is heropicks not most importants i watch replay VERY BAD PLAY it dont matter if they learn how pick hero when they are play like noob. i watch replays NO WARDS need buy wards very important vs chen they NO WARDS SO BAD WARDS ...... then just bad plays they get ganked all time cuz no wards and bad play also in short need improv here picks and need better support player always when watch DTS replay no wards
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