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  1. в помощь overdoze1g Chapter 4. Continue our Conversation more, more, more! Sirro: "No stream for this game, thx to our russian friends" I still want to hear his answer to a question "why we prevented to do stream?" And why does he attache this rasist words like "u will not have stream coz russians are so bad", I dont understand how his "curve" hands connected with russians?? This citation took place in final of winers between Russia and Dania. You dont believe your eyes, what doing Sirro in GrandFinal between Ukraine and Russia. So, we had found neutral host (asking Sirro is useless with this question), picked heroes, Sirro connetcting as observer. But Sirro always lagging (thats terrible, really evil in imortant moments) + even drops sometimes (stream becomes dead x_x). So we say: "Sirro, plz, leave. We`ll call another streamer"(our streamer Maniac was ready to help). But Sirro refused our offer coz "Im the main admin". kk. Then i asking: "Do u have lags coz u are streamer or u a lagging without streaming?", He answer "Im lagging coz im streamer", Me: "Lets streamer will be nonlaggy and without connection problems", Sirro: "NO" and after all he says: "OK RUSSIAN WANTS NO STREAM, KKKKK". So i wrote Army about our conversation with Sirro when the game was already started. After Army spoke with Sirro, he began to spam "GO RE WITH STREAMER, NP" . WHAT THE FUCK? What the Kindergarten with organization? Why this fucking sirro rule this tournament? WTF?
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