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О sSerenity

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  1. I wanted to answer the criticisms which were made for me, although I notice that NS does not dare to speak to me about it directly. It is so easier to criticize from behind. And for those who forgot, I am the man who makes nothing. For the case of Singapore/Germany Let's me explain why I ask you what you think, as a member of the leader nation of THIS group. Germany has 2/2 in stats Singapore has 1/1 in stats, winning against Germany. (Then after, they win 3 forfait games ) My question was : Is it fair or not to qualify a team with only 2 games played out of 5 even if they're better than the second ? It's why I asked russians players, because they were first in this group. For the others parts, I totally agree with you about Neutral Hosting / Streaming games / Prize for hours that it takes I go back ... doing nothing. Perhaps, a day, you'll know how it's hard to organize online tournaments with teams & countries all over the world. Perhaps, a day, you'll know that there is a lot of hidden work.
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