2 -
О ANubis
- День рождения 28.05.1990
Profile Information
1 game Banned heroes: [table][tr][td] Avid SGC [/td][td] - warlock soulkeeper priest nerub - zeus puck omni beast [/td][/tr][/table] Picks: [table][tr][td] Avid SGC [/td][td] - qop, viper + skeleton, naix + slayer - leshrac + potm, sven + centaur, necrolyte [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr][td]Sentinel top top mid bot bot [/td][td] Avid naix Swoopie slayer NlKE qop Lacoste_ skeleton Soundchaosdebug viper NozG [/td][td] vs - - - - - [/td][td] SGC potm SGC.nEKro necrolyte SGC.ZhaoYun leshrac SGC.Tulex sven SGC.zax centaur SGC.Xali^ [/td][td]Scourge top mid bot bot jungle [/td][/tr][/table] [info][table][tr][td]Name Swoopie NlKE Lacoste_ Soundchaosdebug NozG SGC.nEKro SGC.ZhaoYun SGC.Tulex SGC.zax SGC.Xali^ [/td][td]Hero Lifestealer Slayer Queen of Pain Skeleton King Netherdrake Priestess of the Moon Necrolyte Tormented Soul Rogue Knight Centaur Warchief [/td][td]APM 143 115 133 92 124 129 137 112 159 200 [/td][/tr][/table][/info] [item][table][tr][td]Name Swoopie NlKE Lacoste_ Soundchaosdebug NozG SGC.nEKro SGC.ZhaoYun SGC.Tulex SGC.zax SGC.Xali^ [/td][td]Gold spend 13975 6634 13854 12470 7366 12639 18379 10074 10616 13165 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 0 (0 + 0) 22 (20 + 2) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 4 (2 + 2) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 14 (12 + 2) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) [/td][td]TPs 5 7 4 3 7 7 12 5 8 9 [/td][td]Regen(Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle) 4 + 0 + 0 + no 4 + 2 + 0 + no 4 + 0 + 1 + yes 4 + 1 + 1 + no 4 + 0 + 0 + no 0 + 0 + 1 + yes 2 + 0 + 0 + no 2 + 0 + 0 + yes 4 + 1 + 0 + no 4 + 1 + 3 + no [/td][/tr][/table][/item] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.21 DotA Allstars v6.52c.w3x Maps\Download MYM|LevenT 60:38 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] [result] Avid 0:1 SGC [/result] 2 game Banned heroes: [table][tr][td] SGC Avid [/td][td] - puck omni zeus centaur - warlock beast qop potm [/td][/tr][/table] Picks: [table][tr][td] SGC Avid [/td][td] - priest, nerub + necrolyte, void + lich - soulkeeper + leshrac, viper + pugna, ogre [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr][td]Sentinel top mid mid bot bot [/td][td] SGC necrolyte SGC.ZhaoYun lich SGC.zax nerub SGC.Xali^ void SGC.nEKro priest SGC.Tulex [/td][td] vs - - - - - [/td][td] Avid pugna Lacoste_ viper Soundchaosdebug leshrac NlKE ogre NozG soulkeeper Swoopie [/td][td]Scourge top mid bot bot jungle [/td][/tr][/table] [info][table][tr][td]Name SGC.ZhaoYun SGC.zax SGC.Xali^ SGC.nEKro SGC.Tulex Lacoste_ Soundchaosdebug NlKE NozG Swoopie [/td][td]Hero Necrolyte Lich Nerubian Assassin Faceless Void Shadow Priest Oblivion Netherdrake Tormented Soul Ogre Magi Soul Keeper [/td][td]APM 163 170 202 163 117 145 111 138 138 112 [/td][/tr][/table][/info] [item][table][tr][td]Name SGC.ZhaoYun SGC.zax SGC.Xali^ SGC.nEKro SGC.Tulex Lacoste_ Soundchaosdebug NlKE NozG Swoopie [/td][td]Gold spend 6222 3209 3587 3759 3604 4809 3570 3189 1064 2745 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 0 (0 + 0) 8 (8 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 4 (2 + 2) 4 (4 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) [/td][td]TPs 3 3 2 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 [/td][td]Regen(Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle) 4 + 1 + 1 + no 2 + 0 + 1 + no 2 + 2 + 0 + yes 2 + 0 + 0 + no 2 + 0 + 0 + no 6 + 0 + 0 + no 6 + 1 + 0 + no 4 + 1 + 0 + no 2 + 1 + 1 + no 6 + 0 + 0 + no [/td][/tr][/table][/item] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.21 DotA Allstars v6.52c.w3x Maps\Download UtherX 22:57 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] [result] SGC 2:0 Avid [/result]
1 game Banned heroes: [table][tr][td] Mouz TeG [/td][td] - omni qop priest zeus - beast puck warlock potm [/td][/tr][/table] Picks: [table][tr][td] Mouz TeG [/td][td] - necrolyte, lich + dragon, pit + pugna - shaker + leshrac, venge + chen, soulkeeper [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr][td]Sentinel top top mid bot bot [/td][td] Mouz lich mouz.Miracle- dragon mouz.bluTgeiL necrolyte mouz.Drayich pugna mouz.KuroKy pit mouz.Twisted [/td][td] vs - - - - - [/td][td] TeG venge TeG-freezer soulkeeper TeG.Razer.Bird leshrac TeG-S0ny shaker Teg-Satelit chen TeG.Razer.RMP [/td][td]Scourge top mid bot bot jungle [/td][/tr][/table] [info][table][tr][td]Name mouz.Miracle- mouz.bluTgeiL mouz.Drayich mouz.KuroKy mouz.Twisted TeG-freezer TeG.Razer.Bird TeG-S0ny Teg-Satelit TeG.Razer.RMP [/td][td]Hero Lich Dragon Knight Necrolyte Oblivion Pit Lord Vengeful Spirit Soul Keeper Tormented Soul Earthshaker Holy Knight [/td][td]APM 106 83 96 81 131 122 125 178 109 173 [/td][td]Kills 6 4 3 3 3 6 8 2 6 7 [/td][td]Deaths 8 5 4 6 6 4 1 7 3 4 [/td][td]Stats 87/19 207/27 172/27 102/9 113/3 115/13 224/11 148/15 84/5 33/0 [/td][/tr][/table][/info] [item][table][tr][td]Name mouz.Miracle- mouz.bluTgeiL mouz.Drayich mouz.KuroKy mouz.Twisted TeG-freezer TeG.Razer.Bird TeG-S0ny Teg-Satelit TeG.Razer.RMP [/td][td]Gold spend 8592 13947 13199 8784 9499 12520 18005 10209 8515 9204 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 10 (8 + 2) 0 (0 + 0) 8 (4 + 4) 10 (6 + 4) 2 (2 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 22 (14 + 8) [/td][td]TPs 2 3 7 6 7 6 1 6 4 1 [/td][td]Regen(Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle) 4 + 0 + 0 + no 2 + 0 + 0 + no 2 + 2 + 0 + no 4 + 0 + 0 + no 6 + 1 + 0 + no 8 + 1 + 1 + no 2 + 0 + 0 + no 4 + 1 + 0 + no 4 + 1 + 2 + no 2 + 1 + 0 + no [/td][/tr][/table][/item] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.21 DotA Allstars v6.52c.w3x Maps\download TeG-Snake 52:42 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] [result] Mouz 0:1 TeG [/result] 2 game Banned heroes: [table][tr][td] TeG Mouz [/td][td] - puck shaker beast potm - warlock zeus chen omni [/td][/tr][/table] Picks: [table][tr][td] TeG Mouz [/td][td] - qop, dragon + doctor, fiend + furion - necrolyte + priest, silencer + centaur, ogre [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr][td]Sentinel top top mid bot jungle [/td][td] TeG dragon Teg-Satelit doctor TeG.Razer.RMP fiend TeG-freezer qop TeG-S0ny furion TeG.Razer.Bird [/td][td] vs - - - - - [/td][td] Mouz necrolyte mouz.Miracle- silencer mouz.bluTgeiL ogre mouz.Drayich priest mouz.Fragalot centaur mouz.KuroKy [/td][td]Scourge top mid mid bot bot [/td][/tr][/table] [info][table][tr][td]Name Teg-Satelit TeG.Razer.RMP TeG-freezer TeG-S0ny TeG.Razer.Bird mouz.Miracle- mouz.bluTgeiL mouz.Drayich mouz.Fragalot mouz.KuroKy [/td][td]Hero Dragon Knight Witch Doctor Shadow Fiend Queen of Pain Prophet Necrolyte Silencer Ogre Magi Shadow Priest Centaur Warchief [/td][td]APM 110 170 124 176 88 121 94 87 122 92 [/td][/tr][/table][/info] [item][table][tr][td]Name Teg-Satelit TeG.Razer.RMP TeG-freezer TeG-S0ny TeG.Razer.Bird mouz.Miracle- mouz.bluTgeiL mouz.Drayich mouz.Fragalot mouz.KuroKy [/td][td]Gold spend 8959 8451 14400 8041 5040 9581 6374 4197 3396 8936 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 0 (0 + 0) 6 (6 + 0) 2 (0 + 2) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 14 (4 + 10) 6 (6 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) [/td][td]TPs 5 7 4 7 0 6 5 9 6 9 [/td][td]Regen(Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle) 2 + 0 + 2 + no 2 + 5 + 1 + no 2 + 0 + 0 + yes 4 + 0 + 1 + no 2 + 4 + 0 + no 4 + 0 + 0 + no 4 + 0 + 0 + no 2 + 7 + 1 + no 2 + 0 + 0 + no 4 + 0 + 0 + no [/td][/tr][/table][/item] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.21 DotA Allstars v6.52c.w3x Maps\download TeG-freezer 41:51 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] [result] TeG 2:0 Mouz [/result]