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[HoN] HoN Hero Spotlight: Ravenor!

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The souls of the damned suffer eternal torments in the hells ruled over by the Daemon Lords. The administration of such torments are left in the hands of the cruelest and most sadistic of all the condemned. These irredeemable souls take such delight in the torture of others that they are imbued with the purest essences of anger, cruelty, and hate. These beings earn a title that strikes fear into both the living, and the dead; they are the reapers of souls, the crushers of dreams, the bastions of terror, and the delivers of the damned.


They are Ravenors, and their Lord is known by that title alone.


Get ready for Ravenor this Friday! He's a great hero who can initiate if needed, however, his prowess lies within his carrying abilities!





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4й герой с щитом за пол года. от щитов уже тошнит

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4й герой с щитом за пол года. от щитов уже тошнит

Прав как прав, заебало рли :_:


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он уже всем доступен или его надо покупать еще?

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он уже всем доступен или его надо покупать еще?

нет, блять. Тока вышел и уже всем доступен


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Моделька хуйня.

fY8rbVr.gif.d961f1d239e5d2a1322dec6b15ff0b13.gifI GOTTA GOTTA CRUSH JUST LIKE A GOLD RUSH2QYqk2b.gif.9aa030f4a86734745d6a878f3a654018.gif

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