Avocado #23 7 января 2011 f[ff[[ff[[ просто пиздец хохол уебок.... Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
dorety #24 7 января 2011 хохлы как всегда http://steamcommunity.com/id/dorety/ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Byrzik #25 7 января 2011 чат и мог выложить :NYtrollface: внатуре :NYtrollface: чо там, брат варда наверное? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Гость sexisback. #26 7 января 2011 00:00 [All] KingOfFaking: Shortest load by player Venomaster was 3.40 seconds 00:00 [All] KingOfFaking: Longest load by player Americano... was 12.59 seconds 00:00 [5] KingOfFaking: Your load time was 9.68 seconds 00:10 [Allies] DanyaPro.: -don 00:13 [Allies] DanyaPro.: -weather rain 00:16 [Allies] DanyaPro.: -water 0 0 0 00:40 [Allies] jetoh: -hhn 00:41 [Allies] jetoh: -clear 00:42 [Allies] jetoh: -random 00:55 [Allies] Americano...: -random 00:56 [Allies] Armalor: share pls 01:12 [Allies] Armalor: pudge 01:16 [Allies] Armalor: share pls 01:42 [All] nooban109: латенси побольше плз 01:50 [Allies] Armalor: pudge share chick pls 04:01 [Allies] Armalor: pudge share chick pls 04:16 [Allies] Armalor: PUDGE 04:59 [Allies] Americano...: gel; lfey 05:01 [Allies] Americano...: пудж даун 05:48 [Allies] Armalor: pudge share chick 05:49 [Allies] Armalor: pls 05:53 [Allies] Armalor: i`ll up 06:05 [All] Americano...: _) 06:56 [Allies] Armalor: ss sf 07:04 [Allies] AMorFF: cc cbrth 07:07 [Allies] AMorFF: сс 07:23 [Allies] Armalor: pudge give me chick pls 07:26 [Allies] Armalor: i`ll up 07:33 [Allies] Armalor: i need bottle 07:51 [Allies] Americano...: а вдруг он бухой и ему пох 7 ) 08:07 [Allies] Armalor: ia bi takim yrodam glaza vikalival 08:08 [All] KingOfFaking: Player Armalor has voted for fast finish. 08:08 [Allies] Armalor: -ff 08:17 [Allies] Armalor: bez banki ia ne vistou 08:23 [Allies] Armalor: sf 7 lvl 08:25 [Allies] Armalor: ff 08:36 [Allies] Armalor: go 09:13 [Allies] Armalor: ff all 09:14 [Allies] Americano...: ы 09:18 [Allies] AMorFF: сс 09:27 [Allies] Americano...: щас 09:28 [Allies] Americano...: я 09:58 [Allies] Armalor: ss sf 10:11 [All] nooban109: латенси 10:16 [All] nooban109: плз 10:24 [Allies] Armalor: sf pt... 10:25 [Allies] Armalor: -ff 10:56 [Allies] Armalor: ss 11:06 [Allies] Americano...: пак про 11:20 [Allies] Armalor: mat pudga typaia prostitytka 11:21 [Allies] DanyaPro.: da, daje v nike napisano 11:29 [Allies] Armalor: ff vse 11:36 [Allies] Americano...: тихо заебал 11:50 [Allies] Americano...: сука 11:58 [Allies] Armalor: vot i vse 12:02 [Allies] Armalor: sf raska4an 12:12 [Allies] Armalor: blagodara nomy 4to pusge na dal kyry 12:18 [Allies] DanyaPro.: da da 12:22 [Allies] Armalor: a 4to net? 12:23 [Allies] DanyaPro.: PUDGE VINOVEN 12:33 [Allies] Armalor: ia bi prines banky i on bi otsosal 12:47 [Allies] DanyaPro.: ty vremeni na nytie bol\'she potratil 12:54 [Allies] DanyaPro.: chem samomu shodit\' kupit\' 13:09 [Allies] Armalor: aga 13:13 [Allies] Armalor: i vozvrashatsa na b 13:16 [Allies] Armalor: i davat ka4 sfy 13:19 [All] nooban109: СУКА ЛАТЕНСИ 13:22 [Allies] Armalor: da eto vse 13:26 [Allies] Armalor: sf ne kontritsa 13:29 [Allies] DanyaPro.: tak on i tak raskachan ty je govorish 13:45 [Allies] Armalor: a dal bi pudge kyry ia bi ego zagnoobil 13:52 [All] nooban109: бялть латенси хост 13:55 [All] KingOfFaking: IDI 13:56 [All] KingOfFaking: NA 13:57 [All] KingOfFaking: XUI 14:00 [All] nooban109: поставь побольше 14:07 [All] nooban109: сука я твой рот ебал 14:15 [All] nooban109: мразь лагает 14:30 [All] KingOfFaking: tebe yebky ni4ego ne pomozhet 14:49 [All] nooban109: завали ебло 16:27 [Allies] AMorFF: 5 16:28 [Allies] AMorFF: 5 16:29 [Allies] AMorFF: 5 17:26 [Allies] AMorFF: пак и мяс неадекватны 17:37 [Allies] DanyaPro.: :> 17:41 [Allies] Armalor: pudge petyh a ego mat ebali v sraky 40 negrov 17:44 [Allies] Armalor: vot i vse 17:56 [Allies] AMorFF: откуда такие подробности? 17:58 [Allies] DanyaPro.: morph zato adekvatn 18:00 [Allies] AMorFF: ты 18:06 [Allies] Armalor: kak mojno ne dat kyry komande? 18:20 [Allies] DanyaPro.: kak mojno stol\'ko govnit\'sya iz-za kuricy? 18:35 [Allies] Armalor: blaid esli bi on dal kyry ia bi prines bottle i zagnobil sfa 18:46 [Allies] jetoh: uebok 16 minut kuru ne mozesh kupit? 19:01 [Allies] Armalor: a ti ne mojesh ee dat? 19:07 [Allies] jetoh: net, shujali? 19:17 [Allies] Armalor: kyra 1 na komandy beretsa!!!! 19:18 [Allies] Armalor: 1!!!!! 19:21 [Allies] Armalor: a ne 10!!!! 19:21 [Allies] jetoh: da ti 4e? 19:31 [Allies] jetoh: ;D suka takoy ti uebok 19:42 [All] KingOfFaking: Player KingOfFaking has voted for fast finish. 20:06 [Allies] Armalor: tebe tak jalko bilo dat kyricy? 20:11 [Allies] jetoh: i ewe raz 20:14 [Allies] jetoh: shujali? 20:19 [Allies] Americano...: лол 20:26 [Allies] Armalor: mda 20:33 [Allies] Armalor: kyra vsegda sharitsa 20:34 [Allies] Americano...: сука 20:49 [Allies] jetoh: eto stereotip 20:52 [Allies] jetoh: tebe mozgi promili 20:53 [Allies] jetoh: o4nis 20:56 [Allies] DanyaPro.: gaidov nachitalsya 21:14 [Allies] Armalor: mog hota bi na starte skazat 4to ne dash? 21:18 [Allies] Armalor: ia bi sam kypil 21:22 [Allies] jetoh: mozgov ne hvatailo ponyat? 21:31 [Allies] jetoh: ili ti rewil 4ot esli napishesh 10 raz 21:33 [Allies] jetoh: 4to-to izmenica 21:41 [Allies] Armalor: da ti yebok a roditeli tvoi pidarasi\ 21:45 [Allies] jetoh: pozvoni next time 21:46 [Allies] Armalor: bazar zakrit yrod 21:51 [Allies] jetoh: bidlo 21:52 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 22:03 [Allies] DanyaPro.: shkol\'nik skoree 22:08 [Allies] jetoh: bidlo-sholnik 22:29 [Allies] Armalor: ny esli vi privikli pokypat 5 kyr na komandy to vam ne mesto na iccupe 22:36 [Allies] DanyaPro.: :D 22:38 [Allies] DanyaPro.: pizda 22:54 [Allies] Americano...: сука 22:55 [All] Armalor: ybivaite menia 22:56 [Allies] Americano...: вы че 23:07 [Allies] Americano...: пак гне очем 23:24 [Allies] Americano...: нда 23:29 [Allies] jetoh: morf tebya v shkole ne bjut slu4aem? ;D 23:29 [Allies] AMorFF: мяс жжет 23:33 [Allies] jetoh: pla4esh kak baba 23:34 [Allies] Americano...: а пак ? 23:45 [Allies] AMorFF: пак убивает фуру 23:46 [Allies] jetoh: bubub mne kuru ne dali 23:47 [Allies] Armalor: potomy 4to ni razy ne vstre4al yebkov kotorie ne daut kyry 23:50 [Allies] jetoh: ubbuu menya morf perefarmil 23:51 [Allies] DanyaPro.: che ty priebalsya? 23:53 [Allies] jetoh: bubub vi noobi 23:54 [Allies] jetoh: bububu 23:59 [Allies] AMorFF: если бы мяс сыграл, то оба бы живы остались 24:01 [Allies] Americano...: заебали грыстся играйте 24:01 [Allies] Armalor: ti to4no petyh 24:09 [Allies] DanyaPro.: da pohui 24:18 [Allies] Armalor: vstretilis bi v reale ia bi tebe glaza vikolol 24:22 [Allies] jetoh: ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 24:26 [Allies] jetoh: SUKAAAAAA 24:27 [Allies] jetoh: blat 24:29 [Allies] jetoh: zgi ewe 24:30 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 24:37 [Allies] jetoh: suka po4emy russkie vi takie uebki? 24:41 [Allies] jetoh: mne zal vashu naciyu 24:44 [Allies] Armalor: ny vot prosto skaji po4emy ti ne dal kyry? 24:51 [Allies] jetoh: SHUJALI? 24:52 [Allies] Armalor: ia je skazal ia upny 24:57 [Allies] Armalor: ok 25:03 [Allies] Armalor: po4emy ne skazal 4to ne dash? 25:03 [Allies] jetoh: blat ti men mozesh otvetit 25:05 [Allies] jetoh: SJUHALI/ 25:16 [Allies] Armalor: potomy 4to kyra beretsa 1 na komandy 25:19 [Allies] Armalor: a ne 5 25:23 [Allies] DanyaPro.: kem? 25:24 [Allies] jetoh: uebok a samomy kupit ne? 25:25 [Allies] DanyaPro.: kogda? 25:30 [Allies] jetoh: ILI ZALKO 170 GOLDI 25:30 [Allies] Armalor: skazal bi 4to ne dash 25:30 [Allies] jetoh: blat 25:31 [Allies] DanyaPro.: nahui kura v pube? 25:31 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 25:35 [Allies] Armalor: i ia bi kypil 25:50 [Allies] jetoh: jabi 25:51 [Allies] jetoh: tibi 26:02 [Allies] jetoh: vse u vash kto-to vinovat 26:24 [Allies] Armalor: suka sporim 4to morf s kuroi ybivaet sfa> 26:25 [Allies] Armalor: ? 26:29 [Allies] Armalor: go 1x1 posle etoi game? 26:35 [Allies] Armalor: morf vs sf? 26:36 [All] DanyaPro.: :D 26:45 [Allies] jetoh: lol ti realno shkolnik 27:05 [Allies] Armalor: tebe povezlo 4to ti ebaniy finn 27:15 [Allies] jetoh: ja znayu 27:17 [Allies] jetoh: sps 27:24 [Allies] jetoh: daze takoy uebok kak ti priznal eto 27:38 [Allies] Armalor: bil bi ti s kieva ia bi tebe vikolo glaza 27:40 [Allies] Armalor: yrody 27:44 [Allies] DanyaPro.: ne russkii 27:45 [Allies] jetoh: ok 27:49 [Allies] DanyaPro.: ob\'ebis\' :> 27:49 [Allies] jetoh: hohol agrica 27:52 [All] KingOfFaking: vorvalsya ? 27:58 [Allies] jetoh: idi pizdi gaz 28:16 [Allies] Armalor: sam dopizdelsa 28:25 [All] Armalor: ybivai menia fura 28:45 [All] nooban109: эт че? 28:46 [All] DanyaPro.: morph obidelsya 28:48 [Allies] Armalor: ti oskorbil svatoe 28:51 [Allies] Armalor: mou strany 28:51 [All] DanyaPro.: chto kuru ne dali 28:54 [Allies] Armalor: ti yrod 29:17 [All] nooban109: давай еще) 29:18 [Allies] DanyaPro.: pizdec eto bolezn\' chtol\' kakaya 29:20 [Allies] jetoh: neponyatno 4ego ti ebesh mozg 29:23 [Allies] jetoh: vqidi i vse 29:27 [Allies] jetoh: vseravno stat kak u u ebka 29:31 [Allies] Armalor: ti pizdelna ykrainy? 29:41 [Allies] Armalor: pizdec petyh 29:45 [Allies] jetoh: ukraina govno 29:48 [Allies] jetoh: kak i rosssiya 29:49 [Allies] Armalor: ok 30:01 [Allies] Armalor: v finlandii jivyt yebki 30:07 [Allies] Armalor: kotorie trahaut mam 30:12 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 30:42 [Allies] jetoh: u tebya vse svodica k trahanyu kak i petuham 30:44 [Allies] AMorFF: какие вы унылые 30:47 [Allies] AMorFF: пиздец 30:47 [Allies] jetoh: travma detstva? 31:00 [Allies] AMorFF: я так хорошо врываюст 31:01 [Allies] jetoh: trahnul mamy, posadili, opustili? 31:05 [Allies] jetoh: ;( 31:07 [Allies] Americano...: пацаны играйте хватит хуйней страдать 31:07 [Allies] Armalor: ti oskorbil mou strany 31:10 [Allies] Armalor: ti ne 4elovek 31:12 [Allies] jetoh: ;DDDDDDDDDDDDD 31:16 [Allies] jetoh: 4uvak ti nakurilsa ? 31:21 [Allies] Armalor: ia ne bydy igrat s yebkom kotoriy pizdit na mou strany 31:26 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 31:29 [Allies] jetoh: ti javno nakuren 31:39 [Allies] jetoh: adekvatnie ludi takuyu xuynu nenesut 31:50 [Allies] Armalor: dlia menia moia strana eto svatoe 31:59 [Allies] Armalor: i tebe povezlo 4to ia teba na znau v reale 32:07 [Allies] Armalor: ia bi tebe vikolo za pizdej glaza 32:12 [Allies] AMorFF: сдарк долбаеб 32:13 [Allies] Americano...: бля морф играй 32:14 [Allies] Americano...: забей 32:17 [Allies] jetoh: ok, ti eeto uze skazal 3 raza 32:20 [Allies] Armalor: ne zabiu 32:20 [Allies] AMorFF: нахуй тебе фера сдался? 32:21 [Allies] jetoh: mozg dalshe ne idet? 32:22 [Allies] Americano...: че ты завелся 32:26 [Allies] AMorFF: шф надо было валить 32:42 [Allies] Americano...: ты ничиго не докажешь здесь переписываясь 32:44 [Allies] Armalor: esli bi on pizdel na menai ili moih predkov mne bilo bi pohui 32:56 [Allies] jetoh: lol ;D 33:00 [Allies] Armalor: no moa strana-eto svatoe 33:01 [Allies] jetoh: tebe promili mozgi 33:05 [Allies] DanyaPro.: eto pizdec 33:09 [Allies] jetoh: ahahah 33:10 [Allies] Americano...: если бы ты был взрослым ты бы не обращал внимания 33:12 [Allies] jetoh: prosto HAHAHAHAAH 33:56 [Allies] AMorFF: б 33:59 [Allies] jetoh: blat eto nado na forum vqlozit 34:03 [Allies] jetoh: prosto hahaha 34:05 [Allies] DanyaPro.: da 34:10 [Allies] Armalor: ko 34:12 [Allies] Armalor: ok 34:16 [Allies] Armalor: puck i pudge 34:25 [Allies] Armalor: vam pohui kogda pizdat na vashy strany? 34:28 [Allies] DanyaPro.: da 34:30 [Allies] jetoh: da 34:32 [Allies] jetoh: lol 34:38 [Allies] Armalor: i vi s4itaete seba ludmi posle etogo? 34:38 [Allies] jetoh: tolko uebky ne pohui 34:48 [Allies] Armalor: vi tam rodilis 34:52 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 34:54 [Allies] DanyaPro.: ya shitayu ty mnogo govorish 35:00 [Allies] Armalor: i roditeli vas rostili v vashei strane 35:02 [Allies] jetoh: ja shutayu morf uebok 35:03 [Allies] jetoh: spasibo 35:27 [Allies] jetoh: blat ja daze uze nezanyu shutish ti ili serjozno ;D 35:32 [Allies] jetoh: takih uebkov ja vpervie vizu 35:41 [Allies] jetoh: ja daze nezanyu kak mne reagirovat ;DdDDD 35:55 [Allies] Armalor: esli tebe pohui na svou strany zna4it tebe pohui i na riditelei i na druzei 36:01 [Allies] jetoh: ;DDDDDDDDDD 36:05 [Allies] jetoh: KAK BLAT GDE LOGIKA? 36:12 [Allies] Armalor: ti rodilsa v etoi strane? 36:18 [Allies] jetoh: net 36:22 [Allies] Armalor: ok 36:24 [Allies] Armalor: a v kakoi? 36:26 [Allies] jetoh: vse? plan provalilsa/ 36:43 [Allies] jetoh: kakaja naxuty raznica gde ti rodilsa blat ;D 36:47 [Allies] jetoh: eto territoriya nebolee 36:47 [Allies] Armalor: bolshaia 36:48 [Allies] DanyaPro.: b 36:55 [Allies] DanyaPro.: sha def 37:09 [Allies] jetoh: pohui na doty, tut morf 37:11 [Allies] Armalor: y kogo mi spizdili gaz skaji 37:11 [Allies] jetoh: on interesnee 37:12 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 37:14 [Allies] DanyaPro.: :D 37:17 [Allies] Armalor: spidil ushenko 37:23 [Allies] jetoh: aga 37:25 [Allies] jetoh: prodolzay 37:27 [Allies] jetoh: o4en interesno 37:38 [Allies] Armalor: dymaesh y nas etot gaz v kvartirah poavilsa? 37:43 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 37:46 [Allies] Armalor: no ti na4al pizdet na vsu strany 37:47 [Allies] jetoh: mne voobwe pohui 37:48 [Allies] jetoh: na vas 37:51 [Allies] jetoh: na vashy stranu 38:11 [All] KingOfFaking: zaebal 38:12 [All] KingOfFaking: yebok 38:26 [All] Armalor: eti yebki pizdeli na mou strany 38:34 [All] Armalor: ia s takimi petyhami igrat ne sobiraus 38:49 [Allies] jetoh: NU TAK BLAT VQIDI 38:51 [Allies] jetoh: 4E NI KAK BABA 39:09 [Allies] jetoh: ili eto blat tvoya rodina toze? ;D 39:10 [Allies] Armalor: 4tobi vam pidaram igry isportit 39:11 [Allies] Americano...: вы 2 бабы 39:25 [Allies] AMorFF: сларк 39:26 [Allies] jetoh: paren, ti sdelal dlya menya iogru 39:29 [Allies] AMorFF: что собираешь? 39:33 [Allies] Armalor: esli ti ne yvajaesh svou strany to ti ne 4elovek 39:33 [Allies] jetoh: ja dumal budet o4erednaya sku4naya dota 39:33 [Allies] Americano...: щас ? 39:36 [Allies] jetoh: a tut takoy bonus 39:37 [Allies] jetoh: thx 39:46 [Allies] AMorFF: ну ближайшее 39:47 [Allies] jetoh: mama skazala? 39:48 [Allies] Americano...: я думаю бкб ? 39:51 [All] KingOfFaking: zZAEBAL 39:56 [Allies] Armalor: pri 4em tyt mama? 39:57 [Allies] Americano...: или башер 39:58 [Allies] AMorFF: нах 40:00 [Allies] Armalor: mne srat na vseh 40:03 [Allies] AMorFF: башер или бабочку 40:06 [Allies] Armalor: i kto 4to govorit 40:11 [Allies] Armalor: eto ia sam reshil 40:16 [Allies] DanyaPro.: babochku 40:16 [Allies] Armalor: ne ponimaesh-yda4i 40:18 [Allies] DanyaPro.: i kirasu 41:20 [Allies] AMorFF: какие вы все медлаенные 41:29 [Allies] Armalor: pudge ti tak i ne otvetil 41:33 [Allies] Armalor: v kakoi strane ti rodilsa 41:35 [Allies] Armalor: ? 41:42 [Allies] jetoh: a raznica? 41:44 [Allies] DanyaPro.: ya ugadayu 41:45 [Allies] Americano...: б 41:46 [Allies] Armalor: bolshaia 41:51 [Allies] DanyaPro.: on sha skajet chto ona govno! 41:51 [Allies] jetoh: i kakjaze? 41:54 [Allies] Americano...: щас я башер 41:59 [Allies] Armalor: ne skajy 42:04 [Allies] jetoh: blat tebe 12 let 42:05 [Allies] jetoh: neskazu 42:06 [Allies] Armalor: potomy 4to strana dlia menia svatoe 42:06 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 42:12 [Allies] Americano...: аахха 42:14 [Allies] DanyaPro.: :D 42:15 [Allies] Americano...: 2 идиота ) 42:27 [Allies] Armalor: prosto kak on otnositsa k tomy 4to na nee pzidat 42:28 [Allies] Armalor: ? 42:32 [Allies] Americano...: в чате решать отношения ололо 43:18 [Allies] Armalor: ok slark kak ti otnosishsa kogda pzidat na tvou strany? 43:28 [Allies] Americano...: я бы не решал эито здесь 43:30 [Allies] jetoh: on bjet kazdomy mordu 43:32 [Allies] jetoh: kak pacan 43:33 [Allies] Americano...: потому что смысла нет 43:33 [Allies] jetoh: 4o 43:36 [All] DanyaPro.: lol ebat\' 43:39 [Allies] Armalor: togda priezjai v kiev 43:47 [Allies] Armalor: ia toje nabiu tebe mordy 43:48 [Allies] DanyaPro.: :D 43:56 [Allies] DanyaPro.: da hvatit jech uje 43:56 [Allies] Americano...: за компом любой малой будет пиздец что он гшерой 43:59 [Allies] jetoh: pomnu v 12 let tak vqjobivalis 44:03 [Allies] jetoh: "davai adress podjedu" 44:08 [Allies] jetoh: tak i ne vqros? 44:08 [Allies] Armalor: ok 44:10 [Allies] DanyaPro.: na bmw x6 44:20 [Allies] Armalor: kiev yl.zdolbunovskaia 44:24 [Allies] Armalor: dom 3 kv 199 44:45 [Allies] Americano...: ой ебаный 44:47 [Allies] Americano...: болты 45:10 [Allies] jetoh: 4e morf, mnogo komy mordu uze nabil? 45:25 [All] KingOfFaking: 3 skadi 45:26 [All] KingOfFaking: lol 45:54 [Allies] jetoh: bla zalko igra zakon4ilas 45:59 [Allies] jetoh: jabi ewe s morfom popizdel ;( 46:02 [Allies] jetoh: klassniy pacik 46:53 [Allies] Americano...: спасибо за игру 46:55 [All] KingOfFaking: Player Americano... has voted for fast finish. 46:55 [Allies] Americano...: -ff 47:07 [Allies] Americano...: 2 бабы испортили игру 47:14 [Allies] Armalor: pudge 47:20 [Allies] jetoh: da da ja sluahyu 47:23 [Allies] Armalor: iz moih druzei nikto ne pizdit na mou strany 47:29 [All] KingOfFaking: Americano... has left the game. 47:30 [All] KingOfFaking: nooban109 has left the game. 47:30 [All] KingOfFaking: Venomaster has left the game. 47:31 [Allies] Armalor: poetomy za eto nikomy 47:32 [All] KingOfFaking: jetoh has left the game. 47:32 [All] KingOfFaking: Armalor has left the game. 47:32 [All] KingOfFaking: KingOfFaking has left the game. 47:33 [All] GFik: Sferzah has left the game. 47:33 [All] GFik: GFik has left the game. 47:41 [All] DanyaPro.: AMorFF has left the game. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
toeq #28 7 января 2011 из чата я понял одно 24:37 [Allies] jetoh: suka po4emy russkie vi takie uebki? война дворцам — мир хижинам Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Mafon #29 7 января 2011 и если я ношу кандибобер на голове ,это не значит что я женщина или балерина Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
3eee #30 7 января 2011 и если я ношу кандибобер на голове ,это не значит что я женщина или балерина ахахах транслин не круто читать) Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Гость 123123 #31 7 января 2011 смеялся не знаю над чем умер Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
gRUzz #33 8 января 2011 выделите смешную часть c 12 минуты ^^ Вот неплохо: 37:11 [Allies] Armalor: y kogo mi spizdili gaz skaji 37:11 [Allies] jetoh: on interesnee 37:12 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 37:14 [Allies] DanyaPro.: :D 37:17 [Allies] Armalor: spidil ushenko 37:23 [Allies] jetoh: aga 37:25 [Allies] jetoh: prodolzay 37:27 [Allies] jetoh: o4en interesno 37:38 [Allies] Armalor: dymaesh y nas etot gaz v kvartirah poavilsa? Парень о Родине печётся! :NYtrollface: В детстве я мечтал быть бессмертным, останавливать время и уметь телепортироваться. Сейчас я хочу повышение, член на пять сантиметров длинее и отпуск. Что со мной сделала эта ебаная жизнь Всё что нас не убивает, делает нас сильнее. Особенно сильными нас делают бабочки капустницы, макраме и тамбовская городская детская библиотека. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Junis #35 8 января 2011 Морф просто уебан, если бы пиздел, а не играл, то сенты бы затащили. А чате ничего смешного нет, просто очередной недоумок и толстый финнотроль :NY._.: Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Aie #36 8 января 2011 00:00 [All] KingOfFaking: Shortest load by player Venomaster was 3.40 seconds 00:00 [All] KingOfFaking: Longest load by player Americano... was 12.59 seconds 00:00 [5] KingOfFaking: Your load time was 9.68 seconds 00:10 [Allies] DanyaPro.: -don 00:13 [Allies] DanyaPro.: -weather rain 00:16 [Allies] DanyaPro.: -water 0 0 0 00:40 [Allies] jetoh: -hhn 00:41 [Allies] jetoh: -clear 00:42 [Allies] jetoh: -random 00:55 [Allies] Americano...: -random 00:56 [Allies] Armalor: share pls 01:12 [Allies] Armalor: pudge 01:16 [Allies] Armalor: share pls 01:42 [All] nooban109: латенси побольше плз 01:50 [Allies] Armalor: pudge share chick pls 04:01 [Allies] Armalor: pudge share chick pls 04:16 [Allies] Armalor: PUDGE 04:59 [Allies] Americano...: gel; lfey 05:01 [Allies] Americano...: пудж даун 05:48 [Allies] Armalor: pudge share chick 05:49 [Allies] Armalor: pls 05:53 [Allies] Armalor: i`ll up 06:05 [All] Americano...: _) 06:56 [Allies] Armalor: ss sf 07:04 [Allies] AMorFF: cc cbrth 07:07 [Allies] AMorFF: сс 07:23 [Allies] Armalor: pudge give me chick pls 07:26 [Allies] Armalor: i`ll up 07:33 [Allies] Armalor: i need bottle 07:51 [Allies] Americano...: а вдруг он бухой и ему пох 7 ) 08:07 [Allies] Armalor: ia bi takim yrodam glaza vikalival 08:08 [All] KingOfFaking: Player Armalor has voted for fast finish. 08:08 [Allies] Armalor: -ff 08:17 [Allies] Armalor: bez banki ia ne vistou 08:23 [Allies] Armalor: sf 7 lvl 08:25 [Allies] Armalor: ff 08:36 [Allies] Armalor: go 09:13 [Allies] Armalor: ff all 09:14 [Allies] Americano...: ы 09:18 [Allies] AMorFF: сс 09:27 [Allies] Americano...: щас 09:28 [Allies] Americano...: я 09:58 [Allies] Armalor: ss sf 10:11 [All] nooban109: латенси 10:16 [All] nooban109: плз 10:24 [Allies] Armalor: sf pt... 10:25 [Allies] Armalor: -ff 10:56 [Allies] Armalor: ss 11:06 [Allies] Americano...: пак про 11:20 [Allies] Armalor: mat pudga typaia prostitytka 11:21 [Allies] DanyaPro.: da, daje v nike napisano 11:29 [Allies] Armalor: ff vse 11:36 [Allies] Americano...: тихо заебал 11:50 [Allies] Americano...: сука 11:58 [Allies] Armalor: vot i vse 12:02 [Allies] Armalor: sf raska4an 12:12 [Allies] Armalor: blagodara nomy 4to pusge na dal kyry 12:18 [Allies] DanyaPro.: da da 12:22 [Allies] Armalor: a 4to net? 12:23 [Allies] DanyaPro.: PUDGE VINOVEN 12:33 [Allies] Armalor: ia bi prines banky i on bi otsosal 12:47 [Allies] DanyaPro.: ty vremeni na nytie bol\'she potratil 12:54 [Allies] DanyaPro.: chem samomu shodit\' kupit\' 13:09 [Allies] Armalor: aga 13:13 [Allies] Armalor: i vozvrashatsa na b 13:16 [Allies] Armalor: i davat ka4 sfy 13:19 [All] nooban109: СУКА ЛАТЕНСИ 13:22 [Allies] Armalor: da eto vse 13:26 [Allies] Armalor: sf ne kontritsa 13:29 [Allies] DanyaPro.: tak on i tak raskachan ty je govorish 13:45 [Allies] Armalor: a dal bi pudge kyry ia bi ego zagnoobil 13:52 [All] nooban109: бялть латенси хост 13:55 [All] KingOfFaking: IDI 13:56 [All] KingOfFaking: NA 13:57 [All] KingOfFaking: XUI 14:00 [All] nooban109: поставь побольше 14:07 [All] nooban109: сука я твой рот ебал 14:15 [All] nooban109: мразь лагает 14:30 [All] KingOfFaking: tebe yebky ni4ego ne pomozhet 14:49 [All] nooban109: завали ебло 16:27 [Allies] AMorFF: 5 16:28 [Allies] AMorFF: 5 16:29 [Allies] AMorFF: 5 17:26 [Allies] AMorFF: пак и мяс неадекватны 17:37 [Allies] DanyaPro.: :> 17:41 [Allies] Armalor: pudge petyh a ego mat ebali v sraky 40 negrov 17:44 [Allies] Armalor: vot i vse 17:56 [Allies] AMorFF: откуда такие подробности? 17:58 [Allies] DanyaPro.: morph zato adekvatn 18:00 [Allies] AMorFF: ты 18:06 [Allies] Armalor: kak mojno ne dat kyry komande? 18:20 [Allies] DanyaPro.: kak mojno stol\'ko govnit\'sya iz-za kuricy? 18:35 [Allies] Armalor: blaid esli bi on dal kyry ia bi prines bottle i zagnobil sfa 18:46 [Allies] jetoh: uebok 16 minut kuru ne mozesh kupit? 19:01 [Allies] Armalor: a ti ne mojesh ee dat? 19:07 [Allies] jetoh: net, shujali? 19:17 [Allies] Armalor: kyra 1 na komandy beretsa!!!! 19:18 [Allies] Armalor: 1!!!!! 19:21 [Allies] Armalor: a ne 10!!!! 19:21 [Allies] jetoh: da ti 4e? 19:31 [Allies] jetoh: ;D suka takoy ti uebok 19:42 [All] KingOfFaking: Player KingOfFaking has voted for fast finish. 20:06 [Allies] Armalor: tebe tak jalko bilo dat kyricy? 20:11 [Allies] jetoh: i ewe raz 20:14 [Allies] jetoh: shujali? 20:19 [Allies] Americano...: лол 20:26 [Allies] Armalor: mda 20:33 [Allies] Armalor: kyra vsegda sharitsa 20:34 [Allies] Americano...: сука 20:49 [Allies] jetoh: eto stereotip 20:52 [Allies] jetoh: tebe mozgi promili 20:53 [Allies] jetoh: o4nis 20:56 [Allies] DanyaPro.: gaidov nachitalsya 21:14 [Allies] Armalor: mog hota bi na starte skazat 4to ne dash? 21:18 [Allies] Armalor: ia bi sam kypil 21:22 [Allies] jetoh: mozgov ne hvatailo ponyat? 21:31 [Allies] jetoh: ili ti rewil 4ot esli napishesh 10 raz 21:33 [Allies] jetoh: 4to-to izmenica 21:41 [Allies] Armalor: da ti yebok a roditeli tvoi pidarasi\ 21:45 [Allies] jetoh: pozvoni next time 21:46 [Allies] Armalor: bazar zakrit yrod 21:51 [Allies] jetoh: bidlo 21:52 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 22:03 [Allies] DanyaPro.: shkol\'nik skoree 22:08 [Allies] jetoh: bidlo-sholnik 22:29 [Allies] Armalor: ny esli vi privikli pokypat 5 kyr na komandy to vam ne mesto na iccupe 22:36 [Allies] DanyaPro.: :D 22:38 [Allies] DanyaPro.: pizda 22:54 [Allies] Americano...: сука 22:55 [All] Armalor: ybivaite menia 22:56 [Allies] Americano...: вы че 23:07 [Allies] Americano...: пак гне очем 23:24 [Allies] Americano...: нда 23:29 [Allies] jetoh: morf tebya v shkole ne bjut slu4aem? ;D 23:29 [Allies] AMorFF: мяс жжет 23:33 [Allies] jetoh: pla4esh kak baba 23:34 [Allies] Americano...: а пак ? 23:45 [Allies] AMorFF: пак убивает фуру 23:46 [Allies] jetoh: bubub mne kuru ne dali 23:47 [Allies] Armalor: potomy 4to ni razy ne vstre4al yebkov kotorie ne daut kyry 23:50 [Allies] jetoh: ubbuu menya morf perefarmil 23:51 [Allies] DanyaPro.: che ty priebalsya? 23:53 [Allies] jetoh: bubub vi noobi 23:54 [Allies] jetoh: bububu 23:59 [Allies] AMorFF: если бы мяс сыграл, то оба бы живы остались 24:01 [Allies] Americano...: заебали грыстся играйте 24:01 [Allies] Armalor: ti to4no petyh 24:09 [Allies] DanyaPro.: da pohui 24:18 [Allies] Armalor: vstretilis bi v reale ia bi tebe glaza vikolol 24:22 [Allies] jetoh: ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 24:26 [Allies] jetoh: SUKAAAAAA 24:27 [Allies] jetoh: blat 24:29 [Allies] jetoh: zgi ewe 24:30 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 24:37 [Allies] jetoh: suka po4emy russkie vi takie uebki? 24:41 [Allies] jetoh: mne zal vashu naciyu 24:44 [Allies] Armalor: ny vot prosto skaji po4emy ti ne dal kyry? 24:51 [Allies] jetoh: SHUJALI? 24:52 [Allies] Armalor: ia je skazal ia upny 24:57 [Allies] Armalor: ok 25:03 [Allies] Armalor: po4emy ne skazal 4to ne dash? 25:03 [Allies] jetoh: blat ti men mozesh otvetit 25:05 [Allies] jetoh: SJUHALI/ 25:16 [Allies] Armalor: potomy 4to kyra beretsa 1 na komandy 25:19 [Allies] Armalor: a ne 5 25:23 [Allies] DanyaPro.: kem? 25:24 [Allies] jetoh: uebok a samomy kupit ne? 25:25 [Allies] DanyaPro.: kogda? 25:30 [Allies] jetoh: ILI ZALKO 170 GOLDI 25:30 [Allies] Armalor: skazal bi 4to ne dash 25:30 [Allies] jetoh: blat 25:31 [Allies] DanyaPro.: nahui kura v pube? 25:31 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 25:35 [Allies] Armalor: i ia bi kypil 25:50 [Allies] jetoh: jabi 25:51 [Allies] jetoh: tibi 26:02 [Allies] jetoh: vse u vash kto-to vinovat 26:24 [Allies] Armalor: suka sporim 4to morf s kuroi ybivaet sfa> 26:25 [Allies] Armalor: ? 26:29 [Allies] Armalor: go 1x1 posle etoi game? 26:35 [Allies] Armalor: morf vs sf? 26:36 [All] DanyaPro.: :D 26:45 [Allies] jetoh: lol ti realno shkolnik 27:05 [Allies] Armalor: tebe povezlo 4to ti ebaniy finn 27:15 [Allies] jetoh: ja znayu 27:17 [Allies] jetoh: sps 27:24 [Allies] jetoh: daze takoy uebok kak ti priznal eto 27:38 [Allies] Armalor: bil bi ti s kieva ia bi tebe vikolo glaza 27:40 [Allies] Armalor: yrody 27:44 [Allies] DanyaPro.: ne russkii 27:45 [Allies] jetoh: ok 27:49 [Allies] DanyaPro.: ob\'ebis\' :> 27:49 [Allies] jetoh: hohol agrica 27:52 [All] KingOfFaking: vorvalsya ? 27:58 [Allies] jetoh: idi pizdi gaz 28:16 [Allies] Armalor: sam dopizdelsa 28:25 [All] Armalor: ybivai menia fura 28:45 [All] nooban109: эт че? 28:46 [All] DanyaPro.: morph obidelsya 28:48 [Allies] Armalor: ti oskorbil svatoe 28:51 [Allies] Armalor: mou strany 28:51 [All] DanyaPro.: chto kuru ne dali 28:54 [Allies] Armalor: ti yrod 29:17 [All] nooban109: давай еще) 29:18 [Allies] DanyaPro.: pizdec eto bolezn\' chtol\' kakaya 29:20 [Allies] jetoh: neponyatno 4ego ti ebesh mozg 29:23 [Allies] jetoh: vqidi i vse 29:27 [Allies] jetoh: vseravno stat kak u u ebka 29:31 [Allies] Armalor: ti pizdelna ykrainy? 29:41 [Allies] Armalor: pizdec petyh 29:45 [Allies] jetoh: ukraina govno 29:48 [Allies] jetoh: kak i rosssiya 29:49 [Allies] Armalor: ok 30:01 [Allies] Armalor: v finlandii jivyt yebki 30:07 [Allies] Armalor: kotorie trahaut mam 30:12 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 30:42 [Allies] jetoh: u tebya vse svodica k trahanyu kak i petuham 30:44 [Allies] AMorFF: какие вы унылые 30:47 [Allies] AMorFF: пиздец 30:47 [Allies] jetoh: travma detstva? 31:00 [Allies] AMorFF: я так хорошо врываюст 31:01 [Allies] jetoh: trahnul mamy, posadili, opustili? 31:05 [Allies] jetoh: ;( 31:07 [Allies] Americano...: пацаны играйте хватит хуйней страдать 31:07 [Allies] Armalor: ti oskorbil mou strany 31:10 [Allies] Armalor: ti ne 4elovek 31:12 [Allies] jetoh: ;DDDDDDDDDDDDD 31:16 [Allies] jetoh: 4uvak ti nakurilsa ? 31:21 [Allies] Armalor: ia ne bydy igrat s yebkom kotoriy pizdit na mou strany 31:26 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 31:29 [Allies] jetoh: ti javno nakuren 31:39 [Allies] jetoh: adekvatnie ludi takuyu xuynu nenesut 31:50 [Allies] Armalor: dlia menia moia strana eto svatoe 31:59 [Allies] Armalor: i tebe povezlo 4to ia teba na znau v reale 32:07 [Allies] Armalor: ia bi tebe vikolo za pizdej glaza 32:12 [Allies] AMorFF: сдарк долбаеб 32:13 [Allies] Americano...: бля морф играй 32:14 [Allies] Americano...: забей 32:17 [Allies] jetoh: ok, ti eeto uze skazal 3 raza 32:20 [Allies] Armalor: ne zabiu 32:20 [Allies] AMorFF: нахуй тебе фера сдался? 32:21 [Allies] jetoh: mozg dalshe ne idet? 32:22 [Allies] Americano...: че ты завелся 32:26 [Allies] AMorFF: шф надо было валить 32:42 [Allies] Americano...: ты ничиго не докажешь здесь переписываясь 32:44 [Allies] Armalor: esli bi on pizdel na menai ili moih predkov mne bilo bi pohui 32:56 [Allies] jetoh: lol ;D 33:00 [Allies] Armalor: no moa strana-eto svatoe 33:01 [Allies] jetoh: tebe promili mozgi 33:05 [Allies] DanyaPro.: eto pizdec 33:09 [Allies] jetoh: ahahah 33:10 [Allies] Americano...: если бы ты был взрослым ты бы не обращал внимания 33:12 [Allies] jetoh: prosto HAHAHAHAAH 33:56 [Allies] AMorFF: б 33:59 [Allies] jetoh: blat eto nado na forum vqlozit 34:03 [Allies] jetoh: prosto hahaha 34:05 [Allies] DanyaPro.: da 34:10 [Allies] Armalor: ko 34:12 [Allies] Armalor: ok 34:16 [Allies] Armalor: puck i pudge 34:25 [Allies] Armalor: vam pohui kogda pizdat na vashy strany? 34:28 [Allies] DanyaPro.: da 34:30 [Allies] jetoh: da 34:32 [Allies] jetoh: lol 34:38 [Allies] Armalor: i vi s4itaete seba ludmi posle etogo? 34:38 [Allies] jetoh: tolko uebky ne pohui 34:48 [Allies] Armalor: vi tam rodilis 34:52 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 34:54 [Allies] DanyaPro.: ya shitayu ty mnogo govorish 35:00 [Allies] Armalor: i roditeli vas rostili v vashei strane 35:02 [Allies] jetoh: ja shutayu morf uebok 35:03 [Allies] jetoh: spasibo 35:27 [Allies] jetoh: blat ja daze uze nezanyu shutish ti ili serjozno ;D 35:32 [Allies] jetoh: takih uebkov ja vpervie vizu 35:41 [Allies] jetoh: ja daze nezanyu kak mne reagirovat ;DdDDD 35:55 [Allies] Armalor: esli tebe pohui na svou strany zna4it tebe pohui i na riditelei i na druzei 36:01 [Allies] jetoh: ;DDDDDDDDDD 36:05 [Allies] jetoh: KAK BLAT GDE LOGIKA? 36:12 [Allies] Armalor: ti rodilsa v etoi strane? 36:18 [Allies] jetoh: net 36:22 [Allies] Armalor: ok 36:24 [Allies] Armalor: a v kakoi? 36:26 [Allies] jetoh: vse? plan provalilsa/ 36:43 [Allies] jetoh: kakaja naxuty raznica gde ti rodilsa blat ;D 36:47 [Allies] jetoh: eto territoriya nebolee 36:47 [Allies] Armalor: bolshaia 36:48 [Allies] DanyaPro.: b 36:55 [Allies] DanyaPro.: sha def 37:09 [Allies] jetoh: pohui na doty, tut morf 37:11 [Allies] Armalor: y kogo mi spizdili gaz skaji 37:11 [Allies] jetoh: on interesnee 37:12 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 37:14 [Allies] DanyaPro.: :D 37:17 [Allies] Armalor: spidil ushenko 37:23 [Allies] jetoh: aga 37:25 [Allies] jetoh: prodolzay 37:27 [Allies] jetoh: o4en interesno 37:38 [Allies] Armalor: dymaesh y nas etot gaz v kvartirah poavilsa? 37:43 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 37:46 [Allies] Armalor: no ti na4al pizdet na vsu strany 37:47 [Allies] jetoh: mne voobwe pohui 37:48 [Allies] jetoh: na vas 37:51 [Allies] jetoh: na vashy stranu 38:11 [All] KingOfFaking: zaebal 38:12 [All] KingOfFaking: yebok 38:26 [All] Armalor: eti yebki pizdeli na mou strany 38:34 [All] Armalor: ia s takimi petyhami igrat ne sobiraus 38:49 [Allies] jetoh: NU TAK BLAT VQIDI 38:51 [Allies] jetoh: 4E NI KAK BABA 39:09 [Allies] jetoh: ili eto blat tvoya rodina toze? ;D 39:10 [Allies] Armalor: 4tobi vam pidaram igry isportit 39:11 [Allies] Americano...: вы 2 бабы 39:25 [Allies] AMorFF: сларк 39:26 [Allies] jetoh: paren, ti sdelal dlya menya iogru 39:29 [Allies] AMorFF: что собираешь? 39:33 [Allies] Armalor: esli ti ne yvajaesh svou strany to ti ne 4elovek 39:33 [Allies] jetoh: ja dumal budet o4erednaya sku4naya dota 39:33 [Allies] Americano...: щас ? 39:36 [Allies] jetoh: a tut takoy bonus 39:37 [Allies] jetoh: thx 39:46 [Allies] AMorFF: ну ближайшее 39:47 [Allies] jetoh: mama skazala? 39:48 [Allies] Americano...: я думаю бкб ? 39:51 [All] KingOfFaking: zZAEBAL 39:56 [Allies] Armalor: pri 4em tyt mama? 39:57 [Allies] Americano...: или башер 39:58 [Allies] AMorFF: нах 40:00 [Allies] Armalor: mne srat na vseh 40:03 [Allies] AMorFF: башер или бабочку 40:06 [Allies] Armalor: i kto 4to govorit 40:11 [Allies] Armalor: eto ia sam reshil 40:16 [Allies] DanyaPro.: babochku 40:16 [Allies] Armalor: ne ponimaesh-yda4i 40:18 [Allies] DanyaPro.: i kirasu 41:20 [Allies] AMorFF: какие вы все медлаенные 41:29 [Allies] Armalor: pudge ti tak i ne otvetil 41:33 [Allies] Armalor: v kakoi strane ti rodilsa 41:35 [Allies] Armalor: ? 41:42 [Allies] jetoh: a raznica? 41:44 [Allies] DanyaPro.: ya ugadayu 41:45 [Allies] Americano...: б 41:46 [Allies] Armalor: bolshaia 41:51 [Allies] DanyaPro.: on sha skajet chto ona govno! 41:51 [Allies] jetoh: i kakjaze? 41:54 [Allies] Americano...: щас я башер 41:59 [Allies] Armalor: ne skajy 42:04 [Allies] jetoh: blat tebe 12 let 42:05 [Allies] jetoh: neskazu 42:06 [Allies] Armalor: potomy 4to strana dlia menia svatoe 42:06 [Allies] jetoh: ;D 42:12 [Allies] Americano...: аахха 42:14 [Allies] DanyaPro.: :D 42:15 [Allies] Americano...: 2 идиота ) 42:27 [Allies] Armalor: prosto kak on otnositsa k tomy 4to na nee pzidat 42:28 [Allies] Armalor: ? 42:32 [Allies] Americano...: в чате решать отношения ололо 43:18 [Allies] Armalor: ok slark kak ti otnosishsa kogda pzidat na tvou strany? 43:28 [Allies] Americano...: я бы не решал эито здесь 43:30 [Allies] jetoh: on bjet kazdomy mordu 43:32 [Allies] jetoh: kak pacan 43:33 [Allies] Americano...: потому что смысла нет 43:33 [Allies] jetoh: 4o 43:36 [All] DanyaPro.: lol ebat\' 43:39 [Allies] Armalor: togda priezjai v kiev 43:47 [Allies] Armalor: ia toje nabiu tebe mordy 43:48 [Allies] DanyaPro.: :D 43:56 [Allies] DanyaPro.: da hvatit jech uje 43:56 [Allies] Americano...: за компом любой малой будет пиздец что он гшерой 43:59 [Allies] jetoh: pomnu v 12 let tak vqjobivalis 44:03 [Allies] jetoh: "davai adress podjedu" 44:08 [Allies] jetoh: tak i ne vqros? 44:08 [Allies] Armalor: ok 44:10 [Allies] DanyaPro.: na bmw x6 44:20 [Allies] Armalor: kiev yl.zdolbunovskaia 44:24 [Allies] Armalor: dom 3 kv 199 44:45 [Allies] Americano...: ой ебаный 44:47 [Allies] Americano...: болты 45:10 [Allies] jetoh: 4e morf, mnogo komy mordu uze nabil? 45:25 [All] KingOfFaking: 3 skadi 45:26 [All] KingOfFaking: lol 45:54 [Allies] jetoh: bla zalko igra zakon4ilas 45:59 [Allies] jetoh: jabi ewe s morfom popizdel ;( 46:02 [Allies] jetoh: klassniy pacik 46:53 [Allies] Americano...: спасибо за игру 46:55 [All] KingOfFaking: Player Americano... has voted for fast finish. 46:55 [Allies] Americano...: -ff 47:07 [Allies] Americano...: 2 бабы испортили игру 47:14 [Allies] Armalor: pudge 47:20 [Allies] jetoh: da da ja sluahyu 47:23 [Allies] Armalor: iz moih druzei nikto ne pizdit na mou strany 47:29 [All] KingOfFaking: Americano... has left the game. 47:30 [All] KingOfFaking: nooban109 has left the game. 47:30 [All] KingOfFaking: Venomaster has left the game. 47:31 [Allies] Armalor: poetomy za eto nikomy 47:32 [All] KingOfFaking: jetoh has left the game. 47:32 [All] KingOfFaking: Armalor has left the game. 47:32 [All] KingOfFaking: KingOfFaking has left the game. 47:33 [All] GFik: Sferzah has left the game. 47:33 [All] GFik: GFik has left the game. 47:41 [All] DanyaPro.: AMorFF has left the game. 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VzL13 #37 8 января 2011 и если я ношу кандибобер на голове ,это не значит что я женщина или балерина шарит Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение