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[8:12:58] ChpoKun: я с таким виженом в доте 2 маму айсфрога вижу





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те кто говорит про свежесть, вы читали посты от апреля 2011 года ?  :hmm:


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кстати, этот


инсайдер дает более интересную инфу

почему на главной Квайгон из зведных войн?

а там что должно быть реальное фото на фан сайте ?  :lol:


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вопросом на вопрос  :geys:

ну если ты врубишь свою голову, и не будешь троллить, то сам же незамедлительно поймешь ответ на свой ответ вопрос  :buba:

бтв, скомуниздил пикчу себе с этого сайта  :geys:


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заигнорил автора



[21:01:08] air: sosi hui shmara

[21:01:17] empty: ути какой грубый лялька


Zulin: бляяя флеш на стриме ногти грызет

Zulin: заставьте меня это развидеть





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бтв, прочитал пост о его родословной, не думаю что кому-то в голову придет идея делать такое чтобы затроллить  :fie:


Since so many asked about my lineage, here it is. I will end it at my great-great-great-great grandfather, so I don't reveal my last name (which isn't the same as the first person on this list) or my identity. Also remember the longest back in time this goes, the more uncertain the dates are.

John Pearsall (1801-1886) son of


Peter Pearsall (1769-1838) son of


George Pearsall (1739-1825) son of


Nathaniel Pearsall (1700-1825) son of


George Pearsall (1670 to 1750) son of


George Pearsall (1650-1700) son of


Henry Pearsall (1630-1680) son of


Thomas Pearsall (1580-1643) son of


Edmund Pershall (1531-1629) son of


Richard Pershall (1500-1550) son of


John Pershall (1485-1520) son of


Humphrey Peshall (1470-1489) son of


Sir Hugh de Peshall (1450-1489) son of


Hugh de Peshall (1430-1490) son of


Nicholas de Peshall (1400-1450) son of


Sir Thomas de Peshall (1370-1420) son of


Sir Richard de Peshall (1340-1380) son of


Adam de Peshale Jr. (1300?-1348) son of


Adam de Peshale Sr. (alive during 1280) son of


Walter de Peshale (unknown dates) son of


William de Peshale (unknown dates) son of


John de Lumley de Peshale (unknown dates) son of


Lumley de Peshale son of


Robert de Peshale - son of


Robert Fitz-gilbert de Corbeil son of


Gilbert de Corbeil (1049-1093) son of


Guillaume, (alive around 1040) son of


Mauger de Normandie (unknown dates) son of


Richard I (932-996) son of


William Longsword Duke of Normandy (893-942) son of


Rollo of Normandy (860-932) son of


Rognvald (unknown dates) son of


Eystein Glumra (born 830) son of


Ivar Jarl (unknown dates) son of


Halfdan the Mild (unknown dates) son of


Eystein Halfdansson (unknown dates) son of


Halfdan Hvitbeinn `White Leg' Olafsson (unknown dates) son of


Olaf Tree Feller (died around 640) son of


Ingjald "the Untrustworthy" (died around 623) son of


Anund (unknown dates) son of


Ingvar (died in battle 545) son of


Eysteinn (Swedish: Östen; died 531 by arson) son of


Eadgils (died around 505 from falling off horse and crushing skull against a rock) He was son of


Ohthere Vndilkráka or Ottar Vendelkråka (Vendelcrow) (died 460 in battle) son of


Egil (gored by bull & died 456) son of


Aun "the Old" (death date unknown) son of


Jorund (captured, hanged in 312) son of


Yngve or Yngvi (killed in 306) son of


Alrek (Alric) (240-280) son of


Agni (Agne) (hanged in 260) son of


Dag the Wise (died 220) son of


Dyggve Domarsson (died around 190) son of


Domalde Visbursson (died 162) son of


Visbur Ranlandasson (died 130 by arson)


Vanlande or Vinlande Sveddeson (unknown dates) son of


Svegde Fjalneson (1BC-34AD) son of


Fjalne Froyson (32BC-14AD) son of


Froy Ingveson (65BC-10AD)


Njord Odinsson (95BC-20BC) son of


Odin (125BC-30BC) son of


Fridulf (155BC-?) son of


Freothelaf (circa 215BC) son of


Finn (c. 260BC) son of


Flocwald (c. 305BC) son of


Godwulf (c. 350BC) son of


Geata (c. 395BC) son of


Taewa or Tecti (c. 440BC) son of


Beowa (c. 485BC) son of


Scealdea (c. 530BC) son of


Scelda or Sceaf (c. 575BC) son of


Heremod (c. 620BC) son of


Itormann (c. 665BC) son of


Hathra or Athra (c. 710BC) son of


Hwala (c. 760BC) son of


Bedweg (c. 810BC) son of


Seskef (c. 855BC) son of


Magi (c. 900BC) son of


Moda (c. 940BC) son of


Vingener (c. 990BC) son of


Vingethorr (c. 1035BC) son of


Eiaridi (c. 1095BC) son of


Hloritha (c. 1142BC) son of


Vingener (c. 1189BC) son of


Thor or Tror (c. 1236BC) son of


Daughter of Priam (c. 1283BC) daughter of


Priam or King of Troy (c. 1330BC) son of


Laomedon (c. 1377BC) son of


Ilus (c. 1424BC) son of


Tros or Troy (c. 1471BC) son of


Erichthonius (c. 1518BC) son of


Dardanus Darda (c. 1565BC) son of


Zara or Zarah or Zeus (c. 1612BC) Same Zeus of Greek mythology. Son of


Judah (c. 1659BC) son of


Jacob (c. 1706BC) son of


Isaac (c. 1753BC) son of


Abraham (c. 1813BC) son of


Terach (c. 1882BC) son of


Nachor (c. 1911BC) son of


Serug (c. 1941BC) son of


Reu (c. 1973BC) son of


Peleg (c. 2003BC) son of


Eber (c. 2038BC) son of


Shelach (c. 2067BC) son of


Arpachshad (c. 2102BC) son of


Shem (c. 2203BC) son of


Noah (c. 2705BC) son of


Lamech (c. 2886BC) son of


Mehtuselah (c. 3074BC) son of


Enoch (c. 3138BC) son of


Yered (c. 3300BC) son of


Mehalalel (c. 3365BC) son of


Kenan (c. 3435BC) son of


Enosh (c. 3525BC) son of


Seth (c. 3630BC) son of


Adam (c. 3760BE)


он вроде говорил, что они по 300 лет живут  :hmm:

Лера (00:11:48 17/12/2010)

Спокойной ночи самый желанный мужчина всех женщин мира

моя любовь: http://www.youtube.com/embed/VLkkZgeEjm4

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бтв, прочитал пост о его родословной, не думаю что кому-то в голову придет идея делать такое чтобы затроллить  :fie:


Since so many asked about my lineage, here it is. I will end it at my great-great-great-great grandfather, so I don't reveal my last name (which isn't the same as the first person on this list) or my identity. Also remember the longest back in time this goes, the more uncertain the dates are.

John Pearsall (1801-1886) son of


Peter Pearsall (1769-1838) son of


George Pearsall (1739-1825) son of


Nathaniel Pearsall (1700-1825) son of


George Pearsall (1670 to 1750) son of


George Pearsall (1650-1700) son of


Henry Pearsall (1630-1680) son of


Thomas Pearsall (1580-1643) son of


Edmund Pershall (1531-1629) son of


Richard Pershall (1500-1550) son of


John Pershall (1485-1520) son of


Humphrey Peshall (1470-1489) son of


Sir Hugh de Peshall (1450-1489) son of


Hugh de Peshall (1430-1490) son of


Nicholas de Peshall (1400-1450) son of


Sir Thomas de Peshall (1370-1420) son of


Sir Richard de Peshall (1340-1380) son of


Adam de Peshale Jr. (1300?-1348) son of


Adam de Peshale Sr. (alive during 1280) son of


Walter de Peshale (unknown dates) son of


William de Peshale (unknown dates) son of


John de Lumley de Peshale (unknown dates) son of


Lumley de Peshale son of


Robert de Peshale - son of


Robert Fitz-gilbert de Corbeil son of


Gilbert de Corbeil (1049-1093) son of


Guillaume, (alive around 1040) son of


Mauger de Normandie (unknown dates) son of


Richard I (932-996) son of


William Longsword Duke of Normandy (893-942) son of


Rollo of Normandy (860-932) son of


Rognvald (unknown dates) son of


Eystein Glumra (born 830) son of


Ivar Jarl (unknown dates) son of


Halfdan the Mild (unknown dates) son of


Eystein Halfdansson (unknown dates) son of


Halfdan Hvitbeinn `White Leg' Olafsson (unknown dates) son of


Olaf Tree Feller (died around 640) son of


Ingjald "the Untrustworthy" (died around 623) son of


Anund (unknown dates) son of


Ingvar (died in battle 545) son of


Eysteinn (Swedish: Östen; died 531 by arson) son of


Eadgils (died around 505 from falling off horse and crushing skull against a rock) He was son of


Ohthere Vndilkráka or Ottar Vendelkråka (Vendelcrow) (died 460 in battle) son of


Egil (gored by bull & died 456) son of


Aun "the Old" (death date unknown) son of


Jorund (captured, hanged in 312) son of


Yngve or Yngvi (killed in 306) son of


Alrek (Alric) (240-280) son of


Agni (Agne) (hanged in 260) son of


Dag the Wise (died 220) son of


Dyggve Domarsson (died around 190) son of


Domalde Visbursson (died 162) son of


Visbur Ranlandasson (died 130 by arson)


Vanlande or Vinlande Sveddeson (unknown dates) son of


Svegde Fjalneson (1BC-34AD) son of


Fjalne Froyson (32BC-14AD) son of


Froy Ingveson (65BC-10AD)


Njord Odinsson (95BC-20BC) son of


Odin (125BC-30BC) son of


Fridulf (155BC-?) son of


Freothelaf (circa 215BC) son of


Finn (c. 260BC) son of


Flocwald (c. 305BC) son of


Godwulf (c. 350BC) son of


Geata (c. 395BC) son of


Taewa or Tecti (c. 440BC) son of


Beowa (c. 485BC) son of


Scealdea (c. 530BC) son of


Scelda or Sceaf (c. 575BC) son of


Heremod (c. 620BC) son of


Itormann (c. 665BC) son of


Hathra or Athra (c. 710BC) son of


Hwala (c. 760BC) son of


Bedweg (c. 810BC) son of


Seskef (c. 855BC) son of


Magi (c. 900BC) son of


Moda (c. 940BC) son of


Vingener (c. 990BC) son of


Vingethorr (c. 1035BC) son of


Eiaridi (c. 1095BC) son of


Hloritha (c. 1142BC) son of


Vingener (c. 1189BC) son of


Thor or Tror (c. 1236BC) son of


Daughter of Priam (c. 1283BC) daughter of


Priam or King of Troy (c. 1330BC) son of


Laomedon (c. 1377BC) son of


Ilus (c. 1424BC) son of


Tros or Troy (c. 1471BC) son of


Erichthonius (c. 1518BC) son of


Dardanus Darda (c. 1565BC) son of


Zara or Zarah or Zeus (c. 1612BC) Same Zeus of Greek mythology. Son of


Judah (c. 1659BC) son of


Jacob (c. 1706BC) son of


Isaac (c. 1753BC) son of


Abraham (c. 1813BC) son of


Terach (c. 1882BC) son of


Nachor (c. 1911BC) son of


Serug (c. 1941BC) son of


Reu (c. 1973BC) son of


Peleg (c. 2003BC) son of


Eber (c. 2038BC) son of


Shelach (c. 2067BC) son of


Arpachshad (c. 2102BC) son of


Shem (c. 2203BC) son of


Noah (c. 2705BC) son of


Lamech (c. 2886BC) son of


Mehtuselah (c. 3074BC) son of


Enoch (c. 3138BC) son of


Yered (c. 3300BC) son of


Mehalalel (c. 3365BC) son of


Kenan (c. 3435BC) son of


Enosh (c. 3525BC) son of


Seth (c. 3630BC) son of


Adam (c. 3760BE)


он вроде говорил, что они по 300 лет живут  :hmm:

что-то я не видел такого поста, пруф ?


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бтв, прочитал пост о его родословной, не думаю что кому-то в голову придет идея делать такое чтобы затроллить  :fie:


Since so many asked about my lineage, here it is. I will end it at my great-great-great-great grandfather, so I don't reveal my last name (which isn't the same as the first person on this list) or my identity. Also remember the longest back in time this goes, the more uncertain the dates are.

John Pearsall (1801-1886) son of


Peter Pearsall (1769-1838) son of


George Pearsall (1739-1825) son of


Nathaniel Pearsall (1700-1825) son of


George Pearsall (1670 to 1750) son of


George Pearsall (1650-1700) son of


Henry Pearsall (1630-1680) son of


Thomas Pearsall (1580-1643) son of


Edmund Pershall (1531-1629) son of


Richard Pershall (1500-1550) son of


John Pershall (1485-1520) son of


Humphrey Peshall (1470-1489) son of


Sir Hugh de Peshall (1450-1489) son of


Hugh de Peshall (1430-1490) son of


Nicholas de Peshall (1400-1450) son of


Sir Thomas de Peshall (1370-1420) son of


Sir Richard de Peshall (1340-1380) son of


Adam de Peshale Jr. (1300?-1348) son of


Adam de Peshale Sr. (alive during 1280) son of


Walter de Peshale (unknown dates) son of


William de Peshale (unknown dates) son of


John de Lumley de Peshale (unknown dates) son of


Lumley de Peshale son of


Robert de Peshale - son of


Robert Fitz-gilbert de Corbeil son of


Gilbert de Corbeil (1049-1093) son of


Guillaume, (alive around 1040) son of


Mauger de Normandie (unknown dates) son of


Richard I (932-996) son of


William Longsword Duke of Normandy (893-942) son of


Rollo of Normandy (860-932) son of


Rognvald (unknown dates) son of


Eystein Glumra (born 830) son of


Ivar Jarl (unknown dates) son of


Halfdan the Mild (unknown dates) son of


Eystein Halfdansson (unknown dates) son of


Halfdan Hvitbeinn `White Leg' Olafsson (unknown dates) son of


Olaf Tree Feller (died around 640) son of


Ingjald "the Untrustworthy" (died around 623) son of


Anund (unknown dates) son of


Ingvar (died in battle 545) son of


Eysteinn (Swedish: Östen; died 531 by arson) son of


Eadgils (died around 505 from falling off horse and crushing skull against a rock) He was son of


Ohthere Vndilkráka or Ottar Vendelkråka (Vendelcrow) (died 460 in battle) son of


Egil (gored by bull & died 456) son of


Aun "the Old" (death date unknown) son of


Jorund (captured, hanged in 312) son of


Yngve or Yngvi (killed in 306) son of


Alrek (Alric) (240-280) son of


Agni (Agne) (hanged in 260) son of


Dag the Wise (died 220) son of


Dyggve Domarsson (died around 190) son of


Domalde Visbursson (died 162) son of


Visbur Ranlandasson (died 130 by arson)


Vanlande or Vinlande Sveddeson (unknown dates) son of


Svegde Fjalneson (1BC-34AD) son of


Fjalne Froyson (32BC-14AD) son of


Froy Ingveson (65BC-10AD)


Njord Odinsson (95BC-20BC) son of


Odin (125BC-30BC) son of


Fridulf (155BC-?) son of


Freothelaf (circa 215BC) son of


Finn (c. 260BC) son of


Flocwald (c. 305BC) son of


Godwulf (c. 350BC) son of


Geata (c. 395BC) son of


Taewa or Tecti (c. 440BC) son of


Beowa (c. 485BC) son of


Scealdea (c. 530BC) son of


Scelda or Sceaf (c. 575BC) son of


Heremod (c. 620BC) son of


Itormann (c. 665BC) son of


Hathra or Athra (c. 710BC) son of


Hwala (c. 760BC) son of


Bedweg (c. 810BC) son of


Seskef (c. 855BC) son of


Magi (c. 900BC) son of


Moda (c. 940BC) son of


Vingener (c. 990BC) son of


Vingethorr (c. 1035BC) son of


Eiaridi (c. 1095BC) son of


Hloritha (c. 1142BC) son of


Vingener (c. 1189BC) son of


Thor or Tror (c. 1236BC) son of


Daughter of Priam (c. 1283BC) daughter of


Priam or King of Troy (c. 1330BC) son of


Laomedon (c. 1377BC) son of


Ilus (c. 1424BC) son of


Tros or Troy (c. 1471BC) son of


Erichthonius (c. 1518BC) son of


Dardanus Darda (c. 1565BC) son of


Zara or Zarah or Zeus (c. 1612BC) Same Zeus of Greek mythology. Son of


Judah (c. 1659BC) son of


Jacob (c. 1706BC) son of


Isaac (c. 1753BC) son of


Abraham (c. 1813BC) son of


Terach (c. 1882BC) son of


Nachor (c. 1911BC) son of


Serug (c. 1941BC) son of


Reu (c. 1973BC) son of


Peleg (c. 2003BC) son of


Eber (c. 2038BC) son of


Shelach (c. 2067BC) son of


Arpachshad (c. 2102BC) son of


Shem (c. 2203BC) son of


Noah (c. 2705BC) son of


Lamech (c. 2886BC) son of


Mehtuselah (c. 3074BC) son of


Enoch (c. 3138BC) son of


Yered (c. 3300BC) son of


Mehalalel (c. 3365BC) son of


Kenan (c. 3435BC) son of


Enosh (c. 3525BC) son of


Seth (c. 3630BC) son of


Adam (c. 3760BE)


он вроде говорил, что они по 300 лет живут  :hmm:

что-то я не видел такого поста, пруф ?

я ща на работе. в обед поищу. вроже где он на русском отвечал

Лера (00:11:48 17/12/2010)

Спокойной ночи самый желанный мужчина всех женщин мира

моя любовь: http://www.youtube.com/embed/VLkkZgeEjm4

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вопросом на вопрос  :geys:

ну если ты врубишь свою голову, и не будешь троллить, то сам же незамедлительно поймешь ответ на свой ответ вопрос  :buba:

бтв, скомуниздил пикчу себе с этого сайта  :geys:

больше пиши , и не отвечай на вопросы  :geypalevo:

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вопросом на вопрос  :geys:

ну если ты врубишь свою голову, и не будешь троллить, то сам же незамедлительно поймешь ответ на свой ответ вопрос  :buba:

бтв, скомуниздил пикчу себе с этого сайта  :geys:

больше пиши , и не отвечай на вопросы  :geypalevo:

больше пиши, не думай своей головой  :buba: ответ очевиден


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Зачем это здесь, Тесла?


зачем здесь таверна, веспира?

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Адамы, сеты, зевсы  :lol:

Всех понамешал.

господин никто как и ты

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В: Что вы едите?




То, что природа дает непосредственно..



У меня есть теплица, обеспечивающая меня свежими овощами/фруктами, выращенными из незараженных семян.



У меня есть здоровые животные, обеспечивающие меня мясом, яйцами и молоком.



Я пользуюсь водой из подземного источника.



К вашему сведению, хлеб можно покупать в небольших независимых пекарнях, особенно в «иностранных», где не пользуются местными ингредиентами, они не свободны от примесей, но все равно лучшего качества.



Некоторые из продуктов/напитков в этих магазинах, принадлежащих иностранцам» окажутся лучшего качества, чем аналогичные продукты, которые продают в супермаркетах.



Члены моего семейства живут по-другому, у них есть «слуги», обеспечивающие их потребности продуктами собственных угодий/фабрик/ферм.





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:avtorklif: Хуйня для гуманитариев.

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