24 -
О azen-
- День рождения 10.01.1992
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[iccup] ykynhuk vs kuroky @ cm
azen- ответил в теме пользователя ykynhuk в League and Inhouse replays
moi acc na iccupe:the swindler a vsyakie azenu xuyeni eto ne ya -
zavali ebalo xueglot,ni huya ia ne pisal na mymym ia eto napisal na gosugamers v replay tr-ts a et ne moi problemi 4to oni vzyali otuda etu xuynu
[Razer EDC: Professional League Playoff - Semifinal] TR vs TS!
azen- ответил в теме пользователя 4400 в Tournament Replays и VOD`ы
pgg=xzktovashe no ne lacoste -
[Farm4Fame: Second Blood Playoff - Tourney 2.1: Round 2] EG vs Nfinity
azen- ответил в теме пользователя Syutkin в Tournament Replays и VOD`ы
bez fear igrali -
azen- ответил в теме пользователя Beorn в Elite leagues replays
* IDEC-BOT Game IDECcm893: Result confirmed and submitted; The scourge have won * IDEC-BOT [Team scourge] is awarded a special bonus for breaking SK|Hailo's streak of 4 wins in a row! [Team scourge] is awarded a special bonus for breaking SuperSani's streak of 6 wins in a row! [Team scourge] is awarded a special bonus for breaking MYM|Maelk's streak of 9 wins in a row! [Team scourge] is awarded a special bonus for breaking MYM|Kai's streak of 6 wins in a row! [Team scourge] is awarded a special [more...] * IDEC-BOT bonus for breaking Ks^KuroKy's streak of 4 wins in a row! * IDEC-BOT Experience change: SK|Hailo[-42] SuperSani[-41] MYM|Maelk[-60] MYM|Kai[-45] Ks^KuroKy[-42] AZEN[+79] Astra[+79] Minitito[+80] Zhanis[+75] Amartnt[+79] Bans: [table][tr][td] Scourge Sentinel [/td][td] - brood rikimaru visage warlock - spectre nerub naix proudmoore [/td][/tr][/table] Picks: [table][tr][td] Scourge Sentinel [/td][td] - kotl, zeus + potm, chen + tinker - shaker + puck, juggernaut + maiden, bansh [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top top mid bot bot [/td] [td] Unnamed team bansh MYM|H4nn1- shaker SK.Hailo puck Ks^KuroKy.aq juggernaut MYM|Maelk maiden ^|cff000007Sani [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] Unnamed team potm RAPTOR|AZEN chen RAPTOR|Astra tinker RAPTOR|Zhanis kotl RAPTOR|amartnt zeus RAPTOR|Minitito [/td] [td]Scourge top top mid bot bot [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name MYM|H4nn1- SK.Hailo Ks^KuroKy.aq MYM|Maelk ^|cff000007Sani RAPTOR|AZEN RAPTOR|Astra RAPTOR|Zhanis RAPTOR|amartnt RAPTOR|Minitito [/td] [td]Hero Banshee (Level 22) Earthshaker (Level 18) Faerie Dragon (Level 19) Juggernaut (Level 19) Crystal Maiden (Level 13) Priestess of the Moon (Level 21) Holy Knight (Level 17) Tinker (Level 23) Keeper of the Light (Level 15) Lord of Olympia (Level 20) [/td] [td]APM 83 118 75 141 90 93 79 134 112 79 [/td] [td]Kills 6 1 8 0 0 9 5 12 3 9 [/td] [td]Deaths 5 9 10 7 9 2 4 3 3 4 [/td] [td]Assists 4 10 5 5 9 10 14 14 16 21 [/td] [td]Stats 216/7 168/8 146/6 132/17 50/3 201/11 27/0 178/14 82/5 155/2 [/td] [td]Leave 59:44 59:46 59:46 59:41 59:22 59:47 59:42 59:46 59:43 59:44 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name MYM|H4nn1- SK.Hailo Ks^KuroKy.aq MYM|Maelk ^|cff000007Sani RAPTOR|AZEN RAPTOR|Astra RAPTOR|Zhanis RAPTOR|amartnt RAPTOR|Minitito [/td] [td]Total gold spent 13728 11435 10431 8750 6729 22254 8227 13489 11377 14142 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 4 (4 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 18 (10 + 8) 0 (0 + 0) 6 (6 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 12 (8 + 4) 2 (2 + 0) [/td] [td]TPs 2 5 11 5 7 8 1 3 7 11 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 3 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 9 + 0 + 2 + no 3 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 3 + 1 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 3 + 2 + 1 + no 9 + 2 + 1 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Sentinel Scourge [/td][td]APM 101 99 [/td][td]Kills 15 38 [/td][td]Deaths 40 16 [/td][td]Assists 33 75 [/td][td]Stats 712/41 643/32 [/td][td]Total gold spent 51073 69489 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 22 (14 + 8) 20 (16 + 4) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download Kapz-.- mass_pts.w3g 59:47 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] [result] Scourge win [/result]
[table][tr] [td]Sentinel top top mid bot jungle [/td] [td] Rush3D mix maiden BAJA- centaur rush3d.pgg zeus RuSh3D.NS warlock icn_c3 lycan 1P]...RiPPeR [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] RAPTOR rhasta RAPTOR|Minitito juggernaut RAPTOR|AZEN proudmoore RAPTOR|Zhanis puck RAPTOR|amartnt shaker RAPTOR|kenz0 [/td] [td]Scourge top top mid bot bot [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name BAJA- rush3d.pgg RuSh3D.NS icn_c3 1P]...RiPPeR RAPTOR|Minitito RAPTOR|AZEN RAPTOR|Zhanis RAPTOR|amartnt RAPTOR|kenz0 [/td] [td]Hero Crystal Maiden (Level 13) Centaur Warchief (Level 16) Lord of Olympia (Level 16) Warlock (Level 18) Lycanthrope (Level 19) Shadow Shaman (Level 20) Juggernaut (Level 23) Admiral Proudmoore (Level 22) Faerie Dragon (Level 19) Earthshaker (Level 17) [/td] [td]APM 74 85 113 98 147 70 87 135 117 120 [/td] [td]Kills 3 2 9 5 8 15 20 10 8 5 [/td] [td]Deaths 14 20 10 8 7 6 7 6 4 5 [/td] [td]Stats n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a [/td] [td]Leave 48:06 48:01 48:01 48:04 48:06 48:22 48:22 48:22 48:22 48:22 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name BAJA- rush3d.pgg RuSh3D.NS icn_c3 1P]...RiPPeR RAPTOR|Minitito RAPTOR|AZEN RAPTOR|Zhanis RAPTOR|amartnt RAPTOR|kenz0 [/td] [td]Total gold spent 3966 6002 7570 7215 10270 18322 12904 14347 11039 8442 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 4 (4 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) [/td] [td]TPs 8 11 6 3 4 11 2 8 8 6 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 9 + 1 + 0 + no 3 + 0 + 2 + no 3 + 2 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 1 + no 0 + 0 + 2 + no 9 + 2 + 1 + yes 3 + 0 + 0 + no 3 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 1 + yes [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Rush3D mix RAPTOR [/td][td]APM 103 105 [/td][td]Kills 27 58 [/td][td]Deaths 59 28 [/td][td]Stats n/a n/a [/td][td]Total gold spent 35023 65054 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 4 (4 + 0) 4 (4 + 0) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download Xboard._. rush3d vs raptor 2.w3g 48:22 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay]
Bans: [table][tr][td] BioXaR Apteka [/td][td] - kotl nerub proudmoore warlock - brood spectre rikimaru puck [/td][/tr][/table] Picks: [table][tr][td] BioXaR Apteka [/td][td] - shaker, zeus + visage, guard + witch - naix + potm, maiden + juggernaut, slayer [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr] [td]BioXaR top top mid mid bot [/td] [td] BioXaR witch BioXaR|eQuiNOX © guard BioXaR|Stryke zeus BioXaR|BlowME shaker BioXaR|EDE visage BioXaR|hexOr [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] Apteka juggernaut AZEN © maiden Zhanis potm amartnt naix Kenz0 slayer SK.Minitito- [/td] [td]Scourge top top mid bot bot [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name BioXaR|eQuiNOX BioXaR|Stryke BioXaR|BlowME BioXaR|EDE BioXaR|hexOr AZEN Zhanis amartnt Kenz0 SK.Minitito- [/td] [td]Hero Demon Witch (Level 13) Slithereen Guard (Level 15) Lord of Olympia (Level 12) Earthshaker (Level 15) Visage (Level 17) Juggernaut (Level 20) Crystal Maiden (Level 14) Priestess of the Moon (Level 18) Lifestealer (Level 19) Slayer (Level 16) [/td] [td]APM 83 78 92 76 101 91 107 123 137 65 [/td] [td]Kills 4 4 3 3 4 20 4 8 7 8 [/td] [td]Deaths 12 9 11 9 6 1 4 4 3 6 [/td] [td]Assists 6 2 7 8 3 7 16 13 12 13 [/td] [td]Stats 25/4 102/15 34/1 85/23 138/37 153/6 8/3 94/5 115/35 97/11 [/td] [td]Leave 48:02 48:00 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:02 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name BioXaR|eQuiNOX BioXaR|Stryke BioXaR|BlowME BioXaR|EDE BioXaR|hexOr AZEN Zhanis amartnt Kenz0 SK.Minitito- [/td] [td]Total gold spent 4001 6145 3400 5239 9184 13239 7707 10209 10867 8971 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 8 (8 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 12 (6 + 6) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 4 (4 + 0) [/td] [td]TPs 6 1 6 5 2 9 4 5 8 4 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 3 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 2 + 1 + no 3 + 4 + 0 + yes 6 + 1 + 0 + yes 6 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 0 + no 6 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 0 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 1 + yes [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Sentinel Scourge [/td][td]APM 86 104 [/td][td]Kills 18 47 [/td][td]Deaths 47 18 [/td][td]Assists 26 61 [/td][td]Stats 384/80 467/60 [/td][td]Total gold spent 27969 50993 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 10 (10 + 0) 16 (10 + 6) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download GG.ChiLLi Apteka vs Bioxar.w3g 48:02 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] [result] Scourge win [/result]
apteka + mix vs Met Game #1 [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top top mid bot bot [/td] [td] Met puck Met|Donald-Duck shaker Met|AngeL^Mom bristle Met|miseRy- rikimaru miGGel maiden Met|Smiske [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] Mix drow SK.Minitito- dryad Astra beast SK.Hailo skeleton DTS|Dendi^ potm AZEN [/td] [td]Scourge top top/jungle mid bot bot [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name Met|Donald-Duck Met|AngeL^Mom Met|miseRy- miGGel Met|Smiske SK.Minitito- SK.Hailo DTS|Dendi^ AZEN Astra [/td] [td]Hero Faerie Dragon (Level 12) Earthshaker (Level 18) Bristleback (Level 19) Rikimaru (Level 20) Crystal Maiden (Level 12) Drow Ranger (Level 23) Beastmaster (Level 20) Skeleton King (Level 20) Priestess of the Moon (Level 20) Enchantress (Level 14) [/td] [td]APM 114 130 123 126 109 74 118 82 88 87 [/td] [td]Kills 0 3 5 11 0 18 11 4 8 7 [/td] [td]Deaths 11 7 12 7 11 0 4 5 3 7 [/td] [td]Stats n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a [/td] [td]Leave 48:17 48:21 48:12 48:21 48:21 48:19 48:21 48:21 48:23 48:21 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name Met|Donald-Duck Met|AngeL^Mom Met|miseRy- miGGel Met|Smiske SK.Minitito- SK.Hailo DTS|Dendi^ AZEN Astra [/td] [td]Total gold spent 3782 7394 11375 11655 3899 22984 11141 10382 13659 1779 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 8 (8 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 4 (2 + 2) 2 (2 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 2 (0 + 2) 2 (2 + 0) 2 (0 + 2) [/td] [td]TPs 7 12 8 5 5 6 1 3 6 0 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 9 + 2 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 0 + 0 + 0 + yes 0 + 0 + 2 + no 6 + 1 + 2 + no 6 + 0 + 2 + no 3 + 0 + 1 + yes 3 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 6 + 2 + 1 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Met Mix [/td][td]APM 120 89 [/td][td]Kills 19 48 [/td][td]Deaths 48 19 [/td][td]Stats n/a n/a [/td][td]Total gold spent 38105 59945 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 12 (10 + 2) 10 (6 + 4) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download Met|miseRy- Traxex by Minitito.w3g 48:23 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] Game #2 [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top top mid bot bot [/td] [td] Mix 1 potm SK.Minitito- sand Happyroach zeus dRe4Ms puck DTS|Dendi^ juggernaut Ks.Puppey.ee [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] Mix 2 beast SK.Hailo maiden NS proudmoore AZEN shaker IGG-Ly0n witch XsK_Rainwalker [/td] [td]Scourge top top mid bot bot [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name SK.Minitito- dRe4Ms DTS|Dendi^ Ks.Puppey.ee Happyroach SK.Hailo NS AZEN IGG-Ly0n XsK_Rainwalker [/td] [td]Hero Priestess of the Moon (Level 23) Lord of Olympia (Level 20) Faerie Dragon (Level 21) Juggernaut (Level 23) Sand King (Level 22) Beastmaster (Level 22) Crystal Maiden (Level 22) Admiral Proudmoore (Level 24) Earthshaker (Level 25) Demon Witch (Level 23) [/td] [td]APM 64 92 79 77 61 112 105 90 111 140 [/td] [td]Kills 8 7 4 13 9 4 12 18 12 8 [/td] [td]Deaths 7 9 13 13 12 9 11 4 7 10 [/td] [td]Stats n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a [/td] [td]Leave 66:37 66:37 66:21 66:20 66:37 66:33 66:37 66:37 66:37 66:37 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name SK.Minitito- dRe4Ms DTS|Dendi^ Ks.Puppey.ee Happyroach SK.Hailo NS AZEN IGG-Ly0n XsK_Rainwalker [/td] [td]Total gold spent 15987 9239 12656 15725 13175 13424 12914 21114 18114 11718 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 2 (2 + 0) 4 (4 + 0) 10 (10 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 12 (12 + 0) [/td] [td]TPs 8 8 5 15 14 10 10 6 4 9 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 6 + 0 + 1 + yes 3 + 1 + 0 + no 3 + 0 + 1 + yes 3 + 0 + 1 + no 6 + 1 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 1 + no 0 + 0 + 1 + no 6 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 2 + 0 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Mix 1 Mix 2 [/td][td]APM 74 111 [/td][td]Kills 41 54 [/td][td]Deaths 54 41 [/td][td]Stats n/a n/a [/td][td]Total gold spent 66782 77284 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 16 (16 + 0) 12 (12 + 0) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download Ks.Puppey.ee Admiral by Azen.w3g 66:37 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay]
<img src=" http://prodota.ru/tp-images/Image/flags/Germany.gif"> BioXaR vs <img src="http://prodota.ru/tp-images/Image/flags/Europe.gif"> Apteka Game #1 Bans: [table][tr][td] BioXaR Apteka [/td][td] - spectre nerub brood rikimaru - warlock visage naix kotl [/td][/tr][/table] Picks: [table][tr][td] BioXaR Apteka [/td][td] - shaker, potm + zeus, dryad + anti - chen + proudmoore, qop + maiden, guard [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top mid bot bot bot/jungle [/td] [td] BioXaR anti BioXaR|Stryke zeus BioXaR|BlowME © potm BioXaR|scream shaker BioXaR|EDE dryad B123|FrOzEnHaWk [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] Apteka proudmoore AZEN © chen Astra qop SK.Minitito- maiden amartnt guard Kenz0 [/td] [td]Scourge top top/jungle mid bot bot [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name BioXaR|Stryke BioXaR|BlowME BioXaR|scream BioXaR|EDE B123|FrOzEnHaWk AZEN SK.Minitito- amartnt Kenz0 Astra [/td] [td]Hero Anti-Mage (Level 20) Lord of Olympia (Level 16) Priestess of the Moon (Level 18) Earthshaker (Level 15) Enchantress (Level 15) Admiral Proudmoore (Level 21) Queen of Pain (Level 22) Crystal Maiden (Level 17) Slithereen Guard (Level 19) Holy Knight (Level 15) [/td] [td]APM 93 103 84 80 72 87 76 103 142 81 [/td] [td]Kills 6 4 6 2 3 11 15 3 9 3 [/td] [td]Deaths 3 9 9 10 10 4 6 5 5 4 [/td] [td]Assists 2 8 12 12 9 14 13 21 13 14 [/td] [td]Stats 122/21 79/21 116/21 87/9 16/0 197/27 192/9 28/7 97/2 12/0 [/td] [td]Leave 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name BioXaR|Stryke BioXaR|BlowME BioXaR|scream BioXaR|EDE B123|FrOzEnHaWk AZEN SK.Minitito- amartnt Kenz0 Astra [/td] [td]Total gold spent 10809 6649 8034 5554 3127 14854 15335 6270 10342 6079 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 4 (4 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 10 (6 + 4) 0 (0 + 0) 8 (2 + 6) [/td] [td]TPs 0 9 6 8 2 5 0 2 3 0 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 3 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 3 + 0 + yes 3 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 2 + 0 + no 6 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 2 + yes 6 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 4 + no 3 + 0 + 2 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team BioXaR Apteka [/td][td]APM 86 97 [/td][td]Kills 21 41 [/td][td]Deaths 41 24 [/td][td]Assists 43 75 [/td][td]Stats 420/72 526/45 [/td][td]Total gold spent 34173 52880 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 6 (6 + 0) 20 (10 + 10) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download Zhanis AptekavsBioxargame1.w3g 49:53 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] [result] Apteka win [/result] Game #2 Bans: [table][tr][td] BioXaR Apteka [/td][td] - nerub kotl proudmoore rikimaru - spectre visage brood warlock [/td][/tr][/table] Picks: [table][tr][td] BioXaR Apteka [/td][td] - shaker, zeus + potm, dryad + bone - chen + naix, witch + doctor, beast [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top top mid bot bot/jungle [/td] [td] BioXaR shaker BioXaR|EDE potm BioXaR|Stryke zeus BioXaR|scream bone BioXaR|hexOr dryad BioXaR|BlowME © [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] Apteka witch AZEN © chen Kenz0 beast Astra doctor SK.Minitito- naix amartnt [/td] [td]Scourge top top/jungle mid bot bot [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name BioXaR|EDE BioXaR|Stryke BioXaR|scream BioXaR|hexOr BioXaR|BlowME AZEN Astra SK.Minitito- amartnt Kenz0 [/td] [td]Hero Earthshaker (Level 10) Priestess of the Moon (Level 8) Lord of Olympia (Level 12) Bone Fletcher (Level 12) Enchantress (Level 8) Demon Witch (Level 12) Beastmaster (Level 10) Witch Doctor (Level 12) Lifestealer (Level 12) Holy Knight (Level 10) [/td] [td]APM 72 63 91 91 74 79 81 63 101 147 [/td] [td]Kills 0 1 2 2 3 4 4 8 3 4 [/td] [td]Deaths 5 3 5 4 6 2 1 1 2 2 [/td] [td]Stats n/a n/a 58/8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a [/td] [td]Leave 27:39 27:39 27:30 27:39 27:39 27:39 27:39 27:39 27:39 27:39 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name BioXaR|EDE BioXaR|Stryke BioXaR|scream BioXaR|hexOr BioXaR|BlowME AZEN Astra SK.Minitito- amartnt Kenz0 [/td] [td]Total gold spent 1809 2144 3319 4097 3165 4131 5110 5319 4439 2822 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 4 (4 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) [/td] [td]TPs 2 3 7 2 3 5 0 1 3 0 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 3 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 2 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 0 + no 3 + 1 + 1 + no 3 + 1 + 0 + yes 0 + 1 + 1 + yes 3 + 0 + 1 + yes 3 + 0 + 0 + no 3 + 0 + 0 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team BioXaR Apteka [/td][td]APM 78 94 [/td][td]Kills 8 23 [/td][td]Deaths 23 8 [/td][td]Stats 58/8 n/a [/td][td]Total gold spent 14534 21821 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 6 (6 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download BioXaR|BlowME aptekavsbioxar2lol.w3g 27:39 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] <img src=" http://prodota.ru/tp-images/Image/flags/Europe.gif"> Apteka vs <img src="http://prodota.ru/tp-images/Image/flags/Denmark.gif"> Met Game #1 [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top top mid bot bot [/td] [td] Apteka morph amartnt shaker Zhanis tinker AZEN rikimaru Kenz0 chen Astra [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] Met bounty miGGel kotl Met|miseRy- bristle Met|AngeL^Mom maiden Met|Smiske proudmoore Met|DanishPride [/td] [td]Scourge top top mid bot bot [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name amartnt Zhanis AZEN Kenz0 Astra miGGel Met|miseRy- Met|AngeL^Mom Met|Smiske Met|DanishPride [/td] [td]Hero Morphling (Level 16) Earthshaker (Level 14) Tinker (Level 19) Rikimaru (Level 21) Holy Knight (Level 13) Bounty Hunter (Level 14) Keeper of the Light (Level 12) Bristleback (Level 16) Crystal Maiden (Level 12) Admiral Proudmoore (Level 14) [/td] [td]APM 102 149 89 159 93 120 100 153 110 105 [/td] [td]Kills 9 3 9 14 1 8 1 3 2 2 [/td] [td]Deaths 6 4 2 2 2 4 9 7 8 9 [/td] [td]Stats n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 55/1 n/a n/a n/a [/td] [td]Leave 39:37 39:37 39:37 39:37 39:37 39:37 39:36 39:37 39:37 39:37 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name amartnt Zhanis AZEN Kenz0 Astra miGGel Met|miseRy- Met|AngeL^Mom Met|Smiske Met|DanishPride [/td] [td]Total gold spent 7886 5239 11511 10882 6484 8855 5009 9100 4247 8110 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 10 (10 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 8 (6 + 2) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) [/td] [td]TPs 3 5 2 3 0 7 7 9 8 5 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 6 + 0 + 0 + yes 6 + 1 + 0 + yes 0 + 0 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 5 + no 3 + 2 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 1 + no 6 + 0 + 1 + no 0 + 0 + 3 + yes 3 + 1 + 2 + no 6 + 1 + 0 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Apteka Met [/td][td]APM 118 117 [/td][td]Kills 36 16 [/td][td]Deaths 16 37 [/td][td]Stats n/a 55/1 [/td][td]Total gold spent 42002 35321 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 10 (10 + 0) 10 (8 + 2) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download Met|Donald-Duck aptekavsmetsolosa.w3g 39:37 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] Game #2 Bans: [table][tr][td] Apteka Met [/td][td] - naix brood visage kotl - spectre nerub warlock omni [/td][/tr][/table] Picks: [table][tr][td] Apteka Met [/td][td] - shaker, chen + proudmoore, morph + puck - zeus + potm, sand + witch, dryad [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top top mid mid bot [/td] [td] Apteka puck amartnt shaker Kenz0 proudmoore Zhanis chen Astra © morph AZEN [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] Met potm Met|AngeL^Mom © zeus Met|miseRy- witch Met|Donald-Duck sand Met|Smiske dryad miGGel [/td] [td]Scourge top mid bot bot bot/jungle [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name amartnt Kenz0 Zhanis Astra AZEN Met|AngeL^Mom Met|miseRy- Met|Donald-Duck Met|Smiske miGGel [/td] [td]Hero Faerie Dragon (Level 13) Earthshaker (Level 12) Admiral Proudmoore (Level 12) Holy Knight (Level 7) Morphling (Level 13) Priestess of the Moon (Level 11) Lord of Olympia (Level 12) Demon Witch (Level 9) Sand King (Level 9) Enchantress (Level 9) [/td] [td]APM 102 114 146 79 89 100 91 107 114 94 [/td] [td]Kills 4 5 6 3 7 3 4 3 4 1 [/td] [td]Deaths 2 0 4 7 2 7 4 4 5 5 [/td] [td]Stats n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 65/9 n/a n/a n/a n/a [/td] [td]Leave 28:36 28:36 28:36 28:36 28:36 28:30 28:36 28:36 28:36 28:36 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name amartnt Kenz0 Zhanis Astra AZEN Met|AngeL^Mom Met|miseRy- Met|Donald-Duck Met|Smiske miGGel [/td] [td]Total gold spent 4432 5377 5322 1760 6611 3604 5742 3422 2977 3769 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 4 (4 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 6 (6 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) [/td] [td]TPs 5 6 4 0 2 8 4 5 6 1 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 6 + 0 + 0 + yes 3 + 2 + 1 + yes 3 + 0 + 1 + yes 0 + 0 + 0 + no 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 3 + yes 3 + 4 + 1 + yes 6 + 2 + 0 + yes 0 + 1 + 1 + yes 0 + 2 + 2 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Apteka Met [/td][td]APM 106 101 [/td][td]Kills 25 15 [/td][td]Deaths 15 25 [/td][td]Stats n/a 65/9 [/td][td]Total gold spent 23502 19514 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 4 (4 + 0) 8 (8 + 0) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download Astra Aptevsmetgame2.w3g 28:36 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] Game #3 [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top top mid bot bot [/td] [td] Met qop miGGel warlock Met|Smiske potm Met|AngeL^Mom © axe Met|miseRy- witch Met|DanishPride [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] Apteka bane AZEN proudmoore Zhanis zeus Astra © rikimaru Kenz0 maiden amartnt [/td] [td]Scourge top top mid bot bot [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name miGGel Met|Smiske Met|AngeL^Mom Met|miseRy- Met|DanishPride AZEN Zhanis Astra Kenz0 amartnt [/td] [td]Hero Queen of Pain (Level 25) Warlock (Level 19) Priestess of the Moon (Level 25) Axe (Level 24) Demon Witch (Level 22) Bane Elemental (Level 24) Admiral Proudmoore (Level 25) Lord of Olympia (Level 24) Rikimaru (Level 22) Crystal Maiden (Level 25) [/td] [td]APM 87 110 108 86 73 71 121 75 116 92 [/td] [td]Kills 14 8 7 15 12 20 12 15 31 9 [/td] [td]Deaths 16 14 14 22 23 6 10 15 11 17 [/td] [td]Assists 16 18 13 14 20 35 46 33 22 38 [/td] [td]Stats 287/14 134/11 340/16 203/7 83/10 131/9 252/24 94/0 251/7 139/8 [/td] [td]Leave 82:51 82:51 82:51 82:51 82:51 82:51 82:51 82:51 82:51 82:51 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name miGGel Met|Smiske Met|AngeL^Mom Met|miseRy- Met|DanishPride AZEN Zhanis Astra Kenz0 amartnt [/td] [td]Total gold spent 18925 10397 18524 13917 8201 19807 15842 9722 21927 13119 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 0 (0 + 0) 8 (8 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 4 (4 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 10 (8 + 2) 0 (0 + 0) 10 (8 + 2) [/td] [td]TPs 10 7 22 11 18 18 13 8 5 6 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 3 + 2 + 0 + yes 6 + 4 + 2 + no 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 3 + 3 + 1 + yes 6 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 0 + no 18 + 1 + 4 + no 3 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 4 + no 6 + 1 + 1 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Met Apteka [/td][td]APM 92 95 [/td][td]Kills 56 87 [/td][td]Deaths 89 59 [/td][td]Assists 81 174 [/td][td]Stats 1047/58 867/48 [/td][td]Total gold spent 69964 80417 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 12 (12 + 0) 22 (18 + 4) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download Met|Donald-Duck aptekavsmet3.w3g 82:51 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] [result] Apteka win [/result]
Bans: [table][tr][td] DTS (mix) Apteka (mix) [/td][td] - zeus naix visage omni - rikimaru spectre brood chen [/td][/tr][/table] Picks: [table][tr][td] DTS (mix) Apteka (mix) [/td][td] - kotl, shaker + puck, tinker + magnataur - warlock + nerub, proudmoore + potm, beast [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top top mid bot bot [/td] [td] Apteka (mix) warlock Kenz0 beast Astra proudmoore Zhanis © potm AZEN nerub amartnt [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] DTS (mix) puck xLo.Kylie^ magnataur DTS|Aidar^ tinker DTS|Dendi^ shaker DTS|GO[blin] © kotl Lego- [/td] [td]Scourge top top mid bot bot [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name Kenz0 Astra Zhanis AZEN amartnt xLo.Kylie^ DTS|Aidar^ DTS|Dendi^ DTS|GO[blin] Lego- [/td] [td]Hero Warlock (Level 15) Beastmaster (Level 20) Admiral Proudmoore (Level 22) Priestess of the Moon (Level 21) Nerubian Assassin (Level 16) Faerie Dragon (Level 17) Magnataur (Level 17) Tinker (Level 21) Earthshaker (Level 16) Keeper of the Light (Level 13) [/td] [td]APM 106 94 144 83 101 124 101 75 79 110 [/td] [td]Kills 6 3 8 12 7 6 4 10 1 1 [/td] [td]Deaths 7 3 3 4 5 4 8 5 11 9 [/td] [td]Stats n/a n/a n/a n/a 47/6 133/10 100/7 205/25 89/4 85/6 [/td] [td]Leave 57:22 57:22 57:22 57:22 57:19 57:11 57:15 57:14 57:13 57:14 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name Kenz0 Astra Zhanis AZEN amartnt xLo.Kylie^ DTS|Aidar^ DTS|Dendi^ DTS|GO[blin] Lego- [/td] [td]Total gold spent 9609 15225 14877 18354 9034 8844 6736 14591 7059 7559 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 18 (14 + 4) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 4 (4 + 0) 4 (0 + 4) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 20 (6 + 14) [/td] [td]TPs 2 5 7 2 5 6 5 1 7 3 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 3 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 1 + yes 6 + 0 + 4 + yes 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 3 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 6 + 0 + 2 + yes 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 6 + 0 + 2 + yes 6 + 0 + 1 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Apteka (mix) DTS (mix) [/td][td]APM 105 97 [/td][td]Kills 36 22 [/td][td]Deaths 22 37 [/td][td]Stats 47/6 612/52 [/td][td]Total gold spent 67099 44789 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 18 (14 + 4) 28 (10 + 18) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download PGS|DarKy Apteka (mix) vs DTS (mix).w3g 57:22 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] <img src=" http://prodota.ru/tp-images/Image/flags/Europe.gif"> Mix1 vs <img src="http://prodota.ru/tp-images/Image/flags/Europe.gif"> Mix2 Banned heroes: [table][tr][td] Mix2 Mix1 [/td][td] - visage rikimaru brood naix - spectre warlock kotl proudmoore [/td][/tr][/table] Picks: [table][tr][td] Mix2 Mix1 [/td][td] - nerub, puck + potm, tinker + lycan - shaker + zeus, qop + witch, meepo [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top top mid bot jungle [/td] [td] Mix1 qop MYM|PlaymatE shaker rkwnthachef zeus IGG-Ly0n meepo TeG-ppasarel witch XsK_Rainwalker [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] Mix2 potm AZEN tinker SK.Minitito- nerub Astra puck Zhanis lycan Kenz0 [/td] [td]Scourge top mid bot bot jungle [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name MYM|PlaymatE rkwnthachef IGG-Ly0n TeG-ppasarel XsK_Rainwalker AZEN SK.Minitito- Astra Zhanis Kenz0 [/td] [td]Hero Queen of Pain (Level 25) Earthshaker (Level 16) Lord of Olympia (Level 22) Geomancer (Level 24) Demon Witch (Level 18) Priestess of the Moon (Level 22) Tinker (Level 26) Nerubian Assassin (Level 17) Faerie Dragon (Level 25) Lycanthrope (Level 24) [/td] [td]APM 116 67 106 99 125 76 57 62 115 125 [/td] [td]Kills 13 2 13 6 6 16 7 3 16 9 [/td] [td]Deaths 6 13 7 13 13 9 7 10 8 7 [/td] [td]Stats n/a 108/1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a [/td] [td]Leave 63:25 63:23 63:25 63:25 63:25 63:25 63:25 63:25 63:28 63:25 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name MYM|PlaymatE rkwnthachef IGG-Ly0n TeG-ppasarel XsK_Rainwalker AZEN SK.Minitito- Astra Zhanis Kenz0 [/td] [td]Total gold spent 14934 5664 15566 10149 6917 12354 19772 8886 13049 11455 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 2 (2 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (0 + 2) 16 (12 + 4) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 4 (4 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) [/td] [td]TPs 5 13 5 8 9 2 6 1 5 6 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 0 + 1 + 1 + yes 0 + 1 + 1 + no 3 + 3 + 0 + yes 6 + 1 + 2 + no 3 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 0 + 1 + 1 + yes 3 + 1 + 1 + yes 3 + 1 + 1 + yes 3 + 0 + 0 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Mix1 Mix2 [/td][td]APM 102 87 [/td][td]Kills 40 51 [/td][td]Deaths 52 41 [/td][td]Stats 108/1 n/a [/td][td]Total gold spent 53230 65516 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 20 (14 + 6) 8 (8 + 0) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download neXt!freezer NA by Astra!.w3g 63:28 AM [/td][/tr][/table][/replay]
Bans: [table][tr][td] Mix 2 Mix 1 [/td][td] - tinker spectre naix proudmoore - shaker dragon tide kotl [/td][/tr][/table] Picks: [table][tr][td] Mix 2 Mix 1 [/td][td] - rikimaru, puck + nerub, brood + bansh - warlock + zeus, chen + pugna, meepo [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top top/jungle mid bot bot [/td] [td] Mix 1 zeus mouz.Miracle- chen SAY_iMba_PLZ © pugna MYM|Merlini warlock linogero meepo Met|miseRy- [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] Mix 2 nerub AZEN bansh SK.KwoM rikimaru ^|cff000007Sani © puck wicked.Alex- brood SK.Snow [/td] [td]Scourge top top mid mid bot [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name mouz.Miracle- MYM|Merlini linogero Met|miseRy- SAY_iMba_PLZ AZEN SK.KwoM ^|cff000007Sani wicked.Alex- SK.Snow [/td] [td]Hero Lord of Olympia (Level 22) Oblivion (Level 25) Warlock (Level 21) Geomancer (Level 24) Holy Knight (Level 19) Nerubian Assassin (Level 25) Banshee (Level 20) Rikimaru (Level 24) Faerie Dragon (Level 24) Broodmother (Level 25) [/td] [td]APM 111 149 137 102 86 82 103 85 84 131 [/td] [td]Kills 17 6 7 11 3 22 7 20 11 10 [/td] [td]Deaths 14 17 8 16 15 6 10 14 8 9 [/td] [td]Assists 24 24 22 17 17 27 10 24 36 22 [/td] [td]Stats 109/16 293/15 97/18 168/5 66/1 116/0 117/3 156/14 176/7 220/1 [/td] [td]Leave 76:55 76:55 76:55 43:59 76:55 76:55 44:03 76:55 76:55 64:58 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name mouz.Miracle- MYM|Merlini linogero Met|miseRy- SAY_iMba_PLZ AZEN SK.KwoM ^|cff000007Sani wicked.Alex- SK.Snow [/td] [td]Total gold spent 16035 15633 14065 7317 11327 18436 7550 16475 15907 14780 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 2 (2 + 0) 10 (2 + 8) 2 (0 + 2) 0 (0 + 0) 6 (4 + 2) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 12 (12 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) [/td] [td]TPs 4 8 2 6 0 4 6 10 20 14 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 0 + 2 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 0 + no 0 + 0 + 1 + no 0 + 0 + 2 + no 0 + 1 + 1 + no 6 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 0 + no 9 + 0 + 3 + no 6 + 2 + 0 + yes 12 + 3 + 2 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Mix 1 Mix 2 [/td][td]APM 117 97 [/td][td]Kills 44 70 [/td][td]Deaths 70 47 [/td][td]Assists 104 119 [/td][td]Stats 733/55 785/25 [/td][td]Total gold spent 64377 73148 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 20 (8 + 12) 12 (12 + 0) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download MYM|Maelk Azen by NA.w3g 76:55 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] [result] Mix 2 win [/result]
mass action [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top top mid bot bot [/td] [td] Mix guard R4gn4rOx doctor WE]Kruemel witch AZEN spectre SK.Minitito- tide eXain [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] MyM visage MYM|PlaymatE-_- huskar MYM|MaNia- tiny MYM|Fear puck MYM|PusHer veno MYM|Maelk [/td] [td]Scourge top mid bot bot roaming [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name R4gn4rOx WE]Kruemel AZEN SK.Minitito- eXain MYM|PlaymatE-_- MYM|MaNia- MYM|Fear MYM|PusHer MYM|Maelk [/td] [td]Hero Slithereen Guard (Level 18) Witch Doctor (Level 16) Demon Witch (Level 18) Spectre (Level 20) Tidehunter (Level 18) Visage (Level 17) Sacred Warrior (Level 18) Stone Giant (Level 15) Faerie Dragon (Level 13) Venomancer (Level 13) [/td] [td]APM 77 81 85 74 137 119 98 100 100 134 [/td] [td]Kills 4 12 13 11 7 1 12 0 4 0 [/td] [td]Deaths 3 6 2 3 3 5 9 10 10 13 [/td] [td]Stats n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a [/td] [td]Leave 46:51 46:51 46:53 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name R4gn4rOx WE]Kruemel AZEN SK.Minitito- eXain MYM|PlaymatE-_- MYM|MaNia- MYM|Fear MYM|PusHer MYM|Maelk [/td] [td]Total gold spent 8954 9387 8728 13654 10487 10427 10370 7959 5632 5470 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 0 (0 + 0) 12 (8 + 4) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 4 (4 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 8 (8 + 0) [/td] [td]TPs 7 10 10 9 8 4 6 8 9 8 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 0 + 0 + 1 + no 0 + 1 + 4 + yes 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 9 + 0 + 0 + no 6 + 1 + 2 + no 3 + 0 + 0 + no 0 + 0 + 4 + no 6 + 2 + 0 + yes 3 + 1 + 2 + no 0 + 0 + 1 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Mix MyM [/td][td]APM 90 110 [/td][td]Kills 47 17 [/td][td]Deaths 17 47 [/td][td]Stats n/a n/a [/td][td]Total gold spent 51210 39858 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 16 (12 + 4) 8 (8 + 0) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Dota Allstars WE]Kruemel Mix vs MyM.w3g 46:53 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay]
Game #1 Banned heroes: [table][tr][td] Mix 1 Mix 2 [/td][td] - spectre proudmoore nerub shaker - zeus kotl chen rikimaru [/td][/tr][/table] Picks: [table][tr][td] Mix 1 Mix 2 [/td][td] - visage, warlock + tide, meepo + slayer - puck + naix, beast + potm, thdragon [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top mid mid bot bot [/td] [td] Mix 1 visage Met|miseRy- tide Met|miGGel slayer Jacklin warlock TeG-ppasarel meepo oXz-Yogourt [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] Mix 2 potm Ks.Azen.ru naix WG-_-Axypa thdragon EDE. puck SK.KwoM beast WE]Kruemel [/td] [td]Scourge top mid mid bot bot [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name Met|miGGel Jacklin TeG-ppasarel oXz-Yogourt Met|miseRy- Ks.Azen.ru WG-_-Axypa EDE. SK.KwoM WE]Kruemel [/td] [td]Hero Tidehunter (Level 14) Slayer (Level 14) Warlock (Level 15) Geomancer (Level 22) Visage (Level 19) Priestess of the Moon (Level 24) Lifestealer (Level 20) Twin Head Dragon (Level 17) Faerie Dragon (Level 18) Beastmaster (Level 18) [/td] [td]APM 93 54 112 141 106 89 77 76 96 95 [/td] [td]Kills 3 8 6 6 2 19 5 6 5 3 [/td] [td]Deaths 11 9 7 9 5 2 8 6 4 5 [/td] [td]Stats n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a [/td] [td]Leave 55:01 54:57 55:07 55:35 54:54 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:17 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name Met|miGGel Jacklin TeG-ppasarel oXz-Yogourt Met|miseRy- Ks.Azen.ru WG-_-Axypa EDE. SK.KwoM WE]Kruemel [/td] [td]Total gold spent 6384 6115 7701 8584 8218 19884 11307 9964 10597 11294 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 8 (6 + 2) 2 (2 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) [/td] [td]TPs 8 7 8 4 3 3 4 2 9 8 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 9 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 1 + 0 + no 0 + 2 + 1 + no 6 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 6 + 0 + 2 + no 6 + 1 + 0 + no 3 + 0 + 0 + yes 3 + 1 + 0 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Mix 1 Mix 2 [/td][td]APM 101 86 [/td][td]Kills 25 38 [/td][td]Deaths 41 25 [/td][td]Stats n/a n/a [/td][td]Total gold spent 37002 63046 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 2 (2 + 0) 12 (10 + 2) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download GG.Ashley Potm by Azen.w3g 55:35 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay] Game #2 [table][tr] [td]Sentinel top top mid bot/jungle bot [/td] [td] Mix 1 warlock (8..)fragi omni oXz-odul fiend WG-_-Dendi chen SK.Tompa meepo Met|miseRy- [/td] [td] vs - - - - - [/td] [td] Mix 2 beast srs.LTM maiden WG-_-Axypa tinker Ks.Azen.ru shaker SK.KwoM potm 4gl.Bane [/td] [td]Scourge top top mid bot bot [/td] [/tr][/table] [info][table][tr] [td]Name (8..)fragi oXz-odul WG-_-Dendi Met|miseRy- SK.Tompa srs.LTM Ks.Azen.ru SK.KwoM 4gl.Bane WG-_-Axypa [/td] [td]Hero Warlock (Level 13) Omniknight (Level 15) Shadow Fiend (Level 20) Geomancer (Level 24) Holy Knight (Level 14) Beastmaster (Level 20) Tinker (Level 23) Earthshaker (Level 18) Priestess of the Moon (Level 22) Crystal Maiden (Level 18) [/td] [td]APM 90 90 88 100 99 119 98 106 123 87 [/td] [td]Kills 2 2 9 6 7 7 19 7 9 6 [/td] [td]Deaths 9 7 12 12 8 4 2 7 6 7 [/td] [td]Stats 37/5 n/a 202/48 n/a 47/0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a [/td] [td]Leave 52:38 52:44 52:32 52:44 47:33 52:44 52:44 52:44 52:44 52:44 [/td] [/tr][/table][/info] Items information[table][tr] [td]Name (8..)fragi oXz-odul WG-_-Dendi Met|miseRy- SK.Tompa srs.LTM Ks.Azen.ru SK.KwoM 4gl.Bane WG-_-Axypa [/td] [td]Total gold spent 5142 7780 12851 8706 7654 10589 18941 8310 12949 9851 [/td] [td]Wards(O + S) 4 (4 + 0) 4 (4 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 6 (6 + 0) [/td] [td]TPs 8 8 7 7 0 1 0 5 4 6 [/td] [td]Tango + Clarity + Flask + Bottle 3 + 1 + 0 + no 6 + 1 + 1 + no 3 + 0 + 1 + yes 9 + 0 + 1 + no 6 + 2 + 0 + no 3 + 2 + 1 + yes 6 + 0 + 0 + yes 3 + 1 + 0 + no 3 + 1 + 0 + yes 3 + 0 + 1 + no [/td] [/tr][/table] Team stats[table][tr] [td]Team Mix 1 Mix 2 [/td][td]APM 93 106 [/td][td]Kills 26 48 [/td][td]Deaths 48 26 [/td][td]Stats 286/53 n/a [/td][td]Total gold spent 42133 60640 [/td][td]Wards(O + S) 8 (8 + 0) 10 (10 + 0) [/td][/tr][/table] [replay][table][tr][td] Replay version: Map name: Map location: Host name: Replay name: Game length: [/td][td] 1.22 DotA Allstars v6.57b.w3x Maps\Download oXz-odul Tinker by Azen.w3g 52:44 [/td][/tr][/table][/replay]