SOSKI-_-KROTA #861 2 августа 2011 я 4 поста назад это запостил, кокбтв в 3.1 будут итемы на резист к магии, бонус голд и бонус опыттак же появятся итемы, которые смогут носить все 3 класса Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
SanDeR #863 3 августа 2011 Голд в ткоке нахуй не нужен. Нафармив 15-20к можно забыть о нем, на поты и элики хватает с головой. А голд на респеки, абуз шопа нп;} Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
SOSKI-_-KROTA #864 3 августа 2011 абуз шопа пофиксили какбытам ща очень неудобно абузить Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
SOSKI-_-KROTA #865 10 августа 2011 Прямо сейчас нужен кто-то кого я знаю тестировать новую альфу ткока Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
BuHaM #869 5 сентября 2011 ТА ВУ АХУЕЛИ ТКОК НА 2 СТРАНИЦЕ??!?!??! SystemUnit recycling system removed. We felt that the bonus of saving 1 unit event vs the whole recycling process, the code, events, and everything that goes on with preventing a unit death then faking it with triggers is more troublesome and problematic than dealing with the extremely small event memory leak.Re-coded the entire UnitStatus function. UnitStatus library handles events like: Freeze, Stun, Silence, Disable, Root. The overall improvements protect against those 'permastun' or 'permaroot' bugs we have seen in the past.Projectile system altered to guard against long code loops with MANY projectiles on the screen at once (7 players + Karavnos phase2, or 7 players and Muarki). Each loop iteration is now run in its own separate trigger execution instead of every projectile in 1 big loop. While this may have no been a problem, it definitely won't be one ever now.Altered the buff system to reset its private global buff before every .execute() call to ensure that with all the other triggers running, that the proper buff is always being referenced. In moments of extremely intense processing with lots of buffs and debuffs flying around, I had a strong feeling from past experiences that a wrong buff was being returned at some point to a function call.Fixed fatal errors with Muarki and Frostmaster.Many, Many, Many other bug fixesItemsReduced the power gap between epic and enchanted itemsReduced how much higher level items scale upItems can now have Magic Resist, bonus gold gain percent, and bonus xp gain percentLeather and Chain items now get bonus magic resist instead of bonus hpThere's new items from the new bosses, of course!FYI blue items only go up to level 24. The item system has been changed so you can no longer see the level/prefix/suffix of blue items without picking them up. This will help improve map load times and fix some problems. In the next zone (ruined temple) regular enemies will start dropping enchanted items (repeats of old enchanteds, plus two full sets of new weapons).Boss Balance / SkipsKaravnos Phase1 made slightly easier and more forgiving. Timers between graphic warnings and actual ability cast slightly increased and overall damage on heroes has been reduced slightly (normal game mode). The boss is easier to tank and deal with Threatening and Insignificance in phase2. The mechanics behind these abilities changed from removal of total threat to reduction in dealt threat. These stacks still need to be managed and cleared.Several balance changes and bug fixes on Muarki along with an exploit. Muarki's mechanics have been altered code wise and you should see a lot of improvement and the spells should flow better.SavingSaving now has a cooldown. 10/30/50 minutes for normal/legendary/heartcoreNew "Save & Quit" option. Ignores the save cooldown. Permanently removes your hero from the game so it no longer scales enemies (you can still watch).Hero BalanceSome general changes. A few specific ones listed for individual heros below.Standardized based attack speed of all heros to 2s. Except ranger is 2.25 and cleric and barbarian are 2.5Reduced damage and attack crit chance bonuses on itemsACC elixer reduced to 11% from 15%Hero Fixes / ChangesWhere to begin with this one...ArcanistArcanic Blast is now based off the ability Channel, it will no longer have some hardcoded targeting issues against certain mobsDrain spirit re-coded in some spots to help guard against faulty EventEnds of the channel (dealing with monster death, or effects spawning on the player)ClericHoly Fire is now based off the ability Channel, it can now target heroes already at full HP.Chaotic KnightCleanse is now based off the ability Channel, it can now target heroes already at full HP.Re-coded Chaotic Grasp and altered it's order of events. This spell is much more efficient in processing and will no longer randomly crash the game when it is the killing blowPaladinDivine Touch is now based off the ability Channel, it can now target heroes already at full HP.Re-coded Divine Light, this ability will no longer randomly crash the gameFixed a bug with Mark of Sanctuary that would cause improper healing to be done with the improved effectFixed a bug with Divine Touch and Light Infusion that would cause improper AoE healingShadowbladeCorrected target checks / buff / debuff code for Unholy Embrace.Corrected the bug with Time Strike, it now functions properly all the time with no leakCorrected a buff bug with Shadow BindPyromancerFireform buffed.Dragon's Breath now has more range/aoe (to match purify).DruidIntroducing the druid... which had TONS of bug fixes and wc3 limit work arounds to deal with. That was fun, not even going to mention all the bull s*** we had to deal with on this one... The point is he works now and he's the most complicated hero and he's awesome.The Druid has 4 forms: Caster, Treant, Bear, Wolf. Each form comes with its own set of abilities / rule sets / aura / and funCaster Form contains the following:MoonfireEarthen GraspStarfallEssence of WaterSerenity AuraWolf Form contains the following:BiteFury SwipesHowlPouncePack Leader AuraBear Form contains the following:MaulCrushEnrangeHibernateFrenzyTreant Form contains the following:RejuvenationBarkskinMending TouchPeaceful MindTranquility Aura The druid can do the following: Melee DPS, Caster DPS, Healer, TankWhile the druid can do all of the following with 1 gear set, keep in mind that the druid is a Jack of All Trades, not the Master of All Trades. You will be able to fill a need in a party, but you will not be the best for the need. The druid will start in caster form and each ability learned in the talent tree will unlock an ability in all forms. You learn shapeshifting at level 4 so you can visit the other forms.ContentClick to review boss names and a short description without revealing any fight mechanics or how to's Spoiler: There are no new zones in this patch but do not let this fool you. There are 6 new super mini bosses that are actually boss fights, but shorter. There are 3 new intense bosses with new mechanics and VX modes. There are new quests to complete, and new gear to be had.[/size]There are 2 new segments attached onto the Trials area in Grom'gol, a new valley entrance has been build that leads into the valley and down to their Shrine below the sand. I am not calling this a new zone due to it's small size, but it does provide a new area to explore and battle through. Tifa - best fighter Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
SanDeR #870 5 сентября 2011 играл в альфу32соскич тестирует ее с шизо Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Polymorph #872 12 сентября 2011 Парни Кто нибудь Проходил одним на легандари Бруду? Как ее пройти? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
SanDeR #874 12 сентября 2011 Парни Кто нибудь Проходил одним на легандари Бруду? Как ее пройти? ренжой 34лвла убиваю за 10секунд Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
den7438 #876 12 сентября 2011 Совсем забыл про эту карту, эпик Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
SanDeR #877 12 сентября 2011 о чем сабж? о лучшей карте на движке варкрафта 3офк. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Say_Sky_Plz #878 12 сентября 2011 о чем сабж? о лучшей карте на движке варкрафта 3офк.о дотке777 http://steamcommunit...m/id/sayskyplz/ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
iloveurmommy #879 12 сентября 2011 Поиграл бы с кем нибудь , но гарена не работает. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
_GloBaL_EviL_ #880 12 сентября 2011 Поиграл бы с кем нибудь , но гарена не работает. дак на сисикапе можно в нее залипнуть,я помню в соло на нормале палом прошел даже катакомбы Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение