gr1nder #1301 25 сентября 2013 Именно поэтому я сейчас на вин 8.1Ты шаришь. А ебаться с дровами на линуксе так или иначе приходится. Убеждаюсь уже в который раз. Я хз, почему производители не пишут под неё человеческие дрова. Вальв вон как пиарят линукс, игры под него клепают итд. А хардовым конторам поебать всё равно. Кстати было ещё геморроился с кнопкой выключения вайфая на ноуте, которая почему-то вырубала блютуз. Но там как-то всё проще решилось, нагуглил быстро. Цитата The Republic of Belarus 16.10.2013 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Hed-kun #1302 26 сентября 2013 (изменено) фишер, короче нашел я ту кнопку на экране логина. там у меня есть опции: Lastсеансвыполнить скрипт xclientзащищенное удаленное соединение по умолчанию стоит выполнить скрипт, но и оно, и "last" - показывают мне тот самый фейл сессии"сеанс" грузится нормально.Что это, и какого хуя оно именно так работает? кнопки регулировки яркости бтв заработали после записи в grubGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor"GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=Linux" Изменено 26 сентября 2013 пользователем Hed-kun Цитата Скрытый текст Цитата посоны я джуса забанил мне пиздос? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
F1sher #1303 26 сентября 2013 зайди в /usr/share/xsessions и посмотри файлы, которые там лежат. Это твои сессии Цитата Би май дарлинг Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
3xac7 #1304 26 сентября 2013 (изменено) хелпаните плиз, как открыть стим ссыль в убунте ? я иммею ввиду, например, на доталаундже надо добавить бота, оно требует указать какой прогаммой открыть, а где сам выполняющий файл стима найти я хз... уже нашел, если кого нибудь интерисует то надо было выбрать файл Изменено 26 сентября 2013 пользователем 3xac7 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
SPYHunter #1305 26 сентября 2013 по идеи в /usr/bin/ Цитата https://insave.hosting Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Hed-kun #1306 26 сентября 2013 зайди в /usr/share/xsessions и посмотри файлы, которые там лежат. Это твои сессиитам 2 файла sshxfce Цитата Скрытый текст Цитата посоны я джуса забанил мне пиздос? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Двапой #1307 26 сентября 2013 xfce?у тебя xfce? ssh это не то Цитата Мобильное приложение для продоты Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Hed-kun #1308 26 сентября 2013 у меня хфсе что "не то" если я я вообще не знаю что я там должен найти и что с этим делать?)я просто сказал какие файлы лежат в той папке что написал фишер. Цитата Скрытый текст Цитата посоны я джуса забанил мне пиздос? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Двапой #1309 26 сентября 2013 выложи что там есть Цитата Мобильное приложение для продоты Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
F1sher #1310 26 сентября 2013 выполнить скрипт xclient - это по-вдимому sshласт сеанс это хфсе должно быть Цитата Би май дарлинг Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Hed-kun #1311 26 сентября 2013 я бтв поставил чтоб по дефолту запускался "сеанс" а не то что было.что бы это ни значило. в файле хфсе это [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=Xfce Session Name[ar]=جلسة إكسفس Name[bg]=Xfce сесия Name[ca]=Sessió Xfce Name[cs]=Relace prostředí Xfce Name[da]=Session til Xfce Name[de]=Xfce-Sitzung Name[el]=Συνεδρίa Xfce Name[en_GB]=Xfce Session Name[es]=Sesión de Xfce Name[eu]=Xfce saioa Name[fi]=Xfce-istunto Name[fr]=Session Xfce Name[gl]=Sesión de Xfce Name[hr]=Xfce sesija Name[hu]=Xfce munkamenet Name[id]=Sesi Xfce Name[is]=Xfce seta Name[it]=Sessione di Xfce Name[ja]=Xfce セッション Name[kk]=Xfce сессиясы Name[ko]=Xfce 세션 Name[lt]=Xfce seansas Name[nl]=Xfce-sessie Name[nn]=Xfce-økt Name[pl]=Xfce Name[pt]=Sessão Xfce Name[pt_BR]=Sessão do Xfce Name[ro]=Sesiune Xfce Name[ru]=Сеанс Name[sk]=Sedenie Xfce Name[te]=Xfce సెషన్ Name[tr]=Xfce Oturumu Name[uk]=Сеанс Xfce Name[zh_CN]=Xfce 会话 Name[zh_TW]=Xfce 工作階段 Comment=Use this session to run Xfce as your desktop environment Comment[ar]=إستعمل هذه الجلسة لتشغيل إكسفس كسطح مكتبك Comment[bg]=Използвайте тази сесия за изпълнение на Xfce като ваша графична среда Comment[ca]=Empra aquesta sessió per executar l'Xfce com el vostre entorn d'escriptori Comment[cs]=Použít tuto relaci ke spuštění Xfce jako vašeho pracovního prostředí Comment[da]=Brug denne session til at køre Xfce som dit skrivebord Comment[de]=Wählen Sie diese Sitzung, um Xfce als Ihre Arbeitsumgebung auszuführen Comment[el]=Χρήση aυτής της συνεδρίa γιa εκτέλεση του Xfce ως περιbάλλον εργaσίaς Comment[en_GB]=Use this session to run Xfce as your desktop environment Comment[es]=Use esta sesión para ejecutar Xfce como su entorno de escritorio Comment[eu]=Erabili saio hau Xfce mahaigain ingurune gisa exekutatzeko. Comment[fi]=Valitse tämä istunto käyttääksesi Xfce-työpöytäympäristöä Comment[fr]=Utilisez cette session pour exécuter Xfce comme environnement de bureau Comment[hr]=Koristite ovu sesiju da bi pokrenuli Xfce kao vaše radno okruženje Comment[hu]=Használja ezt a munkamenetet az Xfce futtatásához asztali környezetként Comment[id]=Gunakan sesi ini untuk menjalankan Xfce sebagai lingkungan desktop anda Comment[it]=Usare questa sessione per avviare Xfce come ambiente grafico Comment[ja]=Xfce をデスクトップ環境として起動するためにこのセッションを使用します Comment[kk]=Бұл сессияны негізгі жұмыс үстел ортасы ретінде Xfce-ні қолдану үшін қолданыңыз Comment[ko]=데스크톱 환경으로서 Xfce를 실행하기 위해 이 세션을 사용합니다 Comment[lt]=Naudoti šį seansą, kad Xfce būtų naudojama kaip jūsų darbastalio aplinka Comment[nl]=Gebruik deze sessie om Xfce te draaien als uw werkomgeving Comment[nn]=Bruk denne økta for å køyra Xfce som skrivebordsmiljø Comment[pl]=Uruchamia sesję środowiska graficznego Xfce Comment[pt]=Utilizar esta sessão para executar o Xfce como ambiente de trabalho Comment[pt_BR]=Usar esta sessão para executar o Xfce como seu ambiente de trabalho Comment[ro]=Utilizați această sesiunea pentru a inițializa mediul desktop Xfce Comment[ru]=Используйте этот сеанс, чтобы сделать Xfce вашим окружением Comment[sk]=Použite toto sedenie pre spustenie Xfce ako vášho pracovného prostredia Comment[tr]=Xfce'yi masaüstü ortamınız olarak kullanmak için bu oturumu kullanın Comment[uk]=Використайте цей сеанс для запуску Xfce як Вашого типого середовища. Comment[zh_CN]=使用此会话将 Xfce 作为您的桌面环境运行 Comment[zh_TW]=使用這個工作階段來執行 Xfce 作為您的桌面環境 Exec=startxfce4 Icon= Type=Application Icon= я так понял отвечает за тот факт, что иконки выбора сессии у меня тупо нет - потому я и не мог ее найти?) Цитата Скрытый текст Цитата посоны я джуса забанил мне пиздос? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
F1sher #1312 26 сентября 2013 в домашней своей папке еще посомтри .xsessions Цитата Би май дарлинг Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Двапой #1313 26 сентября 2013 ssh это удаленное подключение к экрану, или как там называется Цитата Мобильное приложение для продоты Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Hed-kun #1314 26 сентября 2013 там у меня есть опции: Lastсеансвыполнить скрипт xclient защищенное удаленное соединение Цитата Скрытый текст Цитата посоны я джуса забанил мне пиздос? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Двапой #1315 26 сентября 2013 а вообще установи purge sudo apt-get install purgesudo apt-get purge xfcesudo apt-get install xfcesudo reboot примерно так то есть переустанови xfce ssh это и есть защищенное удаленное соединение Цитата Мобильное приложение для продоты Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Hed-kun #1316 26 сентября 2013 в домашней своей папке еще посомтри .xsessions я там только .xsession-errors вижу Цитата Скрытый текст Цитата посоны я джуса забанил мне пиздос? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Двапой #1317 26 сентября 2013 ну так выкладывай, чо кота за яйца тянишь Цитата Мобильное приложение для продоты Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Hed-kun #1318 26 сентября 2013 каковы последствия, и что мне должна дать переустановка хфсе через ульт шедоудемона? я тебе уже выкладывал раньше его. вот что там счас /etc/mdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup... localuser:hed being added to access control list Script for cjkv started at run_im. Script for default started at run_im. Failed to connect to the VirtualBox kernel service Failed to connect to the VirtualBox kernel service Failed to connect to the VirtualBox kernel service Failed to connect to the VirtualBox kernel service Failed to connect to the VirtualBox kernel service Script for cjkv started at run_im. Script for default started at run_im. /usr/bin/startxfce4: X server already running on display :0 xrdb: "Xft.hinting" on line 9 overrides entry on line 6 xrdb: "Xft.hintstyle" on line 11 overrides entry on line 7 xfce4-session-Message: ssh-agent is already running access control disabled, clients can connect from any host Starting Dropbox... (wrapper:1819): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to read the recently used resources file at `/home/hed/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but the parser failed: Failed to open file '/home/hed/.local/share/recently-used.xbel': Permission denied. [1;35m====================================================[0m [1;35m>>> [1;35mPlease visit [0;31m[1;34m for support[1;35m <<<[0m [1;35m====================================================[0m [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Loading configuration [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Log level is set to Trace [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:23 Configuration load complete [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Keyboard layouts present in system: [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Included XKB Group 'English (US)', layout 'us', group '0' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:23 English (US) dictionary has 10 records [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:23 English (US) proto has 69 records [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:23 English (US) big proto has 8990 records [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:23 English (US) enchant wrapper dictionary loaded [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Included XKB Group 'Russian', layout 'ru', group '1' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:23 Russian dictionary has 10 records [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:23 Russian proto has 203 records [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:23 Russian big proto has 19141 records [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:23 Russian enchant wrapper dictionary not found [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Total 2 keyboard layouts detected [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Default keyboard group for all new windows set to 0 [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Manual mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Education mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Layout remember mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Save selection mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Rotate layout after convert selected text mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Sound playing mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Sound playing volume percentage set to 15 [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Logging keyboard mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Max file size of keyboard log set to 1048576 bytes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Keyboard log will send to via :25 host [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Ignore keyboard layout for abbreviations mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Correct of iNCIDENTAL CapsLock mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Correct of two CApital letter mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Correct of spaces with punctuation mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Correct of small letter to capital letter after dot mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Correct two space with a comma and a space mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Correct two minus with a dash mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Correct (c) with a copyright sign mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Correct (tm) with a trademark sign mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Correct (r) with a registered sign mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Disable CapsLock use mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Flush internal buffer when pressed Escape mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Flush internal buffer when pressed Enter or Tab mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Don't process word when pressed Enter or Tab mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Show OSD mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Show popup messages mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Popup expire timeout set to 1000 [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Check language on input process mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Pattern minig and recognition (autocompletion) mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Add space after autocompletion mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Disable autoswitching if pressed backspace mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Disable autoswitching if pressed left arrow mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Disable autoswitching if pressed right arrow mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Disable autoswitching if pressed up arrow mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Disable autoswitching if pressed down arrow mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Disable autoswitching if pressed delete mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Disable autoswitching if layout switched mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Disable autoswitching for full screen apps mode (polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:1783): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_variant_new_string: assertion `string != NULL' failed (polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:1783): polkit-gnome-1-WARNING **: Failed to register client: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory ** Message: applet now removed from the notification area ** Message: using fallback from indicator to GtkStatusIcon ** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area Используется libxnconfig API версии 0.15.0 (собрано с 0.15.0) ping: unknown host (xfce4-indicator-plugin:1834): libindicator-WARNING **: Unable to load icon from file 'audio-output-none' because: Failed to open file 'audio-output-none': No such file or directory (xfce4-indicator-plugin:1834): libindicator-WARNING **: IndicatorObject class does not have an accessible description. (xfce4-indicator-plugin:1834): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_realize: assertion `GTK_WIDGET_ANCHORED (widget) || GTK_IS_INVISIBLE (widget)' failed Dropbox isn't running! Done! set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Compatibility with the completion mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Tracking input mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Tracking mouse mode set to Yes [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Disable send KeyRelease event mode set to No [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Delay before sendind events to application set to (in milliseconds) 0 [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:39:23 Xneur process identificator is 1889 with nice 0 [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:39:23 Main window with id 52428801 created [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:23 Using locale ru_UA.UTF-8 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Binded hotkeys actions: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Action "Correct/Undo correction" with key "Break" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 No key set for action "Transliterate" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 No key set for action "Change case" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 No key set for action "Preview correction" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 No key set for action "Correct last line" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Action "Switch between processing modes" with key "Control+Print" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Action "Correct selected text" with key "Shift+Break" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Action "Transliterate selected text" with key "Alt+Scroll_Lock" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Action "Change case of selected text" with key "Shift+Alt+Break" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Action "Preview correction of selected text" with key "correction" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Action "Correct clipboard text" with key "Control+Scroll_Lock" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 No key set for action "Transliterate clipboard text" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 No key set for action "Change case of clipboard text" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Action "Preview correction of clipboard text" with key "correction" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 No key set for action "Switch to layout 1" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 No key set for action "Switch to layout 2" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 No key set for action "Switch to layout 3" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 No key set for action "Switch to layout 4" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 No key set for action "Rotate layouts" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 No key set for action "Rotate layouts back" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Action "Expand abbreviations" with key "Control+Tab" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Action "Autocompletion confirmation" with key "Tab" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 No key set for action "Block/Unblock keyboard and mouse events" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Action "Insert date" with key "Super+d" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Binded hotkeys user actions: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Init program structure complete [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Show popup message "X Neural Switcher started" with content "(null)" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Interception of events in the window (ID 0) with name '(null)' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Focused window 16777390 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Process new window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:25 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:59 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:39:59 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:00 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:00 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:00 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:01 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:01 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:01 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:01 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:02 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:В текущем сеансе браузера создано новое окно. [WARNING:flash/platform/pepper/pep_module.cpp(63)] SANDBOXED 02 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:03 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:09 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16778870 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:09 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:09 Focused window 20971524 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:09 Process new window (ID 20971524) with name 'Xfdesktop' (status Excluded, mode Manual) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:09 Interception of events in the window (ID 20971524) with name 'Xfdesktop' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:12 Interception of events in the window (ID 20971524) with name 'Xfdesktop' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:12 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:12 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:12 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:16 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:18 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:19 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:21 Received KeyRelease 'Control_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:21 Received KeyPress 'Control_L' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:21 Received KeyPress 'c' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:21 Received KeyRelease 'Control_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:21 Received KeyRelease 'c' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:22 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:23 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:24 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:25 Received KeyPress 'r' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:25 Received KeyPress 'y' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:25 Received KeyRelease 'r' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:25 Received KeyRelease 'y' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:25 Received KeyPress 'j' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:25 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:25 'ryj' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:25 'кно' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:25 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:25 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:25 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:25 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:25 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:25 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:25 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:25 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:26 Received KeyRelease 'j' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:26 Received KeyPress 'g' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 'ryjg' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 'кноп' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [*] This word has hits for English (US) proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [+] This word has no hits for Russian language proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 Changing language from English (US) to Russian [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 Processing string 'ryjg' [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:26 Play sound sample /usr/share/xneur/sounds/itemback.wav (use Gstreamer engine) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 Recognition word 'кнопка' from text 'кноп' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:26 Received KeyRelease 'g' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:26 Received KeyPress 'r' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 'ryjgr' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 'кнопк' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 Recognition word 'кнопка' from text 'кнопк' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:26 Received KeyRelease 'r' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:26 Received KeyPress 'b' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 'ryjgrb' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 'кнопки' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 Recognition word 'кнопки' from text 'кнопки' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:26 Received KeyRelease 'b' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:26 Received KeyPress 'space' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 'ryjgrb' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 'кнопки' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:26 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:27 Received KeyRelease 'space' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:28 Received KeyPress 'h' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:28 Received KeyRelease 'h' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:28 Received KeyPress 't' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:28 Received KeyRelease 't' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:28 Received KeyPress 'u' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:28 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:28 'htu' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:28 'рег' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:28 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:28 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:28 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:28 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:28 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:28 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:28 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:28 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:28 Recognition word 'регулировки' from text 'рег' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:28 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:28 Received KeyRelease 'u' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:29 Received KeyPress 'e' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 'htue' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 'регу' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Recognition word 'регулировки' from text 'регу' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:29 Received KeyRelease 'e' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:29 Received KeyPress 'k' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 'htuek' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 'регул' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Recognition word 'регулировки' from text 'регул' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:29 Received KeyRelease 'k' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:29 Received KeyPress 'b' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 'htuekb' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 'регули' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Recognition word 'регулировки' from text 'регули' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:29 Received KeyRelease 'b' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:29 Received KeyPress 'h' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 'htuekbh' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 'регулир' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Recognition word 'регулировки' from text 'регулир' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:29 Received KeyPress 'j' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 'htuekbhj' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 'регулиро' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 Recognition word 'регулировки' from text 'регулиро' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:29 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:29 Received KeyRelease 'h' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:30 Received KeyRelease 'j' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:30 Received KeyPress 'd' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 'htuekbhjd' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 'регулиров' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 Recognition word 'регулировки' from text 'регулиров' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:30 Received KeyRelease 'd' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:30 Received KeyPress 'r' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 'htuekbhjdr' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 'регулировк' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 Recognition word 'регулировки' from text 'регулировк' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:30 Received KeyRelease 'r' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:30 Received KeyPress 'b' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 'htuekbhjdrb' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 'регулировки' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 Recognition word 'регулировки' from text 'регулировки' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:30 Received KeyRelease 'b' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:30 Received KeyPress 'space' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 'htuekbhjdrb' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 'регулировки' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:30 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:30 Received KeyRelease 'space' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:31 Received KeyPress 'z' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:31 Received KeyRelease 'z' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:31 Received KeyPress 'h' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:31 Received KeyRelease 'h' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:31 Received KeyPress 'r' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 'zhr' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 'ярк' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 Recognition word 'яркости' from text 'ярк' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:31 Received KeyRelease 'r' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:31 Received KeyPress 'j' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 'zhrj' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 'ярко' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 Recognition word 'яркости' from text 'ярко' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:31 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:31 Received KeyRelease 'j' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:32 Received KeyPress 'c' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 'zhrjc' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 'яркос' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 Recognition word 'яркости' from text 'яркос' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:32 Received KeyRelease 'c' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:32 Received KeyPress 'n' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 'zhrjcn' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 'яркост' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 Recognition word 'яркости' from text 'яркост' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:32 Received KeyPress 'b' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 'zhrjcnb' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 'яркости' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 Recognition word 'яркости' from text 'яркости' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:32 Received KeyRelease 'n' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:32 Received KeyRelease 'b' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:32 Received KeyPress 'space' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 'zhrjcnb' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 'яркости' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:32 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:32 Received KeyRelease 'space' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:32 Received KeyPress 'p' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:33 Received KeyRelease 'p' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:33 Received KeyPress 'f' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:33 Received KeyRelease 'f' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:33 Received KeyPress 'h' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 'pfh' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 'зар' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:33 Received KeyRelease 'h' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:33 Received KeyPress 'f' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 'pfhf' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 'зара' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:33 Received KeyRelease 'f' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:33 Received KeyPress 'comma' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 'pfhf' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 'зараб' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:33 Received KeyRelease 'comma' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:33 Received KeyPress 'j' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 'pfhf,j' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 'зарабо' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:33 Received KeyRelease 'j' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:33 Received KeyPress 'n' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 'pfhf,jn' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 'заработ' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:34 Received KeyPress 'f' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 'pfhf,jnf' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 'заработа' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:34 Received KeyRelease 'n' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:34 Received KeyRelease 'f' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:34 Received KeyPress 'k' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 'pfhf,jnfk' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 'заработал' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:34 Received KeyRelease 'k' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:34 Received KeyPress 'b' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 'pfhf,jnfkb' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 'заработали' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:34 Received KeyPress 'space' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 'pfhf,jnfkb' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 'заработали' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:34 Add word 'заработали' in Russian pattern [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:40:34 Saving Russian pattern [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:34 Received KeyRelease 'b' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:34 Received KeyRelease 'space' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:34 Received KeyPress 'g' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:34 Received KeyRelease 'g' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:34 Received KeyPress 'j' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:34 Received KeyRelease 'j' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:35 Received KeyPress 'c' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 'gjc' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 'пос' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 Recognition word 'после' from text 'пос' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:35 Received KeyRelease 'c' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:35 Received KeyPress 'k' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 'gjck' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 'посл' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 Recognition word 'после' from text 'посл' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:35 Received KeyRelease 'k' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:35 Received KeyPress 't' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 'gjckt' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 'после' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 Recognition word 'после' from text 'после' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:35 Received KeyRelease 't' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:35 Received KeyPress 'space' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 'gjckt' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 'после' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:35 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:35 Received KeyRelease 'space' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:47 Received KeyPress 'p' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:47 Received KeyRelease 'p' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:47 Received KeyPress 'f' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:47 Received KeyRelease 'f' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:47 Received KeyPress 'g' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:47 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:47 'pfg' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:47 'зап' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:47 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:47 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:47 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:47 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:47 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:47 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:47 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:47 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:47 Recognition word 'запуск' from text 'зап' (layout 1), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:47 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:48 Received KeyPress 'b' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 'pfgb' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 'запи' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:48 Received KeyRelease 'g' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:48 Received KeyRelease 'b' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:48 Received KeyPress 'g' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 'pfgbg' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 'запип' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:48 Received KeyRelease 'g' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:48 Received KeyPress 'b' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 'pfgbgb' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 'запипи' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:48 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:48 Received KeyRelease 'b' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:49 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:49 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:49 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:49 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:50 Received KeyPress 'c' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 'pfgbc' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 'запис' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:50 Received KeyRelease 'c' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:50 Received KeyPress 'b' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 'pfgbcb' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 'записи' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:50 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:51 Received KeyPress 'space' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 'pfgbcb' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 'записи' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 No language found to change to [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 Add word 'записи' in Russian pattern [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:40:51 Saving Russian pattern [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:51 Received KeyRelease 'b' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:51 Received KeyRelease 'space' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:51 Received KeyPress 'd' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:51 Received KeyPress 'space' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 'd' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 'в' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 [+] Found this word in Russian language dictionary [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:51 End word processing. [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:51 Received KeyRelease 'd' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:51 Received KeyRelease 'space' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:52 Received KeyPress 'g' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:52 Received KeyRelease 'g' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:53 Received KeyPress 'r' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:53 Received KeyRelease 'r' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:53 Received KeyPress 'u' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:53 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:53 'gru' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:53 'пкг' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:53 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:53 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:53 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:53 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:53 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:53 [*] This word has hits for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:53 [+] This word has no hits for English (US) language proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:53 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:53 Changing language from Russian to English (US) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:53 Processing string 'gru' [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:53 Play sound sample /usr/share/xneur/sounds/itemback.wav (use Gstreamer engine) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:54 Received KeyRelease 'u' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:54 Received KeyPress 'b' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 'grub' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 'пкги' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[WARNING:flash/platform/pepper/pep_module.cpp(63)] SANDBOXED [DBG] [0m04:40:54 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 [+] Found this word in English (US) enchant wrapper dictionary [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 Recognition word 'grub' from text 'grub' (layout 0), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:54 Received KeyRelease 'b' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:54 Received KeyPress 'space' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 'grub' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 'пкги' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 [+] Found this word in English (US) enchant wrapper dictionary [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:54 End word processing. [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:54 Received KeyRelease 'space' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:55 Received KeyPress 'Return' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:56 Received KeyRelease 'Return' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:56 Received KeyRelease 'Control_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:56 Received KeyPress 'Control_L' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:56 Received KeyPress 'v' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:56 Received KeyRelease 'v' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:40:57 Received KeyRelease 'Control_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:41:00 Received KeyRelease 'Control_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:41:00 Received KeyPress 'Control_L' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:41:00 Received KeyRelease 'Control_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:41:02 Received KeyPress 'Return' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:41:02 Received KeyRelease 'Return' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:41:02 Received KeyPress 'Return' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:41:03 Received KeyRelease 'Return' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:41:07 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:41:09 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:41:54 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:41:56 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:41:56 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:41:56 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:41:58 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:05 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:08 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:09 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:15 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:17 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:18 Received KeyPress 'space' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:18 Received KeyRelease 'space' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:18 Received KeyPress 'comma' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:19 Received KeyPress 'n' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:19 Received KeyRelease 'comma' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:19 Received KeyRelease 'n' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:19 Received KeyPress 'd' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:19 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:19 ',nd' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:19 'бтв' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:19 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:19 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:19 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:19 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:19 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:19 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:19 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:19 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:19 Received KeyRelease 'd' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:20 Received KeyPress 'space' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:20 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:20 ',nd' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:20 'бтв' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:20 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:20 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:20 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:20 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:20 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:20 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:20 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:20 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:20 Received KeyRelease 'space' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:21 Received KeyPress 'Pause' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:21 Received KeyRelease 'Pause' (event type 3) [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:42:21 Execute manual action "Correct/Undo correction" [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:21 Changing language from English (US) to Russian [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:21 Processing string ',nd ' [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:23 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:26 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:44 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16819188 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:44 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:44 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:46 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:46 Focused window 12582917 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:46 Process new window (ID 12582917) with name 'Thunar' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:42:46 Interception of events in the window (ID 12582917) with name 'Thunar' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:54 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16819855 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:57 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16819855 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:42:57 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16819855 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:43:01 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16819855 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:01 Interception of events in the window (ID 12582917) with name '(null)' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:01 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:01 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:01 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:43:02 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16778565 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:02 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:02 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:43:08 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16778468 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:08 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:09 Focused window 35651665 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:09 Process new window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:09 Interception of events in the window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:43:15 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16822893 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:43:19 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16822893 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:43:21 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16822893 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:30 Interception of events in the window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:30 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:30 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:30 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:43:34 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:35 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:35 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:35 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:43:36 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:43:41 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:43:56 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:07 Received KeyRelease 'Alt_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:07 Received KeyPress 'Alt_L' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:07 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:08 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:08 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:09 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:09 Received KeyRelease 'Escape' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:10 Received KeyRelease 'Alt_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:10 Received KeyPress 'Alt_L' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:11 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:11 Focused window 69206020 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:11 Process new window (ID 69206020) with name 'Xfce4-appfinder' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:11 Interception of events in the window (ID 69206020) with name 'Xfce4-appfinder' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:12 Received KeyPress 'p' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:12 Received KeyRelease 'p' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:12 Received KeyPress 'u' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:12 Received KeyRelease 'u' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:12 Received KeyPress 'l' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:12 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:12 'pul' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:12 'згд' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:12 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:12 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:12 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:12 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:12 [-] This word is ok for Russian proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:12 [*] This word has hits for Russian proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:12 [+] This word has no hits for English (US) language proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:12 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:12 Changing language from Russian to English (US) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:12 Processing string 'pul' [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:12 Play sound sample /usr/share/xneur/sounds/itemback.wav (use Gstreamer engine) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:13 Received KeyRelease 'l' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:14 Received KeyPress 's' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:14 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:14 'puls' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:14 'згды' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:14 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:14 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:14 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:14 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:14 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:14 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:14 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:14 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:15 Received KeyRelease 's' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:15 Received KeyPress 'e' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:15 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:15 'pulse' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:15 'згдыу' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:15 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:15 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:15 [+] Found this word in English (US) enchant wrapper dictionary [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:15 End word processing. [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:15 Received KeyRelease 'e' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:17 Received KeyPress 'space' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:17 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:17 'pulse' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:17 'згдыу' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:17 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:17 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:17 [+] Found this word in English (US) enchant wrapper dictionary [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:17 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:17 Add word 'pulse' in English (US) pattern [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:44:17 Saving English (US) pattern [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:17 Received KeyRelease 'space' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:18 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:19 Received KeyPress 'a' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:19 Received KeyRelease 'a' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:19 Received KeyPress 'u' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:19 Received KeyRelease 'u' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:20 Received KeyPress 'd' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:20 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:20 [26:91:0926/] Failed to set nice value of thread to -10 'aud' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:20 'фгв' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:20 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:20 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:20 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:20 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:20 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:20 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:20 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:20 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:20 Received KeyRelease 'd' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:21 Received KeyPress 'Tab' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:21 Received KeyRelease 'Tab' (event type 3) [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:44:21 Execute manual action "Autocompletion confirmation" [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:22 Received KeyPress 'Return' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:22 Received KeyRelease 'Return' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:23 Received KeyPress 'Tab' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:23 Received KeyRelease 'Tab' (event type 3) [0;32m[LOG] [0m04:44:23 Execute manual action "Autocompletion confirmation" [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:23 Received KeyPress 'Return' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:23 Interception of events in the window (ID 69206020) with name '(null)' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:24 Focused window 71303171 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:24 Process new window (ID 71303171) with name 'Xfce4-mixer' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:24 Interception of events in the window (ID 71303171) with name 'Xfce4-mixer' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:24 Interception of events in the window (ID 71303171) with name 'Xfce4-mixer' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:25 Focused window 71303172 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:25 Process new window (ID 71303172) with name 'Xfce4-mixer' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:25 Interception of events in the window (ID 71303172) with name 'Xfce4-mixer' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:31 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16825977 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:31 Interception of events in the window (ID 71303172) with name 'Xfce4-mixer' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:44:32 Interception of events in the window (ID 71303172) with name 'Xfce4-mixer' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:36 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16825977 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:37 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16825977 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:40 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16825977 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:42 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16825977 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:44:49 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16825977 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:45:24 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16825977 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:45:24 Interception of events in the window (ID 71303172) with name '(null)' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:45:25 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:45:25 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:45:25 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:45:39 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:45:46 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 65049483 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:46:54 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:46:55 Received KeyPress 'a' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:46:55 Received KeyRelease 'a' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:46:55 Received KeyPress 'i' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:46:55 Received KeyRelease 'i' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:46:56 Received KeyPress 'm' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 'aim' on layout 'wine: created the configuration directory '/home/hed/.wine' WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented. err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot fixme:seh:RtlAddFunctionTable 0x61e45620 1 61e40000: stub fixme:seh:RtlAddFunctionTable 0x61776ba0 1 61700000: stub fixme:seh:RtlAddFunctionTable 0x64f69540 1 64f40000: stub fixme:seh:RtlAddFunctionTable 0x622c6620 1 622c0000: stub fixme:seh:RtlAddFunctionTable 0x6ce47620 1 6ce40000: stub fixme:seh:RtlAddFunctionTable 0x682d4b20 1 682c0000: stub fixme:seh:RtlAddFunctionTable 0x638d1dc0 1 63800000: stub fixme:seh:RtlAddFunctionTable 0x3b6ea0 1 390000: stub fixme:seh:RtlAddFunctionTable 0x68f5b6a0 1 68f40000: stub fixme:seh:RtlAddFunctionTable 0x6b431bc0 1 69c40000: stub fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0xdbe268, overlapped 0xdbe230): stub WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented. err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0xe9e8ac, overlapped 0xe9e890): stub WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory wine: configuration in '/home/hed/.wine' has been updated. us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 'фшь' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 [+] Found this word in English (US) enchant wrapper dictionary [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 End word processing. [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:46:56 Received KeyRelease 'm' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:46:56 Received KeyPress 'p' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 'aimp' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 'фшьз' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:56 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:46:56 Received KeyRelease 'p' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:46:58 Received KeyPress 'space' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:58 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:58 'aimp' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:58 'фшьз' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:58 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:58 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:58 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:58 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:58 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:58 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:58 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:46:58 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:46:58 Received KeyRelease 'space' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:46:58 Received KeyPress 'l' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:46:58 Received KeyRelease 'l' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:47:00 Received KeyPress 'Down' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:47:00 Received KeyRelease 'Down' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:47:00 Received KeyPress 'Return' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:47:00 Received KeyRelease 'Return' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:47:09 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:47:35 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16778468 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:47:35 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:47:35 Focused window 35651665 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:47:35 Process new window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:47:35 Interception of events in the window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:47:36 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16836141 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:47:44 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16836141 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:47:44 Interception of events in the window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:47:44 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:47:44 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:47:44 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:47:49 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:47:52 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:47:52 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:48:04 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m0WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory (wrapper:1815): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: Missing callback called fullpath = /home/hed/.config/menus/ WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory 4:48:24 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:48:24 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:48:25 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:48:25 Focused window 81788929 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:48:25 Process new window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:48:25 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:48:39 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:48:40 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:48:41 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:48:42 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:48:42 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:48:42 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:48:44 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:49:14 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16778468 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:14 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:15 Focused window 35651665 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:15 Process new window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:15 Interception of events in the window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:49:15 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16840846 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:49:20 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16840846 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:21 Interception of events in the window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:21 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:21 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:21 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:22 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:22 Focused window 81788929 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:22 Process new window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:22 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:27 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:27 Focused window 81788931 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:27 Process new window (ID 81788931) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:49:27 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788931) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:11 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788931) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:12 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:12 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:12 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:13 Received KeyPress 'a' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:14 Received KeyPress 'i' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:14 Received KeyRelease 'a' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:14 Received KeyRelease 'i' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:14 Received KeyPress 'm' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 'aim' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 'фшь' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 [+] Found this word in English (US) enchant wrapper dictionary [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 End word processing. [0;34m[T[WARNING:flash/platform/pepper/pep_module.cpp(63)] SANDBOXED [1742:1742:0926/] Gtk: Attempting to read the recently used resources file at `/home/hed/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but the parser failed: Failed to open file '/home/hed/.local/share/recently-used.xbel': Permission denied. RA] [0m04:50:14 Received KeyRelease 'm' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:14 Received KeyPress 'p' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 'aimp' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 'фшьз' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:14 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:15 Received KeyRelease 'p' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:16 Received KeyPress 'Return' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:16 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:16 'aimp' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:16 'фшьз' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:16 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:16 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:16 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:16 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:16 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:16 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:16 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:16 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:16 Received KeyRelease 'Return' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:18 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:33 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:38 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:41 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:41 Focused window 65075149 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:41 Process new window (ID 65075149) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:41 Interception of events in the window (ID 65075149) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:43 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16848960 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:45 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16848960 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:45 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16848960 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:48 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:49 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:50 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:51 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16848960 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:51 Interception of events in the window (ID 65075149) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:52 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:52 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:50:52 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:52 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:53 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:54 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:50:55 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:51:00 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:51:06 Recei[WARNING:flash/platform/pepper/pep_module.cpp(63)] SANDBOXED (exo-open:3075): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: couldn't find a terminal, falling back to xterm (xfwm4:1732): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed (xfwm4:1732): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed ved Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:51:09 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:11 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:12 Focused window 65083510 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:12 Process new window (ID 65083510) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:12 Interception of events in the window (ID 65083510) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:51:14 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16853574 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:51:15 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16853574 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:51:16 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16853574 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:51:17 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16853574 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:17 Interception of events in the window (ID 65083510) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:17 Focused window 65012025 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:17 Process new window (ID 65012025) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:17 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012025) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:17 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012025) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:18 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:18 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:18 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:51:23 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16778468 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:23 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:23 Focused window 81788931 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:23 Process new window (ID 81788931) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:23 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788931) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:41 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788931) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:42 Focused window 71303172 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:42 Process new window (ID 71303172) with name 'Exo-open' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:42 Interception of events in the window (ID 71303172) with name 'Exo-open' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:51:47 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16859090 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:47 Interception of events in the window (ID 71303172) with name '(null)' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:47 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:47 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:47 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:51:47 Received FocusOut on window 65072292 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:47 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:48 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:51:48 Received FocusIn on window 65072292 (event type 9) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:48 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:48 Focused window 81788931 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:48 Process new window (ID 81788931) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:51:48 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788931) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:09 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788931) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:09 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:09 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:09 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with (xfwm4:1732): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed (xfwm4:1732): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed (xfwm4:1732): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed (xfwm4:1732): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed fixme:thread:SetThreadPreferredUILanguages 4, 0x33f630, (nil) fixme:ieframe:taskbar_list_SetProgressState iface 0x145cc8, hwnd 0x200a0, flags 1 stub! fixme:ieframe:taskbar_list_SetProgressValue iface 0x145cc8, hwnd 0x200a0, ullCompleted 0, ullTotal 40165b0033fabc stub! fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100 name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:09 Received FocusOut on window 65072292 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:09 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:10 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:11 Received KeyRelease 'Control_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:11 Received KeyPress 'Control_L' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:11 Received KeyPress 'j' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:11 Received KeyRelease 'j' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:11 Received KeyRelease 'Control_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:13 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:13 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:14 Focused window 12586567 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:14 Process new window (ID 12586567) with name 'Thunar' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:14 Interception of events in the window (ID 12586567) with name 'Thunar' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:24 Received KeyRelease 'Alt_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:24 Received KeyPress 'Alt_L' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:24 Interception of events in the window (ID 12586567) with name 'Thunar' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:24 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:24 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:24 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:24 Received KeyRelease 'Alt_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:24 Received KeyPress 'Alt_L' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:24 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:25 Focused window 12586567 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:25 Process new window (ID 12586567) with name 'Thunar' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:25 Interception of events in the window (ID 12586567) with name 'Thunar' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:27 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16778468 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:28 Interception of events in the window (ID 12586567) with name 'Thunar' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:28 Focused window 81788931 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:28 Process new window (ID 81788931) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:28 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788931) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:34 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788931) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:34 Focused window 81788929 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:34 Process new window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:34 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:34 Received FocusIn on window 81788930 (event type 9) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:35 Received FocusOut on window 81788930 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:35 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:35 Focused window 83886081 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:35 Process new window (ID 83886081) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:35 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886081) with name 'Wine' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:35 Received FocusOut on window 81788929 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:35 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886081) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:36 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886081) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:36 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886081) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:36 Focused window 81788929 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:36 Process new window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:36 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' ON [0;34m[fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation ((nil),0x33fda4): stub fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x10166 0x00000000 fixme:netapi32:NetUserEnum ((null),10, 0x2,0xd1e8b8,65535,0xd1e8b4,0xd1e8b0,0xd1e8bc) stub! WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation ((nil),0x33fdb4): stub fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x101c8 0x00000000 fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation ((nil),0x23f114): stub fixme:wtsapi:WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x101c8 WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation ((nil),0x33fdb4): stub fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x201cc 0x00000000 fixme:wtsapi:WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x201cc WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation ((nil),0x33fdb4): stub fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x301c6 0x00000000 fixme:wtsapi:WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x301c6 fixme:wtsapi:WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x10166 WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/hed/keyring-N8gt54/pkcs11: No such file or directory fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation ((nil),0x33fdb4): stub fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x400a0 0x00000000 fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {77f10cf0-3db5-4966-b520-b7c54fd35ed6} not registered err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {77f10cf0-3db5-4966-b520-b7c54fd35ed6} could be created for context 0x1 fixme:font:ExtTextOutW flags ETO_NUMERICSLOCAL | ETO_NUMERICSLATIN unimplemented fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, hwnd=0x20036): stub fixme:dsound:DirectSoundDevice_CreateSoundBuffer Non-packed formats not supported right now: 24/32 TRA] [0m04:52:36 Received FocusIn on window 81788930 (event type 9) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:38 Received FocusOut on window 81788930 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:38 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:38 Focused window 88080387 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:38 Process new window (ID 88080387) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:38 Interception of events in the window (ID 88080387) with name 'Wine' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:52:38 Received FocusOut on window 81788929 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:38 Interception of events in the window (ID 88080387) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:39 Interception of events in the window (ID 88080387) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:39 Interception of events in the window (ID 88080387) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:40 Focused window 88080390 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:40 Process new window (ID 88080390) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:52:40 Interception of events in the window (ID 88080390) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:22 Interception of events in the window (ID 88080390) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:23 Focused window 81788929 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:23 Process new window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:23 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:53:24 Received FocusOut on window 81788930 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:24 Interception of events in the window (ID 81788929) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:25 Focused window 83886085 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:25 Process new window (ID 83886085) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:25 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886085) with name 'Wine' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:53:25 Received FocusOut on window 81788929 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:25 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886085) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:25 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886085) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:26 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886085) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:26 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886085) with name 'Wine' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:53:26 Received FocusIn on window 81788930 (event type 9) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:27 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886085) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:28 Focused window 83886083 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:28 Process new window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:28 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:28 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:29 Focused window 83886087 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:29 Process new window (ID 83886087) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:29 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886087) with name '(null)' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:53:45 Received FocusOut on window 83886084 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:45 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886087) with name '(null)' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:45 Focused window 83886094 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:45 Process new window (ID 83886094) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:53:45 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886094) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:00 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886094) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:00 Focused window 83886083 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:00 Process new window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:00 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:01 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:02 Focused window 83886085 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:02 Process new window (ID 83886085) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:02 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886085) with name 'Wine' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:02 Received FocusIn on window 83886086 (event type 9) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:04 Received FocusOut on window 83886086 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:04 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886085) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:04 Focused window 83886103 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:04 Process new window (ID 83886103) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:04 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886103) with name 'Wine' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:04 Received FocusOut on window 83886085 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:04 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886103) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:05 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886103) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:07 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886103) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:08 Focused window 83886085 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:08 Process new window (ID 83886085) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:08 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886085) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:11 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886085) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:11 Focused window 83886083 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:11 Process new window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:11 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:11 Received FocusIn on window 83886084 (event type 9) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:14 Received FocusOut on window 83886084 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:14 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:14 Focused window 83886109 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:14 Process new window (ID 83886109) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:14 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886109) with name 'Wine' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:14 Received FocusOut on window 83886083 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:14 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886109) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:15 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886109) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:31 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886109) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:32 Focused window 83886083 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:32 Process new window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:32 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:32 Received FocusIn on window 83886084 (event type 9) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:33 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:33 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:35 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:36 Focused window 16777390 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:36 Process new window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:36 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:38 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16894734 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:38 Interception of events in the window (ID 16777390) with name 'Xfwm4' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:39 Focused window 12588589 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:39 Process new window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:54:39 Interception of events in the window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:39 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16894734 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:40 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwfixme:xdnd:X11DRV_XDND_DROPEFFECTToXdndAction unknown drop effect 0, assuming XdndActionCopy fixme:xdnd:X11DRV_XDND_DROPEFFECTToXdndAction unknown drop effect 0, assuming XdndActionCopy fixme:xdnd:X11DRV_XDND_DROPEFFECTToXdndAction unknown drop effect 0, assuming XdndActionCopy fixme:xdnd:X11DRV_XDND_DROPEFFECTToXdndAction unknown drop effect 0, assuming XdndActionCopy fixme:xdnd:X11DRV_XDND_DROPEFFECTToXdndAction unknown drop effect 0, assuming XdndActionCopy fixme:xdnd:X11DRV_XDND_DROPEFFECTToXdndAction unknown drop effect 0, assuming XdndActionCopy fixme:xdnd:X11DRV_XDND_DROPEFFECTToXdndAction unknown drop effect 0, assuming XdndActionCopy fixme:xdnd:XDNDDATAOBJECT_SetData (0x7e0822a8, 0x110dfa0, 0x110dfb4, FALSE): stub fixme:xdnd:XDNDDATAOBJECT_SetData (0x7e0822a8, 0x110dfa0, 0x110dfb4, FALSE): stub err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {efe6629c-81f7-4281-bd91-c9d604a95af6} not registered err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {efe6629c-81f7-4281-bd91-c9d604a95af6} could be created for context 0x1 err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {ef3e932c-d40b-4f51-8ccf-3f98f1b29d5d} not registered err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {ef3e932c-d40b-4f51-8ccf-3f98f1b29d5d} could be created for context 0x1 err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {efca3d92-dfd8-4672-a603-7420894bad98} not registered err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {efca3d92-dfd8-4672-a603-7420894bad98} could be created for context 0x1 err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {87fc0268-9a55-4360-95aa-004a1d9de26c} not registered err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {87fc0268-9a55-4360-95aa-004a1d9de26c} could be created for context 0x1 fixme:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_Frame_GetResolution (0x1e00d4,0x33f8b8,0x33f8c0): stub fixme:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_Frame_GetResolution (0x1af0dc,0x33f8b8,0x33f8c0): stub indow 16894734 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:42 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16894734 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:43 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16894734 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:47 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16894734 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:53 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16894734 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:54:53 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16894734 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:55:04 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16894734 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:55:06 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16894734 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:08 Interception of events in the window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:08 Focused window 83886083 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:08 Process new window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:08 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:28 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:28 Focused window 35651665 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:28 Process new window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:28 Interception of events in the window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:55:30 Received KeyPress 'l' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:55:30 Received KeyPress 'a' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:55:30 Received KeyRelease 'l' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:55:30 Received KeyRelease 'a' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:55:30 Received KeyPress 's' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 'las' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 'дфы' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 [+] Found this word in English (US) enchant wrapper dictionary [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 End word processing. [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:55:30 Received KeyRelease 's' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:55:30 Received KeyPress 't' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 'last' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 'дфые' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 [+] Found this word in English (US) enchant wrapper dictionary [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 Recognition word 'last' from text 'last' (layout 0), autocompletation... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:30 String is freed [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:55:30 Received KeyRelease 't' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:55:31 Received KeyPress 'Return' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:31 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:31 'last' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:31 'дфые' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:31 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:31 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:31 [+] Found this word in English (US) enchant wrapper dictionary [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:31 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:31 Interception of events in the window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:31 Focused window 12588589 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:31 Process new window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:31 Interception of events in the window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:33 Interception of events in the window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:34 Focused window 33554459 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:34 Process new window (ID 33554459) with name '' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:34 Interception of events in the window (ID fixme:wtsapi:WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x400a0 33554459) with name '' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:55:47 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 83886118 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:47 Interception of events in the window (ID 33554459) with name '' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:48 Focused window 83886083 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:48 Process new window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:48 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:55:48 Received FocusIn on window 83886084 (event type 9) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:59 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:59 Focused window 33554459 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:59 Process new window (ID 33554459) with name '' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:55:59 Interception of events in the window (ID 33554459) with name '' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:56:02 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16914161 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:56:15 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16914161 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:15 Interception of events in the window (ID 33554459) with name '' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:15 Focused window 12588589 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:15 Process new window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:15 Interception of events in the window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:56:16 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 83886120 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:16 Interception of events in the window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:17 Focused window 83886083 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:17 Process new window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' (status Excluded, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:17 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:21 Interception of events in the window (ID 83886083) with name 'Wine' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:21 Focused window 12588589 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:21 Process new window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:21 Interception of events in the window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:56:28 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16778468 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:28 Interception of events in the window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:28 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:28 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:28 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:56:29 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:56:31 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:56:36 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:56:39 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16778468 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:39 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:40 Focused window 12588589 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:40 Process new window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:40 Interception of events in the window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:56:40 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16778468 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:40 Interception of events in the window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:41 Focused window 12586567 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:41 Process new window (ID 12586567) with name 'Thunar' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:41 Interception of events in the window (ID 12586567) with name 'Thunar' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:56:42 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16863424 (xfwm4:1732): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed (xfwm4:1732): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:42 Interception of events in the window (ID 12586567) with name '(null)' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:43 Focused window 35651665 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:43 Process new window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:43 Interception of events in the window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:56:57 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16931470 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:57 Interception of events in the window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:57 Focused window 12588589 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:57 Process new window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:56:57 Interception of events in the window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:00 Received KeyRelease 'KP_Enter' (event type 3) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:02 Interception of events in the window (ID 12588589) with name 'Thunar' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:02 Focused window 77594657 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:02 Process new window (ID 77594657) with name '' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:02 Interception of events in the window (ID 77594657) with name '' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:06 Interception of events in the window (ID 77594657) with name '' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:07 Focused window 73400353 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:07 Process new window (ID 73400353) with name '' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:07 Interception of events in the window (ID 73400353) with name '' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:22 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16778468 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:22 Interception of events in the window (ID 73400353) with name '' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:22 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:22 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:22 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:24 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:26 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:32 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:33 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:48 Received KeyRelease 'Alt_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:48 Received KeyPress 'Alt_L' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:48 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:49 Focused window 73400353 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:49 Process new window (ID 73400353) with name '' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:49 Interception of events in the window (ID 73400353) with name '' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:49 Received FocusIn on window 65045083 (event type 9) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:51 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:51 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:51 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:51 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:51 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:51 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:51 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:51 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:51 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:52 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:52 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:52 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:52 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:5add_categories took 40.855 ms build_matched_packages took 0.288 ms add_packages took 3333.435 ms add_reviews took 1028.517 ms __init__ took 5201.349 ms show_category took 38.615 ms show_category took 1912.222 ms show_category took 199.137 ms show_package took 316.144 ms Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета libbs2b0. (Чтение базы данных … на данный момент установлен 175391 файл и каталог.) Распаковывается пакет libbs2b0 (из файла …/libbs2b0_3.1.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb) … Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета libqmmp0. Распаковывается пакет libqmmp0 (из файла …/libqmmp0_0.6.3-1_amd64.deb) … Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета libqmmpui0. Распаковывается пакет libqmmpui0 (из файла …/libqmmpui0_0.6.3-1_amd64.deb) … Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета libqmmp-misc. Распаковывается пакет libqmmp-misc (из файла …/libqmmp-misc_0.6.3-1_amd64.deb) … Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета qmmp. Распаковывается пакет qmmp (из файла …/qmmp_0.6.3-1_amd64.deb) … Обрабатываются триггеры для man-db … Обрабатываются триггеры для bamfdaemon … Rebuilding /usr/share/applications/bamf-2.index... Обрабатываются триггеры для desktop-file-utils … Обрабатываются триггеры для gnome-menus … Обрабатываются триггеры для hicolor-icon-theme … Настраивается пакет libbs2b0 (3.1.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1) … Настраивается пакет libqmmp0 (0.6.3-1) … Настраивается пакет libqmmpui0 (0.6.3-1) … Настраивается пакет libqmmp-misc (0.6.3-1) … Настраивается пакет qmmp (0.6.3-1) … Обрабатываются триггеры для libc-bin … ldconfig deferred processing now taking place 7:52 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:52 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:52 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:52 Received KeyPress 'BackSpace' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:52 Received KeyRelease 'BackSpace' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:53 Received KeyPress 'd' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:53 Received KeyRelease 'd' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:53 Received KeyPress 'e' (event type 2) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:53 Received KeyRelease 'e' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:53 Received KeyPress 'a' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:53 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:53 'dea' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:53 'вуф' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:53 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:53 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:53 [!] Now we don't support enchant wrapper dictionary for Russian layout [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:53 [-] This word has no hits for all enchant wrapper dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:53 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 2 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:53 [-] This word is ok for English (US) proto of size 3 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:53 End word processing. [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:53 No language found to change to [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:54 Received KeyRelease 'a' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:54 Received KeyPress 'd' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:54 Processing word: [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:54 'dead' on layout 'us' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:54 'вуфв' on layout 'ru' [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:54 Start word processing... [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:54 [-] This word not found in any dictionaries [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:54 [+] Found this word in English (US) enchant wrapper dictionary [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:57:54 End word processing. [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:54 Received KeyRelease 'd' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:58 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:57:59 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:58:13 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:58:17 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:58:21 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:58:21 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:58:37 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:58:40 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:58:48 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:58:48 Interception of events in the window (ID 73400353) with name '' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:58:48 Focused window 65012026 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:58:48 Process new window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:58:48 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:58:48 Received FocusOut on window 73400353 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:58:48 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:58:49 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:58:49 Received FocusOut on window 65045083 (event type 10) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:58:49 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:58:49 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:58:49 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:59:21 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16780098 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:59:37 (xfwm4:1732): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed (xfwm4:1732): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed add_categories took 40.855 ms build_matched_packages took 0.288 ms add_packages took 3333.435 ms add_reviews took 1028.517 ms __init__ took 5201.349 ms show_category took 38.615 ms show_category took 1912.222 ms show_category took 199.137 ms show_package took 316.144 ms show_package took 112.503 ms show_category took 222.959 ms show_category took 214.445 ms show_package took 350.400 ms Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета audacious-plugins-data. (Чтение базы данных … на данный момент установлено 175490 файлов и каталогов.) Распаковывается пакет audacious-plugins-data (из файла …/audacious-plugins-data_3.3.4-1ubuntu1_all.deb) … Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета libaudcore1:amd64. Распаковывается пакет libaudcore1:amd64 (из файла …/libaudcore1_3.3.4-1_amd64.deb) … Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета libbinio1ldbl. Распаковывается пакет libbinio1ldbl (из файла …/libbinio1ldbl_1.4+dfsg1-1_amd64.deb) … Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета libcue1. Распаковывается пакет libcue1 (из файла …/libcue1_1.4.0-1_amd64.deb) … Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета libfluidsynth1:amd64. Распаковывается пакет libfluidsynth1:amd64 (из файла …/libfluidsynth1_1.1.6-2_amd64.deb) … Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета audacious-plugins:amd64. Распаковывается пакет audacious-plugins:amd64 (из файла …/audacious-plugins_3.3.4-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb) … Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета libaudclient2:amd64. Распаковывается пакет libaudclient2:amd64 (из файла …/libaudclient2_3.3.4-1_amd64.deb) … Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета libmowgli2:amd64. Распаковывается пакет libmowgli2:amd64 (из файла …/libmowgli2_1.0.0-1_amd64.deb) … Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета libguess1:amd64. Распаковывается пакет libguess1:amd64 (из файла …/libguess1_1.1-1_amd64.deb) … Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета audacious. Распаковывается пакет audacious (из файла …/audacious_3.3.4-1_amd64.deb) … Обрабатываются триггеры для man-db … Обрабатываются триггеры для bamfdaemon … Rebuilding /usr/share/applications/bamf-2.index... Обрабатываются триггеры для desktop-file-utils … Обрабатываются триггеры для gnome-menus … Обрабатываются триггеры для hicolor-icon-theme … Настраивается пакет audacious-plugins-data (3.3.4-1ubuntu1) … Настраивается пакет libaudcore1:amd64 (3.3.4-1) … Настраивается пакет libbinio1ldbl (1.4+dfsg1-1) … Настраивается пакет libcue1 (1.4.0-1) … Настраивается пакет libfluidsynth1:amd64 (1.1.6-2) … Настраивается пакет audacious-plugins:amd64 (3.3.4-1ubuntu1) … Настраивается пакет libaudclient2:amd64 (3.3.4-1) … Настраивается пакет libmowgli2:amd64 (1.0.0-1) … Настраивается пакет libguess1:amd64 (1.1-1) … Настраивается пакет audacious (3.3.4-1) … Обрабатываются триггеры для libc-bin … ldconfig deferred processing now taking place Received KeyRelease 'Alt_L' (event type 3) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:59:37 Received KeyPress 'Alt_L' (event type 2) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:59:37 Interception of events in the window (ID 65012026) with name 'Google-chrome' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:59:37 Focused window 73400353 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:59:37 Process new window (ID 73400353) with name '' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:59:37 Interception of events in the window (ID 73400353) with name '' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:59:37 Received FocusIn on window 65045083 (event type 9) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:59:39 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:59:39 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:59:40 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:59:43 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m04:59:43 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m05:00:04 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m05:00:17 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16943102 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m05:00:41 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16778468 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:00:41 Interception of events in the window (ID 73400353) with name '' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:00:42 Focused window 20971524 [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:00:42 Process new window (ID 20971524) with name 'Xfdesktop' (status Excluded, mode Manual) [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:00:42 Interception of events in the window (ID 20971524) with name 'Xfdesktop' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:00:46 Interception of events in the window (ID 20971524) with name 'Xfdesktop' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:00:46 Focused window 35651665 [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:00:46 Process new window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:00:46 Interception of events in the window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m05:00:50 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16951892 (event type 4) [0;34m[TRA] [0m05:01:01 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16951892 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:01 Interception of events in the window (ID 35651665) with name 'Wrapper' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:02 Focused window 77594628 [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:02 Process new window (ID 77594628) with name 'Xfce4-mixer' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:02 Interception of events in the window (ID 77594628) with name 'Xfce4-mixer' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m05:01:03 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16952360 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:04 Interception of events in the window (ID 77594628) with name '(null)' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:04 Focused window 20971524 [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:04 Process new window (ID 20971524) with name 'Xfdesktop' (status Excluded, mode Manual) [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:04 Interception of events in the window (ID 20971524) with name 'Xfdesktop' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:04 Interception of events in the window (ID 20971524) with name 'Xfdesktop' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:05 Interception of events in the window (ID 20971524) with name 'Xfdesktop' ON [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:08 Interception of events in the window (ID 20971524) with name 'Xfdesktop' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:08 Focused window 77594628 [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:08 Process new window (ID 77594628) with name 'Gnome-control-center' (status Processed, mode Default) [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:08 Interception of events in the window (ID 77594628) with name 'Gnome-control-center' ON [0;34m[TRA] [0m05:01:11 Received Button1Press on window 148 with subwindow 16952676 (event type 4) [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:11 Interception of events in the window (ID 77594628) with name 'Gnome-control-center' OFF [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:11 Focused window 20971524 [0;36m[DBG] [0m05:01:11 Process new window (ID 20971524) with name 'Xfdesktop' ** Message: applet now removed from the notification area Цитата Скрытый текст Цитата посоны я джуса забанил мне пиздос? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Двапой #1319 26 сентября 2013 ну пурге удаляет все что связанно с xfceточнее надо пуржить xfce* можно конечно только apt-get remove xfce Цитата Мобильное приложение для продоты Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Двапой #1320 26 сентября 2013 [0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 Processing word:[0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 'pfhf,j' on layout 'us'[0;36m[DBG] [0m04:40:33 'зарабо' on layout 'ru' бля, а чо у тебя вообще сломано то? чо мы чиним? Цитата Мобильное приложение для продоты Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение