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Киберфлуд 51: wake the fuck up, you obosralsya

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Слушай сюда Ээээээ сука ты не мне не советуй как жить скажи кто ты и я скажу кто ты нахуй. Аа бля точно кто то мне вчера воду отключил. Пошол нахуй. Сначала иди нахуй. Поля лизала ваши аналы. Я распродал ваши акки. Аааа? Книги?

Я вор снега из города Орла. Пошол вон, дошло? Вам рога лижут за спор?

Полу пасмортно сегодня. Налей ещё Паш. Или по пьяни, сказать князю агропромышленного комплекса: Верните восточный рынок в Москве. Араб силой продает платья. Мне одно пожалуйста. Играл в овощи под почтовой лодочной.

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как же мне хуево 


я думал на земле нет таких людей которые смогли бы общаться с пингвином

разве что они тоже душевнобольные



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у тебя все мысли негативные и тебя никто не слушает ?

Wake the fuck Up Samurai, we have a city to burn.

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Какой же Кендрик Ламар уебан

Shaman.png.0cdd33d48561cd068bb3c5ee78289381.png Anna.jpeg.03c9b49363298ceec256500a5d522f7d.jpeg Nigga.jpg.f807f2556bdbf68452292a9301494591.jpg


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Какой же Кендрик Ламар уебан

можешь тебе череп разбить ебланчик

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Ты не соглы?

Shaman.png.0cdd33d48561cd068bb3c5ee78289381.png Anna.jpeg.03c9b49363298ceec256500a5d522f7d.jpeg Nigga.jpg.f807f2556bdbf68452292a9301494591.jpg


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Какой же Кендрик Ламар уебан

мне нравиться  хамбл 


я думал на земле нет таких людей которые смогли бы общаться с пингвином

разве что они тоже душевнобольные



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Ты не соглы?


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Нет не соглы или нет соглы

Shaman.png.0cdd33d48561cd068bb3c5ee78289381.png Anna.jpeg.03c9b49363298ceec256500a5d522f7d.jpeg Nigga.jpg.f807f2556bdbf68452292a9301494591.jpg


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не соглы

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Ты же в курсе за тот мув с белой бабой на сцене, как после этого можно Кендрика не считать за дерьмо я хз

Тупа чёрный манки

Shaman.png.0cdd33d48561cd068bb3c5ee78289381.png Anna.jpeg.03c9b49363298ceec256500a5d522f7d.jpeg Nigga.jpg.f807f2556bdbf68452292a9301494591.jpg


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Рустер, а с чего вдруг ты патриотом стал ? 

Wake the fuck Up Samurai, we have a city to burn.

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Ты же в курсе за тот мув с белой бабой на сцене, как после этого можно Кендрика не считать за дерьмо я хз

Тупа чёрный манки

рустер давай не петушись , ты же нормальный питух или курица

Изменено пользователем Pingvin(007)


я думал на земле нет таких людей которые смогли бы общаться с пингвином

разве что они тоже душевнобольные



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Изменено пользователем Rooster

Shaman.png.0cdd33d48561cd068bb3c5ee78289381.png Anna.jpeg.03c9b49363298ceec256500a5d522f7d.jpeg Nigga.jpg.f807f2556bdbf68452292a9301494591.jpg


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как же мне хуево 

что такое случилось?

запредельный идеал

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рустер не быкуй 



я думал на земле нет таких людей которые смогли бы общаться с пингвином

разве что они тоже душевнобольные



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Какой же Кендрик Ламар уебан

Kendrick Lamar: Hey man!

Mr P: seriously? we’re having another chat?

Kendrick Lamar: YEP! LOL

Mr P: this whole shtick is getting old…

Kendrick Lamar: How are you?

Kendrick Lamar: I was reading TinyMixtapes today. I read about White Suns, Ewa Justka, and Mika Vaino. All really good articles about music. Love what you guys do! Hey, how come you didn’t post about DAMN.?

Mr P: we did

Mr P: http://tmxt.es/3d9j

Kendrick Lamar: NO MAN! It’s released now. It’s out! For awhile now. You should post a follow-up.

Kendrick Lamar: Every other publication has already posted about it. You guys are kinda coming at this super late actually. NME, Pitchfork, Rolling Stone. List goes on.

Mr P: A story about it being released? I guess we’ve done that for bigger artists, like Kanye…

Kendrick Lamar: I’m not as big as Kanye?

Mr P: haha, no i don’t mean it that way!


Kendrick Lamar: jk jk jk

Kendrick Lamar: All good. I’d be happy if you posted though? Let me type up some details…

Kendrick Lamar: The new LP includes the previously released track “HUMBLE.,” which debuted at #2 on the Hot 100. U2, Rihanna, and Zacari are featured on the album. BADBADNOTGOOD, DJ Dahi, the Alchemist, 9th Wonder, and more also have credits.


The new album features “HUMBLE.,” which went all the way to #2 on the charts, man!! Rihanna, U2, and Zacari are on the

Mr P: hahaha, did you just copy/paste that from Pitchfork??

Kendrick Lamar: LOL FUCK — I was trying to rephrase some of that but hit send too early. LOL

Kendrick Lamar: Tbh you should’ve posted about that whole LeBron thing too earlier today. It was sorta part of the promotional campaign.

Mr P: ha, fuck no

Kendrick Lamar: Why not? It’s still music-related.

Mr P: eh. i’d rather post about “White Suns, Ewa Justka, and Mika Vaino” and other “really good articles about music.”

Kendrick Lamar: Haha, shut up.

Kendrick Lamar: I love LeBron. Cavs are taking it again this year I bet!!

Mr P: OK, we’ll post something soon probably.

Mr P: But hey, I was wondering: was that cover art designed so that it’d become a meme?

Mr P: Are you the new Drake??

Kendrick Lamar: FUCK DRAKE. I HATE HIM.

Mr P: OK…?

Kendrick Lamar: SO ANNOYING!!! I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!

Mr P: Damn, calm down haha, was just asking because the cover art reminded me of Drake’s marketing approach…

Kendrick Lamar: I don’t want to sound like an asshole, but Drake’s seriously not as good as me. Seriously!! I mean, can you find anyone in this world who thinks Drake is technically a better rapper than me?? I really don’t understand how he’s sold so much. It’s so BULLSHIT.

Kendrick Lamar: Don’t get me wrong. He’s not like… BAD. He’s just so ANNOYING. I could out-rap him any day. I’d out-rap him RIGHT NOW if he were here! I have so many critics saying how good I am too. To Pimp a Butterfly is top album of the last 5 years, hand down. Up there with First Ditch Effort. It’s so political! But Drake has sold more than me?? ME!! Seriously. Not trying to sound like an asshole. He’s not bad. (not great either!!) I just don’t get it.

Kendrick Lamar: Don’t wanna get it either. LOL

Mr P: sorry

Kendrick Lamar: Thanks man. Love talking to you.

Kendrick Lamar: I wish you guys were bigger!! Barely anyone even knows who you guys are when I mention you. Like the label didn’t know what I was talking about at all.

Kendrick Lamar: You guys should get bigger man.

Mr P: Actually, this is kinda weird to ask but… could you help with that? If you plugged us in interviews, that’d go a long way I bet! I mean, I don’t want to pressure you into something like that. I know it can be kinda awkward, but it’d mean the world to us. You’re so respected in the industry — think it could make a big impact. It’s just been a struggle lately.

Kendrick Lamar: Hey maybe. Will let you know!!

Kendrick Lamar: I gotta go for now. I haven’t even eaten today cuz I’m so excited about my new album! It’ll change rap, guaranteeeeeed!! LOL

Mr P: last question: have you heard of Mika Vainio before?

Kendrick Lamar: No, what’s that?


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переписка в твиттере  takpadazhi

запредельный идеал

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Какой же Кендрик Ламар уебан

Kendrick Lamar: Hey man!

Mr P: seriously? we’re having another chat?

Kendrick Lamar: YEP! LOL

Mr P: this whole shtick is getting old…

Kendrick Lamar: How are you?

Kendrick Lamar: I was reading TinyMixtapes today. I read about White Suns, Ewa Justka, and Mika Vaino. All really good articles about music. Love what you guys do! Hey, how come you didn’t post about DAMN.?

Mr P: we did

Mr P: http://tmxt.es/3d9j

Kendrick Lamar: NO MAN! It’s released now. It’s out! For awhile now. You should post a follow-up.

Kendrick Lamar: Every other publication has already posted about it. You guys are kinda coming at this super late actually. NME, Pitchfork, Rolling Stone. List goes on.

Mr P: A story about it being released? I guess we’ve done that for bigger artists, like Kanye…

Kendrick Lamar: I’m not as big as Kanye?

Mr P: haha, no i don’t mean it that way!


Kendrick Lamar: jk jk jk

Kendrick Lamar: All good. I’d be happy if you posted though? Let me type up some details…

Kendrick Lamar: The new LP includes the previously released track “HUMBLE.,” which debuted at #2 on the Hot 100. U2, Rihanna, and Zacari are featured on the album. BADBADNOTGOOD, DJ Dahi, the Alchemist, 9th Wonder, and more also have credits.


The new album features “HUMBLE.,” which went all the way to #2 on the charts, man!! Rihanna, U2, and Zacari are on the

Mr P: hahaha, did you just copy/paste that from Pitchfork??

Kendrick Lamar: LOL FUCK — I was trying to rephrase some of that but hit send too early. LOL

Kendrick Lamar: Tbh you should’ve posted about that whole LeBron thing too earlier today. It was sorta part of the promotional campaign.

Mr P: ha, fuck no

Kendrick Lamar: Why not? It’s still music-related.

Mr P: eh. i’d rather post about “White Suns, Ewa Justka, and Mika Vaino” and other “really good articles about music.”

Kendrick Lamar: Haha, shut up.

Kendrick Lamar: I love LeBron. Cavs are taking it again this year I bet!!

Mr P: OK, we’ll post something soon probably.

Mr P: But hey, I was wondering: was that cover art designed so that it’d become a meme?

Mr P: Are you the new Drake??

Kendrick Lamar: FUCK DRAKE. I HATE HIM.

Mr P: OK…?

Kendrick Lamar: SO ANNOYING!!! I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!

Mr P: Damn, calm down haha, was just asking because the cover art reminded me of Drake’s marketing approach…

Kendrick Lamar: I don’t want to sound like an asshole, but Drake’s seriously not as good as me. Seriously!! I mean, can you find anyone in this world who thinks Drake is technically a better rapper than me?? I really don’t understand how he’s sold so much. It’s so BULLSHIT.

Kendrick Lamar: Don’t get me wrong. He’s not like… BAD. He’s just so ANNOYING. I could out-rap him any day. I’d out-rap him RIGHT NOW if he were here! I have so many critics saying how good I am too. To Pimp a Butterfly is top album of the last 5 years, hand down. Up there with First Ditch Effort. It’s so political! But Drake has sold more than me?? ME!! Seriously. Not trying to sound like an asshole. He’s not bad. (not great either!!) I just don’t get it.

Kendrick Lamar: Don’t wanna get it either. LOL

Mr P: sorry

Kendrick Lamar: Thanks man. Love talking to you.

Kendrick Lamar: I wish you guys were bigger!! Barely anyone even knows who you guys are when I mention you. Like the label didn’t know what I was talking about at all.

Kendrick Lamar: You guys should get bigger man.

Mr P: Actually, this is kinda weird to ask but… could you help with that? If you plugged us in interviews, that’d go a long way I bet! I mean, I don’t want to pressure you into something like that. I know it can be kinda awkward, but it’d mean the world to us. You’re so respected in the industry — think it could make a big impact. It’s just been a struggle lately.

Kendrick Lamar: Hey maybe. Will let you know!!

Kendrick Lamar: I gotta go for now. I haven’t even eaten today cuz I’m so excited about my new album! It’ll change rap, guaranteeeeeed!! LOL

Mr P: last question: have you heard of Mika Vainio before?

Kendrick Lamar: No, what’s that?


чел мне похуй

Wake the fuck Up Samurai, we have a city to burn.

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