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HoN - обсуждение, т.3

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S2 are planing to add achievments to HoN and SOTM upgrade to every hero ingame. Ading intelligence version of icebrand to make fire/ice/light combo trinity.


Patch Notes:

Version 0.5.245


Jan 11


More UI Memory Optimizations


- Added another Dampeer Alt

- Added Russian Blacksmith

- Added Jurassic Warden

- Added Dino Courier



- Fire & Ice now gain 70/85/100% of stats from Main Gemini

the main dog MS transfers to the wolves

if either dog gets silenced or stunned you cant merge

Fixed his split form so that people now get assists if they kill the split form units

- Fixed a rare anomaly where Gemini would go in a random direction when recombining from split form

- Fixed Gemini’s split form Fire Fang & Ice Fang so they get stunned properly while bound to the projectile (the syntax for the stun was wrong before)

- Removed invulnerability from Fire Fang and Ice Fang while bound to the projectile (there is no real reason for this)

- Fixed Twin Fangs playing through fog



- Increased movespeed from 295 to 300

- Increased Intelligence gain from 1.3 to 1.6 per level

Removed passive strength gain from Mighty swing


Moon Queen

- Increased attack range from 330 to 350

- Lunar Glow increased from 6/13/20/27 to 7/14/21/28


Soul Reaper

- Starting movespeed increased from 290 to 300



- Increased starting strength from 17 to 18

- Increased starting agility from 22 to 23



- Starting armor reduced from 2.1 to 1.1

- Starting movespeed from 300 to 295



- Fixed Sacrificial Lamb to no longer persist on death.


Bubbles Q now spawns 50 units closer to him so it hits units right on top in front of him


Vindicator is now the rework version


flux ability 2 physical cast effect type



taint’s ult attack pets now pierce deflection for reals

- Tons of effects and sounds and crap

castactiontime down from 200 to 0

impact delay up from 250 to 350



Q slow from flat 15% to tapering 30-0%

W now grants passive 2,4,6,8 strength


Flamedragon Number tweaks


Version 0.5.243


Jan 9


UI Optimizations


- Strafe Removed

- ZigZag Removed


- Added Polly Alt

Added Dark Zealot and Phoenix Ra to store

- Added Emerald Warden Alt

- Added new couriers



- Fixed when you drop it or die and it never regains charges


Flame Dragon

- Ult to 600

- tweaks to tooltips

flamedragon ability 2 remake


Taint art and sounds



removed damage to self on attack and adjusted damage output to 4,6,8%

Berzerker ult now a duration buff instead of toggle that removes debuffs when activated~

berzerker E to attack speed from debuff duration due to new R


Jeraziah’s protective charm no longer gives assists so people can no longer use this dumb skill as an excuse to give other heroes defensive skills assists.


fade sound fix. Fade should now have her beautiful haunting voice for her alt as well.


artesia’s E wisps now target random targets as previously intended

fixed artesia’s sight in fog linger~



- Base attack cooldown lowered from 1700 to 1550

- Increased starting Intelligence from 21 to 22




Jan 4


- Creeps slightly lowered in volume

- Massive UI Overhauls for better performance and dynamic loading

- Music back



* Now charge based, 20 charges max, loses 5 per hero/tower attack and 1 per creep attack

* Gets a charge every 400 MS

* Won’t block unless there are enough charges


- changed harkons to require lightbrand and blessed orb and tweaked stats accordingly


- Touched up 2 new couriers


- Fixed up Emerald Warden Alt

- Fixed up Yogi alt

- Fixed up Patriot Bubbles

- Fixed up Phoenix Ra

- Artesia touchups


- Added new hero: Flame Dragon


tweaks to berzerker!

Q: immobilize on 2nd activation and slow while chain is attached

E: MS up to 15-30% stun duration up to 50% reduced

R: Damage to 6,7,8% of max hp

kills or area deaths now reset the CD of E

removed initial immobilize on Q cast as well as armor debuff. MS debuff down to 15% from 20%

berzerker’s ultimate now causes him to take 20% bonus damage when active



Taint explosive zombie’s lifetime from 2 to 5 seconds

reduced magic armor of ult summons from 5.5 to 3



- Fixed Q so you can’t tab to its invisible gadgets

- Fixed Q so that the projectile launches at the right spot relative to the ultimate gadget if it is alive

- Fixed Q so that its clearvision mechanics are identical to Chipper’s Rockets (approved by DOGKaiser)

- Fixed Arcane Bolts so they do the correct amount of bolts

- Fixed ultimate so it doesn’t play its effects through fog anymore when it spawns and when it dies

- Tweaked ultimate modifier name in all relevant files



- Slow no longer goes through Magic Immunity



- Sacrificial Lamb nowgives allies increased movespeed and attack speed based on how low martyr is. 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8 movespeed per % missing and 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8 attack speed per % missing. Radius of 500



- Can use Items while in Dig

* Also fixed immobilized issue


Forsaken Archer: – Fixed interaction between Geometer’s Bane & Skeletons


Zephyr: – Fixed interaction between Geometer’s Bane & Cyclones


Defiler: – Fixed interaction of ultimate with Geometer’s Bane

*Caution! Files still contain the SBT-exclusive SotM change.



- Energy Absorption no longer hasthe first target mechanic from Energy Absorption (you no longer get 5 charges for 1 hero or 3 for a creep on first hit)


Version 0.5.239


** Everything since Dec 16


- Fixed long game names not appearing in the title properly on the monitor game feature.

- Massive UI overhaul

- Added St Bernard Courier

- Added Captain Bubbles

- Added Phoenix Ra

- Added Dropping Gs Taunt


Abyssal Skull: – Minor tooltip fix done via entity scripting. Fixes tooltip error for the aura tooltip so the aura effects show in the shop.



- lowered Q mana cost

- added unitwalking to E

- reworked W:

* strengh sap 2/second in a 500 aoe for 2,3,4,5 seconds. lasts 8 seconds

* upped cd to 18s



- Art and Sounds

- Q slow added as StatusDebuff


Vindi Rework

- Changed vindi’s static attack speed buff on E from 10/20/30/40 to 5/10/15/20



- MS from 310 to 300



- Lion’s Pride and Golden Salvo cooldowns swapped (Lion’s is now 18 starting and Salvo is 13)

- Lion’s Pride heal reduced from 75/120/165/210 to 30/60/90/120


Succubus: Changed Smitten to 10/20/30/40% damage reduction

Magmus: – Lava Surge no longer usable while immobilised

Chipper: – rockets touch changed to Magic

Behemoth: – Fixed Fissure so you can’t tab to the invisible gadgets

Kraken: – Fixed a bug where the target’s corpse stands up after death if they died while bound to Tsunami Charge

Devourer: – Made ultimate apply an invisible debuff state on cast and when the actual disable state expires

Lord Salforis: – Made Life Tap actually have 0 cast point

Succubus: – Made ultimate apply an invisible debuff state on cast and when the actual disable state expires

Wretched Hag: – Animation smoothing on Wretched Hottie


Current up to date


Jan 2


== General ==


- All heroes should now have range cast indicators to show the ranges of spells and/or the AOE more accurately

- Re-worked rim lighting to not be so overpowering

- Lots of UI optimizations

- Multi-Unit Selection Updating Bug

* Hero Death does not remove Hero from Selection Group

- Fixed long game names not appearing in the title properly on the monitor game feature.


- Gold is now semi-random

* Its now based off the average gold your earning per type of enemy

* If your above average then you will random gold at or below average

* If your below average then you will random gold average or above

* If your average is average you will random the full range


- Added a Mid Only Map

* Special rules apply on this map

* Always banning pick, 3 bans, smaller pick times

* Exp per level lowered to casual level

* No gold loss on death

* Cannot buyback

* Grave Locket + Sac Stone + Soulcrux do not work on this map

* Respawn time lowered to 700 ms per level

* TODO: Duplicate Mode always on

* NOTE: There is a bug atm with clicking the minimap, deal with it for now!


- Added St Bernard Courier

- Added Captain Bubbles

- Added Phoenix Ra


- Added Dropping Gs Taunt


== Items ==


Staff of the Master

- Recipe changed. Now Glowstone + 3 10-stat items. Auto combine.


- Added new item: Lightbrand

* Combines with Firebrand or Icebrand (or all 3! – Triforce~!)

* Int version of fire/icebrand: Grants mana regen and cooldown reduction


- Added new item: Light Shield

* Lightbrand + Acolyte’s Staff, gives toggable manashield


- Reworked item: Sacrificial Stone

* Now takes a Grave Locket

* Charges on a kill/assist, gives death time reduction, gold loss reduction, better stats, and drops a Stone after death that gives you experience and you can move slowly.


- Added new item: Soulcrux

* Charges on a kill/assist, gives death time reduction, gold loss reduction, better stats, and drops a Stone after death that gives you experience and you can move slowly.

* On death, rezzes you as a ghost that has a heal and an AOE slow aura


== Heroes (New) ==


- New hero: Strafe

- New hero: Taint

- New hero: ZigZag

- New hero: Bezerker


Vindicator Rework


== SOTM (no tooltips yet) ==


Legion Int



- SOTM effect: Grants him +1 level of the ultimate



-SOTM effect: If you channel the whole duration of the ult, the inside now explodes for 300,400,500 Magic damage



- SOTM effect: On top of increasing damage now causes his attacks and abilities to apply more charges of Burning

* Attack to 2, Ability to 10, Ult to 25


Witch Slayer

- SOTM effect: Ult does True damage



- SOTM effect: ????



- SOTM effect: Cooldown lowered to 30 seconds



- SOTM effect: Using the ult no longer consumes a charge



- SOTM effect: Heals both you and targe to full



- SOTM effect: You can move and cast while your ult is active, but you are capped to 200 movespeed and if you are stunned it ends

* Moving channel



- SOTM boost: Lowers cooldown to 20 seconds





- Added SOTM effect

* Spirits heal her as they deal damage, not at the end



- On top of the damage boost, is now a target area spell, 400 range. Still channeling.


Puppet Master

- SOTM boost: Break range of ult increased from 1500 to 3000 and any debuffs or stuns applied to the puppet now get instantly transferred to the target



- SOTM boost: Grants another level of growth and +50 Movespeed to Malphas



- SOTM boost: On top of other effects, Silence will no longer disable the ability



- SOTM effect: Now leaves an illusion when you ult


Doctor Repulsor

- SOTM boost: Cost per 100 units traveled from 10 + 1% of Max Mana to 10 + 0.5% of Max Mana



- SOTM boost: +50 damage per attack and all debuffs only last 50% duration



- SOTM boost: Infest now heals the creep instead of hurting it






- SOTM boost: Infest now heals the creep instead of hurting it



- SOTM boost: Applies an addition 100,120,140 damage and a 50% 4 second slow in a 600 AOE when exploding

* Main targets inside the 300 AOE take 300,450,600 + 100,120,140. Anyone in the outer radius take 100,120,140. Everyone gets the slow.





- Added SOTM effect

* AOE of the ult increased to 400

* Now burns the target and all enemies in the AOE for 150/200/250 mana before the damage is dealt



- Added SOTM effect

* Allies inside of the Typhoon now gain a large movespeed buff


Night Hound

- Added SOTM effect

* Now gets a movespeed buff while invis (probably reworking this, but took 2 seconds to script lol)


Wild Soul

- Added SOTM effect

* Leash range of bear increased from 1050 to 1500



- SOTM now summons two Shudders instead of one

* Shudder under the SOTM effect is now named Boris [the Spider]



- Added SOTM effect

* Can now run at 650 movespeed



- SOTM effect: R is now usable to toss up to 3 targets at the same time, each impact deals 40% normal damage. Shares CD with Toss



- SOTM boost: Golden state also removes 10 Armor and 5 Magic Armor for the duration


== Balance ==



- Recipe cost reduced from 700 to 600


Ring of Sorc

- Now acts like astrolabe in that you can’t benefit from more then one within 20 seconds

- Increased manacost from 25 to 50



- Cyclones heal reduced from 30 to 25

- Typhoon no longer gives an extra tornado (currently gives 7/9/11 instead of 6/8/10)

- Typhoon no longer gives zephyr tornado’s if he runs out of it.



- Smitten reworked. now decreases all damage dealt from the target by 15/30/45/60%, 15 second duration


- Defiler

* Starting Agl from 14 to 16

* Base armor from 0,96 to 1.46 (1.74 including the Agl)

* Grave Silence radius from 200/275/350/350 to 250/300/350/350


- Corrupted Disciple

* Corrupted Conduit Mana cost from 20/30/40/50 to 50


- Engineer

* Spider Mines trigger (chasing) radius from 200 to 250.


- Predator

* Venomous Leap cooldown from 20/17/14/11 to 16/14/12/10.


- Revenant

* Essence Shroud cooldown from 30 to 25.

* Essence Shroud duration from 10/15/20/25 to 12/15/18/21.



- Mighty Swing gives 2/4/6/8 passive Strength to hammerstorm



- Flash cast range from 1000/1075/1150/1150 to 850/950/1050/1150

- Starting Str from 18 to 16



- slight str gain nerf 3.0 to 2.8



- Starting armor 4.92 to 3.92

- Terrorform manacost from 110 to 150/140/130/120


Lord Salphoris

- Life tap removed cast time



- Lion’s Pride and Golden Salvo cooldowns swapped (Lion’s is now 18 starting and Salvo is 13)

- Lion’s Pride heal reduced from 75/120/165/210 to 30/60/90/120


== Other (Being fixed this patch along with all balance and bugfixes ==


Abyssal Skull: – Minor tooltip fix done via entity scripting. Fixes tooltip error for the aura tooltip so the aura effects show in the shop.


Succubus: Changed Smitten to 10/20/30/40% damage reduction

Chipper: rockets touch changed to Magic

Balphagore: – Optimized Corpse Conversion aura corpse detection state slightly

Monarch: – Fixed alt avatar so she won’t lose her attack grunt sound when she is equipped with Frostwolf’s Skull


Magmus: – Lava Surge no longer usable while immobilised

base version of shadowblade’s E bonus damage now does not propogate to illusions as it should

Empath: – Fixed a bug where if Illusory Veil’s wall gadgets were still alive while Empath’s “The One” self state expired naturally when Empath has Staff of the Master, then “The One” would have a 30 second cooldown instead of a 0 second cooldown. This no longer happens.


Behemoth: – Fixed Fissure so you can’t tab to the invisible gadgets


Lord Salforis: – Made Life Tap actually have 0 cast point

Kraken: – Fixed a bug where the target’s corpse stands up after death if they died while bound to Tsunami Charge

Succubus: – Made ultimate apply an invisible debuff state on cast and when the actual disable state expires

Devourer: – Made ultimate apply an invisible debuff state on cast and when the actual disable state expires

Wretched Hag: – Animation smoothing on Wretched Hottie

на последок всё что видят  NYtrollface.gif

Beyond godlike

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не плохие изменения кстати


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с аганимом как-то очень рискованно, если будут постепенно добавлять героев, то может и норм, но если всех разом, то дикий дисбаланс будет имхо

ульт дефайлера - духи будут хилить, когда дамажат кого-то, это ж пиздец неубиваемая имба  :NYohpalevo:

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до релиза доживёт пятая часть этих изменений, винди уже год переделывают  :NYginsgnil:

Beyond godlike

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какого хуя на оффе репорт закрыт?


ЗЫ И кстати как узнать забанили с2 мудака или нет?

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Гость offkey

кстати почему на инт еще заходит?

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кстати почему на инт еще заходит?

так это же отлично  :NYrickroll:, это ведь с2

Beyond godlike

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хон не игра, как дрэд не игрок  :NYpray:

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Magebane - added SOTM effect. :NYavtorklif:


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Magebane - added SOTM effect. :NYavtorklif:

и что?

Колы я выросту - то хочу буты такым як я



годные смайлы

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Magebane - added SOTM effect. :NYavtorklif:

и что?

Ну а зачем?

Ладно вводить там на всяких енжинеров, баблсов, бегемотов



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а что плохого в том, чтобы добавить всем героям какое-то действие от аганима?

Колы я выросту - то хочу буты такым як я



годные смайлы

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а что плохого в том, чтобы добавить всем героям какое-то действие от аганима?

никто на мб аганим то и не затарит)

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а что плохого в том, чтобы добавить всем героям какое-то действие от аганима?

никто на мб аганим то и не затарит)

ну тебе то какое дело. лиону тоже аганим не собирают.

лично я считаю, что отличная идея сделать бонусы от аганима для всех.

Колы я выросту - то хочу буты такым як я



годные смайлы

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а что плохого в том, чтобы добавить всем героям какое-то действие от аганима?

Ну мое мнение, что это добавит, разве что оригинальности, но не используемости некоторым героям героям.


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