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Так по сколько там точно дают ? Запунишил Лебланк 10-1 за флейм и афк :D

Лол, это по идее я был... Поиграл бы ты с такими уебками...

Ты пиздабол

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олдскул картус  :nate:


как щас помню пидрил с 1300 ап  :palevojein:

я ноктом с ульта падал от такого картуса

ебаное мп на щит не хватило  :avtorklif:

ну так купи баньши





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"always saying "fuck your mum" and so on.I dont list all, see the chat ..."

Offensive Language

:lol: :lol: :pray: :pray:


Very bad German swear words...

Offensive Language


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Ну вот у меня рука не поднимается панишить типов со статами 20-5 за флейм на тиму уёбков, которую они везли на своем горбу в рай. Я бы им за это еще рп накидывал и карал уебков написавших этот репорт  :nate:


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axaxax нашел игру где мы зарепортили уебка тимой  :^^:

ЗАПАНИШИЛ СУЧКУ  :snobuedance:

гоголь классик себе как классик ничего нового не внес, гениальным его не назовешь, описал быт хохлов и на тебе легенда, да я чтоб легендой стать 4 года в доту играю, а он...

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Ну вот у меня рука не поднимается панишить типов со статами 20-5 за флейм на тиму уёбков, которую они везли на своем горбу в рай. Я бы им за это еще рп накидывал и карал уебков написавших этот репорт  :nate:


Ну вот, а меня как видишь запанишили...

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как сказать, иногда попадаются такие кадры, у которых весь счет - это они бегают фармят на другом конце карты, пока команда вчетвером терпит, иногда приходят под конец файта и делают 2-3 фрага


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Попался эпичный долбоеб, обещающий убить родственников тиммэйтов в каждой игре :trollface:

P.S. Демон, ну за что ты так Конату :fffuuu:


"You mean sort of fear and awe and not knowing whether to laugh or cry or wet their pants?"


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как сказать, иногда попадаются такие кадры, у которых весь счет - это они бегают фармят на другом конце карты, пока команда вчетвером терпит, иногда приходят под конец файта и делают 2-3 фрага

ты сейчас Слэиря описывал ?



П.С. человека с крутым счетом не стоит банить имхо.

Если у него норм счет = он старался получить победу, а флеймом направлял команду к ней. Я так играю  :dunno:

Багини: №1 Богундрий это Карундрий:


№2 Богундрий это Ка Эс:


№3 Богундрий это Тэйлор:


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Offensive Language



add: 1210000.jpg

:avtorklif: :avtorklif: :avtorklif: :avtorklif: :avtorklif:



[21:01:08] air: sosi hui shmara

[21:01:17] empty: ути какой грубый лялька


Zulin: бляяя флеш на стриме ногти грызет

Zulin: заставьте меня это развидеть





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Offensive Language



add: 1210000.jpg

:avtorklif: :avtorklif: :avtorklif: :avtorklif: :avtorklif:

наказал его :trollface:

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[pre] xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:25]: wow my team is nice palyer  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:34]: 5vs3 and no paly in group  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:38]: fck noobss  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:41]: are u from USA ?  xXLordPredatorXx [02:17:45]: 55555555555555555 VSSSSSSSSSS 3333333333333  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:51]: IS VEYR AHRD TEAMWORK ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:54]: TO 4 SHITT  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:01]: 2 TANKS 1 DPS AND 1 SUPORT  Leonelle [02:18:07]: Yes, actually. And our English is better than yours. However, when your team PINGS elsewhere & you stay...  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:13]: 4 MOTERH FCK TEAM OF SHITTT  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:16]: LEGENDARY GROUP OF SHITT  Leonelle [02:18:19]: Well, not really the team's fault, is it?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:26]: IS VEYR HARD TEAM WORKL 5VS3  Giant Joso[All] [02:18:27]: Ok. Now read Caitlyn's text with a russian accent.  Ebichiri[All] [02:18:30]: should be cool cait :)  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:30]: MOTHER FKC NOOBSS  Giant Joso[All] [02:18:31]: And proceed to lol.  RelPor[All] [02:18:42]: Wow....this one has a mouth. It's ok. It's been dealt with already. Carry along everyone ;)  Leonelle[All] [02:18:48]: <3  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:56]: shaco talk shitt and need 3 jsut to kill me  xxmattxx [02:18:58]: oralce  swertsta [02:19:01]: report this cait for negative attituide  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:04]: or no shitt shaco ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:07]: go custom game 1 vs 1 ?  Leonelle [02:19:07]: Dragon. :o  Ebichiri [02:19:10]: lol  RelPor [02:19:10]: have oracles  Giant Joso[All] [02:19:16]: Still reading Russian. Still lol'ing.  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:16]: is very easy shaco shitt  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:21]: go ?  Leonelle[All] [02:19:33]: It is pretty funny, now that you mention it.  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:40]: only ahve lluck i ahve 4 shitt retarded of team  swertsta[All] [02:19:47]: cait ur bad  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:48]: is very ahrd to 4 shitt play in group  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:57]: yes im bad and u need last hit ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:00]: or no legendayr shitt  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:04]: and im target  RelPor [02:20:06]: awww  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:07]: doub ?  RelPor [02:20:09]: oops lol  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:11]: invite u custom game ?  swertsta[All] [02:20:12]: thnxs ali  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:17]: or elgendayr shitt eve need help ?  swertsta[All] [02:20:18]: gave me a headstart  RelPor[All] [02:20:19]: anytime  RelPor[All] [02:20:25]: I want towers, not you  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:29]: need help shitt ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:32]: go duel ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:55]: shaco shit ahve luck  Giant Joso[All] [02:20:57]: 1v1  Giant Joso[All] [02:20:58]: There you go  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:03]: yes shaco shitt mult pwoer  Leonelle[All] [02:21:03]: <3 Shaco  Giant Joso[All] [02:21:04]: That one was for Soraka  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:13]: i ivntie shaco custom game 1 vs 1 ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:16]: INVITE U ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:19]: ONLY U AND ME  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:22]: CSUTOM GAME ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:26]: ACCEPT SHACO SHITT ?  swertsta[All] [02:21:29]: ur team bunch of fags  Ebichiri[All] [02:21:29]: lol  xxmattxx [02:21:31]: yes  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:36]: OR ENED ULT PWEOR AND SLOW AND ITEMS ETC ETC ETCC  swertsta[All] [02:21:40]: wont leave me alone  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:44]: SHACO SHITT ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:46]: ACCEPT ?  xxmattxx [02:21:48]: win  xxmattxx [02:21:49]: bot  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:54]: WOW SHACO SI ELGNEDAYR SHITT PSUS.YYY  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:56]: OMG  Giant Joso[All] [02:22:01]: I don't speak Rusian, sorry.  ClockZombie[All] [02:22:09]: um does anyone understand what hes saying  xxmattxx [02:22:09]: all  xxmattxx [02:22:11]: bot  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:12]: THE SHITT BUY ITEM TO KIL TANKS AND USE THE SHADOW 2 DMGS  ClockZombie[All] [02:22:15]: dude get the dick out of ur mouth  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:16]: AND THE BIGG SHITT IS PSUS.YY ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:19]: OMGG  swertsta[All] [02:22:20]: why wont u just let me rape sorake with hand then let me get outta there  RelPor[All] [02:22:20]: Not really listening anymore.  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:22]: SHACO PSUS.YY  xxmattxx [02:22:28]: oralce  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:28]: LEGNEDAY PUSS.YY  xxmattxx [02:22:30]: oracle  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:40]: SHACO SI NICE PALYERR  RelPor [02:22:40]: come baron  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:44]: LEGENDAYR SHITT PUSS.YY  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:49]: NO ACCEPT DUEL  swertsta[All] [02:22:50]: and ur bad.............................  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:52]: AND TALK SHITT  Leonelle [02:22:56]: Really? Yi  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:57]: YES IM BAD GO DUEL EVE ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:01]: CUSTOM GAME ?  Giant Joso[All] [02:23:01]: Pro Tip: /ignore xxlordpredatorxx  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:08]: OR NEED FULL ITEMS ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:10]: AND IM BAD  Ebichiri[All] [02:23:11]: plz stfu cait lol  swertsta[All] [02:23:21]: this shit is funny  swertsta[All] [02:23:26]: he is probley like 12 yrs old  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:27]: YES OR NO SHITT EVE OR SHACO ?  ClockZombie[All] [02:23:30]: it really is actually  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:33]: IS VERY AHRD GO DUEL TOA  SHITT ?  swertsta[All] [02:23:37]: talking shit for attention its kinda cute  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:39]: TALK SHITT AND AR EPUS.YY KIDSS  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:45]: ONLY SHITTT  Giant Joso[All] [02:23:48]: This is GG  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:49]: AND TALK SHITT  Ebichiri [02:23:49]: its over lol  Giant Joso[All] [02:23:50]: WHEEE  Ebichiri [02:23:51]: gg  xxmattxx [02:23:51]: regroup  Giant Joso [02:24:05]: CAIT  Giant Joso[All] [02:24:07]: GO FOR CAIT  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:20]: LOL IM TARGET GFO 3 SHITTT  Giant Joso[All] [02:24:23]: Bonus points!  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:24]: WOW  Giant Joso[All] [02:24:26]: Killed Caitlyn  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:28]: EVE PSUS.YY SHACO PSUS.YY  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:32]: NEED 3 SHITT JSUT TO KIL ME  RelPor [02:24:33]: for you leo  Leonelle [02:24:36]: <3  Giant Joso[All] [02:24:37]: Best 3v5 ever. Good game. :)  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:38]: NICE NOOBSSS  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:41]: GG  swertsta[All] [02:24:43]: bad cait  RelPor[All] [02:24:45]: hahah gg minus Cait and DCs  Ebichiri[All] [02:24:49]: ya noob cait lol  ClockZombie[All] [02:24:49]: so bad cait  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:50]: YES SHIT AND NEED 3 SHITT[/pre]


Посчу редко - но метко.




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[pre] xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:25]: wow my team is nice palyer  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:34]: 5vs3 and no paly in group  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:38]: fck noobss  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:41]: are u from USA ?  xXLordPredatorXx [02:17:45]: 55555555555555555 VSSSSSSSSSS 3333333333333  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:51]: IS VEYR AHRD TEAMWORK ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:54]: TO 4 SHITT  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:01]: 2 TANKS 1 DPS AND 1 SUPORT  Leonelle [02:18:07]: Yes, actually. And our English is better than yours. However, when your team PINGS elsewhere & you stay...  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:13]: 4 MOTERH FCK TEAM OF SHITTT  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:16]: LEGENDARY GROUP OF SHITT  Leonelle [02:18:19]: Well, not really the team's fault, is it?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:26]: IS VEYR HARD TEAM WORKL 5VS3  Giant Joso[All] [02:18:27]: Ok. Now read Caitlyn's text with a russian accent.  Ebichiri[All] [02:18:30]: should be cool cait :)  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:30]: MOTHER FKC NOOBSS  Giant Joso[All] [02:18:31]: And proceed to lol.  RelPor[All] [02:18:42]: Wow....this one has a mouth. It's ok. It's been dealt with already. Carry along everyone ;)  Leonelle[All] [02:18:48]: <3  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:56]: shaco talk shitt and need 3 jsut to kill me  xxmattxx [02:18:58]: oralce  swertsta [02:19:01]: report this cait for negative attituide  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:04]: or no shitt shaco ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:07]: go custom game 1 vs 1 ?  Leonelle [02:19:07]: Dragon. :o  Ebichiri [02:19:10]: lol  RelPor [02:19:10]: have oracles  Giant Joso[All] [02:19:16]: Still reading Russian. Still lol'ing.  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:16]: is very easy shaco shitt  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:21]: go ?  Leonelle[All] [02:19:33]: It is pretty funny, now that you mention it.  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:40]: only ahve lluck i ahve 4 shitt retarded of team  swertsta[All] [02:19:47]: cait ur bad  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:48]: is very ahrd to 4 shitt play in group  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:57]: yes im bad and u need last hit ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:00]: or no legendayr shitt  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:04]: and im target  RelPor [02:20:06]: awww  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:07]: doub ?  RelPor [02:20:09]: oops lol  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:11]: invite u custom game ?  swertsta[All] [02:20:12]: thnxs ali  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:17]: or elgendayr shitt eve need help ?  swertsta[All] [02:20:18]: gave me a headstart  RelPor[All] [02:20:19]: anytime  RelPor[All] [02:20:25]: I want towers, not you  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:29]: need help shitt ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:32]: go duel ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:55]: shaco shit ahve luck  Giant Joso[All] [02:20:57]: 1v1  Giant Joso[All] [02:20:58]: There you go  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:03]: yes shaco shitt mult pwoer  Leonelle[All] [02:21:03]: <3 Shaco  Giant Joso[All] [02:21:04]: That one was for Soraka  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:13]: i ivntie shaco custom game 1 vs 1 ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:16]: INVITE U ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:19]: ONLY U AND ME  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:22]: CSUTOM GAME ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:26]: ACCEPT SHACO SHITT ?  swertsta[All] [02:21:29]: ur team bunch of fags  Ebichiri[All] [02:21:29]: lol  xxmattxx [02:21:31]: yes  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:36]: OR ENED ULT PWEOR AND SLOW AND ITEMS ETC ETC ETCC  swertsta[All] [02:21:40]: wont leave me alone  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:44]: SHACO SHITT ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:46]: ACCEPT ?  xxmattxx [02:21:48]: win  xxmattxx [02:21:49]: bot  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:54]: WOW SHACO SI ELGNEDAYR SHITT PSUS.YYY  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:56]: OMG  Giant Joso[All] [02:22:01]: I don't speak Rusian, sorry.  ClockZombie[All] [02:22:09]: um does anyone understand what hes saying  xxmattxx [02:22:09]: all  xxmattxx [02:22:11]: bot  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:12]: THE SHITT BUY ITEM TO KIL TANKS AND USE THE SHADOW 2 DMGS  ClockZombie[All] [02:22:15]: dude get the dick out of ur mouth  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:16]: AND THE BIGG SHITT IS PSUS.YY ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:19]: OMGG  swertsta[All] [02:22:20]: why wont u just let me rape sorake with hand then let me get outta there  RelPor[All] [02:22:20]: Not really listening anymore.  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:22]: SHACO PSUS.YY  xxmattxx [02:22:28]: oralce  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:28]: LEGNEDAY PUSS.YY  xxmattxx [02:22:30]: oracle  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:40]: SHACO SI NICE PALYERR  RelPor [02:22:40]: come baron  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:44]: LEGENDAYR SHITT PUSS.YY  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:49]: NO ACCEPT DUEL  swertsta[All] [02:22:50]: and ur bad.............................  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:52]: AND TALK SHITT  Leonelle [02:22:56]: Really? Yi  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:57]: YES IM BAD GO DUEL EVE ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:01]: CUSTOM GAME ?  Giant Joso[All] [02:23:01]: Pro Tip: /ignore xxlordpredatorxx  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:08]: OR NEED FULL ITEMS ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:10]: AND IM BAD  Ebichiri[All] [02:23:11]: plz stfu cait lol  swertsta[All] [02:23:21]: this shit is funny  swertsta[All] [02:23:26]: he is probley like 12 yrs old  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:27]: YES OR NO SHITT EVE OR SHACO ?  ClockZombie[All] [02:23:30]: it really is actually  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:33]: IS VERY AHRD GO DUEL TOA  SHITT ?  swertsta[All] [02:23:37]: talking shit for attention its kinda cute  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:39]: TALK SHITT AND AR EPUS.YY KIDSS  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:45]: ONLY SHITTT  Giant Joso[All] [02:23:48]: This is GG  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:49]: AND TALK SHITT  Ebichiri [02:23:49]: its over lol  Giant Joso[All] [02:23:50]: WHEEE  Ebichiri [02:23:51]: gg  xxmattxx [02:23:51]: regroup  Giant Joso [02:24:05]: CAIT  Giant Joso[All] [02:24:07]: GO FOR CAIT  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:20]: LOL IM TARGET GFO 3 SHITTT  Giant Joso[All] [02:24:23]: Bonus points!  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:24]: WOW  Giant Joso[All] [02:24:26]: Killed Caitlyn  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:28]: EVE PSUS.YY SHACO PSUS.YY  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:32]: NEED 3 SHITT JSUT TO KIL ME  RelPor [02:24:33]: for you leo  Leonelle [02:24:36]: <3  Giant Joso[All] [02:24:37]: Best 3v5 ever. Good game. :)  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:38]: NICE NOOBSSS  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:41]: GG  swertsta[All] [02:24:43]: bad cait  RelPor[All] [02:24:45]: hahah gg minus Cait and DCs  Ebichiri[All] [02:24:49]: ya noob cait lol  ClockZombie[All] [02:24:49]: so bad cait  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:50]: YES SHIT AND NEED 3 SHITT[/pre]


нечитабельно :zloy:

Почти 15 лет прошло с миллениума


Достаю коврик, встаю на колени

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P.S. Демон, ну за что ты так Конату :fffuuu:

свежий взгляд на хорошие вещи


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[pre] xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:25]: wow my team is nice palyer  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:34]: 5vs3 and no paly in group  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:38]: fck noobss  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:41]: are u from USA ?  xXLordPredatorXx [02:17:45]: 55555555555555555 VSSSSSSSSSS 3333333333333  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:51]: IS VEYR AHRD TEAMWORK ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:17:54]: TO 4 SHITT  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:01]: 2 TANKS 1 DPS AND 1 SUPORT  Leonelle [02:18:07]: Yes, actually. And our English is better than yours. However, when your team PINGS elsewhere & you stay...  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:13]: 4 MOTERH FCK TEAM OF SHITTT  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:16]: LEGENDARY GROUP OF SHITT  Leonelle [02:18:19]: Well, not really the team's fault, is it?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:26]: IS VEYR HARD TEAM WORKL 5VS3  Giant Joso[All] [02:18:27]: Ok. Now read Caitlyn's text with a russian accent.  Ebichiri[All] [02:18:30]: should be cool cait :)  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:30]: MOTHER FKC NOOBSS  Giant Joso[All] [02:18:31]: And proceed to lol.  RelPor[All] [02:18:42]: Wow....this one has a mouth. It's ok. It's been dealt with already. Carry along everyone ;)  Leonelle[All] [02:18:48]: <3  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:18:56]: shaco talk shitt and need 3 jsut to kill me  xxmattxx [02:18:58]: oralce  swertsta [02:19:01]: report this cait for negative attituide  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:04]: or no shitt shaco ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:07]: go custom game 1 vs 1 ?  Leonelle [02:19:07]: Dragon. :o  Ebichiri [02:19:10]: lol  RelPor [02:19:10]: have oracles  Giant Joso[All] [02:19:16]: Still reading Russian. Still lol'ing.  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:16]: is very easy shaco shitt  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:21]: go ?  Leonelle[All] [02:19:33]: It is pretty funny, now that you mention it.  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:40]: only ahve lluck i ahve 4 shitt retarded of team  swertsta[All] [02:19:47]: cait ur bad  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:48]: is very ahrd to 4 shitt play in group  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:19:57]: yes im bad and u need last hit ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:00]: or no legendayr shitt  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:04]: and im target  RelPor [02:20:06]: awww  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:07]: doub ?  RelPor [02:20:09]: oops lol  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:11]: invite u custom game ?  swertsta[All] [02:20:12]: thnxs ali  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:17]: or elgendayr shitt eve need help ?  swertsta[All] [02:20:18]: gave me a headstart  RelPor[All] [02:20:19]: anytime  RelPor[All] [02:20:25]: I want towers, not you  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:29]: need help shitt ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:32]: go duel ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:20:55]: shaco shit ahve luck  Giant Joso[All] [02:20:57]: 1v1  Giant Joso[All] [02:20:58]: There you go  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:03]: yes shaco shitt mult pwoer  Leonelle[All] [02:21:03]: <3 Shaco  Giant Joso[All] [02:21:04]: That one was for Soraka  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:13]: i ivntie shaco custom game 1 vs 1 ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:16]: INVITE U ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:19]: ONLY U AND ME  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:22]: CSUTOM GAME ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:26]: ACCEPT SHACO SHITT ?  swertsta[All] [02:21:29]: ur team bunch of fags  Ebichiri[All] [02:21:29]: lol  xxmattxx [02:21:31]: yes  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:36]: OR ENED ULT PWEOR AND SLOW AND ITEMS ETC ETC ETCC  swertsta[All] [02:21:40]: wont leave me alone  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:44]: SHACO SHITT ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:46]: ACCEPT ?  xxmattxx [02:21:48]: win  xxmattxx [02:21:49]: bot  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:54]: WOW SHACO SI ELGNEDAYR SHITT PSUS.YYY  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:21:56]: OMG  Giant Joso[All] [02:22:01]: I don't speak Rusian, sorry.  ClockZombie[All] [02:22:09]: um does anyone understand what hes saying  xxmattxx [02:22:09]: all  xxmattxx [02:22:11]: bot  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:12]: THE SHITT BUY ITEM TO KIL TANKS AND USE THE SHADOW 2 DMGS  ClockZombie[All] [02:22:15]: dude get the dick out of ur mouth  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:16]: AND THE BIGG SHITT IS PSUS.YY ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:19]: OMGG  swertsta[All] [02:22:20]: why wont u just let me rape sorake with hand then let me get outta there  RelPor[All] [02:22:20]: Not really listening anymore.  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:22]: SHACO PSUS.YY  xxmattxx [02:22:28]: oralce  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:28]: LEGNEDAY PUSS.YY  xxmattxx [02:22:30]: oracle  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:40]: SHACO SI NICE PALYERR  RelPor [02:22:40]: come baron  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:44]: LEGENDAYR SHITT PUSS.YY  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:49]: NO ACCEPT DUEL  swertsta[All] [02:22:50]: and ur bad.............................  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:52]: AND TALK SHITT  Leonelle [02:22:56]: Really? Yi  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:22:57]: YES IM BAD GO DUEL EVE ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:01]: CUSTOM GAME ?  Giant Joso[All] [02:23:01]: Pro Tip: /ignore xxlordpredatorxx  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:08]: OR NEED FULL ITEMS ?  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:10]: AND IM BAD  Ebichiri[All] [02:23:11]: plz stfu cait lol  swertsta[All] [02:23:21]: this shit is funny  swertsta[All] [02:23:26]: he is probley like 12 yrs old  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:27]: YES OR NO SHITT EVE OR SHACO ?  ClockZombie[All] [02:23:30]: it really is actually  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:33]: IS VERY AHRD GO DUEL TOA  SHITT ?  swertsta[All] [02:23:37]: talking shit for attention its kinda cute  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:39]: TALK SHITT AND AR EPUS.YY KIDSS  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:45]: ONLY SHITTT  Giant Joso[All] [02:23:48]: This is GG  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:23:49]: AND TALK SHITT  Ebichiri [02:23:49]: its over lol  Giant Joso[All] [02:23:50]: WHEEE  Ebichiri [02:23:51]: gg  xxmattxx [02:23:51]: regroup  Giant Joso [02:24:05]: CAIT  Giant Joso[All] [02:24:07]: GO FOR CAIT  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:20]: LOL IM TARGET GFO 3 SHITTT  Giant Joso[All] [02:24:23]: Bonus points!  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:24]: WOW  Giant Joso[All] [02:24:26]: Killed Caitlyn  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:28]: EVE PSUS.YY SHACO PSUS.YY  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:32]: NEED 3 SHITT JSUT TO KIL ME  RelPor [02:24:33]: for you leo  Leonelle [02:24:36]: <3  Giant Joso[All] [02:24:37]: Best 3v5 ever. Good game. :)  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:38]: NICE NOOBSSS  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:41]: GG  swertsta[All] [02:24:43]: bad cait  RelPor[All] [02:24:45]: hahah gg minus Cait and DCs  Ebichiri[All] [02:24:49]: ya noob cait lol  ClockZombie[All] [02:24:49]: so bad cait  xXLordPredatorXx[All] [02:24:50]: YES SHIT AND NEED 3 SHITT[/pre]


нечитабельно :zloy:

кривой форум не делает текст слева по порядку

Посчу редко - но метко.




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а как зайти в трибунал то?


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Offensive Language



add: 1210000.jpg

:avtorklif: :avtorklif: :avtorklif: :avtorklif: :avtorklif:

в конце игры все продал и купил капельки

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я уже тоже вручную прописал, а кнопка то на сайте где-нибудь есть или нет?


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P.S. Демон, ну за что ты так Конату :fffuuu:

свежий взгляд на хорошие вещи



"You mean sort of fear and awe and not knowing whether to laugh or cry or wet their pants?"


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