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Патчнотсы т2

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БЛЯТЬ :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

[07.11.2011 19:56:31] Юленька: хватит домогаться

[07.11.2011 19:56:35] Юленька: коста

[07.11.2011 19:57:09] bio4ka: почему :(

[07.11.2011 19:57:37] Юленька: потому что я теперь ради него живу

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БЛЯТЬ :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

и кто мне обьяснит к чему я это тут написал?

[07.11.2011 19:56:31] Юленька: хватит домогаться

[07.11.2011 19:56:35] Юленька: коста

[07.11.2011 19:57:09] bio4ka: почему :(

[07.11.2011 19:57:37] Юленька: потому что я теперь ради него живу

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пачнотсы, кое как откопал

сов. секретно офк







и где блять пачнотсы?

эта тема висит на главной, шерлок  :buba:

Edit: Since they are still working to fix some bugs, no patch notes will be released tonight.


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БЛЯТЬ :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


про баф тимо

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БЛЯТЬ :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

про охуенную шлюху на тверской?

Дотеры, вы мерзкие...

Это Лолеры  :trollface:




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БЛЯТЬ :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

и кто мне обьяснит к чему я это тут написал?


просто так

ты ж флудир :petro:


мне приз за правильный ответ :buba:

LoL IGN: s5 Imbz (euw)

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БЛЯТЬ :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

и кто мне обьяснит к чему я это тут написал?


просто так

ты ж флудир :petro:


мне приз за правильный ответ :buba:

не имеет смысла флудить имея риот скуад


Дотеры, вы мерзкие...

Это Лолеры  :trollface:




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сегодня прям день этой хуеты  :mage:

Дотеры, вы мерзкие...

Это Лолеры  :trollface:




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идите нахуй с этой хуетой




LoL IGN: s5 Imbz (euw)

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New Skins in the Store

Reaper Hecarim

Blood Knight Hecarim


League of Legends v.


Hecarim, the Shadow of War

Warpath (Passive) – Hecarim ignores unit collision and gains attack damage equal to a percentage of his bonus movement speed.

Rampage – Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies dealing physical damage.

Spirit of Dread - Hecarim deals magic damage to nearby enemies for a short duration. Hecarim gains health equal to a percentage of any damage those enemies suffer.

Devastating Charge - Hecarim gains increasing movement speed for a short duration. His next attack knocks the target back and deals additional physical damage based on the distance he has traveled since activating the ability.

Onslaught of Shadows (Ultimate) - Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing magic damage in a line. Hecarim creates a shockwave when he finishes his charge, dealing additional magic damage to nearby enemies causing them to flee in terror.




Pyromania now works like other charged passives (activating a spell with the stun no longer builds a charge, but number of charges required to energize reduced to 4 from 5)



Base armor increased to 20 from 17

Base health increased to 530 from 510

Fixed a bug where Shadow Dance's recharge time wouldn't update with new ranks or cooldown reduction until reaching full ammo charges (3)

Fixed a bug where Twilight Shroud was not applying assists properly



Updated recommended items



Fixed a bug where Collateral Damage could cost mana and go on cooldown without firing



Fixed a bug where Irelia was reducing the duration of Blinds and Silences by too much

Fixed a bug around failing to fire any extra Transcendent Blades



Relentless Assault (Passive) will now stack even if Jax's attack misses or is dodged



Fixed a bug where Mantra's recharge time wouldn't update with new ranks or cooldown reduction until reaching full ammo charges (2)



Divine Blessing

Heal amount increased to 60/105/150/195/240 from 45/85/125/165/205

Movement Speed increased to 18/21/24/27/30% from 15/17/19/21/23%

Movement Speed duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5

Mana cost increased to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/65/70/75/80



No longer regenerates health in Icathian Surprise



Howling Gale now knocks the target further into the air the longer it is channeled (now 80 + 10 per second channeled from constant 100)


Mana cost reduced to 150/225/300 from 200/275/350

Knock back distance reduced to 875 from 1000



Sunlight now has a new particle

Zenith Blade hit box increased slightly to match the animation

Fixed a bug where Sunlight could occasionally cause double kills against targets like Kog'maw (Icathian Surprise)



Fixed a display error for Lulu's passive - passive now correctly states how much damage Pix is doing.

Fixed a bug where Pix could remain helping an ally after it had returned to Lulu.

Fixed a bug where Lulu was taking damage credit while Pix was aiding an ally.



Fixed a bug where Lucent Singularity's cooldown was 11 seconds instead of 10



Fixed a bug where Seismic Shard's Movement Speed was lost if the target died


Miss Fortune

Fixed a bug where effects like Guardian Angel broke Strut until she died and respawned



Fixed a bug where Mordekaiser could cause minions to attack themselves.



Command: Attack mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50/55/60/65/70



Arctic Assault mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 70/80/90/100/110

Glacial Prison cooldown reduced to 130/115/100 seconds from 150/130/110



Ravenous Flock upkeep cost reduced to 5/6/7 from 5/7/9

Basic attack frame speed increased



Move Quick cooldown reduced to 17 seconds from 22

Fixed a bug where Noxious Trap's recharge time wouldn't update with new ranks or cooldown reduction until reaching full ammo charges (3)

Fixed a bug where Teemo's 'Toxic Shot' was doing less damage than intended at higher attack speeds.



Tristana will now attempt to immediately attack champions targeted by Explosive Shot or Buster Shot.



Fixed a bug where Vladimir could occasionally be hit by projectiles while in Sanguine Pool



Fixed a bug where Ravenous Ghoul failed to heal Yorick before leveling up Decaying Ghoul



Fixed a bug where Hexsplosive Minefield's slow effect was displayed higher than intended.



* Time Warp mana cost reduced to 80 from 100

* Chronoshift mana cost reduced to 125/150/175 from 200 at all ranks




Atma's Impaler Health to Damage conversion lowered to 1.5% from 2%

Doran's Blade Health reduced to 80 from 100

Doran's Ring Health reduced to 80 from 100

Hexdrinker passive shield duration increased to 5 from 3.

Wit's End combine cost increased to 700 from 550 (total cost increased to 2150 from 2000)

Last Whisper will now show up as a Pickaxe upgrade in the item shop




Champion XP/Gold Rewards

Champions gain more experience for killing higher level champions (especially 2 or more levels) but less experience for killing lower level ones

Maximum bounty for killing a champion on a long killing streak increased to 600 from 500

Experience split when two or more champions are present increased; situations with two or more champions splitting experience now earn 30.4% more total experience than solo, up from 26.1%

HP and MANA regen rates are now displayed on your HP and Mana bars

Minion health bar toggle is now bound to Ctrl+L by default (instead of L)

Monster regeneration sigils now restore up to 40 mana (from 30)

Added floating status text (for example "Snared!") to some spells that were missing it (like Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze), and removed it from displacement effects that didn't need it (like Gragas' Explosive Cask)

Fixed another bug causing double kills against targets like Kog'maw (Icathian Surprise)

Added the rules for making a Summoner Name to the Summoner Creation screen when new accounts log into PvP.net for the first time



Animated Combat Text

Added animated text for all damage done

Damage is now colored depending on what type of damage it is.

Physical Damage = Red

Magic Damage = Purple

True Damage = White

Legacy damage text can be enabled via the options menu.

Added animated status text for CC effects and immunities

Death Recap is now colored based on the damage type done

Interface Options reworked to support new floating combat text.

Fixed a bug where damage text would sometimes linger on the screen

Announcement System

Improved the priority and responsiveness of kill announcements

Larger multi-kills will now take priority over smaller multi-kills by the same player (the smaller multi-kill will be dropped)

The ACE! Announcement should now be more responsive

Added first-pass animated kill announcement banners for Multi-kills and First blood


PvP.net features

Added first win of the day status to the summoner profile.

Added a search function to the custom games list. Searches can be performed by game name or host name.



Lesser Mark of Warding, Mark of Warding, Greater Mark of Warding Magic Resist reduced by 20%

Lesser Glyph of Warding, Glyph of Warding, Greater Glyph of Warding Magic Resist reduced by 10%

Lesser Quintessence of Warding, Quintessence of Warding, Greater Quintessence of Warding reduced by 11.1%

Lesser Glyph of Insight, Glyph of Insight, Greater Glyph of Insight Magic Penetration increased by 20%

Lesser Quintessence of Insight, Quintessence of Insight, Greater Quintessence of Insight Magic Penetration increased by 15%

Lesser Glyph of Potency, Glyph of Potency, Greater Glyph of Potency Ability Power increased by 20%


Co-op vs. AI

Added Sion Bot and Vladimir Bot

Improved bots' target acquisition while near enemy towers to reduce amount of tower diving

Improved bots' logic for assisting each other

Bots now properly purchase elixirs after finishing their item builds

Fixed a bug where bots would sometimes randomly path toward the enemy base

The difficulty level of Co-Op Vs. AI games will now be displayed in the End of Game screen after each game

Added the ability for the host of a Custom Dominion game to add bots to the game








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хуйня патч, только новый текст в баталиях  :pray:

sasite mycopku mycopa ahaha

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GragasUpdated recommended items


вот я кстати этого ждал дохуя, серьёзно :lol:

так заебали эти омены и нинджа таби в рекоммендед

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Minion health bar toggle is now bound to Ctrl+L by default (instead of L)

полтора года етого ждал :pray: :pray: :pray:


патч хуйня редкосная

не зайду в лол пока варуса не выпустят :nate:





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GragasUpdated recommended items


вот я кстати этого ждал дохуя, серьёзно :lol:

так заебали эти омены и нинджа таби в рекоммендед



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баф тимо ебет :metal:


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[07.11.2011 19:56:31] Юленька: хватит домогаться

[07.11.2011 19:56:35] Юленька: коста

[07.11.2011 19:57:09] bio4ka: почему :(

[07.11.2011 19:57:37] Юленька: потому что я теперь ради него живу

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