istari #81 21 июня 2011 если я правильно понял, спирит висаж теперь увеличивает отхил от спеллвампатак это влада еще и апнули, с пистолетом на 9 лвле он себе регенил по 170+ хп от одного трансфьюза Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
OneyTwo #82 21 июня 2011 ну некоторым нравится играть с 55ап на 1 лвлеили ашей с фулл крит дмг рунамистоять на миде и бегать за тобой минут 5 чтобы крит в тебя пустить все по разному играют да Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
zAkenn #83 21 июня 2011 еще бы его не нерфить, лол, ебаный оверпаверно боюсь понерфят слишком сильно, у риотов малек с нерфами проблемы, если нерфят - то как правило в говноНу вот я поэтому и боюсь. Вдруг занерфят по самые помидоры, что он вообще юзлесс станет. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
prodotik~ #84 21 июня 2011 Было 3 стало 4, неприятно но не критично. Был хорошим чаром им и остался.да это так, но не после n-ого нерфа без причиныуже не буду играть им из принципа Посчу редко - но метко. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
saintwhore #85 21 июня 2011 более четко описан следующий патч Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
vbnmzxc #87 22 июня 2011 теперь нельзя будет абузить лисином, джаксом и катей вардыну и новая абилка кассадина гавно и жалко евуриоты гавно Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
TearZ #88 22 июня 2011 Было 3 стало 4, неприятно но не критично. Был хорошим чаром им и остался.да это так, но не после n-ого нерфа без причиныуже не буду играть им из принципаТы классический "БЛЯТЬ ВЫ УБРАЛИ ЧАМПУ 10 ДАМАГА С УЛЬТЫ!!!! ТЕПЕРЬ НИКТО ИМ ИГРАТЬ НЕ БУДЕТ КАК ТВИЧОМ\ПАНТЕОНОМ\ЛЮБЫМ ДРУШИМ ГЕРОЕМ". РЕГАЙСЯ@ИГРАЙ OnlineLoLChecker Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Organic #89 22 июня 2011 Эвелину можно хоронить. Инвиз занерфлен в говно. Ульт занерфлен в говно. Зато скорость хейт спайка увеличили. “IT'S THE EXPRESSION ON THEIR LITTLE FACES I LIKE, said the Hogfather."You mean sort of fear and awe and not knowing whether to laugh or cry or wet their pants?"YES. NOW THAT IS WHAT I CALL BELIEF.” Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
vbnmzxc #90 22 июня 2011 кстати весьма интересно что они собираются менять в инвизе, особенно после такого нерфа евы Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
НаркомаН #91 22 июня 2011 League of Legends v1.0.0.120 Yorick, the Gravedigger Omen of War: Yorick’s next attack will deal bonus physical damage and summon a Spectral Ghoul that deals additional damage and moves faster than Yorick’s other ghouls. While the Spectral Ghoul is alive, Yorick moves faster as well.Omen of Pestilence: Yorick summons a Decaying Ghoul that arrives with a violent explosion, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies. While the Decaying Ghoul remains alive, nearby enemies continue to be slowed.Omen of Famine: Yorick steals life from his target and summons a Ravenous Ghoul that heals Yorick for the damage it deals.Omen of Death (Ultimate): Yorick conjures a revenant in the image of one of his allies. If his ally dies while its revenant is alive, the revenant sacrifices itself to reanimate them and give them time to enact vengeance.Unholy Covenant (Passive): Yorick’s attacks deal more damage for each summon that is active. Meanwhile, Yorick’s ghouls deal some percent of Yorick’s Attack Damage and have some percent of his total health. Annie Fixed a bug where Molten Shield wouldn't trigger if the damage was shielded Blitzcrank When Blitzcrank grabs a champion with Rocket Grab, he will now attempt to attack them as well Cho'Gath Feast will now correctly show a particle on an enemy target when they can be killed by it Evelynn Hate Spike missile speed increasedShadow Walk now applies a 3 second 30/35/40/45/50% slow instead of a stunMalice and Spite Passive heal reduced to 150/225/300 from 350/500/650Attack speed bonus reduced to 25/50/75% from 50/75/100% Fiddlesticks Drain Range increased to 475 to 450Heal is no longer reduced if the damage is shieldedDark Wind damage increased to 65/90/115/140/165 from 65/85/105/125/145 [*]Crowstorm Ability power ratio increased to .45 from .4Channel duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2 Galio Idol of Durand will now correctly increase its damage when the damage taken is shielded Gangplank Grog-Soaked Blade No longer reduces healing and regeneration, but now slows movement speed by 7%Now stacks up to 5 times, but duration reduced to 3 seconds from 10Damage changed to 4-21 from 5-19 [*]Parrrley Fixed a bug where Parrrley could sometimes restore gold to other playersNow applies Grog-Soaked Blade [*]Raise Morale duration increased to 7 from 6 [*]Cannon Barrage damage increased to 75/120/165 from 65/110/155 Garen Recuperate Fixed a bug where Recuperate could sometimes activate immediately after taking damageNow marks Garen as being in combat even if the damage is shieldedNow shows the particle on Garen even if at 100% health Heimerdinger Fixed a bug where his turrets would not assist him if damage from an enemy champion was shieldedH-28G Evolution Turret mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 120/125/130/135/140 Irelia Transcendent Blades Now heals Irelia based on the actual damage dealt (instead of a % of the raw damage dealt), but the heal is not reduced if the damage is shieldedHeal versus Champions increased to 25% from 20% Janna Tailwind now deactivates while dead Jarvan IV Demacian Standard Armor reduced to 10/13/16/19/22 from 10/14/18/22/26Attack speed reduced to 10/13/16/19/22% from 10/14/18/22/26% [*]Martial Cadence damage reduced to 8% from 10% Jax Leap Strike attack damage ratio reduced to 0.7 from 1 LeBlanc Fixed a bug where Leblanc's clone would be permanently disabled if disabled when it spawns Kassadin Nether Blade Passive mana restore increased at earlier ranks to 8/11/14/17/20 from 4/8/12/16/20Active changed to 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.15 ability power) bonus magic damage dealt on hit instead of 7/15/25/38/50 armor penetration Malzahar Null Zone Damage reduced to 4/5/6/7/8% from 5/6/7/8/9%Ability power ratio reduced to 1% per 100 ability power from 1% per 80 ability powerCooldown reduced to 14 seconds from 16 [*]Nether Grasp's ability power ratio reduced to 1.3 from 1.5 Miss Fortune Damage that is absorbed by a shield now properly removes Strut Mordekaiser Iron Man's shield generation is no longer reduced if the damage done is shieldedFixed a bug where Children of the Grave could steal enemy passive abilities permanently Morgana Black Shield magic damage absorbed adjusted to 95/160/225/290/355 from 100/150/200/250/300 Nidalee Javelin Toss and Bushwhack will no longer target the wrong location when cast immediately after transforming back to human form Nunu Consume damage reduced at earlier ranks to 400/525/650/775/900 from 500/600/700/800/900Ice Blast slow reduced at earlier ranks to 20/30/40/50/60% from 40/45/50/55/60% Orianna Clockwork Windup Fixed a display error on the tooltip.Fixed a bug which was causing Clockwork Windup to add less damage than intended [*]Fixed a bug with Command: Protect that was causing the shield particle to not display [*]Fixed several interactions with clones or unusual movement types Poppy When Poppy Heroic charges a champion, she will now attempt to attack the target immediately afterward Rammus Fixed a bug where Defensive Ball Curl had an ability power ratio Renekton Cull the Meek's heal is no longer reduced if the damage is shieldedFixed a bug where damage absorbed by a shield wouldn't mark Renekton as in combat Rumble The Equalizer Burning damage reduced to 100/140/180 from 120/160/200Burning damage ability power ratio reduced to .2 from .25Cooldown increased to 105/90/75 from 90/75/60 Shaco Hallucinate clone now correctly benefits from critical strikesFixed the dance animation to loop properly Sion Cannibalism is no longer reduced if the damage is shielded Sona Fixed a bug where shields and Ignite could sometimes cause her spell sounds to get cut off early Swain Ravenous Flock now heals Swain for 50% of the actual damage he deals (instead of 50% of the raw damage he deals), but the heal is not reduced if the damage is shielded Teemo Move Quick is now removed even if the damage is shielded Tristana Fixed a bug where Rocket Jump's cooldown reset could fail if Tristana's damage output was fully absorbed by a shield Tryndamere Fixed a bug where Undying Rage improperly showed "Endless Rage!" to represent damage being prevented Twisted Fate Blue Card mana restore is no longer reduced if the damage is shieldedLoaded Dice now deactivates while Twisted Fate is deadFixed a bug with Gate where activating Zhonya's Hourglass during the channel time would not interrupt it Udyr Mana cost of shifting decreased to 55/50/45/40/35 from 75/65/55/45/35Turtle Stance now heals Udyr based upon the actual damage dealt (instead of the raw damage dealt), but the heal is not reduced if the damage is shieldedPhoenix stance's activation damage increased to 15/25/35/45/55 from 10/18/26/34/42 Urgot Fixed a bug with Terror Capacitor where when attacking a champion, it was slowing for less than the tooltip statedFixed a bug with Terror Capacitor where when using Acid Hunter with Terror Capacitor, it was slowing based upon Acid Hunter's rank rather than Terror Capacitor (but for the correct 20/25/30/35/40%) Vayne Silver-Tipped Bolts will no longer interact with spell shieldsTumble bonus damage reduced to 40/45/50/55/60% from 55/60/65/70/75%Final Hour Movement speed bonus now triples instead of quadruplesAttack damage reduced to 25/40/55 from 35/55/75Condemn damage reduced to 45/80/115/150/185 from 50/90/130/170/210 Vladimir Transfusion Cooldown adjusted to 12/10/8/6/4 from 12/10/8/6/3Damage adjusted to 90/125/160/195/230 from 70/115/160/205/250 Warwick Hungering Strike's heal is no longer reduced if the damage is shielded Xin'Zhao Crescent Sweep Percent health damage reduced to 15% from 20%Bonus armor and magic resist per champion hit reduced to 5/8/11 from 7/10/13 Items Boots of Mobility will now mark you in combat for receiving/dealing any damage, even if it is shieldedFixed a bug where Spirit Visage was granting too much bonus regenerationPhilosopher's Stone health regen per 5 reduced to 18 from 22.5 and mana regen per 5 reduced to 8 from 10Eleisa's Miracle cost increased to 500 from 400Quicksilver Sash cooldown decreased to 90 from 105Hextech Revolver spell vamp reduced to 15% from 20%The gold per 10 component of Philosopher's Stone, Heart of Gold, Kage's Lucky Pick, and Avarice Blade is now unique to itself General Fixed a bug where minions were playing their particles multiple times when attackingUpdated tooltips for many ChampionsLifesteal and spell vamp are no longer reduced if the damage done is shieldedHealing reductions now reduce lifesteal and spell vampSpirit Visage now increases your lifesteal and spell vampMaximum gold for killing a player on a long kill streak reduced to 500 gold from 1000Minimum gold for killing a player on a long death streak reduced to 15 gold from 90 goldGold rewards for kills where the target is on a 3 kill or 3 death streak or less should give comparable amounts or even more gold than beforeExperience granted for kills is now determined by the dying champion's level. Killing champions higher level than you will now grant more experience while killing champions lower level than you will now grant less experience. Killing equal level champions is unaffectedWards and spawned minions that don't attack are no longer targetable/manipulated by spells (except Summoner Teleport). This means, for example, that wards will no longer be able to block Rammus' Powerball, Mushrooms will not block skillshots, and Jax is no longer able to Leapstrike onto a ward Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Dem-on-line #92 22 июня 2011 Poppy When Poppy Heroic charges a champion, she will now attempt to attack the target immediately afterward вот за это спасибоMaximum gold for killing a player on a long kill streak reduced to 500 gold from 1000Minimum gold for killing a player on a long death streak reduced to 15 gold from 90 gold а вот это какое-то уныние Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Barsaible #93 22 июня 2011 Minimum gold for killing a player on a long death streak reduced to 15 gold from 90 gold лолчто "я крипов лучше убивать буду таким образом-" подумают многие и буду в чем-то правы.и игра станет более унылой Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Quansu #94 22 июня 2011 Wards and spawned minions that don't attack are no longer targetable/manipulated by spells (except Summoner Teleport). This means, for example, that wards will no longer be able to block Rammus' Powerball, Mushrooms will not block skillshots, and Jax is no longer able to Leapstrike onto a ward[/size]дибилыебаные [/size] Hnoritz[All] [22:50:43]: error 404: carry not found Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Quansu #95 22 июня 2011 бтв отлично, ебаного жарвана пофиксили, ебаного нуну, евелину конченую, еще бы тф'а нахуй из лола удалили бы- я вы ваще рад был Hnoritz[All] [22:50:43]: error 404: carry not found Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
AndySix #96 22 июня 2011 based upon the actual damage dealt (instead of the raw damage dealt)что то не могу понять что это значит We live and die alone Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
saintwhore #97 22 июня 2011 обидно за философер и хекстеч, остальное побоку, фиксы слишком не значительные Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Organic #98 22 июня 2011 бтв отлично, ебаного жарвана пофиксили, ебаного нуну, евелину конченую, еще бы тф'а нахуй из лола удалили бы- я вы ваще рад был Ага, ебать как пофиксили жарвана. Целых 6 или сколько там брони? “IT'S THE EXPRESSION ON THEIR LITTLE FACES I LIKE, said the Hogfather."You mean sort of fear and awe and not knowing whether to laugh or cry or wet their pants?"YES. NOW THAT IS WHAT I CALL BELIEF.” Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
1amN1nja #99 22 июня 2011 Лол нерф джарвана 4 армора, атакспида и 2% с пассивки. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
x4pwnz #100 22 июня 2011 с вардами конечно провал ващенадеюсь, они одумаются. Twitch Steam Battle.netxfour#1106 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение