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кстати, как общага в универе? Жить можно? NYtrollface.gif

Можно. Есть разные общаги, есть по 2 человека в комнате. Один туалет и душевая на двоих. Есть тоже самое, но тулет и душ один на этаж. И есть элитные общаги квартирного типа, у каждого своя комната, туалет ванная душ, кухня одна на двоих. Но туда не пробиться. Ублюдочные правила универа таковы что сначала заселяют новых студентов и потом на оставшиеся места могут претендовать старые студенты вроде меня.

Кстати китайцы живут в комнатах по 4-6 человек, и комнаты чуть больше купе в поезде :NYpalevo:


Да, у нас тоже китайцы живут по 6 человек, а иностранцы 3 человека :))

Планируешь остаться в Китае после универа?



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Ну там видно будет :hmm:


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я не понял, в китае для иностранцев привилегии чтоли какие то нихуевые?



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кстати как в китае с интернетом?

внутри китая неплохой, весь остальной трафик проходит через великий китайский файрволл - до питера пинга 500 например

Борец с пидарасней на пд :perec:


Пишу музыку


Не китаец более

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я не понял, в китае для иностранцев привилегии чтоли какие то нихуевые?

Был в провинции Сычуань - там со мной девчонки фоткались :NYavtoradolf:

Борец с пидарасней на пд :perec:


Пишу музыку


Не китаец более

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я не понял, в китае для иностранцев привилегии чтоли какие то нихуевые?

Был в провинции Сычуань - там со мной девчонки фоткались :NYavtoradolf:

трахни их и запиши на видос  или не пацан









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я не понял, в китае для иностранцев привилегии чтоли какие то нихуевые?

Был в провинции Сычуань - там со мной девчонки фоткались :NYavtoradolf:

трахни их и запиши на видос  или не пацан

они были не очень :NYfie: при том что я сейчас в уже пекине, да и вообще в китае девушки не очень :NYpalevojein:

Борец с пидарасней на пд :perec:


Пишу музыку


Не китаец более

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кстати как в китае с интернетом?

Хуевый и дорогой


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Была  псп, разбил к хуям, рекомендую брать прошитую :NYnate:.

мне канеш похуй на зенитчика

но все на ПД пиздаболы :spy:

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продал свою прошитую , с сумкой , играми , и защитным стеклом за 3к деревянных , так как она на хуй не кому не нужна.




купил Ipad 2  :NYtrollface:





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тебе сколько лет блядь

какая псп?

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Ссылка на сообщение

я не понял, в китае для иностранцев привилегии чтоли какие то нихуевые?

Был в провинции Сычуань - там со мной девчонки фоткались :NYavtoradolf:

-я хочу сфоткаться с этим европиойдным уродом

-я то же хочу, во урод!

-пошли реще, пока он не убежал


так все и было :NYavtoradolf:

Не имеешь инстаграмма - обоссаное быдло с завода

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Нахуй я прочитал 8 страниц китайского пиздежа о рынках, экзаменах, общагах и еде?

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Нахуй я прочитал 8 страниц китайского пиздежа о рынках, экзаменах, общагах и еде?

я еще переводил иероглифы в гугле :NYmameprivet:

Не имеешь инстаграмма - обоссаное быдло с завода

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Нахуй я прочитал 8 страниц китайского пиздежа о рынках, экзаменах, общагах и еде?

я еще переводил иероглифы в гугле :NYmameprivet:





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Вот тут хорошо написано про PSP







The old-style header contains information the loader expects for an MS-DOS

executable file. It describes a stub program (WINSTUB) the loader can

place in memory when necessary, it points to the new-style header, and

it contains the stub programs relocation table.


The following illustrates the distinct parts of the old-style

executable format:



    00h |  Old-style header info  |


    20h |        Reserved        |


    3Ch |  Offset to segmented  |

        |      .EXE header      |


    40h |  Relocation table and  |

        |  MS-DOS stub program    |


        |  Segmented .EXE Header  |

        |          .            |

        |          .            |

        |          .            |


The word at offset 18h in the old-style .EXE header contains the

relative byte offset to the stub program's relocation table. If this

offset is 40h, then the double word at offset 3Ch is assumed to be the

relative byte offset from the beginning of the file to the beginning

of the segmented executable header. A new-format .EXE file is

identified if the segmented executable header contains a valid

signature. If the signature is not valid, the file is assumed to be an

old-style format .EXE file. The remainder of the old-style format

header will describe an MS-DOS program, the stub. The stub may be any

valid program but will typically be a program that displays an error





                        SEGMENTED EXE FORMAT



Because Windows executable files are often larger than one segment

(64K), additional information (that does not appear in the old-style

header) is required so that the loader can load each segment properly.

The segmented EXE format was developed to provide the loader with this



The segmented .EXE file has the following format:



    00h |  Old-style EXE  |

        |      Header    |


    20h |    Reserved    |


    3Ch |    Offset to    | ---+

        | Segmented Header|    |

        +-----------------+    |

    40h | Relocation Table|    |

        |  & Stub Program |    |

        +-----------------+    |

        |                |    |

        +-----------------+    |

    xxh |  Segmented EXE  |

        |      Header    |


        |  Segment Table  |


        | Resource Table  |


        |  Resident Name  |

        |      Table      |


        | Module Reference|

        |      Table      |


        | Imported Names  |

        |      Table      |


        |  Entry Table  |


        |  Non-Resident  |

        |  Name Table    |


        |  Seg #1 Data  |

        |  Seg #1 Info  |






        |  Seg #n Data  |

        |  Seg #n Info  |




The following sections describe each of the components that make up

the segmented EXE format. Each section contains a description of the

component and the fields in the structures that make up that



NOTE: All unused fields and flag bits are reserved for future use and

must contain 0 (zero) values.



                        SEGMENTED EXE HEADER



The segmented EXE header contains general information about the EXE

file and contains information on the location and size of the other

sections. The Windows loader copies this section, along with other

data, into the module table in the system data. The module table is

internal data used by the loader to manage the loaded executable

modules in the system and to support dynamic linking.


The following describes the format of the segmented executable header.

For each field, the offset is given relative to the beginning of the

segmented header, the size of the field is defined, and a description

is given.


    Offset Size Description

    ------ ---- -----------


    00h    DW  Signature word.

                "N" is low-order byte.

                "E" is high-order byte.


    02h    DB  Version number of the linker.


    03h    DB  Revision number of the linker.


    04h    DW  Entry Table file offset, relative to the beginning of

                the segmented EXE header.

    06h    DW  Number of bytes in the entry table.


    08h    DD  32-bit CRC of entire contents of file.

                These words are taken as 00 during the calculation.


    0Ch    DW  Flag word.

                0000h = NOAUTODATA

                0001h = SINGLEDATA (Shared automatic data segment)

                0002h = MULTIPLEDATA (Instanced automatic data


                2000h = Errors detected at link time, module will not


                8000h = Library module.

                        The SS:SP information is invalid, CS:IP points

                        to an initialization procedure that is called

                        with AX equal to the module handle. This

                        initialization procedure must perform a far

                        return to the caller, with AX not equal to

                        zero to indicate success, or AX equal to zero

                        to indicate failure to initialize. DS is set

                        to the library's data segment if the

                        SINGLEDATA flag is set. Otherwise, DS is set

                        to the caller's data segment.


                        A program or DLL can only contain dynamic

                        links to executable files that have this

                        library module flag set. One program cannot

                        dynamic-link to another program.


    0Eh    DW  Segment number of automatic data segment.

                This value is set to zero if SINGLEDATA and

                MULTIPLEDATA flag bits are clear, NOAUTODATA is

                indicated in the flags word.


                A Segment number is an index into the module's segment

                table. The first entry in the segment table is segment

                number 1.


    10h    DW  Initial size, in bytes, of dynamic heap added to the

                data segment. This value is zero if no initial local

                heap is allocated.


    12h    DW  Initial size, in bytes, of stack added to the data

                segment. This value is zero to indicate no initial

                stack allocation, or when SS is not equal to DS.


    14h    DD  Segment number:offset of CS:IP.


    18h    DD  Segment number:offset of SS:SP.

                If SS equals the automatic data segment and SP equals

                zero, the stack pointer is set to the top of the

                automatic data segment just below the additional heap




                    | additional dynamic heap  |


                    |    additional stack      |


                    | loaded auto data segment |



    1Ch    DW  Number of entries in the Segment Table.


    1Eh    DW  Number of entries in the Module Reference Table.

    20h    DW  Number of bytes in the Non-Resident Name Table.


    22h    DW  Segment Table file offset, relative to the beginning

                of the segmented EXE header.


    24h    DW  Resource Table file offset, relative to the beginning

                of the segmented EXE header.


    26h    DW  Resident Name Table file offset, relative to the

                beginning of the segmented EXE header.


    28h    DW  Module Reference Table file offset, relative to the

                beginning of the segmented EXE header.


    2Ah    DW  Imported Names Table file offset, relative to the

                beginning of the segmented EXE header.


    2Ch    DD  Non-Resident Name Table offset, relative to the

                beginning of the file.


    30h    DW  Number of movable entries in the Entry Table.


    32h    DW  Logical sector alignment shift count, log(base 2) of

                the segment sector size (default 9).


    34h    DW  Number of resource entries.


    36h    DB  Executable type, used by loader.

                  02h = WINDOWS


    37h-3Fh DB  Reserved, currently 0's.




                            SEGMENT TABLE



The segment table contains an entry for each segment in the executable

file. The number of segment table entries are defined in the segmented

EXE header. The first entry in the segment table is segment number 1.

The following is the structure of a segment table entry.


  Size Description

  ---- -----------


  DW  Logical-sector offset (n byte) to the contents of the segment

        data, relative to the beginning of the file. Zero means no

        file data.


  DW  Length of the segment in the file, in bytes. Zero means 64K.


  DW  Flag word.

        0007h = TYPE_MASK  Segment-type field.

        0000h = CODE      Code-segment type.

        0001h = DATA      Data-segment type.

        0010h = MOVEABLE  Segment is not fixed.

        0040h = PRELOAD    Segment will be preloaded; read-only if

                          this is a data segment.

        0100h = RELOCINFO  Set if segment has relocation records.

        F000h = DISCARD    Discard priority.


  DW  Minimum allocation size of the segment, in bytes. Total size

        of the segment. Zero means 64K.




                            RESOURCE TABLE



The resource table follows the segment table and contains entries for

each resource in the executable file. The resource table consists of

an alignment shift count, followed by a table of resource records. The

resource records define the type ID for a set of resources. Each

resource record contains a table of resource entries of the defined

type. The resource entry defines the resource ID or name ID for the

resource. It also defines the location and size of the resource. The

following describes the contents of each of these structures:


  Size Description

  ---- -----------


  DW  Alignment shift count for resource data.


  A table of resource type information blocks follows. The following

  is the format of each type information block:


        DW  Type ID. This is an integer type if the high-order bit is

            set (8000h); otherwise, it is an offset to the type string,

            the offset is relative to the beginning of the resource

            table. A zero type ID marks the end of the resource type

            information blocks.


        DW  Number of resources for this type.


        DD  Reserved.


        A table of resources for this type follows. The following is

        the format of each resource (8 bytes each):


            DW  File offset to the contents of the resource data,

                relative to beginning of file. The offset is in terms

                of the alignment shift count value specified at

                beginning of the resource table.


            DW  Length of the resource in the file (in bytes).


            DW  Flag word.

                0010h = MOVEABLE  Resource is not fixed.

                0020h = PURE      Resource can be shared.

                0040h = PRELOAD  Resource is preloaded.


            DW  Resource ID. This is an integer type if the high-order

                bit is set (8000h), otherwise it is the offset to the

                resource string, the offset is relative to the

                beginning of the resource table.


            DD  Reserved.


  Resource type and name strings are stored at the end of the

  resource table. Note that these strings are NOT null terminated and

  are case sensitive.


  DB  Length of the type or name string that follows. A zero value

        indicates the end of the resource type and name string, also

        the end of the resource table.


  DB  ASCII text of the type or name string.




                        RESIDENT-NAME TABLE



The resident-name table follows the resource table, and contains this

module's name string and resident exported procedure name strings. The

first string in this table is this module's name. These name strings

are case-sensitive and are not null-terminated. The following

describes the format of the name strings:


  Size Description

  ---- -----------


  DB  Length of the name string that follows. A zero value indicates

        the end of the name table.


  DB  ASCII text of the name string.


  DW  Ordinal number (index into entry table). This value is ignored

        for the module name.




                        MODULE-REFERENCE TABLE



The module-reference table follows the resident-name table. Each entry

contains an offset for the module-name string within the imported-

names table; each entry is 2 bytes long.


  Size Description

  ---- -----------


  DW  Offset within Imported Names Table to referenced module name





                        IMPORTED-NAME TABLE



The imported-name table follows the module-reference table. This table

contains the names of modules and procedures that are imported by the

executable file. Each entry is composed of a 1-byte field that

contains the length of the string, followed by any number of

characters. The strings are not null-terminated and are case



  Size Description

  ---- -----------


  DB  Length of the name string that follows.


  DB  ASCII text of the name string.




                            ENTRY TABLE



The entry table follows the imported-name table. This table contains

bundles of entry-point definitions. Bundling is done to save space in

the entry table. The entry table is accessed by an ordinal value.

Ordinal number one is defined to index the first entry in the entry

table. To find an entry point, the bundles are scanned searching for a

specific entry point using an ordinal number. The ordinal number is

adjusted as each bundle is checked. When the bundle that contains the

entry point is found, the ordinal number is multiplied by the size of

the bundle's entries to index the proper entry.


The linker forms bundles in the most dense manner it can, under the

restriction that it cannot reorder entry points to improve bundling.

The reason for this restriction is that other .EXE files may refer to

entry points within this bundle by their ordinal number. The following

describes the format of the entry table bundles.


  Size Description

  ---- -----------


  DB  Number of entries in this bundle. All records in one bundle

        are either moveable or refer to the same fixed segment. A zero

        value in this field indicates the end of the entry table.


  DB  Segment indicator for this bundle. This defines the type of

        entry table entry data within the bundle. There are three

        types of entries that are defined.


        000h = Unused entries. There is no entry data in an unused

              bundle. The next bundle follows this field. This is

              used by the linker to skip ordinal numbers.


        001h-0FEh = Segment number for fixed segment entries. A fixed

              segment entry is 3 bytes long and has the following



            DB  Flag word.

                01h = Set if the entry is exported.

                02h = Set if the entry uses a global (shared) data


                      The first assembly-language instruction in the

                      entry point prologue must be "MOV AX,data

                      segment number". This may be set only for

                      SINGLEDATA library modules.


            DW  Offset within segment to entry point.


        0FFH = Moveable segment entries. The entry data contains the

              segment number for the entry points. A moveable segment

              entry is 6 bytes long and has the following format.


            DB  Flag word.

                01h = Set if the entry is exported.

                02h = Set if the entry uses a global (shared) data



            INT 3FH.


            DB  Segment number.


            DW  Offset within segment to entry point.




                        NONRESIDENT-NAME TABLE



The nonresident-name table follows the entry table, and contains a

module description and nonresident exported procedure name strings.

The first string in this table is a module description. These name

strings are case-sensitive and are not null-terminated. The name

strings follow the same format as those defined in the resident name





                          PER SEGMENT DATA



The location and size of the per-segment data is defined in the

segment table entry for the segment. If the segment has relocation

fixups, as defined in the segment table entry flags, they directly

follow the segment data in the file. The relocation fixup information

is defined as follows:



  Size Description

  ---- -----------


  DW  Number of relocation records that follow.


  A table of relocation records follows. The following is the format

  of each relocation record.


        DB  Source type.

            0Fh = SOURCE_MASK

            00h = LOBYTE

            02h = SEGMENT

            03h = FAR_ADDR (32-bit pointer)

            05h = OFFSET (16-bit offset)


        DB  Flags byte.

            03h = TARGET_MASK

            00h = INTERNALREF

            01h = IMPORTORDINAL

            02h = IMPORTNAME

            03h = OSFIXUP

            04h = ADDITIVE


        DW  Offset within this segment of the source chain.

            If the ADDITIVE flag is set, then target value is added to

            the source contents, instead of replacing the source and

            following the chain. The source chain is an 0FFFFh

            terminated linked list within this segment of all

            references to the target.


        The target value has four types that are defined in the flag

        byte field. The following are the formats for each target





            DB  Segment number for a fixed segment, or 0FFh for a

                movable segment.


            DB  0


            DW  Offset into segment if fixed segment, or ordinal

                number index into Entry Table if movable segment.




            DW  Index into module reference table for the imported



            DW  Offset within Imported Names Table to procedure name





            DW  Index into module reference table for the imported


            DW  Procedure ordinal number.




            DW  Operating system fixup type.

                Floating-point fixups.

                0001h = FIARQQ, FJARQQ

                0002h = FISRQQ, FJSRQQ

                0003h = FICRQQ, FJCRQQ

                0004h = FIERQQ

                0005h = FIDRQQ

                0006h = FIWRQQ


            DW  0




Торжество разума в том, чтобы уживаться с теми, у кого этого разума нет. Вольтер.
Чтобы хорошо высыпаться, нужно спать 8 часов в день. И еще столько же ночью.

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Хоть тут наверно уже и писали это тысячу раз , я повторю:


не стоит покупать псп , это юзлесс хуйня в которой даже играть толком не в чего  :NYbuba:

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Поехал бы в Китай, посмотреть что да как, но жить точно не стал бы

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Имел почти те же вопросы перед нг.

Купил сгт новый  :NYlol:



Вообще я бы взял новую и ставил вирт прошивку

We live and die alone

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