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Общее обсуждение кино (советы и помощь с фильмами)

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Гость Gae4kaa

Команда А заебись.

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Блядь смотрю MI4, это просто  :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Столько юмора и пиздец каких захватывающих моментов. Сцена с высоткой один огромный эпик, на прыжке с маятника аж дух прихватило  :pray: :pray: :pray:


http://codepen.io/suez/ - they see me bydlocoding, they hatin.

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Посоветуйте что нибудь в духе Плохие парни 2

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Блядь смотрю MI4, это просто  :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Столько юмора и пиздец каких захватывающих моментов. Сцена с высоткой один огромный эпик, на прыжке с маятника аж дух прихватило  :pray: :pray: :pray:

MI4 - миссия не выполнима 4?

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Да. Полчаса осталась, это гиперахуенно  :pray: :pray: :pray:

Телочка  :fapfap: :fapfap: :fapfap:


http://codepen.io/suez/ - they see me bydlocoding, they hatin.

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качаю ограбление по-итальянски

стоит смотреть не ?

Шерлок Хоумс игра теней где-нибудь есть в норм качестве ?


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Шоу Трумана как?

Стоит смотреть?  :hmm:

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Шоу Трумана как?

Стоит смотреть?  :hmm:


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Шоу Трумана как?

Стоит смотреть?  :hmm:

Однозначно стоит, это один из тех фильмов после которых можно влюбится в игру Джима, сразу после сиего прекраснейшего и увлекательного фильма советую посмотреть "Мажестик", тоже с Джимом.

Да и вообще для профилактики юмора и хорошего вкуса надо время от времени устраивать марафоны каких либо определенных режиссеров, актеров.

Естественно культов в своей среде.

Однозначно такой фильм как "Шоу Трумана", достоин внимания.

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^ еще ''Человек на луне'' доставляет :buba: Там Джим играет комедийную роль и драматичную.Еще и биографический фильм. прям уууух!!




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Это несомненно лучший фильм с ним, порой в очень плохом настроении пересматриваю по несколько раз.

Очень люблю этот фильм.

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поцаны , подскажите фильм на тему конца света , типа 28 дней , 28 недель

ну или просто про зомбяков  :fapfap:

the walking dead


поцаны , подскажите фильм на тему конца света , типа 28 дней , 28 недель

ну или просто про зомбяков  :fapfap:

Планета страха от Тарантино и Родригеса. Трешачок ничё такой.

Или мой любимый

и смотрел  :sad:






Мой Кирюша







Едем на дачу - KachoOk в придачу!






aka KachoOk (R.I.P)

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поцаны , подскажите фильм на тему конца света , типа 28 дней , 28 недель

ну или просто про зомбяков  :fapfap:

the walking dead


поцаны , подскажите фильм на тему конца света , типа 28 дней , 28 недель

ну или просто про зомбяков  :fapfap:

Планета страха от Тарантино и Родригеса. Трешачок ничё такой.

Или мой любимый



и смотрел  :sad:

Земля вампиров.

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Заживо Погребенный metalhead.gif

Мальчишник в вегасе :dance:

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Дневник Памяти...

Вот это кино.

9 из 10 смело бы дал.




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Two and a Half Men star Ashton Kutcher is set to play late Apple CEO Steve Jobs in an upcoming film titled Jobs.  The film will chronicle Steve Jobs from wayward hippie to co-founder of  Apple, where he became one of the most revered creative entrepreneurs  of our time. Jobs will begin to shoot in May, when Kutcher is on his Two and a Half Men hiatus. As this is relatively breaking industry news, no word yet on when we can expect a release date.








Я просто оставлю это здесь



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Катчер? :palevo: Лучше уж Бушеми.

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Гость Gae4kaa

Мой препод по джаве вполне бы сгодился.



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^ еще ''Человек на луне'' доставляет :buba: Там Джим играет комедийную роль и драматичную.Еще и биографический фильм. прям уууух!!

Мне из кэрри когда-то доставил Кабельщик.

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30 самых серьёзных публичных оскорблений известными кинематографистами друг друга - такой список составил портал Flavorwire.



30. Uwe Boll on Michael Bay:

“I’m not a fucking retard like Michael Bay.”



29. Ken Russell on Sir Richard Attenborough:

“Sir Richard (‘I’m-going-to-attack-the-Establishment-fifty-years-after-it’s-dead’) Attenborough is guilty of caricature, a sense of righteous self-satisfaction, and repetition which all unndermine the impact of the film.”



28. Alan Parker on Peter Greenaway (specifically The Draughtsman’s Contact):


“A load of posturing poo-poo.”



27. David Cronenberg on M. Night Shymalan:

“I HATE that guy! Next question.”



26. Werner Herzog on Abel Ferrara:

“I have no idea who Abel Ferrara is. But let him fight the windmills… I’ve never seen a film by him. I have no idea who he is. Is he Italian? Is he French? Who is he?”



25. Vincent Gallo on Abel Ferrara:

“Abel Ferrara was on so much crack when I did The Funeral, he was never on set. He was in my room trying to pick-pocket me.”



24. Vincent Gallo on Sofia (and Francis Ford) Coppola:

“Sofia Coppola likes any guy who has what she wants. If she wants to be a photographer she’ll fuck a photographer. If she wants to be a filmmaker, she’ll fuck a filmmaker. She’s a parasite just like her fat, pig father was.”



23. Vincent Gallo on Martin Scorsese:

“I wouldn’t work for Martin Scorsese for $10 million. He hasn’t made a good film in 25 years. I would never work with an egomaniac has-been.”



22. Vincent Gallo on Spike Jonze:

“He’s the biggest fraud out there. If you bring him to a party he’s the least interesting person at the party, he’s the person who doesn’t know anything. He’s the person who doesn’t say anything funny, interesting, intelligent… He’s a pig piece of shit.”



21. David Gordon Green on Kevin Smith:

“He kind of created a Special Olympics for film. They just kind of lowered the standard. I’m sure their parents are proud; it’s just nothing I care to buy a ticket for.”



20. Kevin Smith on Paul Thomas Anderson (specifically, Magnolia):

“I’ll never watch it again, but I will keep it. I’ll keep it right on my desk, as a constant reminder that a bloated sense of self-importance is the most unattractive quality in a person or their work.”



19. Kevin Smith on Tim Burton (in response to “I would never read a comic book”):

“Which, to me, explains fucking Batman.”



18. Tim Burton on Kevin Smith (after Smith jokingly accused Burton of stealing the ending of Planet of the Apes from a Smith comic book):

“Anyone who knows me knows I would never read a comic book. And I would especially never read anything created by Kevin Smith."



17. Alex Cox on Steven Spielberg:

“Spielberg isn’t a filmmaker, he’s a confectioner.”



16. Jean-Luc Godard on Steven Spielberg:

“I don’t know him personally. I don’t think his films are very good.”



15. Jacques Rivette on James Cameron (and Steven Spielberg):

“Cameron isn’t evil, he’s not an asshole like Spielberg. He wants to be the new De Mille. Unfortunately, he can’t direct his way out of a paper bag. “



14. Jacques Rivette on Stanley Kubrick:

“Kubrick is a machine, a mutant, a Martian. He has no human feeling whatsoever. But it’s great when the machine films other machines, as in 2001.”



13. Clint Eastwood on Spike Lee:

“A guy like him should shut his face.”



12. Tyler Perry on Spike Lee

“Spike can go straight to hell! You can print that… Spike needs to shut the hell up!”



11. Spike Lee on Tyler Perry:

“We got a black president, and we going back to Mantan Moreland and Sleep ‘n’ Eat?”



10. Spike Lee on Quentin Tar4ntino (and the “n-word” in his scripts):

“I’m not against the word, and I use it, but not excessively. And some people speak that way. But, Quentin is infatuated with that word. What does he want to be made — an honorary black man?”



9. Nick Broomfield on Quentin Tar4ntino:

“It’s like watching a schoolboy’s fantasy of violence and sex, which normally Quentin Tar4ntino would be wanking alone to in his bedroom while this mother is making his baked beans downstairs. Only this time he’s got Harvey Weinstein behind him and it’s on at a million screens.”



8. Harmony Korine on Quentin Tar4ntino:

“Quentin Tar4ntino seems to be too concerned with other films. I mean, about appropriating other movies, like in a blender. I think it’s, like, really funny at the time I’m seeing it, but then, I don’t know, there’s av0id there. Some of the references are flat, just pop culture.”



7. Jean-Luc Godard on Quentin Tar4ntino:

“Tar4ntino named his production company after one of my films. He’d have done better to give me some money.”



6. Werner Herzog on Jean-Luc Godard:

“Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung-fu film.”



5. Orson Welles on Jean-Luc Godard:

“His gifts as a director are enormous. I just can’t take him very seriously as a thinker — and that’s where we seem to differ, because he does. His message is what he cares about these days, and, like most movie messages, it could be written on the head of a pin.”



4. Ingmar Bergman on Jean-Luc Godard:

“I’ve never gotten anything out of his movies. They have felt constructed, faux intellectual, and completely dead. Cinematographically uninteresting and infinitely boring. Godard is a fucking bore. He’s made his films for the critics. One of the movies, Masculin, Féminin, was shot here in Sweden. It was mind-numbingly boring.”



3. Ingmar Berman on Orson Welles:

“For me he’s just a hoax. It’s empty. It’s not interesting. It’s dead. Citizen Kane, which I have a copy of — is all the critics’ darling, always at the top of every poll taken, but I think it’s a total bore. Above all, the performances are worthless. The amount of respect that movie’s got is absolutely unbelievable.”



2. Ingmar Bergman on Michelangelo Antonioni:

“Fellini, Kurosawa, and Bunuel move in the same field as Tarkovsky. Antonioni was on his way, but expired, suffocated by his own tediousness.”



1. Francois Truffaut on Michelangelo Antonioni:

“Antonioni is the only important director I have nothing good to say about. He bores me; he’s so solemn and humorless.”



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