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League of Legends т. 21 Odd creatures of blood and flesh.

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спасаю ваше лолерское болото, хах

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я уже выяснил. офк лучше пускай видосы блакинолы будут на фронтпейдже

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читабельно. не совсем удалили, просто сделали инвизным тред

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читабельно. не совсем удалили, просто сделали инвизным тред

Читабельно только для тебя.


About Riot's vision for dynamic queue self.leagueoflegends

отправлено 5 часов назад автор zdrijne


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TL;DR: Riot wanting us to have "leadership" and "cooperation" without voice chat is absurd. Either release that or release soloq, there's no third way to make games fair.

From Riot's recent "Riot Pls" post



We don’t expect you to rent out a gaming house with four friends just so you can stay in Plat, but we do want to support a queue that levels up in competition like any other team sport: through leadership, cooperation, and, yes, raw skill.


I totally subscribe to the idea, that qualities like "leadership" and "cooperation" are essential in a team game like LoL, especially in current meta. Game naturally promotes those qualities, and the team with best shotcalling generally has a good shot at winning.

Now there's a disconnect: text chat doesn't cut it for in-depth communication and micro shot-calling. It doesn't. So whenever you play solo, you don't have sufficient access to those aspects of the game. Unless you play in full 5-man stack, communication becomes very limited.

I don't care if voice chat "leads to racism, sexism and homophobia" (mainly because it doesn't). Equally I don't care if Riot won't have control over voice comms as they do with text chat. All those issues are miniscule compared to current problem, which is "you're forced to play in most team-oriented meta ever, without means to communicate like a team would".

That's fking great to want people to win with communication, while actively (remember Curse Voice?) denying them tools to do exactly that. How is that supposed to happen then, Riot? Or maybe solo players don't deserve to have proper tools to win games?

And by the way, I get that many people would like to play without voice comms. And I don't say, there won't be any problems with it. What I'm saying is that it's absurd to expect people to be able to communicate on any sort of deep level via text chat, while simultaneously controlling their character.

And if voice chat is not to happen, here's second best thing that Riot can do: releasing soloq. Unable to communicate well? So is everyone else. It's not how team games are supposed to work, but at least it's fair.

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катка, тимейт на адк фейлит./ фидит/ кривой закуп.

ну лоу левела, ещё типочки не врубаются в игру.

я ему чисто за пол секи расписал чё делать, в итоге типок всё понял и мы выиграли.

в доте такой мув сколько раз было, просто бесполезен.

в своё время нравились, тупо айтемы которые на пасив голду капали.


:lol: а нет всё нормально, обычный типикал руретардс

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семеру ему.

Изменено пользователем Deathward


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маме своей семеру выпиши

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тут короче челику с харьковской области заблочили доступ к лиги легенд риоты к еув и рашке, а нордику все норм,мб есть кто оттуда и как у него с лигой дерьма


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И чо

надо больше хуйни с реддита.


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ща бы блицкранка с сундука полутать



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