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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt т.3


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чет быстро на этот раз


обычно он две-три фразы выдерживает перед тем как сагрится

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хех, чет не думал что все настолько хуево с 670

на минимальных даже стейбл 50 фпс нет, и это блядь не новиградbig36.gif



Еще кто нибудь подскажет где большие глифы продаются на броню?

Изменено пользователем Of course


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хех, чет не думал что все настолько хуево с 670

на минимальных даже стейбл 50 фпс нет, и это блядь не новиградbig36.gif



Еще кто нибудь подскажет где большие глифы продаются на броню?

попробуй глянуть у того друида на скеллиге, которые мастер-алхимик

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лол, рецидивист какой то этот Дарвин )













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баг в игре :trollface: :trollface: :trollface:

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Список изменений 1.07 патча. Выделил жирным самое важное и перевел, не благодарите :nate:



Patch 1.07 is almost here! Below is the complete list of changes and fixes it will bring.

Introduces an alternative movement style for Geralt. To enable, go to the Gameplay\Movement Response submenu.

Fixes a rare issue where the player's horse would not fall to the ground properly.

Fixes a rare issue where the player could be locked into the aiming animation if hit while throwing a bomb on horseback.

Fixes a rare issue with an infinite loading screen in the Ladies of the Wood quest.

Includes a variety of collision fixes.

Fixes an issue where Wild Hunt warriors would remain present even after the player completed the main storyline.

Fixes an issue where players could repeatedly buy foreign currency from a loan shark and sell it at the Vivaldi Bank.

Fixes an exploit whereby players could loot gold from a single chest more than once.

Fixes an issue whereby some skills were not properly removed after the player used the Potion of Clearance.

Fixes an issue with target locking, which should now be more responsive.

Introduces a number of changes in selected game-world areas to prevent players from unexpectedly progressing quests or leaving the playable area by climbing certain elements of the landscape.

Fixes an issue where sometimes players could not use Signs after reaching Skellige for the first time.

Fixes an issue where damage from certain sources was incorrectly calculated.

Fixes an issue where the durability of alternative weapons did not drop as intended.

Fixes an issue where the game would remain in slow motion if the player had used manual targeting.

Fixes an issue whereby meditation could be blocked by certain quests.

Fixes an issue where Stamina did not always regenerate properly.

Fixes an issue where Geralt's statistics could be multiplied if the player stood in a Dimeritium bomb cloud while the Cluster skill was activated.

Introduces a number of fixes, improvements and clarifications in the map-pins and objectives for multiple quests. - Пара фиксов к маркерам на мини-карте, указывающим путь к квестам

Fixes an issue where in certain circumstances gravity ceased to apply to the player's horse.

Adds a stash for player convenience. Players can now store loot in their stash, access to which is available in different parts of the world. Stash locations are marked on the map. - Добавили сундуки для хранения вещей. Такие сундуки теперь показываются на карте.

Fixes an issue whereby the player's horse would often stop abruptly before bridges or other narrow passages. - Исправлен баг, из-за которого Плотва останавливалась, переходя узкие мосты.

Fixes an issue whereby encumbrance was not updating correctly, resulting in players being overburdened where in fact they were not.

Fixes a rare issue where players were unable to choose different Signs. - Исправлен редкий баг, когда игрок не мог использовать знаки

Fixes an issue where the player was sometimes unable to craft glyphs.- Исправлен баг, когда игрок не мог крафтить глифы.

Fixes an issue where not all merchants would accept junk loot.

All crafting components and alchemy ingredients now weigh nothing. - Все алхимические ингридиенты теперь ничего не весят.

Fixes an issue where certain armor/hairstyle combinations interacted incorrectly.

Fixes an issue where instances of the Quen Sign would occasionally burst during dialogue scenes.

Fixes a rare issue where the player could not play gwent with Madame Serenity at the Passiflora.

The Zoltan gwent card should now always be present beneath the Hanged Man's Tree if the player does not win it earlier in White Orchard.

Fixes a rare issue where players could not talk to, or play gwent with, the innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads.

Includes a number of wording and spelling fixes in multiple localized versions. - Исправлены ошибки и опечатки в некоторых локализациях.

Introduces a number of improvements in the game streaming system. Players should experience fewer blurred textures, NPC spawn times should be markedly reduced, and there should be an overall improvement in the speed with which game assets are loaded. Streaming system improvements should be most noticeable on consoles and systems with non-SSD drives.

Improves performance in the swamps of the No Man's Land region. - Повышена стабильность игры на болотах в Ничейных Землях

Fixes an issue whereby the presence of fog could adversely affect game performance. - Исправлена неполадка, когда туман в некоторых областях влиял на стабильность игры

Optimizes various FX which should result in improved performance during the Battle of Kaer Morhen quest. - Исправлены некоторые элементы FX, что должно привести к большей стабильности во время Битвы за Каэр Морхен

Introduces a number of optimizations that improve overall performance throughout the game. - Несколько оптимизаций, призванных улучшить общую стабильность игры

Improves overall game performance.- Повышена общая стабильность игры

Fixes an issue where Keira's magic bubble could adversely affect performance.

Fixes an issue whereby the mouse cursor would remain visible during in-game video playback.

Adds a warning if the user runs out of disk space and wants to crate a new game save.

Fixes an issue whereby Colorblind mode was not properly saved.

Fixes an issue whereby Zoltan would sometimes appear in the incorrect location after the Novigrad, Closed City quest.

Fixes an issue during the Last Wish quest whereby Geralt would continue his conversation with Yennefer after they parted.

Fixes an issue where two simultaneous instances of some characters would appear in a scene in the Broken Flowers quest.

Fixes an issue whereby some objectives were not available to the player and would be automatically failed during the Battle of Kaer Morhen quest..

Fixes an issue where in certain circumstances Lambert did not board the boat during the Final Trial quest.

Fixes an issue where in certain circumstances Madame Serenity was improperly placed during the Deadly Plot quest.

Fixes an issue where the Fake Papers quest would be failed if the player did not mention that one of the brothers was dead.

Fixes an issue whereby players would sometimes be unable to start the final horse race, The Heroes' Pursuits: For the Goddess' Glory! in Skellige.

Fixes an issue where unintended objects were present in Novigrad after the Battle of Kaer Morhen quest.

Fixes an issue where a progression break could occur if Geralt was knocked out by guards while following the Bloody Baron during the Family Matters quest.

Fixes an issue where players were sometimes unable to interact with a torch in the Get Junior quest.

Fixes an issue where players could sometimes experience an infinite loading screen during the Iron Maiden quest.

Fixes an issue where in certain circumstances players could encounter a blocker during the Contract: The Apiarian Phantom quest. Players who have encountered this bug need to backtrack to the frozen hive and examine the footprints around it again.

Fixes an issue whereby the player could get locked inside a room during the Through Time and Space quest.

Fixes an issue where on rare occasions players were unable to progress the game after the Get Junior quest, specifically upon reaching Vernon Roche's camp.

Fixes an issue whereby purchasing wine during the It Takes Three to Tango quest would not always progress the quest properly.

Fixes an issue where the In Wolf's Clothing quest did not progress properly after the player read Morkvarg's journal.

Fixes an issue where on some rare occasions players were unable to interact with the Wild Hunt soldier's body during the Echoes of the Past quest.

Fixes an issue whereby Keira would not always properly use the portal during the For the Advancement of Learning quest if asked to go to Kaer Morhen.

Fixes an issue where the Scoia'tael from Novigrad was not always available to play in the Gwent quest.

Fixes an issue where the player could get blocked inside a cellar during the King's Gambit quest.

Fixes an issue where in certain situations the player was unable to find Triss during the Final Preparations quest.


Изменено пользователем grok

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Fixes an issue where players could repeatedly buy foreign currency from a loan shark and sell it at the Vivaldi Bank.



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очень лень читать все невыделенное

там не исправили случайно баг, по которому ты можешь снова купить у торговца статуэтки и у тебя снова активируется квест "сыр и темные силы"?


Your desire is your essence.

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а на пианино то пиздато звучит :pray:

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хуйня :nate:

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бля зачем добавлять сташи, но при этом убирать вес алхимических ингридиентов. в чем смысл ваще?

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но компоненты крафта весят :nate:

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хуйня :nate:

у коня

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[/media] а на пианино то пиздато звучит :pray:

Вообще уныло. В оригинале все дело в скрипке которая прям в душу играет, а на пианино совсем никак

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так алхимические ингредиенты особо ничего не весили

по сравнению с другими рпг играми вместимость у геральта (плотвы) как у камаза

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нихуя не весят, особенно когда их по 100 штук каждого вида


Your desire is your essence.

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а зачем тебе столько много?

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я на все трупы пробел жму и все


Your desire is your essence.

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