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Amazon Халява

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Me:I wanted to buy a present for my mother's birthday, and it is relied on the money

:lolpray:  :lolpray:  :lolpray:  :lolpray: 

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как вы это делаете вообще?

это уже третий, который говорит что вообще никак не может

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You are now connected to Prajot from Amazon.com
Prajot:Hello, my name is Prajot. I'm here to help you today.
Me:Hello, Prajot, I've invited 4 friends in a few past months, but after they received orders, I havent received 20$ for using my referral code((
Prajot:I understand your concern. Please be rest assured, I'm here to help you.
Katrine before we go ahead can you help me with the email ids of the referred friends?
Me:oh,sorry, i don't remember them(
Prajot:Katrine to issue the credit i will be needing to check that the accounts have a physical order placed above $10.
For you to get the $5 promo credit.
Me:can you still add 20 credits for me?
Prajot:I am sorry Katrine i cannot.
I hope we are still connected?
Me:I am very upset that you can not independently verify this((
Prajot:I am sorry Katrine the system wont let me as i will be needing the email ids to issue credit for each account.
Me:I asked, almost friends, but only one answer now. here is his e-mail
Prajot:Katrine i am sorry i cannot see any orders placed on this acount.
I hope we are still connected?
Me:I wanted to buy a present for my mother's birthday, and it is relied on the money
its so bad((
Prajot:I am sorry Katrine.
I cannot help as the system wont allow me.


Prajot: Hello, my name is Prajot. I'll be glad to help you today. 

Me: hello,Prajot 

How are u? 

Prajot: I am good Wayne how are you? 

Me: good, but i a bit disappointed because can't use my money from referral 

Prajot: I can understand your concern about the app referral. Please do not worry I will try my best to resolve this issue as soon as possible. 

Me: please help me to get it 

i need it to buy gift for my sister for birthday :) 

Prajot: Sure. Before we go ahead can you help me with the email ids of the friends that you referred?

 Prajot: I am sorry Wayne as there are no orders in your account i could not issue any credit as my system wont allow it.


Этого челика на сопли не возьмёшь :trollface:

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мне кажется или от нее я не получу ничего?

Sasi:Hello, I'm Sasi. I'll be happy to assist you today.

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Sasi, она с нами еще с начала абуза


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ебать вы там лутаете, выезжаю в 3 окна

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Как браузер в блюстаксе открыть? а то хса чё то в амазоне нет

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Me:I wanted to buy a present for my mother's birthday, and it is relied on the money

потом чекает че за подарок, а там пакичи хса  :trollface:

badmad понравилось это

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40 лутанул пока что

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может сила в правде

после пасты про физикал ордер


просто фор фан напишите хочу золотую деку в ХС

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You are now connected to Tovseef from Amazon.com
Tovseef:Hello, my name is Tovseef. I'm here to help you today.
Me:hello Tovseef
how are you?
Tovseef:I am fine , thanks for asking
I hope that you are also doing well today?
Me:yes, but i a bit disappointed because can't use my money from referral
Tovseef:In addition to our large selection, one of the benefits we try very hard to offer our customers is convenience. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience you experienced in this case.
have you received the referral credit ?
Me:No, this is my reason for writing to you
Tovseef:No problem I will help you
Could you provide me the email address of your friends to whom you have send the ref feral invitation link ?
Tovseef:Thanks for sharing the details
Let me check it
I can see that your friend has not placed the physical order for $10 or more so that is the reason you did not get the $5
Hope that we are still connected ?
Me:yes, hope you can help me something?
Tovseef:Dont worry I am making an one time exception for you I will give you $5 promo credit
Me:thank you very mach Tovseef
Tovseef:I have issued the $5 credit
This amount will automatically apply the next time you order an item shipped and sold by Amazon.com. You won't need a claim code. For more information about using your promotional certificate visit:http://www.amazon.com/help/promotionalc...(See full link)
Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Me:where i can see them?
Tovseef:This amount will automatically apply the next time you order an item shipped and sold by Amazon.com
you'll see an option to choose whether you'd like to "Use your Gift Card or Promotional Balance" on the "Select a payment method" page.

это он меня наебал?

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если нету бабок на акке по чеку баланса

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а не, пришло

первые пять бачей от амозона :trollface:

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Решил за долго время в чатик зайти

Скинул пасту

И первое же сообщение которое мне написал мол " Я вижу у вас новый аккаунт, который вы только что зарегали, кого же вы заинвайтили " 


Тут я обосрался и убежал 

-Я дьявол и я пришёл делать дьявольскую работу
-Нее, у тебя тупее имя было

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похоже по 5 бачей проще просить

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лутаете смотрю? выезжаю в два окна



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