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Бля что за пиздец. Делал двум друзьям по 5 бачей сегодня, у них всё с первого раза покупается. Я покупаю сегодня уже 4 раз. Первые 3 раза с 3 купилось. Щас блядь 5 крутится. В чём трабла?

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Хз, ничего особенного, но действую в лучших традициях вацапа из трейд-топана, мб кто помнит.

кидани переписку успешную, поделись опытом

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Me: Hello! I invited by referral of four friends. They bought physical goodes and goods they have already taken. But I did not come to a cash bonus of $ 20. I am very disappointed with the service work, and I think that it is better to use some other online store.
Seetannagari: Hello, my name is Seetannagari. I'm here to help you today.
Me: Hello Seetannagari
Seetannagari: I understand your concern and I'll certainly help you with that.
I'm so sorry for the delay Elena.
Could you please help me with the email address of your friends.
Me: Sorry, i dont remember their :(
Seetannagari: I request you to please email the four email id's at cs-reply@amazon.com. We will issue the $20 promotional certificate right away.
Me: But I do not remember them, sweetie. :( Help me please, I really want to have time to make a gift to my sister :(
She has a birthday tomorrow, she is 18 years old, serious date :)
Seetannagari: I understand Elena, we do go through certain protocols and processes and that doesn't allow us to do so without the email address. Please understand our limitations on this matter and My apologies again for the situation.
However, As an exception, I can issue the $10 for you.
Will that be OK for you Elena ?
Me: Oh... Yes, sweetie, you are very kind :)
Seetannagari: Thank you Elena.
Me: Thank you Seetannagari :)
Seetannagari: I've issued the $10 promotional certificate to your account.
You're welcome Elena.

Хз, вот ласт, тут на десятку договорился.
Над инглишем не ржать, офк, всё тупо через транслейтер перегоняю.

Изменено пользователем AforAzaza

[hide="«От неё пахло сигаретами и инди-роком...»"]4B70730624B4D29D554BE224E744F2C01B13C5CB




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I've invited 4 friends in a few past months, but after they received orders, I havent received 20$ for using my referral code 


yes they make physical orders 


 nahui idi  :lol:

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Парни хелпаните с ошибкой покупки плз

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Настрой 1клик 

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Me: Hello! I invited by referral of four friends. They bought physical goodes and goods they have already taken. But I did not come to a cash bonus of $ 20. I am very disappointed with the service work, and I think that it is better to use some other online store.

Seetannagari: Hello, my name is Seetannagari. I'm here to help you today.

Me: Hello Seetannagari

Seetannagari: I understand your concern and I'll certainly help you with that.

I'm so sorry for the delay Elena.

Could you please help me with the email address of your friends.

Me: Sorry, i dont remember their :(

Seetannagari: I request you to please email the four email id's at cs-reply@amazon.com. We will issue the $20 promotional certificate right away.

Me: But I do not remember them, sweetie. :( Help me please, I really want to have time to make a gift to my sister :(

She has a birthday tomorrow, she is 18 years old, serious date :)

Seetannagari: I understand Elena, we do go through certain protocols and processes and that doesn't allow us to do so without the email address. Please understand our limitations on this matter and My apologies again for the situation.

However, As an exception, I can issue the $10 for you.

Will that be OK for you Elena ?

Me: Oh... Yes, sweetie, you are very kind :)

Seetannagari: Thank you Elena.

Me: Thank you Seetannagari :)

Seetannagari: I've issued the $10 promotional certificate to your account.

You're welcome Elena.

Хз, вот ласт, тут на десятку договорился.


Над инглишем не ржать, офк, всё тупо через транслейтер перегоняю.

Подобные пасты проходят 2/10

Не в обиду

Просто уже 2 недели этой хуйней занимаюсь

Жалость почти нихуя не приносит

Бедный евилсанрайс,его уже и к глорам альянса припихивали,теперь он навибой


R.I.P. Legends



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Дак я первый раз это юзнул, проканало. Я вообще хз что тут проходит, сегодня первый день пробую абузить.)

[hide="«От неё пахло сигаретами и инди-роком...»"]4B70730624B4D29D554BE224E744F2C01B13C5CB




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Настрой 1клик 

Я настроил. В первые 3 раза у меня с 3 раза купилось, щас я уже раз 8 попробовал. Может это из за того что я ту же карту прикрепил? Надо новую?

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в 1клик не нужно карту 

Artiomkaa понравилось это

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Хм. Да, чё то я в гайде скипнул этот пункт. Делал ван клик через карту. Щас попробую без нее. Спасибо)

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Уроды нахуй. Абузите в 10 окон , а мне такое пишут


I'm sorry I need the emails to verify if they have placed a physical order, otherwise the promotion will not apply, we have receiving a lot of contacts about this, however the orders placed on the accounts are digital

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бля, где найти аки с физикал ордерами

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сука и уже минут 10 нихуя не пишет  :fffuuu:  :fffuuu:  :fffuuu:

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Nikhil:Yes absolutely :)

i have checked everything from my end as well

And there will be not an issue in getting the credit

Please do not worry , you will get the confirmation email regarding the referral


А вот и проблемы фейк мыла. 1x

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бля, где найти аки с физикал ордерами

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эта хуйня только письмом в саппорт фиксится?





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за сегодня 49 паков.

и 3 скина. 

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