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Amazon Халява

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We've noted a large number of contacts to our Customer Service teams regarding App referral credit. We strive to provide world class customer service.

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а есть у кого аккаунты, на которых джигитал ордер был? скиньте по братски

там пацаны отк пристами играют, а у меня велена нету

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у меня сегодня даже капа в 100 нету (

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у меня сегодня даже капа в 5 нету

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а есть у кого аккаунты, на которых джигитал ордер был? скиньте по братски

там пацаны отк пристами играют, а у меня велена нету


5 баксов на стартовый набор индус тебе накинет просто за грустный смайлик 

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Чет за вечер/ночь из 40+ почт только одна 20 и всё


Всё что ли?

Наабузились, наворовали, нахалявили

Хватит?  :fffuuu:

-Я дьявол и я пришёл делать дьявольскую работу
-Нее, у тебя тупее имя было

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Kanakam:Thank you for the information Emma!

Could I please place you on hold for 2 minutes while I research this?

Me:Sure, take your time!

Kanakam:Thank you for your time and patience.

I have successfully issued the $20 to your account.



Лучший роботник этой помойки.  :megapray:

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Kanakam:Thank you for the information Emma!
Could I please place you on hold for 2 minutes while I research this?
Me:Sure, take your time!
Kanakam:Thank you for your time and patience.
I have successfully issued the $20 to your account.
Лучший роботник этой помойки.  :megapray:


что писал, давал почты?

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просто нахуй

у меня есть письмо


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Да, написал почты из гайда.  :trollface:

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Бля а если писать, что так и так, мол пригласил друзей, не говорить сколько, попросят почту скинуть штук 50, в любом случае я думаю чекать всё не будут, либо нахуй пошлют, либо на отъебись немного отсыпят 

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Me:Hello, I have invited by referral of four friends who have bought the product on the Amazon site, but its like I still didnt get my bonus and I dont know why.
You are now connected to Sadhana from Amazon.com
Sadhana:Hello, my name is Sadhana. I'm here to help you today.
Me:Good day
Sadhana:I am very sorry that you didn't receive your referral credits.
Could you please send me their email id's?
Me:i dont remember that, just copy -pasted them
Are these the email id's?
Me:oh, yes
it is right
Sadhana:Great! let me check what went wrong.
Ahmad, according to our company policies there should be at-least one physical order in these accounts and sadly they don't have any physical order. though, I can make a one time exception for you and issue you a promo
Me:oh, I really made a mistake? excuse me
thank you very much
Sadhana:They've not made a mistake, they've just not placed the right order which eligible for the referral code criteria and you'll be benefited by it. But I can make an exception here as you have contacted many time before.
Me:thank you a lot, if you really can
Sadhana:I am sorry if I offended you, But I didn't mean it in that way. Please accept my apologies here.
Me:gm, what does it mean; 'though, I can make a one time exception for you and issue you a promo" ?
Sadhana:I apologize for that, Ahmad.
Me:do you mean , you are may not
Sadhana:Ahmad, I didn't mean it in that way. Please allow me to issue you a promo to your account.
Me:ok, i allow
Sadhana:I will send you an email confirmation regarding the promo.
Me:ok, i see
Sadhana:Is there anything else I can do for you?
Me:no, only this one
have a nice day
good bye

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Они все чекнут и еще пастами тебе лицо обмажут.

Изменено пользователем Hatsune

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Me:Hello, I have invited by referral of four friends who have bought the product on the Amazon site, but its like I still didnt get my bonus and I dont know why.
You are now connected to Sadhana from Amazon.com
Sadhana:Hello, my name is Sadhana. I'm here to help you today.
Me:Good day
Sadhana:I am very sorry that you didn't receive your referral credits.
Could you please send me their email id's?
Me:i dont remember that, just copy -pasted them
Are these the email id's?
Me:oh, yes
it is right
Sadhana:Great! let me check what went wrong.
Ahmad, according to our company policies there should be at-least one physical order in these accounts and sadly they don't have any physical order. though, I can make a one time exception for you and issue you a promo
Me:oh, I really made a mistake? excuse me
thank you very much
Sadhana:They've not made a mistake, they've just not placed the right order which eligible for the referral code criteria and you'll be benefited by it. But I can make an exception here as you have contacted many time before.
Me:thank you a lot, if you really can
Sadhana:I am sorry if I offended you, But I didn't mean it in that way. Please accept my apologies here.
Me:gm, what does it mean; 'though, I can make a one time exception for you and issue you a promo" ?
Sadhana:I apologize for that, Ahmad.
Me:do you mean , you are may not
Sadhana:Ahmad, I didn't mean it in that way. Please allow me to issue you a promo to your account.
Me:ok, i allow
Sadhana:I will send you an email confirmation regarding the promo.
Me:ok, i see
Sadhana:Is there anything else I can do for you?
Me:no, only this one
have a nice day
good bye



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тоже пообещал 20 бачей в виде исключение в течении часа ,но офк нихуя не получил.

Ладно пойду спать завтра мб что-то будет 

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Хатсуне на поживку поздно пришел :lol:

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Пытаюсь на крупняк индуса вывести

он ушел с менеджером советоваться

You are now connected to Vilas Sharadchandra from Amazon.com
Vilas Sharadchandra:Hello, my name is Vilas Sharadchandra. I'm here to help you today.
I've invited 3 friends in a few past months, but after they received orders, I havent received 15$ for using my referral code
Vilas Sharadchandra:May I've the name and email id of three friends you referred.
Me:  :spydance:
Vilas Sharadchandra:I'll raise this issue with the Promotion and marketing .
Me:thank you
Vilas Sharadchandra:I've raised your issue with the Promotion and marketing team they will get back to you in 1-2 business days.
With resolution.
Me:can u issue $15 to me now?
Vilas Sharadchandra:Let me check .
I've added $5 as Promo certificate.
$15 as promo in your account.
Me:thank you
you are very helpful
if i got more email of friends
Vilas Sharadchandra:Is there anything else that I may assist you ?
Me:would u issue me more?
do u have limit?
Vilas Sharadchandra:This is the maximum that I can issue with the prior permission of my Manager.
Me:but if i have more email
what should i do?
queue again?

Изменено пользователем badmad



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Хатсуне на поживку поздно пришел :lol:

Ну тип я зашел себе на Каражан поднять и поднял, больше ничего не нужно.

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где гайдос там как 1клик настроить, срочняк надо

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