Extazy12 #7661 23 октября 2016 челики кто юзает акки с ресент физикал покупками, с какой вероятностью вас нахуй шлет супорт? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
3ADNICA1 #7662 23 октября 2016 Можно как то обойти проверку телефона чтоб получить 5$? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Z-t-1-m-Q #7663 23 октября 2016 нет нельзя, это обязательное условие для настоящего бонуса) но ты на эту 5ру не купишь старт-пак PROFIT Velen There is a rainbow in the sky Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
3ADNICA1 #7664 23 октября 2016 По гайду из 1 ого поста в чате всегда просят скинуть почты, минут 5 молчат и посылают. Хз как у вас получается Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
rasty #7668 23 октября 2016 воббще не в нищебродской теме и не планирую, но купим бы пакичи по дешману. (стартовый набор уже есть)сколько стоит 60 паков в рублях? и чтоб без кидалова. :hmm: Забейте убивать зрение на доте и научитесь играть в покер, не вкладывая собственных денег! Получите бонусы в $50 от PokerStrategy.com! Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
3ADNICA1 #7669 23 октября 2016 Тоже прикупил бы AxeL228 понравилось это Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Abbie #7670 23 октября 2016 (изменено) для 60 паков нужно выпраживать 70 бачей? думаю тут все по 40 макс могут подогнать Изменено 23 октября 2016 пользователем Abbie see you again в каждой игре Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
trueStrike #7671 23 октября 2016 в приложение максимум 40 можно купить насколько я помню Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
iMc.FleXx #7672 23 октября 2016 ну че?стоит щас идти в чат? или золотые запасы опустели? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
serna #7673 23 октября 2016 нет смысла, они чет злые ща https://puu.sh/qP0LJ/3c8c55b6c3.png Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Abbie #7674 23 октября 2016 давайте утихнем на время все see you again в каждой игре Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
trueStrike #7676 23 октября 2016 (изменено) сначала срался час с даунами, потом час ждал супервизора, потом еще минут 30 пока он прочитает всю хуйню и таки выдали полтишоклог приложил, кому не впадлу читать Gaurav Kumar:Hello, my name is Gaurav Kumar. I'm here to help you today.Me:hiI spoked with agent yesterday he said my credit will be applied withing 24 hours but I still don't have it.Gaurav Kumar:Thank you for the Information, Otberu .Please do not worry, l am here to help and will do my best to resolve this.May I place you on hold for 2 minutes while I check this for you?May i know if you are referring to app referal credit?Me:yesGaurav Kumar:As I checked this this promo is valid on physical order of minimum $10.As you have not placed any order yet, please place a physical order and you will get the credit.I hope this helps.Me:How is that connected?there's not terms that state thisanywaythat's not my issue hereagent promised it will be applied within 24 hoursbut still nothingGaurav Kumar:As I have checked that you have not placed any physical order yet, plesae place a physical order and you will get the credit.Me:what's it wrong with you?agent said it will be applied within 24 hours, no orders requiredGaurav Kumar:Let me check your previous conversation.Me:I even got email from himyou are lying in my face hereGaurav Kumar:Please do not worry let me check.Me:yes, I'm worrying, because you clearly have no intention to helpand lying to meGaurav Kumar:I’m sorry this is taking longer than expected, could you please be on hold for another 2 minutes?Me:noGaurav Kumar:As I checked this, you will have to place the order In order to get the benifits.Me:no I don't have towhere did you check it?Agent clearly said it will be applied without any orders and there's not term like this according to terms and conditions of promotion.Gaurav Kumar:I'm really sorry for the wrong information, as i've checked and confirmed.Me:Where did you check it? You lied to me before, how could I know you are not lying now?give me quoteGaurav Kumar:http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/?nodeId=201827070Please check the link.Me:I checkedgive me quoequote*Gaurav Kumar:I've checked with my system and confirmed, so i request you to place a physical order.Me:Give me quote from terms and conditions.You can'tcause there's no term like that.you are lying to mebecause you have some policy here to withhold every cent from customers, right?Gaurav Kumar:Request you to please place an order for minimum $10 for the physical order , could you please place the order in order to get this benefit .Me:Do you have mentally ill?You are indian right? You clearly got some troubles with understanding english.THERE'S NO TERM THAT I HAVE TO PLACE ORDER. YOU MADE IT UP. AND TRYING TO SCAM ME HEREGaurav Kumar:I'm really sorry for all the trouble,Otberu.Please allow me 2 minutes to check this with our available resources.Thank you so much for your patience,Otberu.As per the policy if you refer some one that means that person should create a new account on amazon and place the physical order with that new account.Me:NO IT'S NOTTHERE'S NO TERM LIKE THAThttps://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer...(See full link)CHECK IT AND GIVE ME QUOTEGaurav Kumar:I'm really sorry for this,Otberu.Please check the below information :-You must have a valid Amazon.com customer account;The customer you refer must use your link, sign in to the latest version of the Amazon App for iOS, Android, or Fire OS, and verify their phone number;The referred customer must not have completed a purchase from the Amazon App within the preceding 12 months and the phone number associated with the account must not have received a purchase discount during the lifetime of the Program; andThe referred customer must place an order using the Amazon App for physical goods (excluding gift cards) shipped by Amazon and must not cancel that order prior to shipmentMe:YES, NO PURCHASES IN APP WITHIN 12 MONTHSNOTHING ABOUT BEING NEW MEMBER OFF AMAZONGaurav Kumar:A member of our App Store team will be the perfect person to help you with this. Let me connect you to a member of our App Store team. It will only take a moment.Me:ahahahahslipping awaycheap scammerhave no more excuses?are you here scambag?A Customer Service Associate will be with you in a moment.You are now connected to Ritesh from Amazon.comMe:connect me to previous rep plsRitesh:Hello, my name is Ritesh. Please give me a moment to review the previous correspondence.Me:dam cheap scammer think he can slip awayRitesh:Let me connect you to a member of our Retail team. It will only take a moment.A Customer Service Associate will be with you in a moment.You are now connected to Joedeen from Amazon.comJoedeen:Hello, my name is Joedeen. Please give me a moment to review the previous correspondence.Me:connect me to that Gaurav Kumardamn cheap scammer ran out of excuses and transfered chat lolJoedeen:I'm sorry I don't have the option to transfer you to that representative, however I try to help as much as possible with this.Me:read whole conversation please, I have no intention to go through this all over againJoedeen:Thank you so much for holding, I've done my checks and I'm seeing you stated referring 10 and you are expecting to receive the promotional credit of $50, I'm seeing that the associate advised you that the amount would be applied by the marketing team. I'm really sorry for this misinformation, however for the Amazon shopping app referral credit, there are steps that you need to follow to be eligible for the credit, this is automatically applied to your account if you are eligible and not given by customer service. The steps to follow are:1) Open the “Invite Friends” page using the latest version of the app to send invites with a personal referral code.2) Choose whether you'd like to select from your device contact list or manually send using your device’s native sharing apps.3) After the contact accepts the invite and makes a purchase for the first time in the mobile shopping app, then you'll receive $5 credit 7-10 business days after the order is shipped.Me:All conditions are met.Joedeen:If all conditions are met the credit will automatically be applied.Me:and agent promised me that it will be appliedwithin 24 hoursJoedeen:I'm sorry for the misinformation by this agent, the amount will only be applied if you are eligible.Me:Is that how you work here?Making promises you are not able to fulfil?Joedeen:I'm sorry Otberu, in order to help with this I have to give you the most accurate information that we have.Me:information, what kind of information you wanna give me?Joedeen:I'd just like to point out, I'm seeing some orders that you gave before, in order for the credit to be applied, the person you are inviting needs to purchase for the first time in the mobile shopping app, then you'll receive $5 credit 7-10 business days after the order is shipped. You can receive more information here. http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/...(See full link)Me:First of all, I asked you a question. Is that how you work here? Making promises you are not able to fulfil?2nd, there's no term like thatthat they have to be new members of amazononly first time customers IN APPAgent promised me that credit will be applied and I request you to fulfil that promise.or maybe you wanna transfer chat like you buddy Gaurav Kumar did when he ran out of excusesJoedeen:Thank you for holding. We make promises that we are able to honor, the associate advised you that your information will be sent to another department to have this amount applied. However this isn't even available by the other team, the amount has to be automatically applied.Me:He said amount will be applied within 24 hours and I don't care what team is supposed to do it.Joedeen:That is unfortunately not possible, no department can add this amount to your account.Me:Every rep can do it, especially you are from retail team.I know how it worksJoedeen:No, that is not the case.Me:That means you are making promises you are not able or you don't want to fulfil as I see it.Most like don't want.Since I know you are able to do it.Joedeen:I didn't make that promise and if I had the option to add this amount for you, I;d be more than happy to, however this option isn't available to me.Me:You are representative of Amazon. That agent was also representative of Amazon. See the connection?Joedeen:So basically what I'm saying is that the amount has to be automatically applied, there is no way for me to apply the credit otherwise.Me:I don't care. Agent made promise that means amazon made promise and you don't want to fulfil it.Apply it as a refund or any other promotion credit.I don't mind.Joedeen:Otberu, I unfortunately don't have that option.Me:Go ask your supervisor, I believe he got that option and don't forget to mention how you and your buddy Gaurav Kumar tried to scam me.Joedeen:I've already been advised by my supervisor that this promotional credit can't be issued.Me:Did you tell him that I've been promised to receive it by one of reps and about your buddy Kumar trying to scam me?Joedeen:I'm not seeing where he tried to scam you. He was trying to advise you on how to receive the referral credit. Also I've given my supervisor all the relevant information.Me:He lied me in the face, made up none existent terms.and When he ran out of excuses he sliped away by transering chat to app store team lolwho is absolutely have no connection to issuehe knew they will transfer me to another retail agent, so he just didn' t want to do his jobJoedeen:I'm again really sorry for the inconvenience to you and the unnecessary transfer will be reviewed by the appropriate team.Me:I don't need your sorry.I want my $50 I earned and been promised to receive.Joedeen:Unfortunately that is outside the scope of my authority to add this referral credit to your account.Me:add another credit, I don't careI want compensation for all the inconvenience and my time you've spent.Joedeen:Otberu, I'm sorry I'm not provided with that option.Me:Go find someone who is provided.Joedeen:Is it that you would like to speak with a supervisor?Me:I want you to speak with him.Joedeen:I've already done so and advised you earlier.Me:ok, connectJoedeen:Okay, I'll make the transfer shortly.I'm making the transfer now.A Customer Service Associate will be with you in a moment.You are now connected to Amazon from Amazon.comAmazon:Hello, my name is Jodene, the supervisor available. Please give me a moment to review the previous correspondence.Me:ahhahayou wasn't in hurry, right?40 min:DDDDDDDDby moment you meant another hour I guessAmazon:Thanks for holding I apologize for that hold timeI reviewed that chat which shows that you were to receive promotional credit for App referalThe promotional credit was applied to the account based on the fact that you have not received a response from the marketing and promotions departmentAre we still connected?Me:YesI see, thank you for that.Amazon:you are welcomeThank you for contacting Amazon.com Изменено 23 октября 2016 пользователем trueStrike mjgjmjgt, Digray и serna понравилось это Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
serna #7678 23 октября 2016 ебать ты красапет https://puu.sh/qP0LJ/3c8c55b6c3.png Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Digray #7680 23 октября 2016 (изменено) че-то в голос со скамбэга :lol: Изменено 23 октября 2016 пользователем Digray Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение