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On the 13th of July (or somewhere around that :P) Riot Games released the Season 1 update for League of Legends. Since then LoLBase.net have been on hold because of heavy changes to the log file.


This is now finally over as our parser have been fixed and are now able to handle the s1 log files and all their sweet data. It took way to long, but blame Riot for making such a release in the middle of summer when everyone is visiting family and friends and getting drunk :P .


At the moment only the parser have been fixed, which is why you will not see any of the new data anywhere on LoLBase.net yet. We will work on this over the next days (weeks).


So what kind of new data can you expect? Well, how about ELO! We can now show everyone's ELO, and probably also make some kind of top 500 or something. Other new data includes of course ranked games, so now we handle both normal and ranked games (regardless of what might still be written other places on LoLBase.net). This even includes a list of banned champions, so we can make statistic about that too! For some unknown reasons we still cannot see the champion level for each match - why are you hiding that Riot?


Well, enjoy. And thanks for your patience and uploads (more than 120000 log files) over the last three weeks. Hope we can be faster in the future.



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лол гавно же  :mameprivet:

иди портфель собирай скоро в школу.

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Это чо за герой? Какие-то хуёвые текстуры :veblo_1:




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HoN - хуйня :dunno:




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хон полная хуйня.


особенно мун квин с дилдо на голове  :trollface:

как и лол впрочем  :trollface:

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хон полная хуйня.


особенно мун квин с дилдо на голове  :trollface:

как и лол впрочем  :trollface:

В прочем, иди на хуй :trollface:




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хон полная хуйня.


особенно мун квин с дилдо на голове  :trollface:

как и лол впрочем  :trollface:


да ты и в доту играть до сих пор не научился, какой тебе лол/хон?

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