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ghost++ bot

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народ скиньте пожалуйста кто нибудь бота настроенного на гарену или помогите с настройкой  :NYcry:


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да играть невозможно без него! 1 чувак просто иорданец на обычных хостах он лагает пипец (((


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помогите ктонибудь


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мне не нужен гарена хост бот мне нужен ghost one 1.7.266


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Гость Рэйка

цель укажи!

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цель укажи!

всмысле цель:? бля помогите ктонибудь!


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"Мне надлежит наслаждаться над временем…
пусть мир и ужаснется моей радости, и
грубость его не поймет смысла слов моих."

Рэйсбрук Удивительный

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мой старый конфиг

поможет - не поможет :dunno:

cохрани вместо ghost.cfg




### the log file

bot_log =

### set to 1 if you are using warcraft 3 patch 1.23 or newer
bot_patch23ornewer = 1

### the language file

bot_language = language.cfg

### the path to your local Warcraft III directory
###  this path must contain war3.exe, storm.dll, and game.dll
###  this path must end in your system's path seperator (i.e. "\" on Windows or "/" on Linux)
###  if this path contains War3Patch.mpq the bot will attempt to extract "Scripts\common.j" and "Scripts\blizzard.j" on startup and write them to bot_mapcfgpath (which is defined later in this file)
###  common.j and blizzard.j are only required for automatically calculating map_crc, you do not need them if your map config files already contain map_crc

bot_war3path = d:\games\Warcraft III\

### the port GHost++ will host battle.net games on (this must be different from your admingame_port)

bot_hostport = 6113

### maximum number of games to host at once

bot_maxgames = 5

### command trigger for ingame only (battle.net command triggers are defined later)

bot_commandtrigger = !

### the path to the directory where you keep your map config files (must end in your system's path seperator)
###  this directory can also contain common.j and blizzard.j (extracted from War3Patch.mpq)
###  common.j and blizzard.j are only required for automatically calculating map_crc, you do not need them if your map config files already contain map_crc

bot_mapcfgpath = mapcfgs\

### the path to the directory where you keep your savegame files (must end in your system's path seperator)

bot_savegamepath = savegames\

### the path to the directory where you keep your map files (must end in your system's path seperator)
###  GHost++ doesn't require map files but if it has access to them it can send them to players and automatically calculate most map config values
###  GHost++ will search [bot_mappath + map_localpath] for the map file (map_localpath is set in each map's config file)

bot_mappath = d:\games\Warcraft III\maps\download\

### whether to save replays or not

bot_savereplays = 0

### the path to the directory where you want GHost++ to save replays (must end in your system's path seperator)

bot_replaypath = replays\

### whether to require spoof checks or not
###  disabling spoof checks just turns off automatic spoof checks and requiring players to be spoof checked before starting the game
###  spoof checks need to be enabled if you want GHost++ to detect which realm each player came from (use the !check command to see the realm)
###  you can always manually spoof check by whispering the bot (and in fact is required before running admin commands)

bot_spoofchecks = 0

### whether to display game refresh messages by default
###  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !refresh command

bot_refreshmessages = 0

### whether to automatically lock games when the owner joins

bot_autolock = 0

### whether to automatically save games when a player disconnects
###  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !autosave command

bot_autosave = 0

### whether to allow map downloads or not
###  set to 0 to disable map downloads
###  set to 1 to enable map downloads
###  set to 2 to enable conditional map downloads (an admin must start each map download with the !download or !dl command)

bot_allowdownloads = 0

### whether to ping players during map downloads or not
###  GHost++ will always stop pinging any players who are downloading the map
###  this config value determines whether GHost++ should stop pinging *all* players when at least one player is downloading the map

bot_pingduringdownloads = 0

### kicked banned people when they enter the channel
bot_kickbannedfromchannel = 0

### use LC style pings (divide actual pings by two)

bot_lcpings = 1

### auto kick players with ping higher than this

bot_autokickping = 400

### the game latency
###  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !latency command (which enforces a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 500)

bot_latency = 100

### the maximum number of packets a player is allowed to get out of sync by before starting the lag screen
###  before version 8.0 GHost++ did not have a lag screen which is the same as setting this to a very high number
###  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !synclimit command (which enforces a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 10000)

bot_synclimit = 50

### use new refresh (0) or old refresh code (1)
bot_oldrefresh = 0

### whether votekicks are allowed or not

bot_votekickallowed = 1

### the percentage of players required to vote yes for a votekick to pass
###  the player starting the votekick is assumed to have voted yes and the player the votekick is started against is assumed to have voted no
###  the formula for calculating the number of votes needed is votes_needed = ceil( ( num_players - 1 ) * bot_votekickpercentage / 100 )
###  this means it will round UP the number of votes required
###  if you set it to 100 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9, 9/10, 10/11, and 11/12 votes to pass
###  if you set it to 90 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9, 9/10, 9/11, and 10/12 votes to pass
###  if you set it to 80 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 4/6, 5/7, 6/8, 7/9, 8/10, 8/11, and 9/12 votes to pass
###  if you set it to 70 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 3/5, 4/6, 5/7, 5/8, 6/9, 7/10, 7/11, and 8/12 votes to pass
###  if you set it to 60 it will require 2/3, 2/4, 3/5, 3/6, 4/7, 5/8, 5/9, 6/10, 6/11, and 7/12 votes to pass

bot_votekickpercentage = 100

### Just before a game is hosted the creator is added to the bots friends list and removed soon after 
bot_addcreatorasfriendonhost = 0

### lobby/game commands are displayed as chat (or hidden)
bot_relaychatcommands = 1

### display information on current downloads (speed, ETA)
bot_showdownloadsinfo = 1

### interval in seconds between download info message
bot_showdownloadsinfotime = 2

### maximum players allowed to download at once, the rest will have almost KB/s until someone finishes downloading
bot_maxdownloaders = 3

### set total download speed (KB/s) available for all clients at once, if set to 1024, 4 people will get 256 each
bot_totaldownloadspeed = 1024

### set max download speed (KB/s) available for one client
bot_clientdownloadspeed = 512

### initiate game over timer if remaining players are less than this number (and at least a player left) - 0 to disable
bot_gameoverminplayers = 0

### initiate game over timer if remaining player percentage is less than this number (and at least a player left) - 0 to disable
bot_gameoverminpercent = 0

### initiate game over timer if team difference is bigger than this number, 0 - to disable
bot_gameovermaxteamdifference = 0

### redirect console output to udp
bot_udpconsole = 1

### whether to automatically add the players from last game to the next game's reserved list
bot_holdplayersforrmk = 1

### non admin commands, 1 enable, 0 disable
bot_nonadmincommands = 1

### root admins are required to spoof check if 1, or not if 0
bot_rootadminsspoofcheck = 0

### admins are required to spoof check if 1, or not if 0
bot_adminsspoofcheck = 0

### banned players will be notified with a whisper.
bot_notifybannedplayers = 1

### ghost will find its external ip on startup, disable if you want to play on LAN only
bot_findexternalip = 1

### specify your external ip here if you don't want ghost to auto find it.
bot_externalip = 

### use alternative site for external ip finding (if you experience lag (30s) on ghost startup)
bot_altfindip = 0

### bot's additional rootadmins separated by space ex: userone usertwo userthree
bot_rootadmins = ЗДЕСЬ ТВОЙ НИК

### bot's UDP password
bot_udppassword = ЗДЕСЬ ТВОЙ ПАРОЛЬ

### show autokick denied country or banned player messages
bot_verbose = 0

### bot's virtual host name
bot_virtualhostname = |cFF483D8BLOH

### ignore drop request for the first x seconds of lagging.
bot_dropvotetime = 30

### Time limit for hosting a game where no admins enter it
bot_lobbytimelimit = 10

### udp ip
udp_cmdbindip =

### udp port
udp_cmdport = 6969

### udp spoof target
udp_cmdspooftarget =


### whether to create the admin game or not (see readme.txt for more information)

admingame_create = 1

### the port GHost++ will host the admin game on (this must be different from your bot_hostport)

admingame_port = 6114

### the admin game password

admingame_password = ЗДЕСЬ ТВОЙ ПАРОЛЬ


### database type (this config value is ignored for now since we only support one type of database)

db_type = sqlite3

### sqlite3 database file

db_sqlite3_file = ghost.dbs


### which battle.net server to connect to
###  1.) useast.battle.net
###  2.) uswest.battle.net
###  3.) asia.battle.net
###  4.) europe.battle.net
### note that each banned player is tied to the realm it was created on and the realm is case sensitive
### so if you change your realm from useast.battle.net to USEAST.BATTLE.NET it'll still connect but anyone previously banned will not be counted as banned until you change it back

bnet_server = server.eurobattle.net

### your Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos CD key


### your Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne CD key


### your battle.net username

bnet_username = 

### your battle.net password

bnet_password = 

### the first channel to join upon entering battle.net

bnet_firstchannel = W3

### the root admin on this battle.net server only

bnet_rootadmin = 

### command trigger for this battle.net server only

bnet_commandtrigger = !

### whether to automatically add your friends list to each game's reserved list

bnet_holdfriends = 1

### whether to automatically add your clan members list to each game's reserved list

bnet_holdclan = 1

### you will need to edit this section of the config file if you're connecting to a PVPGN server
###  your PVPGN server operator will tell you what to put here

bnet_custom_war3version = 23
bnet_custom_exeversion = 208 0 23 1
bnet_custom_exeversionhash = 5 188 217 250
bnet_custom_passwordhashtype = pvpgn

### example configuration for connecting to a second official battle.net server

# bnet2_server = uswest.battle.net
# bnet2_username =
# bnet2_password =
# bnet2_firstchannel = The Void
# bnet2_rootadmin =
# bnet2_commandtrigger = !
# bnet2_holdfriends = 1
# bnet2_holdclan = 1

### example configuration for connecting to a third PVPGN battle.net server

# bnet3_server = pvpgn.boredaussie.com
# bnet3_username =
# bnet3_password =
# bnet3_firstchannel = The Void
# bnet3_rootadmin =
# bnet3_commandtrigger = !
# bnet3_holdfriends = 1
# bnet3_holdclan = 1
# bnet3_custom_war3version = 22
# bnet3_custom_exeversion = 184 0 22 1
# bnet3_custom_exeversionhash = 219 152 153 144
# bnet3_custom_passwordhashtype = pvpgn
bnet2_server = europe.battle.net
bnet3_server = europe.battle.net
bnet4_server = europe.battle.net
bnet5_server = europe.battle.net
bnet6_server = europe.battle.net
bnet7_server = europe.battle.net
bnet8_server = europe.battle.net
bnet9_server = europe.battle.net
bnet10_server = europe.battle.net


Never argue with an idiot, they'll only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience


TheWho! написал 12 минут назад:

блядь вы вдумайтесь чел в ник вова написал это каким дауном надо быть лол 


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цель укажи!

всмысле цель:? бля помогите ктонибудь!


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Гость Рэйка

цель укажи!

всмысле цель:? бля помогите ктонибудь!

цель для чего тебе понадобился бот укажи

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цель укажи!

всмысле цель:? бля помогите ктонибудь!

цель для чего тебе понадобился бот укажи

для игр так как у нас в ростере есть иорданец и он не может играть на обычном хосте кроме бота если у тебя есть то скинь пожалуйста


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Гость Рэйка

цель укажи!

всмысле цель:? бля помогите ктонибудь!

цель для чего тебе понадобился бот укажи

для игр так как у нас в ростере есть иорданец и он не может играть на обычном хосте кроме бота если у тебя есть то скинь пожалуйста

ну ладно я понимаю евреи требуют кошерный сервер, но это уже через чур

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был же прикреплен топик

его куда дели?

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не трогал, не знаю


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прикрепленный топик в ридми добавлен - я вроде спрашивали обоих колег мнение на тему переноса его, уж сильно много тем было прикреплено, а бот нужен раз в пятилетку

мой - железнопопик

в мире доты неизвестен как LadyLama


Положение о медведях

тот который в очках должен быть первым, типо пиздатый

негр в середине крутит педали

с топором сзади контролит негра




значит ты можешь сосать медведя, думая о панде, вторым мышлением думая о письке, а можешь сосать панду, думая о письке, ну и сосать письку, думая о письке, естественно




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