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[Updates] 05.12.13 Patchnotes

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Гость JUSE








Update Notes - December 5, 2013


• Fixed a bug that caused some gem names and stat values to get truncated in the tooltip.

• Recipe costs have been reduced. This change will affect newly dropped recipes.

• Items with gems that convey the Inscribed, Autographed, and Ascendant qualities will now appear consistently. If the gemmed item already had a special quality (like Genuine) then that special quality will take precedence over the gem quality.

• Several issues with crafting have been fixed:

• A bug that made it appear that items were 'eaten' by crafting has been fixed. No items were actually eaten (they are still in your inventory). For example, a recipe that took 5 inputs would sometimes only consume 4 of the inputs and remain incomplete. The 5th item was never consumed even though it appeared to be by the UI. Recipes will now consume the correct number of items.

• A bug has been fixed that made the display of some recipes show the wrong type of items already fulfilled (i.e.: 4 of the same thing when actually 4 different items were fulfilled).

• The server is notified of a crafting attempt earlier in the crafting process so that crafting results will appear earlier.

• The crafting completed animation now also plays for partial crafts. A dialog will appear during a partial craft indicating the recipe is not complete and needs more components to be finalized.

• The tradability policy for socketed gems and crafted items has changed:

• Gems extracted from an item that is "tradable after date" now become tradable after the same date.

• Gems extracted from an item that can never be traded no longer inherit that restriction. You can safely add gems to a permanently untradable item without the gems becoming permanently untradable.

• Gems that are not tradable (like Ascendant gems) will make the item they are added to untradable, but only while those gems are socketed. Extracting the gems will remove the trade restriction from the item they are added to.

• If one or more crafted inputs are "tradable after date" then the recipe and output will become "tradable after date" with the latest date of the inputs.

• If one or more crafted inputs are permanently untradable then the recipe and output will become permanently untradable.

• All previously crafted items have been grandfathered into these new rules and have been made tradable.








Diretide 2013




Update Notes - November 26, 2013




- Wave of Force damage is no longer reflectable



- Enabled Luna on the workshop with new model and texture files

- Updated workshop model and texture files (including fbx) for Lion, Axe, Omniknight, Nature's Prophet, Juggernaut, Naga Siren, Ogre Magi, Tidehunter, and Ursa.

- Enabled alpha test for Earthshaker materials



- Improved Chinese IME support.





Update Notes - November 25, 2013


DIRETIDE - Sugar Rush

- Removed Roshan's 50% Base Magic Resistance

- Illusions can no longer be created in this phase

- Roshan can no longer be Rooted




- [OSX] Fixed crash for some users, especially when Command-tabbing.

- [OSX] Made Ctrl-click function like a right click.

- Upgraded to SDL 2.0.1





Update Notes - November 22, 2013



- Fixed -workshop command line parameter not initializing correctly (caused various issues, including not requiring particle date for items that have attached particle systems)

- Self-Made items can no longer be chiseled, socketed, or hammered.

- Gems extracted from an item that is "tradable after date" or "cannot be traded" will gain the same property.

- The 'you have new items' notification has had a few issues fixed. This message will also now expire after 60 seconds if ignored.

- The pickup items screen has been removed. New items will be shown when the user enters the armory as popups.

- Some issues with client item acknowledgement have been fixed that caused items to be "invisible" to the armory but visible in the Steam backpack.

- When an item is hammered and its gems extracted, the now gemless item and the extracted gems will all popup as newly found items.

- A bug that caused gems to get stacked on top of the item they were extracted from in the armory UI has been fixed. Items that are hidden under gems can be found by moving the gems or sorting the backpack.

- We are in the process of restoring items that had their original special quality (genuine, vintage, etc) changed by gems. At the moment the Inscribed, Autographed, and Ascended qualities will only be set on items that have no other special quality.

- The reason for a new item entering the armory is now displayed in the item drop popup, i.e.: "Customer Support Granted You:" or "You Earned a Drop:"

- After acknowledging a new item drop, the armory will flip to the page where the item has been placed.

- After closing the socketing and crafting UIs the armory will return to its original page instead of going to page 1.

- Added new armory filters: "Is Equipped" and "Number of Sockets"

- You can now preview color and effect changes in the socketing UI before committing the changes.

- Fixed Necrophos VO playing at half speed.

- Fixed Juggernaut VO not playing.

- Added belt slot to Pudge

- The Star Series 8 Prize Pool has been correctly updated to $50,000 base.

- Fixed a case where html and 3D views in the UI could become corrupt after using alt-tab

- Fixed a crash when using alt-tab

- Fixed a crash when watching long replays on 32-bit windows

- New custom item sets for Abaddon, Bounty Hunter and Sand King as well as Coco the Courageous courier




Update Notes - November 21, 2013


- New Venomancer model

- Update to Gyrocopter model

- Update to Axe visuals

- Update to Luna model

- Update to Omniknight colors

- Update to Dazzle model

- Update to Pudge model

- Necrolyte changed to Necrophos

- Windrunner changed to Windranger

- Lycanthrope changed to Lycan

- Updated Necrophos voice processing.

- Bug Fix : Unusual Couriers will properly stop Unusual Effects on death.

- Workshop Fix : Workshop weapon submissions for Abaddon will include materialize/dematerialize settings.

- Added Teammate cooperation survey question





- More Flesh Heap fixes for Diretide

- Cleave no longer affects Roshan in Diretide

- Roshan movement cannot be obstructed during Sugar Rush

- Magic Resistance increase reduced from 10 per level to 5 per level

- Base Magic Resistance increased from 0 to 50%





Update Notes - November 20, 2013


The winners of today's Diretide cycle have been chosen a bit differently: Due to a bug in our UI the top score did not actually represent the current kill leader. Some teams went as far as they could, reaching an impressive 218 level kill. Others played the timing game and tried to one up who they thought the current leader was based on the Leaderboard.


We've decided to reward winners of both the highest level kill and the current highest score on the Leaderboard.



Cycle 7 Diretide Changes:


- Roshan can no longer be hexxed or stunned during Sugar Rush.


- The Sugar Rush Hall of Fame no longer displays the current cycle's high score. It will display the high score only once the cycle has completed.





Update Notes - November 19, 2013


* Couriers that scale their particle effects based on their games viewed will work again.

* Fixed several bugs that caused recipes to be generated with incorrect requirements.

* Fixed a bug that caused the UI for a recipe that requires multiple inputs of a particular rarity to incorrectly display a requirement for a specific item once the input requirement was partially fulfilled.

* Uncraftable items will no longer be generated as required inputs for recipes. Recipes that currently have uncraftable inputs will be adjusted to require a random item of the same rarity.

* Fixed a bug where inscribed gems would only display their first digit on the Steam Community Market.

* Inscribed gems now are named only by the type of stat they track instead of the type of stat they track and the value. This means that all items of the same type will appear together on the Steam Community Market. I.e.: No more "Kills: 1" category and "Kills: 2" category instead there would just be one "Kills" category.


Diretide Candy Rush changes:

- Roshan no longer belly aches.

- Roshan refreshes hero abilities only once per life at 50%.

- Roshan cannot be frozen, disarmed, or silenced.

- Roshan can be stunned and hexed.

- Roshan has a Spell Block ability (10 sec cooldown).


- Roshan is now unaffected by Hex and Root interruption

- You can now use a password to only match against other players with the same password in Diretide Matchmaking





Update Notes - November 15, 2013


- Trading functionality has been restored.


- Earth Spirit: Fixed an issue with Refreshing Rolling Boulder while already rolling.

- Earth Spirit: Fixed refreshed Boulder Smash causing units to teleport.

- Earth Spirit: Fixed a smashed Stone Remnant that got gripped still applying damage and silence to units in its old path.

- Earth Spirit: Fixed Magnetize and Rolling Boulder not applying their debuffs to magic immune enemies.

- Ember Spirit: Fixed Flame Guard doing damage in too slow of intervals.

- Ember Spirit: Fixed some cases where Searing Chains could do less damage tickets

- Storm Spirit: Fixed Storm Spirit not showing the minimap while in Ball Lightning.

- Death Prophet: Fixed Exorcism ghosts attacking Attack Immune targets.

- Meepo: Fixed clones not gaining XP.

- Rubick: Can no longer steal Stone Caller.

- Fixed legacy_mode_quick_cast interaction with items to test.

- Fixed a crash when using Keeper of the Light in last-hit practice games.

- Fixed Wisp subtitles.

- Reduced Stone Remnant model size


- Fixed the lava trail effect not having a name and having the wrong color values at default.

- Fixed missing Tabard of the Crested Cannoneer from Sing's Artillery of the Crested Cannoneer Set. Users that have already purchased this set have been granted the missing item.

- Fixed health bar in HUD sometimes being invisible at match start.

- Fixed an issue with Quick Buy for Coaches and Spectators.

- The Inscribed, Autographed, and Ascendant qualities will only be applied to items that have no other quality and will be removed when the item is hammered.

- Qualities that got into a weird state from gems (like missing genuine tags) will be restored this afternoon.

- Heroic items will now display their tournament properties correctly.

- The lava trail unusual effect should now have its correct appearance as well as an effect name.




- Increased the drop rate of special rewards given for killing higher levels of Roshan to 33% per level.


When you start Sugar Rush (Phase 2):

- All heroes are upgraded to level 25.

- Your gold now counts up at 1000/sec.

- Pudge's Flesh Heap is reset to 1.

- The timer to fight Roshan doesn't start until he either takes damage or 5 minutes have elapsed.





Update Notes - November 14, 2013 - Three Spirits+Diretide



- Added Ember Spirit and Earth Spirit

- Changed model of Strorm Spirit

User Interface

- Lanepicker added to hero selection screen

- You can now invite to trade from within Dota 2, including people you aren't friends with (privacy settings available)

- Games that are part of a best-of series are now grouped and spoiler-protected in the recent games panel

- Added set browser to Hero Picker

- Broadcasters can now specify a country and description per channel when setting up a lobby for specators

- Showcase View can be activated using the icon on the left side of your hero portrait.

- Colorblind option added

- Closed-captioning option added

- Added a "Pending Invitations" tooltip when in a party that lists outstanding party invitations

- Added Acknowledgements tab to the Library

- Fixed incorrect turn arrows when spectating Captains Mode drafts

- New convar dota_ability_legacy_mode_quick_cast causes all ability casts in Legacy keybinding mode to be Quick Casts

- You no longer need to equip pennants to have their view counts updated and count towards teams you watch live


New Player Experience

- Bots now substitute for players that leave in Limited Hero mode

- Added last hit training missions



- Changed low-priority penalty metric from time-based to games played

- Added messaging popups and more indications of low-priority status in interface

- Added new survey questions about self and team cooperation



- Game Voices and Sound Effects now have separate volume sliders

- Added a damage sound to Blademail reflect (only audible to attacking player)

- Added a sound on Diffusal Blade target units

- Corrected Clockwerk's spawn line

- Fixed FoW issues with some Invoker, Crystal Maiden, and Nature's Prophet abilities

- Visage ult sound no longer stacks with number of familiars

- Bloodrage target sound now retriggers even if target is still silenced



- New support for remnant based effects. Visual updates to Storm/Ember/Earth Spirit remnants can be applied to all wearable items and will properly mimic when Rubick steals them

- Modified Storm Spirit's effects to bring them visually in line with other Spirits



- Anyone in a matchmaking party can specify that they'd like to coach the party instead of play. In lobbies, players can choose to coach a team instead of play or spectate. Coaches cannot be used in Team Matchmaking, or Tournament lobbies.

- Increased maximum matchmaking party size to 6, to allow a coach to teach an entire team of students (but you can't Find Match if you have 6 players with no coach)

- Coaches are able to use in-player perspective views and broadcaster tools like line drawing to teach their students. They are able to ping on the ground, the minimap, and anywhere in the HUD itself.

- Coaches are considered to be on the same team as their students, so they cannot see anything in the game that their students can't see.

- Coaches and students have private voice and text communication channels.

- Coaches can hit their 'Hero Select' key to cycle through their students.

- Coaches see spectator-style item purchase popups for their students.

- In-perspective player view now shows the correct state of more HUD elements (Shop Quickbuy, KDA/Last Hits/Denies, Buyback). These improvements apply the the in-perspective view in live games and replays, as well as coaches.



Steam Community Market

- This update may greatly disrupt market prices. In order to prevent items being purchased at pre-update prices for arbitrage, we are removing all item listings and returning them to their owners. While this removal process is taking place, new items will not be able to be listed on the Steam Community Market.

- You can now list an item on the market from the armory (right click: sell on the market).

- Armory item tooltips now contain the current lowest trading price for an item of the same class as the one highlighted. (Class is a somewhat flexible concept at the moment, so unusual courier prices will be less accurate than a specific wearable piece of equipment.)



- Crafting recipes now have a chance of dropping as a bonus item. These drops do not take up your normal drops, but are in addition to them.

Polymorph Recipes

- These recipes take a variable number of any input of the same rarity and output a random other item of the same rarity. Example: 2 of Any Rare => 1 Random Different Rare

Augment Recipes

- These recipes take a combination of inputs of the same rarity and output a random other item of the next best rarity. Example: 1 of Any Common & 1 Wavecrester => 1 Random Uncommon

Ancient Scroll Case

- A new type of Treasure Chest called the "Ancient Scroll Case" has been added. These cases drop multiple recipes when they are opened.

- The Ancient Scroll Case has a chance to drop an Exceptional Recipe. These make items that were previously only available as Genuine quality promotional items. The recipe creates a non-genuine version of the item.

Gems & Sockets

- Items can now have up to 5 sockets.

- A socket can receive a gem. Each socket can only contain one gem.

- Some sockets require specific types of gems.

- When a gem is added to a socket that already contains a gem, the previous gem is destroyed.

New Socketing Tools:

- Artificer's Chisel: Adds a socket to an item.

- Artificer's Hammer: Extracts the gems from an item.

Gem Types:

- Kinetic Gems

- Adds a new animation to the hero using the item.

Inscribed Gems

- Adds stat tracking ability to the item similar to the old strange system.

- The item they are added to changes to the "Inscribed" quality.

Ethereal Gems

- Adds a particle effect to the item.

- All unusual effects can now be colorized.

Prismatic Gems

- Colorizes the particle effect on the effect gem.

Ascendant Gems

- The Ascendant Orb, Gem of Taegeuk, and Bloodstones are now Ascendant Gems.

- The item they are added to changes to the "Ascendant" quality. (in addition to tracking victories or gifts given as they did before).

Autograph Runes

- Autographs are now Autograph Runes.

- Allows you to tag an item with a pro player's autograph.

- Since an item can have 5 sockets, you can now get a whole team to autograph an item.

- The item they are added to changes to the "Autographed" quality.

Spectator Gems

- Items that previously tracked 'games viewed' now contain spectator gems.

- Spectator gems follow a specific league or team.

- Styles that previously required 'games viewed' now require a gem with the same number of games viewed (for the correct league / player / team / etc).

- Ethereal & Prismatic gems are used together on unusual items (couriers).


- More types of gems will be coming in the future.

- Unusual items do not change quality when gems are added. Non-unusual items will change in the order gems are added.


Item Quality Keywords

- The item quality keyword "Vintage" has been changed to "Elder".

- The item quality keyword "Tournament" has been changed to "Heroic".

- The item quality keyword "Haunted" has been changed to "Cursed".

- The item quality keyword "Strange" has been changed to "Inscribed".


Strange Items

- Strange modifiers on items have been converted into stat tracking Inscribed Gems.

- The stats on items are no longer wiped when an item is traded.

- Strange modifiers that haven't been applied have been turned into 'gem packs' that grant a living stat tracking gem and a Artificer's Chisel to create a socket on an item.

- Previously strange quality items are now have the inscribed quality.


Unusual Paint & Colors

- Unusual paint items have been changed into Gem Packs that will grant a gem of the same color of the old paint item when used.

- All couriers that were painted in the past will now have color gems already installed of the appropriate color.

- All legacy courier colors (very old drop colors, bugged colors, etc) have been preserved as color gems. If you want, you can smash the courier to recover the legacy color gem and use it on some other courier or effect combination.

- All unusual paint items on the Steam Community Market have been delisted. You can relist the Color Gem Packs.

- All non-legacy colors (colors that drop normally from Treasure Chests) now have specific names (i.e.: "Verdant Green"). Legacy colors will have the name "Legacy (R G B)". (Most Legacy Colors are completely unique, but there are a few where more than one of that color exist.)

- New colors will appear on Treasure Chest unusuals from time to time moving forward. While we will avoid selecting legacy colors we cannot completely guarantee that new colors will not sometimes be similar. The 800 or so unique legacy colors in existence cover a large amount of color space.




Update Notes - October 21, 2013 - 6.79




6.79 Gameplay Update




* Buyback prevents gaining unreliable gold (creeps, neutrals, etc) until your normal respawn time finishes

* When buying back, 25% of the remaining respawn time will be added to your next death


* Creeps now meet a bit closer to the tower in your offlane

* Ranged Heroes now get the same denied experience as melee heroes (instead of less)

* XP AoE increased from 1200 to 1300


* Non-Ancient Neutrals now split XP with all heroes in the AoE instead of just the team that killed them

* Swapped the medium pullable Neutral Camp with the small camp

* A neutral creeps camp will no longer spawn the same set of neutral creeps twice in a row

* Small reduction to the pull timing duration of the mid Radiant and mid-top Dire camp

* Satyr Mindstealer XP bounty reduced from 88 to 62

* Satyr Tormentor XP bounty reduced from 155 to 119

* Mud Golems XP bounty reduced from 119 to 88

* Mud Golems armor reduced from 4 to 2

* Dark Troll Summoner bounty XP reduced from 155 to 119

* Hellbear Smasher HP reduced from 1100 to 950

* Hellbear armor reduced from 5 to 3

* Satyr Trickster's Purge cast point improved from 0.5 to 0.2

* Dragon Ancient Neutral Camp now have flying movement capability

* Fixed Neutral Envenomed Weapons debuff dispelling regen items


* Day/Night length decreased from 6 to 4 minutes

* The following heroes now have the standard 800 night vision: Drow Ranger, Mirana, Puck, Leshrac, Enchantress, Ancient Apparition, Meepo and Treant Protector


* Roshan will respawn at a random time between 8 and 11 minutes after death

* When Aegis expires unused, it heals the hero fully over 5 seconds (regen dispels on damage from players or buildings)


* Starting gold increased from 603 to 625

* Random Gold bonus reduced by 50

* Gold for ending a spree changed from 75->600 (3x->10x) to 125->1000

* Your gold income is now 1 per 0.6 seconds, up from 1 per 0.8 seconds


* Tower last hit bonus gold increased from 100-200 to 150-250

* Melee Barracks HP regen increased from 2.5 to 5

* Ranged Barracks HP regen decreased from 2.5 to 0

* Ranged Barracks HP reduced from 1500 to 1200 and armor increased from 5 to 10 (same EHP vs physical damage)


* Evasion now stacks diminishingly

* Can no longer orb-attack while attack restricted (such as Ethereal or Frostbite)

* The following abilities no longer automatically ignore backswing time by default: Rupture, Malefice, Venomous Gale, Stifling Dagger, Flamebreak, Wave of Terror, Shadow Word and Power Cogs








- Base armor reduced by 1

- Myst Coil self damage increased from 50/75/100/125 to 75/100/125/150

- Aphotic Shield is now dispellable

- Borrowed Time no longer activates while Doomed



- Chemical Rage no longer provides 250/500/750 bonus HP

- Chemical Rage HP regen increased from 15/30/60 to 50/75/100



- Ice Vortex cooldown reduced from 5 to 4

- Ice Blast cooldown reduced from 45 to 40

- The Chilling Touch buff is now always applied to Ancient Apparition even if he is not within the target area

- Chilling Touch cooldown reduced from 50/46/42/38 to 50/42/34/26



- Berserker's Call AoE increased from 275 to 300

- Battle Hunger duration reduced from 10/13/16/19 to 10/12/14/16

- Battle Hunger damage reduced from 15/21/27/33 to 15/20/25/30

- Battle Hunger movement speed slow/bonus increased from 8% to 10%

- Battle Hunger is now dispellable

- Counter Helix cooldown reduced from 0.55/0.5/0.45/0.4 to 0.45/0.4/0.35/0.3

- Counter Helix now hits siege units

- Culling Blade no longer goes on cooldown if it successfully kills a hero

- Culling Blade threshold reduced from 300/450/625 to 250/350/450 (Aghanim upgraded version is still 300/450/625)

- Culling Blade speed bonus increased from 25% to 40% and AoE from 600 to 900

- Culling Blade 40% speed bonus now applies to attack speed as well

- Culling Blade Aghanim allied buff duration increased from 6 to 10

- Culling Blade manacost reduced from 150/200/250 to 60/120/180



- Base damage reduced from 48-52 to 38-42

- Vision reduced from 1400 to 1200

- Flaming Lasso cast range reduced from 175 to 100



- Inner Beast AoE reduced from 1000 to 900 (standard aura AoE)

- Inner Beast attack speed rescaled from 18/26/32/40 to 15/25/35/45

- Call of the Wild now has two abilities for summoning each unit independently

- Call of the Wild manacost reduced from 25 to 15 and cast point improved from 0.5 to 0.3



- Base movement speed reduced from 305 to 300

- Thirst is now global instead of 6000 range

- Thirst bonus now stacks for each unit that is low HP

- Thirst HP threshold increased from 20/30/40/50% to 50%

- Thirst movement speed bonus reduced from 15/25/35/45% to 7/14/21/28%

- When Thirst is active, movement speed cap is removed on your hero

- Thirst no longer provides armor bonus

- Thirst provides bonus 7/14/21/28 damage

- Thirst no longer grants full hero vision around low HP targets, it only shows their model

- Thirst no longer lasts for an extra 3 seconds when the target is dead



- Base agility increased from 16 to 22

- Drunken Haze affects a 200 AoE around the target

- Thunder Clap is now dispellable

- Primal Split selection order is now Earth/Storm/Fire

- Reworked Primal Split Aghanim upgrade.




No longer upgrades any stats, cd, duration, etc on Aghanim.

Instead, it now grants Thunderclap to Earth, Drunken Haze to Storm, and Drunken Brawler to Fire.

The skills granted are at the same level as Brewmaster's skills.

Cooldowns are independent of the original Brewmaster.




- Attack point improved from 0.4 to 0.3

- Viscous Nasal Goo is now dispellable

- Viscous Nasal Goo cast point improved from 0.4 to 0.3

- Warpath max stacks increased from 5 to 5/6/7

- Warpath stack duration increased from 10 to 14



- Spin Web AoE increased from 650 to 900

- Spin Web cast range increased from 600 to 1000

- Spin Web cast point nerfed from 0.2 to 0.4

- Spin Web no longer destroys trees

- Broodmother now has completely unobstructed movement when under the web (can walk over cliffs, trees, etc)

- Removed buffer time when leaving Spin Web (you now immediately lose your regen/movement/pathing/invis bonuses)



- Stampede slow duration increased from 1.25 seconds to 1.5



- Chaos Bolt damage and stun values are now inversely related



- Test of Faith teleport is now dispellable

- Hand of God cooldown increased from 140/130/120 to 160/140/120



- Searing Arrows damage increased from 20/30/40/50 to 30/40/50/60

- Searing Arrows manacost increased from 8 to 10

- Searing Arrows is no longer blocked by magic immunity



- Units knocked back by Power Cogs destroy trees in 100 AoE around where they land



- Freezing Field AS/MS AoE slow increased from -20/-30 to -30/-30

- Freezing Field Scepter AS/MS AoE slow increased from -50/-30 to -50/-50



- Vacuum cooldown increased from 24 to 28



- Weave duration rescaled from 12/18/24 to 20

- Weave armor per second rescaled from 1 to 0.75/1/1.25 (scepter is 1/1.25/1.5)

- Poison Touch damage increased from 8/16/24/32 to 14/20/26/32 (7 seconds worth)

- Poison Touch is now dodgeable

- Poison Touch slow timings reworked






Previous Poison Touch:


Lvl 1

Slow target by 33% for 1 second


Lvl 2

Slow target by 33% for 1 second, then slow target by 66% for 1 second


Lvl 3

Slow target by 33% for 1 second, then slow target by 66% for 1 second, then stun target for 1 second


Lvl 4

Slow target by 33% for 1 second, then slow target by 66% for 1 second, then stun target for 1 second


Ministuns for 0.01 seconds at the start.


New Poison Touch:


Lvl 1

Slow target by 33% for 3 seconds


Lvl 2

Slow target by 33% for 2 seconds, then slow target by 66% for 1 second


Lvl 3

Slow target by 33% for 1 second, then slow target by 66% for 1 second, then slow target by 100% for 1 second


Lvl 4

Slow target by 33% for 1 second, then slow target by 66% for 1 second, then stun target for 1 second



Ministuns for 0.01 seconds at the start.



- Exorcism Spirit damage increased from 43-48 to 53-58



- Kinetic Field AoE increased from 300 to 325

- Glimpse cooldown reduced from 60/50/40/30 to 65/50/35/20

- Static Storm AoE increased from 375 to 450

- Static Storm max damage increased from 170/220/270 to 200/250/300

- Added Aghanim's upgrade: Static Storm silences items, and lasts an extra 2 seconds



- Doom cooldown reduced from 110 to 100

- Doom now removes positive buffs on the target before applying the debuff

- Doom Aghanim AoE requirement increased from 550 to 900





This is the AoE that is considered when freezing the duration of Aghanim upgraded Doom.



- Precision Aura damage ratio increased from 16/20/24/28% to 18/24/30/36%

- Precision Aura no longer affects creeps

- Precision Aura can now be manually casted to affect creeps globally for 30 seconds (120 cd)

- Marksmanship attribute negation AoE increased from 375 to 400



- Enchant Totem damage increased from 75/150/225/300% to 100/200/300/400%

- Fissure range increased by 100



- Ancestral Spirit damage reduced from 120/160/200/240 to 80/120/160/200



- Midnight Pulse dps increased from 3/4/5/6% to 4/5/6/7%

- Added Aghanim's upgrade: Adds Midnight Pulse damage to your Black Hole. This damage stacks with Midnight Pulse.



- Untouchable attack speed slow increased from 20/50/80/110 to 30/60/90/120



- Timewalk slow rescaled from 25/30/35/40% to 20/30/40/50%

- Chronosphere AoE increased from 400 to 450



- Agility reduced from 20 + 2.4 to 15 + 1.4

- Berserker's Blood is now disabled by Doom



- EMP restores Invoker for 50% of the mana it drains from heroes (excluding illusions)

- Invoke Max Spells rescaled from 1/2/2/2 to 2



- Tether now does a -100% MS/AS slow instead of a stun



- Liquid Fire is now a castable Attack Orb (same cooldown, no mana cost)



- Healing Ward movement speed increased from 300 to 450

- Omnislash Scepter cooldown reduced from 110/100/90 to 70

- Omnislash no longer stops if the target is Ethereal (it still doesn't do damage)

- Fixed not being able to use items during Omnislash



- Blinding Light now destroys trees in a 150 AoE around where the target is pushed



- X Marks The Spot cooldown reduced from 16 to 13

- Ghost Ship damage increased from 350/450/550 to 400/500/600



- Diabolic Edict cast point improved from 0.7 to 0.5

- Pulse Nova scepter damage increased from 88/133/177 to 100/150/200



- Frost Armor has half effect against ranged heroes

- Frost Armor slow now stacks with the slow from Frost Nova

- Sacrifice cooldown increased from 35/30/25/20 to 44/36/28/20

- Sacrifice mana gain increased from 15/30/45/60% to 25/40/55/70%

- Sacrifice no longer denies enemy XP

- Sacrifice now converts your own creep for XP (shared in AoE as normal creep xp bounty)



- Rage cooldown increased from 17 to 19

- Open Wounds and Infest cast points increased from 0.01 to 0.2



- Attack range increased from 635 to 650



- Mana Drain duration increased from 4 to 5

- Hex cooldown increased from 15 to 30/25/20/15

- Hex duration increased from 1.75/2.5/3.25/4 to 2.5/3/3.5/4



- Base movement speed increased from 315 to 325 (still 280 in True Form)

- Spirit Bear XP bounty increased from 196 to 300



- Moon Glaive can now bounce back on the same units if it already hit all other units nearby

- Moon Glaive bounce damage reduced from -30% to -35%

- Eclipse Scepter beam count limit per target removed



- Armor increased by 1 (Shapeshift total armor is still the same as before)

- Base damage increased by 5

- Howl bonus damage for non-hero units increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20

- Wolves magic resistance increased from 50% to 80%



- Turn rate improved from 0.5 to 0.8



- Mystic Snake now does Pure damage to units in Stone Form



- Base armor reduced by 1

- Turn rate improved from 0.5 to 0.65

- Earthbind cast point improved from 0.5 to 0.3

- Divided We Stand leveling rebalanced from 6/11/16 to 4/11/18

- Removed 30% stat sharing on non-aghanim Divided We Stand



- Leap AoE AS/MS speed bonus is granted at the cast location rather than the destination

- Leap AoE AS bonus increased from 4/8/12/16 to 8/16/24/32



- Morph level 4 shift rate improved from 0.25 to 0.2



- Rip Tide AoE reduced from 450 to 350

- Ensnare manacost increased from 75/85/95/105 to 90/100/110/120



- Treants' XP Bounty increased from 20 to 30

- Treants' Gold Bounty increased from 12-16 to 14-20



- Base armor increased by 1



- Darkness causes enemy vision to be reduced by 25% (affects heroes, creeps and wards)



- Spiked Carapace no longer stuns your hero when your summoned units proc it (the summoned units get stunned instead)

- Impale no longer has unit targeting, it is now only a point targeted spell



- Ignite duration increased from 4/5/6/7 to 5/6/7/8

- Ignite is now dodgeable

- Ignite can now multicast to cast at a random enemy unit in 1400 AoE (prioritizes ones that do not already have the debuff)

- Unrefined Fireblast cooldown reduced from 10 to 6



- Degen Aura AoE increased from 315 to 350

- Degen Aura stickiness increased from 0.5 seconds to 1.0



- Base damage reduced by 3

- Items no longer trigger Essence Aura



- Stifling Dagger shares the same crit chance/factor as Coup de Grace

- Stifling Dagger is now dodgeable

- Stifling Dagger damage rescaled from 50/100/150/200 to 60/100/140/180



- Spirit Lance is now dodgeable



- Can now use Blink Dagger

- If you hook a unit onto an unpathable ledge, the unit gains free pathing for 5 seconds

- Flesh Heap magic resistance reduced from 4/8/12/16% to 6/8/10/12%

- Dismember Scepter strength multiplier increased from 0.75 to 1.0



- Decrepify damage amp on allies reduced from 40% to 25%

- Decrepify damage amp on enemies increased from 40% to 50%

- Nether Ward now requires 3 hits to kill instead of 75/150/225/300 HP (heroes hurt it for 1, others for 0.25)

- Life Drain restores mana if it tries to heal you while you are full hp when targeting heroes



- Shadow Strike manacost rescaled from 80/100/120/140 to 110



- Smoke Screen cast range increased from 425 to 550

- Riki is no longer revealed out of Permanent Invisibility when he casts spells or uses items





When he starts his attack from Blink Strike, he will be revealed



- Telekinesis cooldown increased from 18 to 22

- Rubick can no longer steal the Aghanim upgrade of the enemy if they have Aghanim and he doesn't

- Added Aghanim's upgrade: reduces cooldown from 20/18/16 to 5, increases cast range from 1000 to 1400 and makes all stolen spells be considered to have their Aghanim's upgrade



- Sand Storm dps increased from 20/40/60/80 to 25/50/75/100

- Epicenter attack speed slow is now same as movement speed slow (10%->30%)



- Shadow Poison AoE increased from 180 to 190



- Mass Serpent Ward count increased from 8 to 10

- Changed Mass Serpent Ward placement structure



- Intelligence Steal is an innate part of the hero rather than an element of Glaives of Wisdom



- Base Intelligence increased by 5

- Removed Mortal Strike active

- Vampiric Aura now provides full effectiveness on ranged units

- Reincarnation slow increased from 30% to 50%

- Reincarnation slow AoE increased from 700 to 900



- Int growth increased from 3.2 to 3.6

- Added Aghanim's upgrade: reduces Mystic Flare's cooldown from 60/40/20 to 20/10/0



- Amplify Damage armor reduction increased from 8/14/20 to 10/15/20

- Sprint speed increased from 20/27/33/40% to 20/28/36/44%

- Sprint manacost removed (was 50)



- Shadow Dance duration reduced from 5.5 to 4

- Shadow Dance cooldown increased from 25 to 65

- Shadow Dance can no longer be revealed by Truesight



- Take Aim attack range bonus increased from 75/150/225/300 to 80/160/240/320



- You can now continuously use Reality on your illusions

- Reality cast point improved from 0.3 to 0



- Base attack time nerfed from 1.7 to 1.9

- Greater Bash no longer works while doomed

- Nether Strike now uses 1.2 Cast Time instead of a 1 sec magic immune delay (can be interrupted as a result)



- Stormbolt cooldown reduced from 15 to 13

- Stormbolt is now dodgeable



- Kraken Shell damage block increased from 7/14/21/28 to 9/18/27/36



- Chakram manacost increased from 75/125/175 to 100/150/200



- Craggy Exterior chance increased from 6/12/18/24% to 10/15/20/25%

- Craggy Exterior stun duration increased from 1.2 to 1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5




- Leech Seed damage per pulse reduced from 30/45/60/75 to 24/36/48/60

- Leech Seed number of pulses increased from 4 to 6 (duration from 3 to 4.5)

- Living Armor cooldown rebalanced from 15 to 32/26/20/14

- Living Armor manacost increased from 25 to 50

- Nature's Guise cast point improved from 0.5 to 0.3



- Berserker's Rage movespeed bonus rebalanced from 20/20/20/30 to 10/20/30/40

- Whirling Axes (Melee) damage reduced from 125/175/225/275 to 75/125/175/225



- Frozen Sigil now requires a constant number of hits (3/3/4/4) instead of 200/220/240/260 HP (heroes hurt it for 1, others for 0.25)



- Decay steal duration increased from 25/30/35/40 to 40



- Can now use Blink Dagger

- If you Netherswap a unit onto an unpathable ledge, the unit gains free pathing for 5 seconds



- Poison Nova no longer ignores invis/fogged units

- Venomous Gale no longer ignores invis units

- Venomous Gale damage over time rebalanced from 15/30/45/60 to 0/30/60/90

- Poison Sting duration increased from 6/8/10/12 to 6/9/12/15

- Poison Sting dps no longer dispels healing or disables dagger

- Plague Wards now have Poison Sting for 50% of the damage at the current skilled level (When both Venomancer and a Plague Ward affect a target, only the highest dps is applied)

- Plague Wards XP bounty increased from 12/12/25/25 to 20/25/30/35



- Poison Attack cooldown reduced from 4/3/0/0 to 0

- Corrosive Skin no longer works while doomed



- Base armor reduced by 1

- Base magic resistance reduced from 25% to 10%



- Fatal Bonds now links the closest units to the initial target, instead of randomly choosing targets in its AoE

- Upheaval cast range increased from 700 to 1200

- Upheaval duration increased from 10 to 12

- Removed Chaotic Offering 100 impact damage

- Chaotic Offering Golem armor increased from 5/7/10 to 6/9/12

- Chaotic Offering manacost increased from 200/250/300 to 200/300/400



- Base attack time nerfed from 1.7 to 1.8



- Focus Fire remains sticky on the target you cast it on






This means that you can change targets and when you return to the original target, your attack speed bonus will resume.



- Death Ward cast range increased from 400 to 600

- Voodoo Restoration AoE increased from 350 to 500

- Voodoo Restoration manacost over time reduced from 8/14/20/26 to 8/12/16/20 (50% of the heal amount)

- Paralyzing Casks now lasts 5 seconds on illusions (same as creep duration)








- Movement speed increased from 300 to 350

- HP increased from 45 to 75



- Movement speed bonus reduced from 60 to 55



- Unholy Strength STR gain is provided over 0.7 seconds

- Unholy Strength has no toggle on or off cooldown



- Recipe cost increased from 1300 to 1375



- Damage disable no longer ignores self damage





This means stuff like Rot will trigger it, but HP loss like Soul Ring will not



- Now gives the +10 damage from its components



- Now prioritizes nearby structures first within 325 AoE from targeting position (when ground targeted)



- Gold cost increased from 600 to 650



- Is no longer shareable (but can still be used on a target ally)



- Slow increased from 10 to 15%



- Cyclone cooldown reduced from 30 to 25

- Movement speed bonus increased from 35 to 40



- Eye of Skadi MS/AS slow increased from 30/20 to 35/35



- Cannot be purchased until 3 minutes after creeps spawn



- Gold cost increased from 850 to 900



- Transmute no longer works against Necronomicon units



- Gold cost increased from 100 to 115

- Is no longer shareable (but can still be used on a target ally)



- Dominate can no longer control Necronomicon units



- Gold cost reduced from 2100 to 2000



- Linken's Sphere can now be cast on an allied hero to transfer the buff






When on cooldown it does not work on you. Goes into cooldown when cast and once the buff is used up.

If the cooldown ends and the buff has not been used up, the buff ends and does not trigger another cooldown.

700 cast range



- Chain Lightning AoE increased from 500 to 900



- Static Charge radius around attacker increased from 300 to 450

- Static Charge hit count increased from 3 to 5

- Chain Lightning AoE increased from 500 to 900



- Summoned units duration increased from 35 to 40



- Duration increased from 6 to 7 minutes

- Killing Observer Wards now grants a 50 gold bounty



- Movement speed bonus reduced from 55 to 50



- Barrier AoE increased from 500 to 900



- Movement speed bonus reduced from 55 to 50



- Burn Damage AoE increased from 650 to 700



- Now gives the +10 attack speed from its components



- Cripple cooldown reduced from 16 to 12



- Movement speed bonus increased from 12 to 16%



- Duration increased from 3 to 4 minutes

- No longer gives permanent vision around it

- Gives ground vision in a 150 area around it for 12 seconds when placed



- Fade delay reduced from 2.4 to 1.8



- Shadow Walk cooldown increased from 18 to 28



- Smoked units are now always hidden until the buff is removed (rather than being hidden only from minimap and partially from world)



- Charges increased from 3 to 4

- Gold cost increased from 90 to 125

- Is no longer shareable

- Tango can be targeted on an allied hero to create a 1 charge non-stacking tango item in their inventory. If the inventory is full, the item will be placed on the ground. This item has a 60s cooldown.



- Reworked Tranquil Boots






Previous Tranquil Boots


Active Boots:

+ 75 Movement speed

+ 3 Armor

+ 3 HP Regeneration

Ability: Heal - Restores 250 HP over 20 seconds while out of combat. 60s cooldown. 25 mana cost.


Broken Boots:

+ 25 Movement speed

Restores when the last 10 seconds don't have 3 instances of damage.


Can be disassembled



New Tranquil Boots


Active Boots:

+ 85 Movement speed

+ 4 Armor

+ 10 HP Regeneration


Broken Boots:

+ 60 Movement speed

+ 4 Armor

Restores when you haven't attacked or been attacked in the last 13 seconds.


Cannot be disassembled



- Soul Release cooldown reduced from 10 to 7



- Damage Block chance increased from 70 to 80%



- Now uses Null Talisman instead of Robe of the Magi (from +12 int to +6 int, +3 str, +3 agi, +3 dmg)

- Magic weakness duration increased from 20 to 25 seconds




* Broodmother and Slark are temporarily disabled from CM, they will be added back shortly.




Update Notes - September 19, 2013 - First Blood



- Neutral creeps now properly use cast times and animations

- Upgraded Items can always be disassembled within 10 seconds of the combine (same rules as sell back)

- Item purchases can be made at the secret shop if the courier is at that location without selecting the courier

- Enabled Medusa in Captain's Mode

- Outworld Devourer: Fixed Astral Imprisonment not restoring the right amount of mana after the debuff is removed

- Timbersaw: Fixed Timberchain not being interrupted by stuns

- Pudge: Meat Hook now pulls the target to the initial hook position regardless of where Pudge is

- Fixed being able to instantly toggle Armlet on and off

- Spirit Breaker: Fixed Greater Bash not applying further knockback on units that were already getting knocked back

- Clockwerk: Fixed Power Cogs night vision being too large

- Lone Druid: Fixed Level 1/2 Spirit Bear having 1800 day vision instead of 1400

- Fixed Shadow Blade revealing only when the attack hit the target rather than when it was launched



- Control groups are now saved to the cloud, per hero, and will persist across games and disconnects. They are saved per hero

- Added profile privacy option to prevent viewing of Steam/DOTA profiles

- Added a button to choose to be captain in a Captains Mode or Captains Draft game

- Alt-left clicking on an enemy icon in the top bar will send a chat message that the hero is missing

- Limit the frequency we show map pings from muted players

- Added Double Tap Self Cast Timeout, controllable with the dota_ability_self_cast_timeout convar

- Darkened disabled heroes in Captains Mode and Captains Draft

- Added three new matchmaking language preference options: Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese

- Spectator health bars in the top bar are now red for the Dire

- Added a button to add friends inside the game

- Fixed spectator health bars in the top bar drawing over buyback and ultimate status

- Enemy health bars are now red in the HUD when querying them

- Fixed checkerboard flash on html panels

- Renamed backpack to armory

- Previewing couriers from the store or the armory opens a single preview window to display both versions of the courier

- Taunts are previewable in the armory

- Fixed many items not being previewable

- Buff icons draw above the portrait frame to avoid being covered by custom HUD materials

- Equipping a player slot item ( HUD, Ward, Courier ) from the armory now makes the player slots appear in the loadout panel

- Fixed various buff tooltips ( Mekansm, Armlet, Urn, Ghost Scepter, Ethereal Blade, Veil, Buckler, Assault Cuirass )

- Cleaned up some extra UI elements present in Dragon Scale HUD 4x3 aspect ratio

- Fixed the taunt key not working if an action item ( like Coal ) was equipped

- Fixed alt-pinging dropped recipes not printing the correct item name in chat

- When a courier you ordered to the secret shop enters the shop radius, the shop sound is played even if the courier is not selected

- Fixed a case where buying an item at the secret shop with a full inventory and while surrounded by trees could leave one component on the ground


- Beginning soon, users will be suspended from Dota 2 for 30 days when external tools attached to Dota 2 are detected by the Valve Anti-Cheat system

- Increased length of forgiveness threshold to reset the severity of communication bans to 3 weeks



- The quality of the item drops you are eligible for is now tied to your Dota profile level. You can see your current drop level in your profile page

- A quick-search bar has been added to the armory

- Filters can now be created for the armory. These filters are stored in the Steam Cloud so that every machine you use will know your armory filter settings

- An armory page now contains 60 items instead of 64. Armory sizes have been increased upwards slightly to account for this adjustment

- Many items have been removed from the store. These can now be sold and bought on the Steam Community Market! Workshop contributors will receive a share of each resale of their items. The items that have been removed are not immortal: they may return to the store in future sales or events, or they may appear in the drop list from time to time

- The item drop list has been greatly pared down and will now change over time. As new items are introduced old items will be removed (and will be accessible on the Steam Community Market). This should help keep the item drop list interesting over time

- Entropic Shield and Entropic Axe are now a part of the Entropic set



- Fixed an issue where players could end up in a continuous loop of "received uncompressed update from server"

- Added UI texture streaming to reduce memory usage

- Fixed a startup crash with corrupt customization files

- Fixed a case where the game would return with a black screen after alt-tab



- Updated Phantom Assassin's head

- New Centaur Conquerer War Stomp

- New Satyr Tormentor blast

- Minor tweaks to Wildwing Ripper Tornado

- New Satyr Banisher projectile

- Fixed visuals on Satyr Banisher purge

- Improved Vhoul's spear throw effect

- Fixed LOD1 on Ol' Chopper Pudge hook

- updated cloth settings and skinning Crystal Maiden, Invoker, Lina, and Rubick

- Fixed several bugs with portrait particles relating to death and dormancy for visibility in the portrait and kill cam

- Fixed Io death effects

- Moved all of Chaos Knight's particles onto individual items, such as the mount, helmet, and others, as well as support for local attachments, so that new items can support different positions based on new mounts of helms

- Revamped Doom's weapon effect to better support community items

- Fixed a bug where models that failed to combine would get double effects in the preview panel

- Fixed Spirit Breakers missing effects

- Moved Spirit Breaker's effects into individual items to better support community items

- Fixed Spirit Breaker's knockback distance being too low



- Add sound to Radiance debuff (only audible to target player)

- Fix last hit sound for Alchemist and Lone Druid ults


Hero Builds

- Added a language filter to the in-game UI when selecting a hero build. Build authors will need to republish hero builds and choose a language when publishing in order for builds to be filterable by language

- Fixed slow hero build loading times for users with a large number of subscribed or previously used hero builds


Local Play

- Local servers allows players on the same physical network to connect to a locally hosted game

- By selecting "Create Local Lobby", the leader of the lobby will become the host for a match by running a local server

- Players can see Local lobbies available on their physical network by going to "FIND A LOBBY" and selecting the "LOCAL LOBBIES" tab

- Local Lobbies follow the same rules as Private Lobbies.

- Upon completion of the Local game, the replay will be stored on the lobby leader's computer in replays/<match-id>.dem


Captains Draft

- This game mode randomly selects 8 str, 8 agi, and 8 int heroes that both teams can choose from

- Each team's captain bans 2 heroes (1/1/1/1) out of that list

- Each team's captain selects 5 heroes (1/2/2/2/2/1) out of the remaining list

- There is a 150 second total time pool for each team to complete all of their bans and selections



- Added Abaddon to the Workshop submission tools and website requirements



- [Mac] Fixed problems with sounds cutting out or not playing for the first few minutes of a game

- [Mac] Made the Dock icon bounce when a game is ready

- [Mac] Play a ready sound when game is not focused and matchmaking has found a game

- Make "Sound while alt-tab" setting work

- Added a fix for missing lip sync in hero portraits

- Fix corrupted GUI after changing video settings

- Hero Library videos now play on Linux








Before "Release": Update Notes - September 7, 2013



September 7:



- Added Abaddon to the Workshop submission tools and website requirements.




- Added a button to add friends inside the game.

- Fixed bug where guild invites could never show up.

- Darkened background behind buff stack numbers for better legibility on bright icons.




- [Mac] Fixed problems with sounds cutting out or not playing for the first few minutes of a game.

- [Mac] Make Dock icon bounce when game is ready.

- [Mac] Play a ready sound when game is not focused and matchmaking has found a game.

- Make "Sound while alt-tab" setting work.

- Fix for missing lip syncing in hero portrait.

- Fix corrupted GUI after changing video settings.



- Fixed LOD1 on Ol' Chopper Pudge hook

- updated cloth settings and skinning Crystal Maiden, Invoker, Lina, and RubickAugust 22:




- Fixed players' current gold being networked to enemy players.

- Fixed Spirit Breaker's charge target being networked to enemy players.

- Picking up an armlet that is toggled on will only grant the buff if you own the armlet.

- Autocast abilities check target type rules consistently. This should prevent Clinkz's searing arrows hitting wards, for example.

- Added Elder Titan, Abaddon, Centaur and Troll Warlord to Captain's Mode.

- Fixed Neutral Thunderhide not using Slam when 3 enemies are nearby.

- Fixed Neutral Thunderhide's Slam not slowing attack speed.

- Ancient Apparition: Frostbite debuff will prevent health gain from levelling up, extra strength or extra max hp.

- Slark: Fixed BKB not removing Pounce's Leash.

- Treant Protector: Fixed Overgrowth affecting couriers.

- Troll Warlord: Fixed Illusions benefiting from Fervor.

- Troll Warlord: Fixed ranged form sometimes being able to bash.

- Weaver's geminate ability no longer activates when attacking wards.

- Weaver's time lapse and Disruptor's glimpse now can rewind things back to before the ability was skilled.



- Runes now draw in the minimap for spectators.

- Increased the penalty for not readying up from 45 seconds to 2 minutes.

- Spectator stats dropdown is unlocked while listening to broadcasters.

- Added a preference and cvar "dota_spectator_use_broadcaster_stats_panel" to allow spectators to have full control over the stats panels.

- Private (friend/guild) lobbies now display their game name so that those browsing lobbies can get more info on what the lobby is for.

- Changed drag-select of units to use the same hit detection as click-select. This fixes a number of issues where units would not get selected.

- Fixed bugs that were allowing edge panning to be enabled during drag-select.

- Reduced CPU usage of drag-select.

- Fixed some newline formatting errors in the combat log.

- Prevented guides for the previously-played hero from erroneously showing up at the start of the next game.

- Added AOE hover indicator for Death Pulse.



- Added Waldi courier, Ocula ward, 3 HUDs and 14 hero item sets to the store.

- Updated Sniper's workshop model files with improved weighting, including corrected smd files.



- Fixed bad interactions with some looping sounds and FoW.

- Fixed Reincarnate stinger sometimes playing late when triggered in vision but out of hearing range.

- Fixed some item cast sounds that could be heard through FoW.

- Typing "tu" in chat no longer triggers hero "thank you" lines.



- Fixed crash when using certain spells / illusions on Intel HD4000. [Mac]

- Fixed intermittent crash when cmd-tabbing. [Mac]

- Fixed issues with older PulseAudio installations. [Linux]

- Improved stability when showing webpages.

- Allow setting language of audio and text separately, through Steam. (Text comes from Steam's language, audio comes from the language set in Dota 2's properties on Steam)

- Made Dota2 respond to window manager requests to close it.

- Fixes to make Dota2 work on a broader set of video cards on Linux

- Fixed key repeat to work in text entry windows.

- Fixed loading screens to show an image instead of a black screen

- Fixed a bug preventing multiple users from playing Dota2 (at different times) on a machine.

- Fixed sounds not working when a matchmaking game is ready to start. Added a desktop notification on Linux

- Added XBox 360 spectating controller support.

- Fixed crash on hero selection screen on Linux.

- Fixed a rendering bug when turning off Specular in advanced video settings.

- Fixed mouse offset bug and window size/aspect ratio issue when moving from full screen to windowed modes.




July 26:



- Made hero loadout model preview bigger in the main menu.

- Added practice lobby button to swap Radiant and Dire teams.

- Limited number of selectable matchmaking regions to six.

- New users are able to watch live games before completing the tutorials.

- Wins and level are now hidden for players that aren't friends and don't have 'Share Match History' in the options enabled

- Fixed keybindings not being saved properly for Xbox controllers

- Added Dire courier icons to minimap for Spectators

- Fixed a crash when selecting all units while spectating

- Fixed dota_embers convar value being forgotten when the game is restarted

- Spectators can select wards to see their vision or truesight radius.

- Added Xbox controller support for Dota TV

Left / right bumper = Cycle back or forward through the heroes on the field

Start button = Pause (Replay only)

Back button = Rewind (Replay only)

D-Pad up / down = Cycle through stats dropdown menu

D-Pad left / right = Slow down or speed up replay speed

Y button = Show gold graph

X button = Show XP graph

B button = Dismiss open graphs, reset playback speed, revert camera to previous mode (after cycling heroes)



- Reduced average wait time and reduced incidence of extremely long wait times



- Added further explanation of International Fantasy Challenge rules.

- Exposed the roles of players in International Fantasy Challenge Bench slots.

- Completing the creation of an International Fantasy Challenge team now grants you the Mammoth mount for your Smeevil.

- Completing all the Main Event Predictions now grants you the Bird mount for your Smeevil.



- Made the chat wheel work

- Added intro movie for new users, fixed black screen displaying for new users

- Fixed bugs with some tooltips missing text on what abilities do

- Fixed outline color of target units to match what Windows shows

- Fixed some rendering issues

- Fixed some crashes

- A variety of performance improvements

- Fixes to audio (silence, crashes)

- Mac: More robust mouse grab

- Mac: Allow setting "Unit Speech" to "All" in audio settings.

- Linux: Fixed hang when pasting from the clipboard under certain conditions



- Fixed some issues with base attack sound modifier (e.g. Tiny's Scepter attacks)

- Adjusted limits on Chen ult target sounds



- Tusk: Fixed minor inaccuracies with his Base Strength, Attack Animation and Turn Rate

- Meepo: Fixed Geostrike not affecting units like Spirit Bear

- Morphling: Fixed being the Replicate illusion buff icon being visible to enemy players

- Morphling: Fixed being unable to control the first Juxtapose illusion created by your Phantom Lancer Replicate

- Shadow Demon: Fixed Demonic Purge killing summoned units like Warlock's Golem

- Shadow Demon: Fixed Shadow Poison damage release not having a cast point

- Fixed a minor inaccuracy with Meepo and Ogre Magi's base armor








- Abaddon: Fixed Abaddon’s illusions applying Curse of Avernus.

- Abaddon: Fixed Aphotic Shield being dispelled.

- Abaddon: Fixed Mist Coil Heal/Damage order.

- Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Blood’s bonus armor not showing properly in the UI.

- Gyrocopter: Fixed the Fountain doing no damage to Gyrocopter ‘s Homing Missile.

- Io: Fixed Tether sharing mana regeneration when you have full mana.

- Io: Fixed Spirits initially spawning 250 units away instead of 150 units.

- Medusa: Fixed various spells being unable to remove the stun from Stone Gaze.

- Medusa: Fixed Stone Gaze facing requirement not taking into account distance once the debuff is added.

- Necrolyte: Fixed several specific heroes being unable to buyback for the rest of the game if they died to Reaper’s Scythe.

- Omniknight: Fixed Guardian Angel not affecting Siege units.

- Silencer: Fixed Curse of the Silent being removed by Aphotic Shield/Manta.

- Slark: Fixed Pounce’s Leash getting dispelled.

- Visage: Fixed being able to dodge Soul Assumption.

- Fixed the free courier in Mid Only not always being controllable if you selected your hero too late.

- Fixed Backswing behavior for: Soul Rip, Tombstone, Cold Feet, Ice Vortex, Chilling Touch, Enfeeble, Shallow Grave, Thunder Strike, Kinetic Field, Static Storm, Malefice, Midnight Pulse, Howl, Stifling Dagger, Static Link, Shrapnel, Psionic Trap, Whirling Axes (Ranged), Storm Bolt, God’s Strength, Wave of Terror, Venomous Gale, Shadow Word, Fatal Bonds, The Swarm, Time Lapse, Maledict, Overpower and Ice Shards.



- Added automatic detection of GG calls in tournament and practice lobby matches, which then ends the game 10 seconds later.

- In the fantasy stats dropdown, players you have on any of your teams will be highlighted and mousing over them will list which of your fantasy teams they are on.

- Guild invitations now display who’s inviting you, and how many members the guild has.

- Added a tournament drop for early roshan kills (before creeps spawn).

- Quick Cast now works on the portrait of your currently selected unit.

- Players can customize which messages appear on the Chat Wheel.

- Messages sent via the Chat Wheel appear with an arrow icon next to them.

- Calendar page now shows a list of tournament games per day.



- New Earthshaker model.

- Updates to some Earthshaker effects.

- Abilities that are configured to ignore Backswing will now continue their animation visually if they have no other orders or actions to take.

- Fixed Eclipse not always playing the missed Lucent Beam visual effects.

- Made Abaddon’s Borrowed Time effect and healing more clear.



- People who decline Matchmaking are temporarily restricted from searching for 45 seconds.

- Parties are more likely to be matched against other similarly sized parties.

- When matching parties, the matchmaker now also considers the minimum experience level on both teams rather than just the average.

- Reduced the average skill variance in games where there are 10 individual players.

- Fixed a bug in the matchmaker that was causing it to insufficiently segregate players based on win count.

- Fixed a bug that would cause excessive queue times, especially for large parties or high skill players.



- Non-default announcers will now comment on pick/ban phases.

- Windows Mixer control for Dota2 no longer resets to full volume on start up.

- Music volume floor goes to 0.

- Updated Abaddon VO.



July 10:

Added Abaddon!


- Death Prophet: Fixed AI on Exorcism spirits that caused them to sometimes be less efficientand linger on units far from you

- Doom: Fixed Doom not disabling Flak Cannon

- Huskar: Fixed being able to attack while he is leaping in LifeBreak

- Jakiro: Fixed Liquid Fire debuffbeing removed by Manta/BKB

- Lich: Fixed theorder of damage instances on Frost Nova

- Omniknight: Fixed his spellsnot working on Mechanical units

- Phantom Assassin: Fixed StiflingDagger projectilespeed traveling a little too slow

- Sven: Fixed Storm Bolt aoe not hittinginvisible units

- Fixed Siege not getting increased damage whenthe RangedBarracks dies

- Fixed Buckler and Mekansm +2 active armor buff stacking

- Fixed Vladmir’s Offeringnot working on Siege units


- Added match making optionto opt out of Limited Hero mode

- Fixed some players not receiving item rewards after completingtraining tasks

- Play Tab will now remember your previous selection

- Fixed various progression bugs inMechanics II

- Fixed disabled skill assignment using CTRL+Ability when intutorial


- Added Player Card rewards. Unlock theSmeevil Crab mount by stampingcomplete teams

- Added theInternational Fantasy Challenge

- Added Solo Championship Voting


- Added a hotkey to Select All Units

- Added a hotkey to activate Speed Burst on your flying courier

- Minor reorganization to control settings page

- Fixed Replay Speed Decrease hotkey missing from the configurationpanel

- Increasedthe maximum number of total spectator slots from 14 to 22

- Removed Favorite hero count limit

- Moved Solo Only Matchmaking to a setting on the main Find Match tab.

- New Tournament Drops:

# When a player reaches a Godlike streak

# When a Courier is killed

# When a player buys a Divine Rapier

# When Earthshaker Echoslam’s 5 heroes

- Increasednumber of item drops when a Tournament Event occurs.

- Tournament Items can now be upgraded by watching through Twitch

- Fixed Quick Cast bug preventing use on neutrals/couriers


- Fixed Global Silencenot showingthe visual effect on Familiars even though they are silenced

- Updated ability icons forDark Seerand Dragon Knight

- Added new disarmedeffect

- Fixes for a few portrait based effects, such as Enigma’s vortex


- updated Mekansm SFX.


- Added Mok mandrill courier

- Added DefenseGrid announcer

- Fixed orientation on Bounty Hunter’s Jinada Glows on workshopitems

- Fixed Nether Ward effect orientation forworkshop items

- Added support forworkshop authoredeffects on Kunkka’s weapon


- Bots will no longer stare at a dropped gem, futilely trying to destroy it.



July 1:



- Enabled Mechanics II, Laning I, and Laning II.

- Added Limited Hero mode for playing with bots and matchmaking.



- Added panel for displaying and removing pending guild invitations.

- The International: Fixed not being able to request your ticket information by clicking on the ticket stub on the top bar.

- The International: Fixed bug that prevented the confirmation email to be sent after consuming an event ticket.



- Updated Lion's head.

- Fixed a bug where character items could sometimes show up incorrectly to third parties if the data couldn't be obtained from the owner. Most often seen on items like Pudge's hook.

- Fixed refraction based effects showing up in some character previews where they should not.



- Fixed Death music bug.



- Implemented more lenient algorithm for communication bans that takes into account how many games are played.

- Reset communication ban lengths if a player has not been banned in two weeks.

- Reset all existing communication bans as part of the recent algorithm changes.



- Alchemist: Chemical Rage bonus HP reduced from 300/600/900 to 250/500/750

- Batrider: Flamebreak cooldown increased from 11 to 14

- Gyrocopter: Attack range reduced from 375 to 365

- Io: Tether movement bonus decreased from 20% to 17%

- Lifestealer: Rage cooldown increased from 15 to 17 seconds

- Treant Protector: Living Armor damage block instances from 7 to 4/5/6/7

- Team 2 now bans second instead of first in Ban Phase #2. (All other phases and orders are the same)


Ban Phase #1 No Changes [Team A/B/A/B]

Pick Phase #1 No Changes [Team A/B/B/A]

Ban Phase #2: Changed [From Team B/A/B/A to Team A/B/A/B]

Pick Phase #2: No Changes [Team B/A/B/A]

Ban Phase #3: No Changes [Team B/A]

Pick Phase #3: No Changes [Team B/A]



June 26:


- Ancient Apparition: Fixed being able to heal under Ice Blast with Armlet and Morph.

- Beastmaster: Fixed Primal Roar push and slow radius being slightly too small.

- Brewmaster: Fixed Primal Split's Pulverize damage not affecting magic immune.

- Dazzle: Fixed Poison Touch being dodgeable.

- Dazzle: Fixed Poison Touch not resetting its max slow/stun effect when refreshed on a target.

- Dazzle: Fixed Poison Touch sometimes dealing 7 damage ticks instead of 8.

- Dazzle: Fixed Shadow Wave being unable to bounce to allied invulnerable/sleeping units.

- Enchantress: Fixed Untouchable not affecting Spirit Bear and Golem.

- Enchantress: Fixed Impetus not doing damage at very large distances instead of being capped.

- Gyrocopter: Fixed a minor issue with Rocket Barrage doing 31 rockets instead of 30.

- Gyrocopter: Fixed Call Down 50% slow happening on second impact if you were already slowed by the first (instead of 20%).

- Gyrocopter: Fixed Flak Cannon hitting Familiars.

- Invoker: Fixed Ghost Walk not affecting units like Golem, Primal Split, etc.

- Kunkka: Fixed Torrent not dealing its damage over multiple instances.

- Lifestealer: Fixed Feast's lifesteal component still happening while doomed.

- Lifestealer: Fixed Infest visual effect stuttering behind the Infested unit.

- Medusa: Fixed Splitshot missing 24 aoe.

- Necrolyte: Fixed being able to dispel Reaper's Scythe.

- Pugna: Fixed Nether Ward degen aura not working against Magic Immune.

- Sniper: Fixed Headshot's Trueshot component not working with Illusions.

- Viper: Fixed Corrosive Skin working against allied damage.

- Viper: Fixed Corrosive Skin being purgable.

- Witch Doctor: Fixed Paralyzing Casks sometimes ending prematurely when it's current target goes invis or blinks.

- Witch Doctor: Fixed Paralyzing Casks ending once any target it bounces on has Linken's Sphere.

- Tranquil Boots: Fixed heal getting dispelled when Bladefury or Repel is used.

- Tranquil Boots: Fixed showing active icon state while it is disabled on Illusions.



- Added support for forming and managing Guilds. Guild Leaders invite, kick, promote, and demote members. Officers can invite members. There's a guild message that can be edited, a logo specified, and a chat channel.

- Added the ability to open a party to a guild, which allows members of a specified guild to freely join the party. Players can browse open guild parties that are available to them.

- Open guild parties can now have a description.

- Fixed bug allowing extra bonus report submissions.

- Capped maximum bonus report submissions at 2.



- Quick Cast keybindings added for items.

- Quick Cast bugs fixed: courier keybinding conflict and blank Invoker recipes.



- Many tweaks have been done to Directed Camera framing.

- Also tweaks to how the Director chooses shots while in the middle of a fight.



- Fixed some FoW interactions with Kunkka's ability SFX.



- Updated to higher fidelity Sniper model.

- New Sniper model uploaded for the workshop.




- CM Time Penalty change from 20/50/90 to 30/70/110.

- Fixed it being possible to find out where enemy player cameras were looking.

- Prepared Dota 2 for VAC support.



- Added support for forming and managing Guilds. You can invite, kick, promote, and demote members. They have a guild message that can be edited, a logo, and a chat channel. We'll be continuing with development of additional Guild functionality!

- Added the ability to open a party to a guild, which allows members of a specified guild to freely join the party. Players can browse open guild parties that are available to them.

- NOTE: Guilds will remain disabled on the main client this week. They should be fully live next week.

- Quick Cast moved to separate keybindings, instead of sharing autocast's bindings.

- Quick Cast can now be used on the minimap.

- Private lobbies can now specify the Dota TV delay between 10 seconds and two minutes. Six minute delay is available for league lobbies.

- The list of matchmaking regions is now sorted by distance from the user. Closer regions will be at the top of the list.

- The matchmaking system will now notify players if a region they wish to play in has gone offline for maintenance.

- Removed spectator item popups for wards, couriers, and dust.

- Fixed Aegis reclaim message popping up erroneously.



- Updates and minor revisions to some Zeus, Alch, and Pugna ability SFX.

- Added -nomicsettings launch option for users of external voice chat software.



- Fixed a crash that could occur on multi-core CPUs.

- Fixed a crash when returning from alt-tab.

- Fixed an audio problem that could occur when disabling the active audio device.



- Added 7 pages of Main Event predictions.

- Added Team Cup results page.



- Fixed limited hero selection in Workshop In-Game test.

- Added particle import step to some weapon importers that have gameplay-required particles attached to them (in-game particle preview not finished yet).



June 12:



- Updated Puck's face

- Updated Brewmaster's face



- Axe: Fixed Berserker's Call bonus armor being dispellable

- Batrider: Fixed Flamebreak being a constant 300 knockback distance instead of a variable amount (10->400) based on the distance from the center of the blast

- Beastmaster: Fixed Turn Rate on Beastmaster's Hawk and Boar being slightly too low

- Bloodseeker: Fixed Bloodrage cast range (600->800)

- Brewmaster: Fixed Earth Primal Split Boulder manacost

- Chaos Knight: Fixed Reality Rift bonus damage sometimes proccing multiple times if you attack more than once in 1.2 seconds

- Drow: Fixed a rare bug with Trueshot Aura that could cause it to not give bonus damage

- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit legacy keys not working

- Jakiro: Fixed Liquid Fire damage interval happening every 1 second instead of every 0.5 seconds

- Juggernaut: Fixed some vision issues with Omnislash

- Huskar: Fixed Burning Spears counter logic getting forgotten when purged

- Invoker: Fixed Ice Wall not slowing units like Golems, Familiars, and Primal Split units

- Io: Fixed the initial Relocate not being interrupted if Io was only disable in the cast time but not when the teleportation happened

- Io: Fixed the initial Relocate not getting interrupted by Root debuffs (Ensnare, Overgrowth, etc)

- Io Fixed Relocate not revealing FoW for enemies

- Io: Fixed Relocate not showing the initial visual effect on the ground for enemies (only showed ping)

- Io: Fixed being able to return Tether Relocate with a different set of targeting rules than the initial direction (no longer allowed to return relocate a creep)

- Io: Fixed Overcharge missing a 2 second toggle cooldown

- Lifestealer: Fixed allied cast Infest killing the creeps and healing you

- Lone Druid: Fixed Battle Cry not having an aoe limit (should be 1000)

- Medusa: Fixed Mystic Snake not jumping to magic immune units

- Nature's Prophet: Fixed being able to use Teleporation while rooted

- Nyx Assassin: Fixed Spiked Carapace charge not getting used when hurt by an invulnerable source

- Razor: Fixed Unstable Current not purging off Repel

- Shadow Fiend: Fixed casting subsequent Shadowrazes being too slow

- Slark: Fixed Shadow Dance passive buff icon updating on hero proximity while dead

- Slark: Fixed Pounce sometimes causing an allied Flaming Lasso to end early.

- Spectre: Fixed Spectre Illusions benefiting from the damage reduction portion of Dispersion

- Tidehunter: Fixed Kraken Shell working while Doomed

- Timbersaw: Fixed Timberchain ending prematurely with Stone Gaze, Diffusal Blade, etc

- Treant Protector: Fixed Living Armor being castable on magic immune allies

- Undying: Fixed Zombie units losing HP with Soul Rip


- Fixed Truestrike causing you to be unable to miss against Towers

- Fixed Roshan missing the final 500 hp/10 dmg upgrade later in the game

- Fixed Backswing behavior with Rupture, Viscous Nasal Goo, Fissure, Decay and Earthshock

- Fixed truesight being unable to be applied to sleeping/invulnerable units

- Fixed Filler buildings having no armor

- Fixed Neutral's Frost Armor slow affecting magic immune enemies



- Added Quick Cast option to Game menu: causes all abilities to cast immediately upon keypress, targeting the cursor's current position

- Improved UI feedback and functionality when connection to the DOTA network is lost or has not yet been established.

- Client no longer waits for connection to the DOTA network before allowing access to the UI. Features that do not require this connection are accessible.

- You can now hold control when pinging to send a "caution" ping instead.

- Added Aegis reclaim and Roshan respawn timers to the spectator popups.



- Added Ownage sounds to Storm Spirit, Axe, Nature's Prophet, and Juggernaut Killing Spree announcers.

- Added distant tower destruction sounds.

- Added Mortal Strike sfx.

- Fixed sync on Freezing Field.



- Fixed bug allowing reports outside of matches in certain contexts

- Players receive an additional report submission if someone they report subsequently receives a communication ban



- Fixed an intermittent crash on some particle effects like medusa's ultimate


June 3:

Все фиксы баланса из 6.78 плюс



- Earthshaker: Fixed a number of slightly incorrect properties with Echo Slam.

- Troll Warlord: Fixed a number of slightly incorrect properties with Whirling Axes.



- Ownage sounds now play on the default Mega-kills, Bastion Mega-kills, and Pyrion Flax mega-kills announcers for whenever your team scores 5 or more kills without any heroes on your team dying.



- Mirana: Reduced arrow size by 10%

- Mirana: Reduced arrow saturation

- Mirana: Enemies continue to not see or hear the same effects on the arrow as allies do




May 29:


- Fixed illusions being able to upgrade to flying courier.



- Added a spectator popup when Heroes acquire high end items.

- Added a broadcaster menu (opened by clicking on the dota logo in the top right) that allows broadcasters to send generic stats, queries, and poll results to spectators.

- The Spectator Smooth Drag setting is now preserved across runs.

- Added notifications of item purchases in some cases.



- Fixed a crash when starting replays on 32-bit versions of Windows.

- Fixed a crash when changing window or screen resolution.

- Fixed a crash when using alt-tab while running full screen.



- Added Itsy spider courier.



- Update Drums of Endurance cast sound.

- Add secondary underscore for startup UI.



May 24:


- Elder Titan: Fixed Natural Order not upgrading on Elder Titan.

- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit waking up units that were hit by the Spirit Stomp.

- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit having the wrong radius while returning after it expired.

- Fixed Shadow Blade incorrectly revealing its owner on secondary attack types if they occurred after the fade time.



- The combat log is now localized.

- The Watch tab will now default to the Tournaments sub-tab if there is a live match.

- Added an automatic "(idle)" tag in Rich Presence for players that are AFK.

- Tournaments are now sorted by their last game played.

- Fixed a bug where notifications of item purchases didn't work if the courier did the purchase.

- Fixed bug where chat ban notifications weren't displaying hours left correctly.



- Reduced memory usage.



- Updated Nightstalker ultimate sound and made it global for teammates.

- Fixed Mana Leak target sound.

- Fixed Dust sound.



May 16:


- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit giving vision to Elder Titan while dead.

- Elder Titan: Fixed Earth Splitter being placed slightly too far forward.

- Elder Titan: Fixed Natural Order not getting upgraded on the Ancestral Spirit if it was already in the air.

- Elder Titan: Fixed Natural Order sometimes not getting applied before Ancestral Spirit's damage.

- Ursa: Fixed Fury Swipes stack getting dispelled with Magic Immunity.



- Added vsync support to windowed modes.

- Reduced memory fragmentation.



- There are now 6 broadcaster channels.

- Added map ping throttling for communication banned players.



- Now highlights Compendiums that are gifts from other players.

- Updated with new stretch goals.

- Prize pool now displays how much the Compendium owner has contributed.



- Particles on unusual couriers work again.

- Strange items that count things other than kills work again.



May 8:


Added Solo Matchmaking option. This is an experimental feature that will match you with players who also queued without being in a party. This is the first step in a series aimed at improving the matchmaking system.



- Reduced the number of negative reports per week to 2 as part of our ongoing efforts to improve and tune the reporting and ban systems.



- Elder Titan: Fixed Legacy Keys

- Drow Ranger: Fixed Frost Arrows slowing Spirit Bear for the full creep duration

- Tusk: Fixed Walrus Punch having 1 less second of slow than intended.

- Tusk: Fixed Armlet sometimes causing Walrus Punch to disappear after using Snowball.



- Reduced memory usage on systems with 2GB of RAM or less



May 1:

- Added Elder Titan!



- Fixed a bug that was allowing extra report submissions on Sundays.



- Revised the Community page.

- Added an icon for league games to the Live, Recent and Downloaded game lists.

- Changed Heroes Played and Game History to be popups in the Profile.

- Numerous improvements to the Tournament Scheduling interface.

- Fixed Buy Back availability in spectator dropdown being inaccurate sometimes.

- Improved web browser performance.

- Fixed hitches when spectating games and switching between heroes.



- New lines added to Skywrath Mage, Timbersaw, and Bristleback.



- Added an Animation Overlay dropdown to the Workshop Model Preview.

- Added Lycanthrope's wolves to the Ability Model import list.



April 25:


- Enabled Drow and Tusk in Captain's Mode (Tournament Version).

- Enabled Bristleback, Slark and Skywrath Mage in Captain's Mode (Latest Version).

- Invoker: Fixed Cold Snap being purgable.

- Skywrath Mage: Fixed hitbox being too small.

- Slark: Fixed Shadow Dance giving Slark flying vision.

- Slark: Fixed Shadow Dance granting passive bonuses to Slark illusions.

- Slark: Fixed an issue causing Shadow Dance's passive modifier to not update in the UI, despite being active.

- Slark: Fixed Dark Pact continuing while Slark is dead.

- Slark: Essence Shift counters on both Slark and enemy heroes will show the total duration ( i.e. the time that the most recent stack will expire.)

- Slark: Fixed a number of incorrect spell interactions with Dark Pact.

- Slark: Fixed a number of horizontal movement ability interactions with Pounce.

- Troll Warlord: Fixed Berserker's Rage bonus damage not being applied as base damage.

- Tusk: Fixed Frozen Sigil not affecting magic immune units.



- Added HUD Skins to the Workshop Importer.




April 17:

- Added Skywrath Mage!



- Added stricter system implementing communication (voice and text) bans for abusive players.

- Combined voice and text reports into a single 'communication' report.

- Reduced reports per week to 4.

- Removed ability for spectators to report players in-game.

- Reports now allow single selection of behavior type only.



- Beastmaster: Fixed Wild Axes losing vision after the second cast.

- Doom: Scorched Earth now shows its duration on the buff icon.

- Lich: Fixed Frost Armor auto-casting while Lich is channeling.

- Magnus: Fixed a rare crash involving Skewer.

- Slardar: Fixed Slithereen Crush not slowing attack speed.

- Spectre: Fixed Haunt illusions moving while out of the game.

- Timbersaw: Fixed Timberchain travelling too fast.

- Timbersaw: Fixed Timberchain not latching quite far enough.

- Tusk: Fixed Tusk not issuing an attack order on the snowballed unit after the snowball crashes.

- Enabled Drow and Tusk to Captain's Mode (Tournament Version next week)



- Added tab to the Watch section showing downloaded replay files.



- Riki: Added Smoke Screen and Blink Strike animations.

- Sniper: Added victory animations and more aggressive posing of idle, run and attack when enemy is in range.



- Bots now know to avoid standing in Macropyre and Ice Path.



- Added a button to the preview that allows you to test your imported model in-game, in a local server.



March 27:

- Added Bristleback!



- Broodmother: Fixed Insatiable Hunger cooldown on level 1 and 3.

- Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Blood armor bonus not carrying over to Illusions.

- Dragon Knight: Fixed Elder Dragon Form frost slow getting dispelled when target initially becomes Magic Immune.

- Doom: Fixed Doom damage being blocked by Pipe.

- Enchantress: Fixed Nature's Attendants lasting 1 second less than intended.

- Huskar: Fixed Life Break leap moving too fast.

- Magnus: Fixed Shockwave hitting units behind you.

- Mirana: Fixed Mirana's Leap range being slightly too short.

- Nyx Assassin: Fixed Impale traveling too far.

- Phantom Lancer: Fixed being able to have 1 juxtapose illusion too many

- Razor: Fixed Static Link break range being 25 too short.

- Shadow Shaman: Fixed Shackles doing a little less damage than intended.

- Slark: Fixed Pounce not initiating an attack order on the leashed target.

- Templar Assassin: Fixed Meld buff getting dispelled.

- Visage: Fixed Familiars not getting affected by Chronosphere.

- Weaver: Fixed being The Swarm units being unable to Latch onto sleeping units.

- Weaver: Fixed The Swarm getting permanently dispelled if the enemy is invulnerable .

- Weaver: Fixed the Swarm units not doing their initial attack immediately upon latching.

- Added Psuedo Random chance for Roshan's Bash.

- Fixed Eye of Skadi frost slow getting dispelled when target initially becomes Magic Immune.

- Fixed Diffusal Blade proccing multiple damage instances.

- Fixed heroes flickering on the minimap when walking by Sentry Wards while under Smoke of Deceit.



- Pausing in a practice or tournament game now prevents the team that paused from querying units, moving the camera or accessing the shop.

- Added ability and item notes, detailed tooltips that will display only if ALT is pressed.

- Adjusted Replay Highlight scene leadin time a bit.

- Arcane Boots now has 'mana' as a shop alias.

- Wisp name change to Io.

- Added 10 second rewind button to replay controls.

- Spectator Items panel now takes up less space and shows items ordered by value.

- Steam friends can be added, removed, and friendship requests confirmed/ignored from within Dota 2.



- New Vengeful Spirit model.

- Added in-game models for when the following items are dropped from inventory into the world: Gem of True Sight, Observer Wards, and Sentry Wards.



- Added Bounty Hunter bot.

- Significantly revised how Roam mode works.



- Revised Beastmaster's voice.



- Added the Treasure Key of the Cursed Wood and the Treasure Key of the Shaper Divine.

- Several old keys have returned to the store along with a very low drop rate for some older community chests.

- The current set of community crates will no longer expire, but their drop rate will be decreased over time and their rarity increased over time.

- Added new sets for Brewmaster, Lich, Riki, Juggernaut, Beastmaster, and Spectre.

- Added a couple new couriers!March 20:


- Clockwerk: Fixed being able to break Hookshot movement with purge/stonegaze/etc.

- Drow Ranger: Marksmanship bonus is removed when there are nearby enemy heroes (instead of just being halved).

- Drow Ranger: Reduced Marksmanship enemy detection aoe reduced from 400 to 375.

- Keeper of the Light: Illuminate manacost from increased 150 to 150/160/170/180.

- Keeper of the Light: Illuminate AOE reduced from 400 to 350.

- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Mana Leak not getting removed by Dark Pact or Kraken Shell.

- Mirana: Fixed cast and attack behaviors during Leap.

- Nyx Assassin: Spiked Carapace duration reduced from 2.75 to 2.25.

- Nyx Assassin: Spiked Carapace cooldown increased from 14 to 23/20/17/14.

- Timbersaw: Fixed Whirling Death debuff getting dispelled.

- Timbersaw: Fixed attack capability getting reset while Magic Immune when Chakram is used.

- Timbersaw: Fixed Whirling Death stat drain not affecting Magic Immune units.

- Treant Protector: Living Armor damage reduction is now done for all instances of damage that reduce its charges.

- Tranquil Boots: Disabled speed reduced from 50 to 25.

- Tranquil Boots: Heal increased from 170 to 250.

- Tranquil Boots: Cooldown increased from 40 to 60.

- Tranquil Boots: Heal duration increased from 10 to 20.

- Tranquil Boots: Fixed being able to drop the item to reset its state.

- Tranquil Boots: Fixed damage detection threshold on Tranquil's heal.

- Heaven's Halberd: Disarm is no longer dispelled by Manta.

- Added Timbersaw to Captain's Mode (Tournament Version).

- Fixed attack acquisition range on Disruptor, KOTL, Wisp, Visage and Medusa.

- Fixed Towers sometimes attacking you too soon when moving out of range.



- Added Jakiro bot.

- Added Sand King bot.

- Bots that have been hit by multiple stacks of Sticky Napalm will now contemplate their misfortune further back in the lane.

- Fixed a bug where bots would try to cast stuns when being wildly out of range.



- Minimap now displays illusions for spectators.

- Fixed a bug that caused enemy-created Meepo illusions to get added to the original player's multi-hero interface.



- Added in-game models for when the following items are dropped from inventory into the world: Tango and Dust of Appearance.



- Updated Dagon visual effects and scaled it with level.

- Added an effect when Marksmanship is active.



- Fixed music volume bug.

- Fixed a bug preventing heroes from commenting on specific item purchases.

- Fixed AA's ult cast sounds to only play for teammates or nearby enemies that have vision.

- Added a unique sound for Viper's orb attack.

- Added sound to Diffusal Blade purge.

- Various mix tweaks across creeps, ui and the tutorial quest sounds.



- Disabled browsing & submitting in the Test Client, but allowed imports for testing purposes.

- Submissions now have the option of including a PSD containing marketing materials for the submission.

- Added Beastmaster's Hawk and Lone Druid's Bear to the Ability Import list.

- Attack animations now describe the animation timing required for the attack to match the character using them.


March 13:


- Clinkz: Fixed Death Pact healing Clinkz under Ice Blast debuff.

- Gyrocopter: Fixed Flak Cannon killing couriers.

- Sniper: Fixed Headshot not working on units like Spirit Bear, Warlock's Golem, etc.

- Sniper: Fixed Shrapnel doing slightly less damage than intended to towers.

- Sniper: Fixed Headshot's physical damage bonus being blocked by Magic Immunity.

- Spectre: Added a short grace period to walking off the Spectral Dagger path before collision is restored.

- Spiritbreaker: Fixed Magic Immune units being ignored by the AOE greater bash procs from Charge of Darkness and Scepter Nether Strike.

- Tusk: Fixed some cases where Ice Shards could get units stuck.

- Visage: Fixed a number of incorrect spell interactions with Familiars.

- Wisp: Fixed Tether sometimes ending prematurely if Relocate was cast before Tether.

- Wisp: Fixed Relocating units sometimes walking away to do a previous behavior.

- Fixed Roshan's aoe Slam damage type being physical rather than magical (and thus hurting Familiars).

- Fixed creeps and neutrals sometimes not responding to long range spells.

- Fixed Blink Dagger self-cast to work consistently.

- Fixed Cheese not having a cooldown.

- Fixed Cheese not stacking in inventory.

- Enabled Timbersaw in Captain's Mode in Latest Version (Tournament Version next week).

- Local games are no longer automatically unpaused.



- Added sound effects to the Dashboard.

- Added sound effects for various Tiny deaths.

- Updated Mjollnir sound effect.

- Updated Maelstrom sound effect.



- Items held by the courier are now included in a player's Net Worth.

- Fixed the sorting of Teams List under the Community tab.

- Fixed courier and ward previewing in the backpack.

- Fixed the scrollbar being hidden when a schedule had a full page of tournaments in a single month.

- Live games list now displays the game mode.

- Fiery Soul of the Slayer's custom minimap icon only draws for the player that owns the item.

- Re-positioned end game survey to not block the chat.

- Teams that haven't played a team matchmaking game in the last 7 days will now show up as being "inactive" in WebAPI calls.

- Improved performance of chat channels in the Dashboard.



- Revised overhead Soul Assumption indicator.

- Fixed Smoke of Deceit AOE visual effect showing for enemies if the caster is hidden

- Added in-game models for when the following items are dropped from inventory into the world: Divine Rapier, Healing Salve, Clarity, Dust of Appearance, Bottle, and Boots of Speed.



- Added Lion bot.

- Added Omniknight bot.

- Made a number of adjustments to loadouts and builds based on community feedback.

- Bots now know how to use Rod of Atos, Tranquil Boots, Abyssal Blade, Heaven's Halberd, and Veil of Dischord.

- Bots will no longer go to the Side Shop with a full inventory if they aren't willing to sell anything.

- Generic summoned units (Necro units, Illusions, etc) now have basic bot AIs, so they can act independently from their owner.

- Fixed bots interrupting their teleports.

- Bots will be less aggressive when they have stacks of Sticky Napalm on them.

- Bots will now only use Refresher Orb if they want to cast big ticket abilities.

- Fixed Witch Doctor bot spam-toggling Voodoo Restoration when he simply wanted to activate it.

- Witch Doctor is less likely to use Death Ward on units that are about to die anyways.

- Bots now establish their lanes at 0:15 (changed from 0:30), which makes jungling the initial creep spawn eaiser without confusing them about what lane you're in.

- Bots will no longer go for runes that may or may not be there if it's been a while since their spawn time.

- When there are no wards up, bots are now smarter about only warding the closer rune location.



- Added general support for importing any Ability/Spell related model. Currently just supporting Beastmaster Boars.

- Reworked the "View My Submissions" page to better handle a large number of submissions (sorting/pagination/bug fixes).

- Fixed submission preview images not being set correctly.

- Fixed a bug where updating an existing submission could set incorrect tags on the submission.

- Disabled the Workshop in the Test client to prevent confusion.


March 6:


- Gyrocopter: Fixed Rocket Barrage firing while under effects like Disruption/Chronosphere/Doom/Hex.

- Gyrocopter: Fixed Flak Cannon hurting nightmared units without waking them up.

- Naga Siren: Fixed being able to purge Song of the Siren aura off of Naga Siren.

- Nyx: Fixed Spiked Carapace affecting Juggernaut during Omnislash.

- Outworld Devourer: Fixed Astral Imprisonment not draining enough mana from enemy heroes.

- Timbersaw: Fixed Whirling Death not doing enough damage against strength heroes.

- Fixed Maelstrom and Mjollnir being unable to proc if the initial target is Magic Immune.

- Tweaked Neutral Creep chase timings for the two small camps.

- Fixed a number of bugs in Mechanics I, including all known showstoppers.



- Fixed holding alt causing smoked hero names to be shown on minimap when near truesight.

- Fixed your status showing as playing a local bot game if you were spectating a game

- Hero performance page is now sorted by total number of games played.

- Fixed Dire wins in the Team Game History tab showing up as losses.

- Fixed bug where Team Game History wasn't refreshing properly.

- The Teams List under Community now displays Teams in order of their most recently played match.

- There's now a dialog asking the player to rate their currently-used hero build (if it's not yet been rated).



- Music now plays in spectator and replay modes.



- Added Fiery Soul of the Slayer item for Lina.

February 27:

- Added Mechanics I for new players!

- Added 7 new item sets to the Dota store.

- Immortal and Tournament items can now be traded on the Steam Community Market.



- Clockwerk: Fixed Power Cogs pulling more than just heroes inside the cogs.

- Huskar: Fixed Berserker's Blood not stacking at the proper health thresholds.

- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Mana Leak accumulating mana loss during magic immunity.

- Phantom Lancer: Fixed an issue where illusions made by a player on the other team would create uncontrollable Juxtapose illusions.

- Tusk: Fixed a case where heroes with very small collision size could escape Ice Shards.

- Tusk: Fixed a rare bug where teleporting could cause Walrus Punched units to end up in odd positions.

- Fixed various aspects of Spectral Dagger logic being dispellable.

- Fixed sometimes being revealed if your projectile hits the target after you become invisible with Shadow Blade.

- Improved TP interaction with FoW.

- Fixed two ledges (below the two rune spots) where you could get units stuck with Telekinesis and Vacuum.



- Added the ability to examine chests.

- Added a Game History tab to the Team Profile.

- Added checkbox for filtering Live Games to just Team games.

- You can now click on Team names in Live or Recent games to view their team profiles.

- Added a post-game Match Quality survey panel.

- Added an icon to backpack slots if that item is currently equipped.

- Fixed the courier delivery icon popping when the courier collected stash items.

- Fixed courier delivery being delayed by 0.5 seconds if there were no items to get from the stash.

- Fixed courier move orders not clearing the transfer items buff icon.

- Players can now set a custom rich presence status that can be displayed on the UI.

- Fixed Lina's Fiery Soul buff not showing the correct cooldown if it was refreshed with 3 stacks.


AUDIO/VISUAL - Updated Arc Lightning's visual effects and sound.

- Updated Shadow Shaman's attack sound.

- Updated Ether Shock's visual effects and sound.

- Updated Mjollnir and Maelstrom visual effects.



- When a push is happening into a base, global desire to farm is significantly decreased.

- Fixed a case where bots far from the lane front could thrash into and out of Push Lane mode.

- Single-player bot games now run locally on the user's machine.

- Increased reaction time by about 50% in all modes.



February 21:

- Added In-game Guides and Hero Builds!

- Players can now be a member of multiple teams.



- Fixed backswing behavior on some of Invoker's skills.

- Fixed Last Word being dispelled by Purge/Cyclone/etc.

- Fixed Last Word interrupting channeling spells if the initial duration ends during the channel.

- Enabled Medusa in Captain's Mode tournament version.

- Fixed Healing Ward not preserving its hotkey when leveled up.



- Added right click menu to the combat log with "Copy to clipboard" option.

- Added option to render the Co-Broadcaster's camera. Use dota_minimap_draw_cocaster_camera 0 to disable.

- Added new right click option to backpack items to equip the entire set the item belongs to.



- Adjusted hero roles of Windrunner (fewer last hits) and Meepo (more last hits).

- Made Death Prophet bot more likely to use Crypt Swarm in teamfights.

- Made Necrolyte bot a bit more hesitant about using Death Pulse when laning.

- Fixed bots dropping thousands of TP scrolls at the side shops.

- Practice with Bots difficulty and team settings are now saved.


February 14:

- Added Tusk!



- Lina: Fixed Dragon Slave hitting units behind you.

- Mirana: Fixed some backswing behaviors with her spells

- Templar Assassin: Fixed Meld not removing collision.

- Troll Warlord: Fixed a case where ranged Troll Warlord can bash when attacking while transforming.

- Troll Warlord: Added a "fast" attack animation that will only trigger when his attack speed is above 210

- Fixed Orchid disabling Dagger at the end of its duration even if it was doing no damage.

- Fixed a recent bug with Poor Man's Shield that could infrequently cause it to not block hero damage

- Fixed some wave speed issues with Crypt Swarm, Dual Breath, Breathe Fire, Dragon Slave, Illuminate, Sonic Wave and Shockwave.

- Enabled Silencer in Tournament lobbies.

- Team Matchmaking now uses the Tournament lobby rules.

- Two-player Mid Only games now automatically spawn a courier.

- Enabled Medusa in Captain's Mode for Latest Version (will be enabled in Tournament Version the following week).



- Updated look of the combat log and added language localization.

- Fixed bug where players who'd set themselves as Offline in Steam would still report their Rich Presence status.

- Players no longer display what hero they're playing in their Rich Presnce if they're in a private no-spectating game.

- Added a "Add Self to Roster" button that shows up for Team Admins that aren't part of their Team's Roster.

- The Game End panel now shows team names for games with teams.



- If Keeper of the Light dies with Recall active, the visual effect is now removed.



- Fixed bots not considering Phantom Lancer a hard carry.

- Fixed VS bot not having a large enough item build list.

- Bots will no longer dust Doppelwalk because it's sneaky.

- Bots will no longer buy invisibility detection for an enemy's item until they see that item in an enemy's inventory.

- Made Zeus bot slightly more likely to use Wrath of the Thundergod.

- When a player connects, we now only disable/make invulnerable heroes on the opposing teams (not units with bots like the Warlock Golem).February 6:

- Added Team Matchmaking! Teams have a public rating based on their performance against other Teams.

- Added Language setting for Matchmaking!



- Alchemist: Fixed Unstable Concoction AOE and Self impact behavior when there is a Magic Immune target.

- Batrider: Fixed Sticky Napalm being applied to Magic Immune units.

- Batrider: Fixed Sticky Napalm being removed by Magic Immunity.

- Bloodseeker: Fixed Rupture damage interval.

- Bloodseeker: Fixed being able to use potions during Rupture.

- Dark Seer: Fixed being able to cast Ion Shell on special units like Spirit Bear and Warlock's Golem

- Doom: Fixed Doom's interaction with MKB and Truestrike.

- Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Breath sometimes missing at very close range in Elder Dragon Form.

- Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Breath travel time being too slow.

- Gyrocopter: Fixed Call Down first and second impact slow values being swapped

- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Recall going off if Keeper died during the delay.

- Lone Druid: Fixed Spirit Bear's Entangle working against Ancients and Creep Heroes like Familiars and Warlock's Golem.

- Medusa: Fixed Split Shot hitting Nightmared units.

- Medusa: Fixed Mana Shield not blocking damage from Death Ward, Plague Wards, Serpent Wards and Wildkin's Tornado.

- Morphling: Fixed Morph transformation stopping if Morphling gets purged or cycloned.

- Shadow Fiend: Fixed Shadow Fiend gaining souls while dead

- Shadow Fiend: Fixed Shadow Fiend gaining souls from killing illusions.

- Spectre: Fixed Spectral Dagger sometimes creating invisible paths of targets it hit.

- Troll Warlord: Added Pseudo Random support for his Bash.

- Troll Warlord: Fixed Whirling Axes interaction with Roshan.

- Visage: Fixed Cleave hitting Familiars.

- Warlock: Fixed Flaming Fists hitting ethereal units.

- Weaver: Fixed various buffs Time Lapse did not remove.

- Witch Doctor: Fixed Paralyzing Casks bouncing off of couriers.

- Courier: Fixed courier not responding to deliver orders after having received a hold or stop order.

- Courier: Reduced stash interaction ranges to fix the courier not filling a bottle when entering and exiting the fountain area in a short time.

- Courier: Fixed the Deliver Items breaking if you used speed burst on the way to the stash.

- Fixed direct unit target spells having 24 less effective range.

- Fixed Dark Pact and and Kraken Shell not removing Sticky Napalm, Shadow Strike, Venomous Gale, Poison Nova and Viper Strike.

- Fixed Day/Night cycle duration as well as initial state being a bit off.

- Fixed some ability Backswing timing issues (Kunkka, Clockwerk, Timbersaw, Meepo, Pudge, Spiritbreaker, Sand King, Riki, Nyx, Lion, Pugna, Shadow Demon, Batrider).

- Orb of Venom now has the same stacking behavior with Lifesteal that Eye of Skadi does.

- Fixed Veil of Discord not getting applied to Magic Immune units.

- Fixed Veil of Discord getting dispelled by Purge/BKB/Cyclone/etc.

- Fixed Bloodstone charges incrementing while you are dead.

- Dropped, non-sharable items can no longer be destroyed by teammates.

- Fixed dominated units continuing their previous channeling spell.

- Enabled Silencer in Captain's Mode for Latest Version (will be enabled in Tournament Version the following week).



- Added Language option for Matchmaking. You will find players when matchmaking that have selected the same language(s).

- Fixed buff refreshes not showing the correct swipe.

- Made Keeper's two Spirit Form abilities always visible but just disabled until he uses Spirit Form.

- The dota:// URL handler now supports lobbyid=<lobbyid> and accountid=<accountid> for creating game spectating links.

- Fixed autocast ability border not hiding when moving from a friendly unit to querying an enemy.

- When using smart tab switching, fixed not being able to cycle to controllable units if your currently selected using is dead.

- Players that play on a league game will now have access to that league pass.

- Fixed being able to pick or random an already repicked hero.

- Added an error message when pressing the courier deliver button and there are no items to be delivered.



- Added Team query to WebAPI. Query is GetTeamInfoByTeamID, params are start_at_team_id and teams_requested.



- Players that participate in Leagues will now have access to watch all games for said league in the tournament tab.



- Made Necrolyte bot more likely to use Death Pulse to heal himself.

- When considering purchasing an item and determining whether there's room in their inventory, bots will now consider whether the item will stack with an existing item.

- Bots will no longer sell a situational item in order to retrieve a situational item from their stash (fixes purchase thrashing).

- Witch Doctor will no longer use Maledict on non-hero units.

- Slightly lowered the maximum desire to attack a non-hero unit.

January 30:

NOTE: This update has reorganized the file layout of Dota 2 to speed up loading and for future localization support. This will result in a large update and may take a while to download.



- Fixed how magic damage is amplified when there are multiple sources of bonuses.

- Death Prophet: Fixed Exorcism healing never resetting.

- Enigma: Tightened selection area of Eidolons to make picking individual units easier when they clump

- Gyrocopter: Fixed Call Down not slowing magic immune units.

- Spectre: Spectral Dagger now properly trails invisible units.

- Spectre: Fixed various properties of Haunt illusions being incorrect.

- Tiny: Fixed Craggy Exterior working on illusions of Tiny.

- Visage: Fixed Roshan decreasing Gravekeeper's Cloak charges.

- Visage: Fixed Gravekeeper's Cloak not restoring its layers independently of one another.

- Warlock: Fixed Flaming Fist damage not leveling properly, damaging magic immune units, and having incorrect chance to proc.

- Fixed a bug with Radiance kill credit and illusions.

- Fixed Roshan no longer casting Slam to slow and damage nearby units.



- The Smooth Drag option now works for anyone that's spectating (whether through DotaTV or as a broadcaster).

- Reduced waiting time in hero picker during All Random to 10 seconds.

- Reworked how your personal hero performance is done on your profile page (provide feedback here http://dev.dota2.com...splay.php?f=431).

- Added preview for summoned items like the panda and watcher golem to store and backpack.

- Added the ability to filter out empty teams from the team list.



- Fixed some incorrect timing calculations that were causing bots to miss some last hits.

- Fixed Practice vs Bots not properly selecting the nearest server.

- Fixed Death Prophet bot to know about the true range of Crypt Swarm.

- Fixed bots thrashing selling a situational item (dust, wards, TP scroll) to purchase another situational item.



- Added Captain's Mode Picks and Bans.

- Added ability upgrade order and times to each player.

- Added inventory for additional units (Lone Druid's Spirit Bear).

- Added an API for getting match details in the order they were recorded.



January 24:

- Added Troll Warlord!

- Added All Random to matchmaking!

- Added tournament calendar view to the Watch tab!



- The pathfinder now ignores obstructions that are due to units that are not visible to the pathing unit.

- Crystal Maiden: Fixed Freezing Field channeling ending if you get purged.

- Dazzle: Fixed Poison Touch slow and stun applying if BKB was used after it had been applied.

- Drow: Fixed Drow Illusions carrying the double bonus from Marksmanship

- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Chakra being castable on magic immune allies.

- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Manta dispelling Mana Leak.

- Lifestealer: Fixed Rage not removing certain buffs that BKB does (Empower, Haste, etc).

- Medusa: Fixed Mana Shield happening after Stout/Vanguard damage block rather than before.

- Meepo: Fixed Poof considering dead illusions as valid destinations.

- Morphling: Fixed Replicate dying if Morphling dies with Aegis.

- Timbersaw: Fixed Whirling Death sometimes taking too long to cast when used with Timber Chain.

- Timbersaw: Fixed Chakram cast time behavior.

- Visage: Fixed Attack and Defense type on level 3 Familiars.

- Warlock: Fixed Aghanim Warlock Golems not doing enough damage.

- Fixed MKB dealing bonus damage to towers.

- Fixed ground courier being able to block lanes and surround Roshan.

- Fixed being able to lifesteal more life than the target has.

- Fixed Diffusal Blade cooldown being 12 seconds instead of 8.



- Added Practice vs Bots option in the Play menu.

- Added a privacy setting in the UI so that players can specify whether they want to allow external 3rd party websites to be able to access their match history (defaulted to private).

- Least Played mode now eliminates each players' top 40 played heroes, up from 20.

- Added completion cost to shop item tooltips, displayed if the player has one or more components.

- Added tooltips to the shop category buttons.

- Fixed the Repick option disappearing too soon.

- Fixed bug where buffs would sometimes display an incorrect duration sweep.

- Bringing up the combat log will now hide the killcam.

- Fixed bug where sometimes spectators would, when inspecting a player, not see thier cosmetic items.

- Fixed bug where Dota 2 would not track changes in the Windows default audio device.

- When spectating a game in directed, hero chase, or player view, the mouse will no longer be locked to the window.



- Added new item sets for Lone Druid and Necrolyte.



- Added Necrolyte bot.

- Added Witch Doctor bot.

- Sven will no longer War Cry when doing a casual retreat.

- Fixed Viper bot not harassing with his unique attack modifier.

- Fixed bug in Sandstorm avoidance that always made bots maximalliy avoid it.

- Adjusted the values so that bots are more willing to tanking creeps at high health/tankability ratings.

- Bots now take into account cleaving when determining what neutral camps they're willing to farm.

- Death Prophet bot will now use Carrion Swarm more when laning.

- Fixed bug that would cause bots to fountain-dive sometimes.



- Added a "Show Low-Res Model" checkbox that toggles between showing the low & high resolution LODs for imported models when in Loadout camera view.

- Now automatically switches to showing low-res models in the Day/Night camera views, and high-res models in the Portrait camera view (since that's how they're used by the game).

- Fixed "Other" submission type displaying a "failed to find content file" when submitting.

- Fixed Preview not resetting background properly when moving from Portrait to Day/Night view.

- Fixed Preview losing hero rotation when going to and from Portrait view.

- Fixed a case where the Add Wearable slot buttons didn't work for some slots on some heroes (like Sven).





January 9:


Added Medusa!



- Witch Doctor: Fixed Aghanim's Death Ward attacking Familiars and other psuedo heroes.

- Doom: Scorched Earth now only applies damage from Doom himself, not all the units affected by his aura.

- Pudge: Fixed being able to get units stuck using Refresher.

- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Recall interaction with non-hero units.



- Added a Haste button to the courier HUD element.

- Added Mid Only game mode for private lobbies (disables other lanes and allows the same hero to be selected).

- The Announcer Share dialog has been replaced with a Shared Content dialog.

- Added a badge to the top bar to count the available shared items.

- If shared content is available in a game, a message is now printed pregame.

- Added Balanced Shuffle button to non-tournament private lobbies.

- Added All Chat private lobby option for enabling voice chat among all players.

- Fixed "Equip" appearing in the right click menu for some chests.



- Fixed hearing the wrong announcer after equipping a new item in the loadout.

- Fixed bugs with muting cobroadcasters causing other sounds to be muted.



- The bots are now less likely to push with more heroes than what they deem necessary (less 5-man Dota). Probably needs some tuning.

- Made bots slightly less self-concerned when considering defending an ally. Also made them more likely to jump in if they have a slow or stun.

- Bots that are capable of jungling during the laning phase may now do so.

- If purchasing an item from the secret shop would complete an item, desire for going there is now increased.

- When their next item is purchasable, their desire to farm is significantly reduced.

- Fixed bad tuning that was causing bots to almost never farm lanes.

- Improved bot responsiveness to pings on Roshan.

- Bots are now less likely to assume that humans will purchase wards.


January 5:



Added Nightstalker darkness graphic to day/night clock.

When calculating Net Worth, we no longer include the inventory value of the other Meepos.


Roshan is no longer pushed by Clockwerk's cogs.


Added Announcer previewing.

Fixed backwards day/night indicator.


Added Australia server region.

Failed chunks are now retried when downloading replays. This should address the issue with Error 206.


Bots will now wake up if they're attacked during their initial 15 second slumber.

Improved decision-making of who should buy wards on a team.

Fixed Lich bot trolling teammates by using Dark Ritual on creeps that a teammate teleporting to.

Swapped around Jugg bot's item build (he goes for ring of health and battlefury faster now).

Carry bots are now allowed to move further from their base laning location when going for last hits



December 14:


-Added Timbersaw also known as Goblin Shredder in dota 1



- Ancient Apparition: Fixed status effect ignoring magic immune units (HP Freeze and Shatter).

- Silencer: Fixed Last Word not being triggered by Invoke.

- Slark: Fixed Pounce leashing illusions.

- Undying: Fixed Decay providing too much healing to Undying.

- Fixed Shadow Blade interaction with Cleave and Critical Strike.

- Fixed Cycloning yourself causing you to take damage from Orchid.



November 30:


Portrait and model rework for Broodmother.

Added sound and FX for hand of Midas.

Hong Kong server removed.


November 26:


Renamed Europe server region to West Europe.

Added East Europe server region.







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бтв это нихуя не определяющий момент, у вас эйфория, сударь

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Мне не нравится этот апдейт !



link=topic=4952.msg145305#msg145305 date=1198276079]

Максимум Online сегодня: 318. Максимум Online: 318 (22 Декабря 2007, 01:13:40)

сука все перегружаете, я заебался поднимать опять все


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