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[Updates] NEW DOTA ERA SOON - 24.09.2014

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ахахахаха стим что ты делаешь :lol:

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у меня обнова на 10 метров :hmm:


Russians in team







За что я люблю бет топан



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у меня обнова на 10 метров :hmm:

сейм щит

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Official Changelog

Multiple Team Support


Added support for multiple teams (up to 10) and a multiple team custom game example

Bug fixes and updates


Fixed particle system using sprite trails where trail tint color would be applied to the wrong end

Added option to specify if particle rendering operators should saturate the color to white before applying alpha blending

Fixed exit crash when running with -tools

Reduced memory usage when running custom game modes and tools

Reduced CPU usage while playing custom games

Improved interpolation of cloth in high latency and packet loss situations

Fixed portraits not moving mouths when speaking lines

Fixed FBX animation files not compiling animation if there was also geometry in the file

Fixed material remapping and handling backslash as a path separator for a material resource

Fixed duplicate NPC units list in Hammer when using the reload FGD feature

Fixed Hammer crash when attempting to open or close a map file while loading another map

Fixed video settings not being applied properly

Added "StartTouch" output for func_physbox that fires if "touchoutputperentitydelay" greater than 0 seconds

Additional methods have been exposed or added to the scripting system StartSoundEventFromPosition() GiveXP() GiveGold() SetCustomGameEndDelay() SetCustomVictoryMessageDuration() SetCustomHealthLabel() allowing custom labels to be drawn above the health bar ShowCustomHeaderMessage() to display custom header messages similar to first blood or kill streak notices

Added team name support to GameRules:SendCustomMessage() as "%s3"

Added script bindings for UTIL_MessageTextAll/UTIL_MessageTextAll_WithContext

Added SetHideKillMessageHeaders() to hide kill streak and first blood messages

Added "entindex" key to player spawn game event

Added "dota_team_kill_credit" game event

Added 'HideKillMessageHeaders' game event

Added "GrantXPGold" action to data driven abilities with XPAmount:integer, GoldAmount:integer, ReliableGold:boolean, and SplitEvenly:boolean as key value pairs.

Fixed neutral camp prefab to not need unique name

Workshop Tools Update

Here are some of the changes from what I can make out. Cannot confirm these just yet. Give me sometime.


Support for 32bit systems and DirectX 9 has been added!

Multiple teams are now a possibility in the tools. Implying more than 2.

A bug reporter tool has been added.

Some new custom map templates for arena based gameplay, 4 lane gameplay and etc has been added.

Other Updates

There's a few Kb of changes to the main depot too but I will need to download the files first to know the changes.

Misc Info

Opting out of the Workshop Tools


If you are not in to the tools and do not want these downloads, just do the following. The tools will be uninstalled for you.


Right click Dota 2 in your Library > Properties > DLC and Untick the Workshop Tools DLC.

Raw Schema: None yet.

No changelog yet.

Patch Size: 2 GB (Workshop Tools) or 10.9 Mb (Main Client)

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у меня этот воркшоп тулс ещё неделю назад скачался


его можно свободно удалить если не нужен

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че за 2гб качается к дотке :fffuuu: :fffuuu: :fffuuu:



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че за 2гб качается к дотке :fffuuu: :fffuuu: :fffuuu:

эпик даун с дота2сруbig20.gif

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в свойствах в разделе dlc надо убрать workshop tools и будет качать всего лишь 10 мб

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че за 2гб качается к дотке :fffuuu: :fffuuu: :fffuuu:

эпик даун с дота2сруbig20.gif

норм представился.

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очередной клоун :avtorklif:


бтв, воркшоп тулс раньше скачивал, поэтому не понял :hmm:



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че за 2гб качается к дотке :fffuuu: :fffuuu: :fffuuu:

эпик даун с дота2сруbig20.gif

норм представился.

тыж тоже от туда пока тебя не выпинали пермобаном?

че выебуешься то

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ебать спасибо ребзи за инфу , как даун качал бы 2гб 2 часа , что-бы отлететь от паджира за 15 минут


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Added support for multiple teams (up to 10) and a multiple team custom game examplе. :rickroll:

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2 гига апдейтов редактора, это как 2 гига шапок, только 2 гига апдейтов редактора

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Короче скоро в доту столько говна добавят,что невозможно будет понять что за спеллы какой герой кидает

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Короче скоро в доту столько говна добавят,что невозможно будет понять что за спеллы какой герой кидает

хоть 1 непонятный в этом видосе? :dunno:



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