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Аквамен / Aquaman

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Вот бы вместо Момоа рядом с Эмбер поставить Рикардо Милоса

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мне бы пришлось после такого в дс-еба переодеться 

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дсёбами не становятся 


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Chinese  Reaction To The 30 Min Aquaman Footage

施舍翅膀 Aquaman is so beautiful !!!!!! When it is released, it will definitely blow up!!!!!! James Wan's ability to take control when shooting the fight scenes is just too good. That Nichole Kidman fight scenes had me in tears.


Wang All throughout Aquaman 30 min footage, I literally had a "Chikan" face on "wow wow wow wow"


致远君 Aquaman footage, James Wan built an amazing & fantastical World. The action scenes are on fire. Underwater world building is exquisite & beautiful. Special Effects are gorgeous. Nichole Kidman's Queen is just stunning. Recommend seeing it in IMAX.


DC电影报道 Today I had the privilege to see the half an hour Aquaman compilation footage with a few of my acquaintance.........The footage did not disappoint. The costume design is very close to the source material. The special effects & scenes are very exquisite. During interview, James Wan said some of the techniques used for the underwater special effects was only made possible 3 years ago, a feast for the audience's eye. James Wan's ability to control the movie's pacing is superb, balancing thrill / horror with humor. The interaction between Arthur's & Mera's is especially cute. And of course, there's the "terror of the deep" element that I'm most looking forward to. Compared to other DCEU movies, it's really different. Also, the music is by Wonder Woman's composer Rupert Greg-William. This time the composition is more towards Electronic / digital music with some beautiful sounding vocals, it's delightful to hear.


电影玩家罗众 Aquaman is visually stunning, owing much to it's action scenes. Just from the shown footage.....when compared to other DCEU movies which feature simple & mindless barrage of violent fight sequences..........you can see that a lot of changes seems to have been made to how the fight scenes are presented in this movie especially with the camera placement / camera movement & fight choreography. Actually, that rooftop chase sequence from that 5 min trailer shown last month is already very eye catching but this time in the 30 min footage it is being expanded even more. A lot of wushu / martial arts element has been incorporated into the fight choreography. This is especially evident in that indoor fight scene featuring Nichole Kidman (Oh, btw Nichole Kidman's design & makeup is so beautiful). Also, there's a lot of one-shot / long takes in fight sequence, it's smooth & exciting, this type of shot along with how the footage is cut / splice together creates an in-game like experience where the audience is taken along for the ride. In Aquaman, there's design sense in everything, from the fight sequences in small spaces, to the fight under the sea which is more grand & violent, including elements of high tech, weapons fight & magic. This shows James Wan's incredible mise en scène. And more impressive is James Wan ability at world building with the 7 kingdoms, including his imagination for Atlantis. That underwater world, the blending of ancient civilization & high tech...once again broadening the visual boundary of what was previously seen in the DCEU. It's shockingly good. Mera's showcasing her skills and Black Manta's design & fight sequence are all visually appealing. Also, there's an action scene that happened on board of a ship at night. James Wan never forgets his old "bread & butter", adding elements of thrill / horror into it.


Изменено пользователем Keusar


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дсёбами не становятся 

а что ритуал посвящения есть какой-то особенный?

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Нет ты просто должен признать что БпС лучший кинокомикс, как это сделал Мейд

Shaman.png.0cdd33d48561cd068bb3c5ee78289381.png Anna.jpeg.03c9b49363298ceec256500a5d522f7d.jpeg Nigga.jpg.f807f2556bdbf68452292a9301494591.jpg


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мы его перевоспитаем как пуделя, еще и за лигу признается



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Chinese  Reaction To The 30 Min Aquaman Footage

施舍翅膀 Aquaman is so beautiful !!!!!! When it is released, it will definitely blow up!!!!!! James Wan's ability to take control when shooting the fight scenes is just too good. That Nichole Kidman fight scenes had me in tears.


Wang All throughout Aquaman 30 min footage, I literally had a "Chikan" face on "wow wow wow wow"


致远君 Aquaman footage, James Wan built an amazing & fantastical World. The action scenes are on fire. Underwater world building is exquisite & beautiful. Special Effects are gorgeous. Nichole Kidman's Queen is just stunning. Recommend seeing it in IMAX.


DC电影报道 Today I had the privilege to see the half an hour Aquaman compilation footage with a few of my acquaintance.........The footage did not disappoint. The costume design is very close to the source material. The special effects & scenes are very exquisite. During interview, James Wan said some of the techniques used for the underwater special effects was only made possible 3 years ago, a feast for the audience's eye. James Wan's ability to control the movie's pacing is superb, balancing thrill / horror with humor. The interaction between Arthur's & Mera's is especially cute. And of course, there's the "terror of the deep" element that I'm most looking forward to. Compared to other DCEU movies, it's really different. Also, the music is by Wonder Woman's composer Rupert Greg-William. This time the composition is more towards Electronic / digital music with some beautiful sounding vocals, it's delightful to hear.


电影玩家罗众 Aquaman is visually stunning, owing much to it's action scenes. Just from the shown footage.....when compared to other DCEU movies which feature simple & mindless barrage of violent fight sequences..........you can see that a lot of changes seems to have been made to how the fight scenes are presented in this movie especially with the camera placement / camera movement & fight choreography. Actually, that rooftop chase sequence from that 5 min trailer shown last month is already very eye catching but this time in the 30 min footage it is being expanded even more. A lot of wushu / martial arts element has been incorporated into the fight choreography. This is especially evident in that indoor fight scene featuring Nichole Kidman (Oh, btw Nichole Kidman's design & makeup is so beautiful). Also, there's a lot of one-shot / long takes in fight sequence, it's smooth & exciting, this type of shot along with how the footage is cut / splice together creates an in-game like experience where the audience is taken along for the ride. In Aquaman, there's design sense in everything, from the fight sequences in small spaces, to the fight under the sea which is more grand & violent, including elements of high tech, weapons fight & magic. This shows James Wan's incredible mise en scène. And more impressive is James Wan ability at world building with the 7 kingdoms, including his imagination for Atlantis. That underwater world, the blending of ancient civilization & high tech...once again broadening the visual boundary of what was previously seen in the DCEU. It's shockingly good. Mera's showcasing her skills and Black Manta's design & fight sequence are all visually appealing. Also, there's an action scene that happened on board of a ship at night. James Wan never forgets his old "bread & butter", adding elements of thrill / horror into it.



Куда петицию на закрытие мурвелоблядей подписывать ?


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Хаха, сейчас бы китайцам верить. Они всё забугорное хавают. Они еще не перенасытились этим дерьмом.



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Я так понял это в Китае?

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да,у них премьера раньше всех


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красивая шапочка для плавания

Made понравилось это

Торжество разума в том, чтобы уживаться с теми, у кого этого разума нет. Вольтер.
Чтобы хорошо высыпаться, нужно спать 8 часов в день. И еще столько же ночью.

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ля какой мужчина

ну и хамада гений тут тоже





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Артур Карри был сыном работника маяка по имени Том Карри и женщины по имени Атланна. Артур уже в подростковом возрасте демонстрировал невероятную силу и скорость, а также возможность дышать под водой и разговаривать с рыбами. Будучи при смерти, Атланна раскрыла мальчику правду: она была Королевой Атлантиды, находившейся в изгнании, и пообещала, что однажды Артур станет правителем семи морей. Его отец дал ему образование и научил управлять своими возможностями, что в конечном итоге помогло ему стать героем по имени Аквамэн.


Это ведь рофел такой, прикол, ведь правда?

Типо как "Мачете" и подобные.

мне даже не хочеться отвечать,но в связи с тем что я иду сейчас играть в покер,все же отвечу.

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-ЛУЧШИЙ ФИЛЬМ ДСУЕ, ДАЖЕ ЛУЧШЕ ЧУДО МАНИКЕНШИЦЫ???????????? просто выблядок, я бы ему харкнул в лицо и кувалдой разбил в лепешку лицо

-оне он зе бест хиро мовис оф алл таим, ТАИД ВИЗ БЛЕК ПЕНТЕР   :shitpalm:  :shitpalm:  :shitpalm:


сука ебаный мексиканец, как ты вообще дышишь,  документалку ббс про африку и то интереснее смотреть


худший лицемерный пидарас, воняет проплаченгым дерьмом за верстую

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