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Флуд-блуд 45. Чемпионат Мира по Скоростному Флуду ZOIB

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Ладно, кто сколько сердец геев сжёг за сегодня?


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Чо когда финал по флуду?

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Чо когда финал по флуду?

никто не пришел на турнир..


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Это блядь прелестно

According to local news outlet The Ottawa Citizen, an Animator for My Little Pony and Littlest Pet Shop has been sentenced to 28 months in prison for possessing and sharing child pornography. Tom Wysom, 55, was arrested and found to be in possession of over 60,000 images of child porn, as well as 1625 videos. Ottawa police tracked his IP address when investigating a peer-to-peer network.

According to IMDB, Wysom was an animator and character builder for 26 episodes of My Little Pony and 23 episodes of Littlest Pet Shop between 2012 an 2015.

We've copy-pasted the original article below.

An Ottawa artist who helped animate children’s TV shows has been sentenced to 28 months in prison for possessing more than 60,000 images of child pornography and sharing them online.
Tom Wysom, 55, has worked on TV productions such as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Littlest Pet Shop, according to the Internet Movie Database.
Wysom was sentenced earlier this month after pleading guilty to the charges in December, two months after police executed a search warrant at his home in Old Ottawa South.
Police found 60,165 pictures — many of them duplicates — along with 1,626 videos, some of which depicted adults engaging in sexual behaviours with children. In some of the images, young girls had their hands and feet bound.
In a pre-sentence report, presented to court, Wysom told a probation officer that he developed an addiction to adult pornography about a decade ago, but slowly became desensitized to it and “needed something more.” He turned to child pornography, Wysom said, which became a way to deal with his clinical depression and other medical issues.
A forensic psychiatrist, Dr. Jonathan Gray, conducted a sexual behaviours assessment of Wysom and concluded he had a “pedophilic disorder.” Wysom told Gray he turned to child porn in response to the untreated stress he was experiencing.
Justice David Berg took exception to Wysom’s attempt to blame outside forces for his behaviour.
“I think that you are still quite far from comprehending that the problem is you and only you,” the judge told Wysom in his decision. “I think that you are still trying to rationalize your behaviour to yourself and to others in the face of society’s reaction to what you have done.”
The judge told Wysom he could have erased the images on his computer and sought professional help, but chose instead to continue on his destructive path because “he didn’t think he would get caught.”
“The stressors in his life may have led him to throw caution to the wind, but the stressors did not create in Mr. Wysom an ability to take pleasure from those images. That ability pre-existed the stressors,” Berg said.
Court heard that Wysom was born and raised in Wales, where he worked as a postal clerk. He came to Canada in 1992, and hitch-hiked and camped his way across the country before becoming a permanent resident in 1996. He has studied fine art and commercial animation, and once had his work featured at Ottawa’s Cube Gallery.
Dr. Gray told the court that Wysom was a low risk to re-offend or have sexual contact with children.
The judge said he had to sentence Wysom to a prison term — a sentence of two years or more — in order to sufficiently denounce his conduct and deter others from the same path.
Earlier this year, the Court of Appeal for Ontario noted there were now so many reports of child porn-related crime in Ottawa that investigators had to triage their work by “how bad the child pornography is.” Offenders regularly access child porn through peer-to-peer and encrypted internet networks.
Wysom was arrested after a member of the Ottawa Police Service’s Internet Child Exploitation Unit conducted an investigation of a file sharing network with an IP address in Ottawa."


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RandomRepick понравилось это


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@@dnb-elite нахуя ты трешь старые посты? я ведь иногда чекаю твою историю постов, когда хочу послушать/посмотреть чего интересного

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Это блядь прелестно

According to local news outlet The Ottawa Citizen, an Animator for My Little Pony and Littlest Pet Shop has been sentenced to 28 months in prison for possessing and sharing child pornography. Tom Wysom, 55, was arrested and found to be in possession of over 60,000 images of child porn, as well as 1625 videos. Ottawa police tracked his IP address when investigating a peer-to-peer network.


According to IMDB, Wysom was an animator and character builder for 26 episodes of My Little Pony and 23 episodes of Littlest Pet Shop between 2012 an 2015.


We've copy-pasted the original article below.



An Ottawa artist who helped animate children’s TV shows has been sentenced to 28 months in prison for possessing more than 60,000 images of child pornography and sharing them online.



Tom Wysom, 55, has worked on TV productions such as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Littlest Pet Shop, according to the Internet Movie Database.
Wysom was sentenced earlier this month after pleading guilty to the charges in December, two months after police executed a search warrant at his home in Old Ottawa South.
Police found 60,165 pictures — many of them duplicates — along with 1,626 videos, some of which depicted adults engaging in sexual behaviours with children. In some of the images, young girls had their hands and feet bound.
In a pre-sentence report, presented to court, Wysom told a probation officer that he developed an addiction to adult pornography about a decade ago, but slowly became desensitized to it and “needed something more.” He turned to child pornography, Wysom said, which became a way to deal with his clinical depression and other medical issues.
A forensic psychiatrist, Dr. Jonathan Gray, conducted a sexual behaviours assessment of Wysom and concluded he had a “pedophilic disorder.” Wysom told Gray he turned to child porn in response to the untreated stress he was experiencing.
Justice David Berg took exception to Wysom’s attempt to blame outside forces for his behaviour.
“I think that you are still quite far from comprehending that the problem is you and only you,” the judge told Wysom in his decision. “I think that you are still trying to rationalize your behaviour to yourself and to others in the face of society’s reaction to what you have done.”
The judge told Wysom he could have erased the images on his computer and sought professional help, but chose instead to continue on his destructive path because “he didn’t think he would get caught.”
“The stressors in his life may have led him to throw caution to the wind, but the stressors did not create in Mr. Wysom an ability to take pleasure from those images. That ability pre-existed the stressors,” Berg said.
Court heard that Wysom was born and raised in Wales, where he worked as a postal clerk. He came to Canada in 1992, and hitch-hiked and camped his way across the country before becoming a permanent resident in 1996. He has studied fine art and commercial animation, and once had his work featured at Ottawa’s Cube Gallery.
Dr. Gray told the court that Wysom was a low risk to re-offend or have sexual contact with children.
The judge said he had to sentence Wysom to a prison term — a sentence of two years or more — in order to sufficiently denounce his conduct and deter others from the same path.
Earlier this year, the Court of Appeal for Ontario noted there were now so many reports of child porn-related crime in Ottawa that investigators had to triage their work by “how bad the child pornography is.” Offenders regularly access child porn through peer-to-peer and encrypted internet networks.
Wysom was arrested after a member of the Ottawa Police Service’s Internet Child Exploitation Unit conducted an investigation of a file sharing network with an IP address in Ottawa."



История чувака, который пошел жаловаться в ФБР, что они ему блочат просмотр детского порно, пизже.

Изменено пользователем invalid_mushi

Wake the fuck Up Samurai, we have a city to burn.

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уже есть, его @@Routine хостит 

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захостил рот басилевса


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чё за серьёзно пишу

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уже есть, его @@Routine хостит

русский тред твича=помойка?

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Ахахахаха и бред это то, что вы возвели флудик в культ данного форума. Но с другой стороны это в принципе получилось очень забавно. На этом форуме есть пару личностей (обращаю внимание, что я их действительно назвал личностями), которые при всем том, что пишут полную хуйню на просторах флудика, остаются вполне нормальными людьми. Но им удалось подчинить себе огромную прослойку тупоголовых школьников, да и просто долбоебов (они же везде есть) и заставили их общаться во флудике подобно им. Естественно все это они называют могучим словом ФЛУД, пишут всякие дебильные сообщения, иногда могут обсудить что то более или менее вменяемое, придумали лисят, но по большому счету все это говно! Невооружённым взглядом видно, кто от всей этой канители получает истинное удовольствие, а кто пытается подражать и соответствовать имиджу темы.

Мир жесток, тем более в интернете. Я искренне угараю над 95% посетителями флудика.

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Ахахахаха и бред это то, что вы возвели флудик в культ данного форума. Но с другой стороны это в принципе получилось очень забавно. На этом форуме есть пару личностей (обращаю внимание, что я их действительно назвал личностями), которые при всем том, что пишут полную хуйню на просторах флудика, остаются вполне нормальными людьми. Но им удалось подчинить себе огромную прослойку тупоголовых школьников, да и просто долбоебов (они же везде есть) и заставили их общаться во флудике подобно им. Естественно все это они называют могучим словом ФЛУД, пишут всякие дебильные сообщения, иногда могут обсудить что то более или менее вменяемое, придумали лисят, но по большому счету все это говно! Невооружённым взглядом видно, кто от всей этой канители получает истинное удовольствие, а кто пытается подражать и соответствовать имиджу темы.
Мир жесток, тем более в интернете. Я искренне угараю над 95% посетителями флудика.


я в 95% кста 

  502775689175629834.png    62fx62f                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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