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  • Developers

    • Hidden Leaf Games
  • Genres

    • Экшены
    • Бесплатно
    • Инди
    • Многопользовательские игры
    • Стратегии
    • Ранний доступ
  • Platforms

    • Windows
  • Released

    Скоро выйдет




Об игре

The Fangs have stood at the center of culture and conflict since their eruption thousands of years ago. With the power to imbue living beings with great power, the (enchanted) elemental crystals they spread across the land have become the world’s most sought after resource.
Now, after the Great Calamity, the Fangs' magic grows unstable and the Fractured Realms teeters on the brink of a new age of arcane upheaval. Who will forge their legend in this new era of conflict and who will be forgotten? It is yet to be decided.

Comp_16.gif?t=1667232669 In Fangs, we want to make sure everyone finds a home with one of our heroes. We will create heroes with diverse backgrounds and styles, so that folks can relate with any one of our heroes. We hope that each hero inspires players to push the boundaries of their plays, and find new answers to challenges every single round.

Comp_14.gif?t=1667232669With our diverse hero roster comes an even more in depth customization system. With the ability to change augments each round, you as a player can change your playstyle to match any team comp challenge. Need a bit more healing on your team? No problem, there’s an augment for that! Want to feel like an invincible god? Yea, you guessed it, we got an augment for that too.

Comp_11.gif?t=1667232669We know the pain of overly long, drawn out matches, so we want our players to be able to go straight to the action. Matching the fast paced combat gameplay with the adaptability of augments makes it so you get to the action faster. Being able to change on the fly, and quickly assess situations are paramount for being great at Fangs.

Comp_10.gif?t=1667232669Fangs is a game based on strategic teamwork that allows for group recognition. We want you to always feel a part of a community full of respect and camaraderie, both in game and outside it. As there are multiple win conditions, you must work as a team to win the match.

Comp_2.gif?t=1667232669Fangs invites both new players and genre veterans, as it’s easy to learn and hard to master. We aim to lower the MOBA entry barriers so everyone has the opportunity to showcase their skill and shine. We will be updating and balancing the game every 2 weeks, to make sure Fangs always feels fresh.


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После того как BloodLine Champions и Battlerite обосрались по полной программе, на сцену выходит новый претендент.



На сайте представлены 14!!!!! уникальных героев. 
Что за игра получится - хуй знает, но сам жанр с намеком на киберспорт.


Изменено пользователем zet


Постапокалиптический, симфонический, антихристианский, экстремальный, военный фенноскандинавский грайнд-метал.


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Уже доказано, что это жанр не может взлететь, так как нужно играть регулярно, качать реакцию. Подпивасам не дано. Плюс графика говно. 

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выглядит как лол-параша

In a mad world, only the mad are sane. 




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Выглядит как убийца Хона


Постапокалиптический, симфонический, антихристианский, экстремальный, военный фенноскандинавский грайнд-метал.


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Такая залупа. Я пожалел, что создал топик.


Постапокалиптический, симфонический, антихристианский, экстремальный, военный фенноскандинавский грайнд-метал.


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