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чуаню проплатили твит

едой (смищна))))00


ельфрон, на следующем бухарестском дримхаке, если на нем будет какой-то дота турнир и там будет ее-вниз


скажи ему что он не оч

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даун омогоенс зашел на акк Валета? :clown:




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След дримхак будет в другом городе,в бухаресте только через год :fffuuu:

Когда залетаешь в полит-топаны



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Dimitri Vallette ‏@GodBlessMali 3 ч.3 часа назад Показать перевод

I talked to iG who told me that they really enjoyed playing at SLTV despite the tight schedule. That’s something I want to read too.


Айджи понравился эвент , не смотря на то что они в день первого матча прилетели.


И дальше в твиттере он со стороны организаторов расписывает свое мнение

Изменено пользователем haz3ftw

Barbara Palvin


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Все анимешники отщепенцы и хуесосы и боятся большого количества людей. Не удивительно что энви будучи анимешником боится ходить на ланах в общий толкан там же дохуища народу.

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Он бы заовнил если бы на англ написал, а так это как обосрать кого-то за спиной. Енви об этом высере даже и не узнает.


С Ярославом согласен

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Могу попробовать перевести и выкинуть на реддит в общем-то, но это времени займет дохрена, у него много характерных экспресионных идиом.

Изменено пользователем TOIIOBbIu_IIIECTu3HAK








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Могу попробовать перевести и выкинуть на реддит в общем-то, но это времени займет дохрена, у него много характерных экспресионных идиом.

сделай доброе дело если не впадлу, я апну на реддите

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Ну бат трай

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Чет в голос со стены нса :lol: ЕЕ сама так то прав надо бороться за лучшие условия. Еще было бы кайф если б валв наказывали как то организации типо салоладер за не выплату призовых с прошлых сезонов.


This City Is Killing Me




The Dream




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НС немножечко заовнил энви.


Самый тотальный овн случился сейчас:


EternaLEnVy @EternaLEnVy1991

I want to have a "fan meet" at Anime North one of the days. Anyone have any ideas?


Bad Playa. @neiateiaandaka

@EternaLEnVy1991 in your private toilet i guess.


Рожденный побеждать




Junior Newsmaker





Эх хотелось бы с гуфом сыграть в одной команде да не возьмет sad.gif


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Просите ньюс мейкера.изи бы перевел но не у компа :dunno:

Когда залетаешь в полит-топаны



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Можете заливать на редит, да и 5 в профиль не забудьте :buba:


About Major tournaments and Jacky Mao. Writing a blog is inspired EternaLEnVy. Jacky Mao rolled blog which is quite confusing issued a stream of consciousness about the current status of the tournament in the Dota 2 scene and his hopes for the upcoming Major game events that Valve promised to begin to carry out this fall. About Major'ah I shall explain later, to the beginning of the blog and Jackie Mao. In fact, the Envy is not alone, many pro players often complain tournaments, organizations, sponsors and all in a row here and Funn1k, here and representatives of Team Secret, and many others

. What else can I say, I myself, as a player, frequently expressed a variety of discontent, as also believes that it is necessary to defend their rights, and this is certainly true. Criticism leads to progress - this is also true. However, recently, the rhetoric has changed slightly disgruntled. Somehow, at one point, some individuals imagined themselves to someone like Lionel Messi and demanded very much, as well as to complain about and no. The reason is clear - everyone is really about the famous players were in the tournament The International Series and see how theory can and probably should look tournaments. However, these same individuals who are able to write a great blog and detailed, and are able to think very well playing in the bunker, for some reason, all the while forgetting (sclerosis, probably) that TI conducted Valve (a company with a billion-dollar) and other tournaments spend _NOT_ Valve. Well, can not give you all the tournaments the same conditions as it is done Valve, it's not clear? What about players of all stripes continue to write blogs about personal toilets, trailers and fresh fruit in the room? If you, dear about the players who are always dissatisfied with something, want to be satisfied with everything, the game only INTERNATIONAL what your problem is?

Oh yeah ... After all the money I want to gain the whole year round, and the light is also necessary, and even fans go on stream will stop, and then disappear altogether fans why they a team that does not play anywhere else? Ie it turns out that no matter how you (about the players) These tournaments are necessary, but they are all the same shit like you would not like to play there, but because want to eat, we have to play, so what? Oh trouble ... Well podozhite! And you, dear, heard about the fact that most of the people working every day on the job, many of whom she did not really like that was something to live for? And you do not think the game - it has long been your job and that it is not always just fun and Paradise Island? Or also: "We're just young guys who want to play in the bunker?" Well, if so, then play in the pub, why do you tournaments? And if not, if you please fill vareshku, sissy. "Eeeeh, now would not play anywhere else (or better, do nothing) and getting millions ..." And here I do not claim that the tournaments should be absolutely any level and that the players are obliged to play there, and they are generally slaves and all that, no, no, no. I myself have repeatedly advocated the improvement of the level of the tournament, for more professionalism in their organization, etc. and etc. However, it should be understood that the scope is growing explosively rate makes a huge scope and uneven spurts. Not for all the needs and requirements of the players kept up with the organizers of the tournament, because they are repelled from the opportunities that provide them with sponsors. Understand that if the 2014th year, the sponsor of the tournament gave $ 100 and is all arranged, then because of the speed of the growth rate of the areas in the 2015th year to everything all arranged, the sponsor must provide for 500 $ (on a personal push personal limousine and luxurious super star hotel), but it does not suit a sponsor who a big difference, yet does not see (yes its not, if you talk about naked figures), and wants to continue to give $ 100. Someday sphere will grow completely and absolutely all niches are occupied by those who should be e-sports, and then lines up with the usual activities (7-10 years before that, as for me).

But while it is not until we are in the body that develops right now, and sometimes he is buggy mutations and grow extra of course, but do not worry Jackie, we get rid of them! Better to be happy that you came to this body rather late and did not play tournaments diem $ 1,000 dollars in the basement, while getting paid $ 100 a month on their organization and on the basement tournaments you have ridden for their own money taking their parents or friends. Jackie, you just come all ready and International with millions of prize money. But you're still not satisfied. But never mind, we believe in you Jackie, we believe that you will be able to endure these hardships another five years! Just hold on a little longer and everything will be as you wish. Just hold on ... Well, actually there and the Major tournaments?

So despite the fact that Valve - is, for the moment, the only ones who are able to arrange a series of tournaments for the whole year, which will satisfy the appetites of all at once, because Sponsor just perform themselves Valve, which will be enough resources to all, and even Jackie Mao satisfied. It is only the implementation of, I sincerely hope that a series of Valve Major tournaments will take under his personal wing, and will not give up on someone's side, and then we can just step over several stages on the way to a great sport!

Thank you for your attention


Лучшее, что случалось с продотой.

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Writing a blog is inspired EternaLEnVy

садись, двойка


ща допилю свой перевод, правда, он немногим лучше :trollface: но хотя бы без таких уебанских ошибок


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чуаню проплатили твит

иг никогда не жалуются на турниры


Поддерживаю нса, бля как вспомню 2007 гаренка, варик, скачивание реплеев. Ностальгия пиздец


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нужно доработать напильником в некоторых местах - и будет вполне удобоваримо для буржуинов, имхо :hmm:



the original was written in Russian by Yaroslav 'NS' Kuznetsov, the retired old-school professional player



Of 'major' tournaments and Jacky Mao

In writing this post I was inspired by EE's blog.



Jacky Mao has written the post in his blog where he quite muzzily explained the situation on D2 scene and expressed his hopes about 'major' events by Valve which are promised to start since fall.

My thoughts about major events are going to be later, the first thing i want to talk is EE's blog ang Jacky himself.


In fact, EE is actually not alone in his complains, a lot of pro players were expressing displeasure about the tournaments, orgs, sponsors and actually everything, as example i can give you Funn1k's complains about DAC, Team Secret management etc. Well, even me when i was a pro was displeasured by a lot of things and was expressing it because i was feelin it's right to claim your rights (translator's tautology :)). I believe that the criticism is an engine of progress.


But for the last time the rhetoric of the displeasured has changed. Somewhy in the moment specific characters has imagined themselvses someone like Messi and has started to demand too much and express their displeasure even it's not so important to do what you really need to play good. The reason is on the ground - all renowned players were at TI tournament series so they have seen how, in theory, and, i guess, should the tournaments be hold.

But the same characters which are able to make a quite solid posts in their blogs and having a good imagine in dota, somewhy, always forgetting (cause of sclerosis or smth like that i dunno) that TI is being hold by Valve (billions in turnover), and the other tournaments are being hold _NOT_ by Valve. It's pretty difficult to provide the same conditions which Valve provide, isn't it clear to get? Why the different tiers pro players are continuing to whine in their blogs about the private WCs, trailers and fresh fruits in their hotel rooms?


If you, dear professional players, are always being displeasured, and you do not want to be, play on TI only, what is your problem?

Oh yea... You want to earn money during the year and promote yourself, cause in other case you're going to get the lack of fans on your streams or even the disappearing all of your fanbase because why do they need a team which plays nowhere?


So, if i got it right, you, the Pros, need these tournaments but they're still in crap diapason and you don't want to play on them, but you still need some $ for food so you are forced to play, right? Oh noes...

But wait! Did you, Thee Pros, hear that a majority of people are working on job they don't like or even hate, but they need a money to live?

Did you get that esports is actually YOUR job now and job is quite not always a pleasure and heaven's gardens?

Or still is this all about 'we are a bunch of freaks who just want to play dota'? So play matchmaking, why do you need these crappy tournamets?

If you actually do need them, shut your hole, please.


'It will be such a great thing if i wouldn't play anywhere and would get a hell of $$$...'


Still i'm not saying that tournaments should be of different levels and pros must to play there, if they're just slaves, nonono. I more than once was playing for the tournaments organization improvement. But still you need to understand that esports are proceeding in explosion tempo, it expands by huge and uneven charges.


The orgs just can't be in time of all players needs and demands because this moment depends on sponsors which provide required money resources.

You need to get that in 2014 sponsor was giving $100 per player for their needs and it was suitable for everyone, but now, in 2015, because of esports proceed tempo, for pleasuring all players' needs sponsor should give $500 ( for private WC, personal limo and t1 hotel for Hollywood stars), but it's not suitable for the sponsor which doesn't see the difference between '14 and '15 (there is actually no difference if we're talking about numbers) and still want to give $100.


Sometime esports will form completely and all tiers will be hold by those who got to be there and since then esports should be the same as usual sports (between these moments 7-10 years should be gone, i think).

For this moment it's not correct, we are the part of the organizm which is growing up right now and sometimes he's getting negative mutations, but don't worry Jacky, we believe you can handle all this disaster for 5+ years! Just hold on and things will go like you wish.

Just hold on.


Well, so how 'major' events are associated with this?


I'll explain you. Valve company for this moment is the only one who actually can hold all-season round series of tournaments, which could be able to handle with everybody's appetite, sponsored directly by Valve which resources should be enough for everyone, even for Jacky Mao, and should make all pleasured.

The only case is realization of this, so i sincerely hope that major series would be hold by Valve itself, not to the other side, and since then we can directly step over several stages on our way to big sports!


Thanks for attention.


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