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Игра престолов / Game of Thrones т.10

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а почему они круг ровным не смогли нарисовать?

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а почему они круг ровным не смогли нарисовать?


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потому что. Флаг стилизован под старину (печать тоже), чтобы выглядело архаично, то есть, они хотят этим сказать, что ревностно идут путем старины и предков ("Салафия" — салафиты).

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А вот и подъехал обзор от знатока средневекового военного дела и средневековой военной истории (не как тут в топане, а по-нормальному).

Начал смотреть, держу в курсе


Посмотрел бы от Клима Жукова, а это ноунейм какой-то.

Ну тут даже Климом не надо быть. Что-бы понять, что с исторической точки зрения весь бой - это рукалицо.

Чойта? Вон челик в видео говорит, что бой заебись, но есть косяки.


Насколько я понял, то челик сказал про зрелищность - заебись, а не техническую составляющую.


Он типа сказал, что в битве бастардов победит рамси? :lolpray:


Он до упора на это надеялся, а потом ему собаки ебало сьели.

Одно то уже, что в Джона не попала не одна стрела, забавляет. Плюс если бы он оказался в реальном бою спешенным его бы раздавили бы, как букашку в первые минуты боя.













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Про Станниса, местами даже смешно:


  • The God of Death says 'not today' to Stannis.
  • Stannis once overslept; it was called the Long Night.
  • When Stannis started burning people, Targs started pretending they’d been doing it for years, just to be like Stannis (even making up stories about pyro kings and everything!).
  • Stannis is so savvy with a blade, that when he cuts the fingers off criminals, they thank him for it!
  • Melisandre originally had two rubies around her throat. Stannis ripped one off and threw it. This is the red comet.
  • The Mother was the Maid, before she met Stannis Baratheon.
  • Stannis laughed once. This is known as the Doom of Valyria.
  • Ser Duncan the Tall was once known as Ser Duncan the Normally Proportioned, until Stannis uppercutted him so hard that he grew an extra two feet.
  • Stannis Baratheon once told a woman to shut up, she became the first ever silent sister.
  • A Valyrian Steel razor once cut itself on Stannis.
  • Renly once asked if Stannis Baratheon has a favorite color. He answered that he doesn’t have a favorite color, as he believes all colors should be treated equally and fair.
  • Stannis Baratheon reads the terms & conditions, and only clicks ‘I Agree’ if he truly does agree with what he read.
  • Stannis Baratheon sits his daughter down at Christmas and explains the logical reasons for why Santa Claus does not exist; he then proceeds to re-gift her her own clothes as she only deserves what is hers by right. He will re-gift her the Iron Throne when he dies.
  • Stannis Baratheon has never had a son because no mortal woman's womb can handle so much concentrated manliness.
  • Stannis walks with a slight limp because the only think capable of injuring him is the weight of his gigantic testicles repeatedly striking his knee.
  • Stannis shaves with his own fingernails because the only thing hard enough to cut Stannis Baratheon is Stannis Baratheon.
  • Stannis Baratheon is only bald because he once scratched his head.
  • Stannis doesn’t read books. He stares them down until they give up the information.
  • Stannis once had to face reality... reality lost.
  • Fear of spiders is aracnaphobia, fear of tight spaces is called chlaustraphobia, fear of Stannis is called logic.
  • Stannis died 10 years ago. Death just hasn't built up the courage to tell him yet.
  • The Dothraki hordes are afraid of the sea because they know Stannis is on the other side.
  • The dragons didn't die out. Stannis was born.
  • Shireen survived greyscale because Stannis told her to...
  • Howland Reed defeated Arthur Dayne by yelling "lookout Arthur, Stannis is behind you" then stabbing him in the back when he turned around. Reed has been in hiding ever since for taking Stannis' name in vain...
  • The last time Stannis smiled, Dany's dragons hatched. His next smile will bring down the Wall.
  • A young Stannis Baratheon played the Dragonbinder in the Stormlands High School Marching Band.
  • Stannis can beat Daenerys, Margaery, Sansa Cersei, and Arianne in a beauty contest.
  • When Robert cheats, Cersei cheats back. When Stannis cheats, Selyse cries with happiness.
  • Stannis has a different name for Valyrian steel swords. He calls them toothpicks.
  • Stannis has appointed no Small Council or Kingsguard because he fills all of these roles himself.
  • Stannis has no shadow because it ran away in terror. This is why the Shadow Lands exist.
  • The folk pray to the Seven. The Seven pray to Stannis Baratheon.
  • Stannis Baratheon is the only Adult of The Forest.
  • During the Siege of Storm's End, Donal Noye challenged Stannis to an arm wrestle.
  • Maester Aemon once challenged Stannis to a staring contest.
  • Stannis once challenged himself to a wrestling match. He won.
  • Prince Oberyn is Stannis' daughter.
  • The Titan of Braavos is made of Stannis' old armor.
  • The Others known weaknesses are Obsidian, Valyrian steel...and Stannis Baratheon.
  • Old Nan told Bran the story of The Last Hero, who looked for the Children of the Forest for help during the Long Night. The story was interrupted before she finished. The actual ending of the story is how the Hero found the Children, and then The Children of the Forest directed him to Stannis.
  • If you have five coins and Stannis has five coins, Stannis has more money than you.
  • When Stannis stares at the sun, the sun blinks.
  • Stannis agreed to marry Selyse Florent because there was no use trying to find a woman who looks as good as he does.
  • Tywin sent a bard to play "Rains of Castamere" to Stannis, Stannis told the bard that he did good work and that he accepts Tywin's surrender.
  • Tywin Lannister shits gold. Stannis Baratheon shits Tywin Lannisters.
  • One blast is brothers of the Night's Watch. Two blasts is wildlings. Three blasts is the Others. Four blasts is Stannis Baratheon.



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Мне больше по нраву это:


-Stannis "The Child Charring Champion" Baratheon

-Stannis "Yearning for a Burning" Baratheon

-Stannis "Light My Heir Like a Flare" Baratheon

-Stannis "Burn Her to the Bone So I Can Get My Throne" Baratheon

-Stannis "Hold Her Tighter, I'll Get a Lighter" Baratheon

-Stannis "Set an Heir Ablaze, and the Results Will Amaze" Baratheon

-Stannis "Cook Up My Heir, I'll Have Her Medium-Rare" Baratheon

-Stannis "If Your Camp's Got a Chill, Throw an Heir on the Grill" Baratheon

-Stannis "Kill My Daughter with Fire, and a Crown I'll Acquire" Baratheon

-Stannis "I Won't Get My Crown Unless My Heir Is Put Down" Baratheon

-Stannis "Two Feet of Snow? Up in Smoke She Must Go" Baratheon

-Stannis "A Kingdom I Must Earn, So Shireen I Must Burn" Baratheon

-Stannis "It's a Sin for Most, But I Love a Good Roast" Baratheon

-Stannis "Spare No Heir" Baratheon

-Stannis "Kindle My Kin" Baratheon

-Stannis "Bring your daughter to the Slaughter" Baratheon

-Stannis "When things look dire put your heir on the pyre" Baratheon

-Stannis "Inflame the Dame" Baratheon

-Stannis "No need for water when you're burning your daughter" Baratheon

-Stannis "For these events to transpire, kill my >daughter with fire" Baratheon

-Stannis "Just burn my kin up" Baratheon

-Stannis "All Too Keen to Burn Shireen" Baratheon

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Одно то уже, что в Джона не попала не одна стрела, забавляет. Плюс если бы он оказался в реальном бою спешенным его бы раздавили бы, как букашку в первые минуты боя.

Ну кстати если рассматривать его ситуацию как серию коротких 1х1, то при наличии оверскилла - ему норм, вот дошедший до наших времен гайд что делать:



Если влом разбирать такой стиль, то суть в том, что надо всегда отскакивать вправо, тогда ты будешь оказываться по левую сторону лошади/всадника, и когда ты дотягиваешься уколом до лошади/ног всадника - он никак не достает, т.к. у него меч наверное в правой руке и ему сверху вниз тянуться дальше, чем тебе горизонтально, в этом твое преимущество; еще хорошо бы попробовать поймать поводья рукой. Но надо не бояться, иметь скилл и все делать спокойно.



Capitula 160

“This is to inform you that if you have the misfortune to go hand and foot against one who is on

horseback, it is important that you have the sword and cape over all other arms with the intention

that keeping the order written below you will not fail, you will have honor and because you are

shrewd at that which I will say. First you will put your cape on your left arm so that you are ablke

to throw it. Settle into a well formed cinghiara porta di ferro alta and here when the horse comes

at you, I want you wait and then throw the cape at the face o f the horse. In this you will step with

your right leg to its left side throwing a roverso tondo to its forward legs together with a mandritto

to the reins or the left leg of your enemy. Your sword will go into the porta di ferro larga. Then

you will throw your left leg to the left side of the horse and with the left hand reach out and take

the bridle and with the sword thrust to his flank or to the horse. For your defense, you will [get

your horse to] perform a backward leap, and you will place yourself with the sword in coda lunga

& alta. That is if you do not grab the said bridle of the [opponent's] horse; if you grabbed it, you

should not let go of it until you have either killed or wounded him or his ho rse, so that he could

not harm you. Always offend him or his horse on the left side knowing that in doing this there is

no need to fear and you will always be secure. Follow always the left side striking his horse in the

head, the flank or the legs knowing that giving one or two attacks to the horse’s head or to the

legs, he will not be secure in coming at you. In such a dispute you will go without fear, because

having fear he will not come to you doing a similar thing that you desire. Doing other curious

things to you is not possible. That is, that you want. Therefore, please heed my advice. Do not

think that I would give you too long a discourse, because I am a man of few words; for this

reason, I here conclude this section about how to fight someone on horseback from afoot.”










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Мне не дает покоя один вопрос - почему никто не сообщил Рамси, что в часе скачки от него ПОЛТЫЩИ ЕБУЧИХ ВСАДНИКОВ?

У Болтонов дозорных нету что ли вообще в северных землях? Как можно пропустить приближение такого количества солдат?


кстати да, проблема всех говносюжетов


не на орлах же они прилетели

No last wishes, no second thoughts

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норм фигурка

отправили в зал жиры разгонять


Изменено пользователем LightSight

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боже, эти мерзкие кобыльи ноги

No last wishes, no second thoughts

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боже, эти мерзкие кобыльи ноги

облизал бы :trollface:


ну на правах не рофлов - может что годное из неё и вырастет, если 47 подбородков уберёт

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Когда твоя жопа больше не принадлежит Рамси



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Это спойлер из след сезона, наконец приплыла в Вестерос.

Rus|Verm написал 02.09.2013 в 04:33:

темные сущности очень изворотливы

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Когда твоя жопа больше не принадлежит Рамси



Когда её жопа не принадлежит мне


sky_sniper понравилось это

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да судя по твитеру она шлюпка типичная

у меня таких на районе полно

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MidgetSaw и IMGO понравилось это

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да судя по твитеру она шлюпка типичная

у меня таких на районе полно

Удали это! Она невинна!


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евнуху и то перепало,завидуй,хех


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