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Amazon Халява

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походу там в соседних темах и свежак есть  :hmm:

Кидай в личку или сюда, я вчера бухал. Мне тяжело 

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там походу есть интересные гайды в немалом количестве

лол надо бы поспать, потом сесть изучать https://leakforums.net/forum-535

Skankhunt42, xeter и s0me0ne понравилось это




There is a rainbow in the sky

sun.gif     rainbowsmile.gif

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там походу есть интересные гайды в немалом количестве

лол надо бы поспать, потом сесть изучать https://leakforums.net/forum-535

Сяп за инфу,я как раз проснулся только,щас раскачаюсь пойду изучать

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лол в соседнем топане они также разводят саппорт на гифткарты, как мы на промо https://leakforums.net/thread-296832?page=1 :trollface:  :trollface:  :trollface:




There is a rainbow in the sky

sun.gif     rainbowsmile.gif

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Гифт карту сколько я не пытался нереально лутануть , эта тема 2х летней давности думаю много всего уже пофикшено и у каждой карты есть свой код которым нужно активировать + серийный без которого тебя нафиг шлют  :nate:

Максимум что можно, это самому купить гифт карту и попробовать лутануть с неё x2-3  :nate:

Изменено пользователем Spint

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лол в соседнем топане они также разводят саппорт на гифткарты, как мы на промо https://leakforums.net/thread-296832?page=1  :trollface:  :trollface:  :trollface:

Ебаные пиндосы, дрочат наших индусов!!! Там же все заебись в штатах, что они себе позволяют??? :hmm:

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Нашёл какие-то мыльники на форуме ворвался в первый чат попробовать и полутал таки       AMAZON APPSTORE


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там походу есть интересные гайды в немалом количестве

лол надо бы поспать, потом сесть изучать https://leakforums.net/forum-535

самый уебищный форум что я в жизни видел

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трэд сразу после комента от некого zt1mq закрыли, лул
посплю, потом почекаю почты. если кто найдет свежие почты, прям вот хорошие классные - киданите в личку ради аллаха, с меня 


:limon: пятера в профиль? :limon: 


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Кул стори:

Карты, деньги, 2 ствола Я, 50$, 2 агента:


Me: agent promised a $ 50 promotional credit to my account, but I have not received
You are now connected to Wasim from Amazon.com
Me: Hello
Wasim: Hello Roger , Welcome to Amazon Customer Support, Earth's most customer centric company. This is Wasim, I am here to assist you today .
Me: Nice to meet you, Wasim. I have written in support of the Amazon last week. But still haven't received my $ 50 promotional credit
Wasim: I can assure you that I'm here to help and will do my best to resolve this.
may I know the promotional credit was for ?
Me: for inviting friends
Wasim: may I have the email address of the referrals account please
Me: You can check the information of the history of my messages of support Amazon
Wasim: I can check that but for confirmation I would need from your end
Me: What?
Wasim: I can check that but for confirmation I would need the email address of the referrals from your end
Me: check the logs of my complaints, it has all the information.
I can not remember the email's my friends
agent cleary said if discount won't apply you will do it manually
if you can not verify the story, I switch to the agent, who can do it. I'm not going to waste my time
Are you still here?
Wasim: Yes
Me: this is my third appeal in support of the Amazon, and I formed a bad opinion about your work
Wasim: This will take a few moments to research. I'll be back with you shortly.
Me: ...
Wasim: Thank you very much for being connected Roger
I have checked that for you
may I know when you have referred them ?
Me: sounds great
I do not remember, I think it is 4 months
Wasim: I am sorry to say If I dont have the proper confirmation I wont be able to assist you,
Me: ago
Wasim: Try to understand that I am trying to help you for the promotional credit
Great, Thank you for the confirmation :-)
I have checked the account details and the Orders history of the Referral
Me: yes I understand the third time that the agents want me to help, but the help I still have not seen
Wasim: I see that they are already existing customers of amazon since long time
Me: by the rules of the shares are not allowed to invite friends who have accounts
Wasim: but they are already exiting customers which you have sent us the emaill address of
Me: the rules say that the friends should make a purchase of $ 10 using Amazon app
Enough to fuck my brains!!!!!!!!
switch me to the agent who is at least something to understand in their work
Wasim: Could you stay connected while I check that for you and see what best I can do for you today
Me: freaking idiots than you there generally takes 10 business days ???
FROM MY EMAIL: If you did not receive any credits after 10 business days please let us know using the link below so that, we will manually apply the credit to your account.
Wasim: I understand your situation Roger
but as we need to check that with the Orders you have placed and you qualify or not for the promo
Me: you do not understand my situation! You're trying to trick me!
You do not know the rules
Dear Wasim, switch me to a man who at least understands something in their work
... and is able to read
You did not die there?
Wasim: Yes
Me: nice
Wasim: checking with my resources what best I can do for your issue
Me: just manually apply the credit to my account!
how agent promised
can I call 911? I had the impression that you feel bad
Wasim: I understand your frustration Roger
Me: Just switch me to the agent who can read!
Sorry, Wasim, but you are useless employee
Wasim: But as I see that the Investigation team is already working
on this issue of yours , so will get back ti you in some time
to *
Me: I fuck on the investigation team!
Wasim: I request you to not to use such abusive language or else will have to disconnect the chat
Me: this group has already worked for more than 10 WORKING days
Wasim: as that is an automated process so we wont be able to apply manually
Me: you check my emails?
agent cleary said if discount won't apply you will do it manually
if you can not switch on my agent, who can do it
I can smoke 3 minutes? My nervous system to the limit, I quit smoking, but you leave me no choice.
Wasim: I am transferring you to a supervisor
A Customer Service Associate will be with you in a moment.
You are now connected to Amazon from Amazon.com
Me: Hello
please read the chat history
Amazon: Hello Roger, I'm Sudha from Amazon Leadership team. Please allow me 2 minutes while I review the chat conversation.
Roger, if you are able to provide the email addresses. We'll check if you are entitled to $50 promotional certificate.
Me: I wrote the email's of friends in his first address via email
Amazon: Please understand that once all the invitees places physical order the promotional certificate will be added to your account automatically.
Please allow me another minutes to check that for you.
Roger, as our representative promised $50 promotional credit; I will go ahead and issue $50 promotional certificate to your account.
Me: I do not believe you're not kidding?
Amazon: Shall I go ahead and $50 promotional certificate to your account?
Me: yes
Amazon: Okay, please allow me a moment.
Me: Of course, I was waiting for 2 weeks, I think even 5 minutes is not a problem
Thank you, Sudha!
Amazon: I've issued $50 promotional certificate to your account.
Me: now I see it
Amazon: This will automatically apply the next time you order an eligible item sold and shipped by Amazon.com. The promotional certificate doesn't apply to items offered by other sellers on the Amazon.com website and won't cover the purchase of gift cards, sales tax, gift wrap, or additional shipping costs.
Your promotional balance doesn't appear in Your Account, but will always display at checkout when you place an order through the Shopping Cart for an eligible item shipped and sold by Amazon.
Me: please work with draw Wasim
He does not understand what he was doing.
Just for your help, I appreciate the quality of support on the well
Amazon: We'll surely take this feedback and take appropriate action.
Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Me: no. ty


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походу придется у кого-то из топана прикупить акк с полтосом  :buba:




There is a rainbow in the sky

sun.gif     rainbowsmile.gif

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походу придется у кого-то из топана прикупить акк с полтосом  :buba:

почему ?

ya-ebashu© ImbaQ

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походу придется у кого-то из топана прикупить акк с полтосом  :buba:

Надо идти в фейсбук и просить типчиков с подарочной картой ласт три цифры.

Изи гифт баланс

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поч топик еще не закрыли?

никто не лутает давно тут одни фейк переписки кидают тролят вы выдетесь все закрыли абуз ребят забейте уже....


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Почему не призвал модера?  :hmm:

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лол в соседнем топане они также разводят саппорт на гифткарты, как мы на промо https://leakforums.net/thread-296832?page=1  :trollface:  :trollface:  :trollface:


Чет посмотрел этот форум, такой шлак, просто анбеливобол

Столько тем, не нужной инфы и тд


Нахуй это всё, буду по старинке лутать, мне спешить некуда  :dunno:

-Я дьявол и я пришёл делать дьявольскую работу
-Нее, у тебя тупее имя было

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Кто то мое обращение перевел, спс юзеры пд. А то анг как у криминала

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в чате даже не овнят, а просто говорят что ниxуя сделать не могут и типа передали проблему concern team

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в чате даже не овнят, а просто говорят что ниxуя сделать не могут и типа передали проблему concern team

фром май кул стори

Wasim: But as I see that the Investigation team is already working

on this issue of yours , so will get back ti you in some time

to *

Me: I fuck on the investigation team!

ward понравилось это

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