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One Piece of Crap


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Трейлер к новому мувику показали. Мне на него похуй, но среди участников мувика будет Багги и его команда, что довольно подозрительно. Уж не выкинул ли его Ода из мейн сюжета вообще, раз решил их пост-таймскип появление засунуть в ссаный мувик?

багги, ожидает луффи на рафтеле

Wake the fuck Up Samurai, we have a city to burn.

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From TalkOP:
Chapter 934: Hyogoro of Flower
Cover:Usopp laying down on a picnic blanket, surrounded by parrots

Luffy is threatened by the guard who ate the alpaca smile fruit, who stated that it’s impossible for him to break out with the handcuffs on him, and he will chop down his arms if he resist.

The old man in the mine was beaten by a guard with 6 legs, the old man seem to have swallow something when he panicked, the guard noticed it and Luffy had to come to rescue him with his handcuffs on. The results of this incident are unknown.
At the end, Queen of the three calamities arrived at the mine prison.

Map of Wano: With the Flower Capital at the center, at the upper left is the Kibi area, down left the Udon area, where the mine is located. To the west the Kuri area; Headmountain, Bakura Town, and Amigasa Village. To the right of the Flower Capital there’re the Habu port and the graveyard of north. Onigasima is at the bottom of the map.

Total 15 pages including the cover, no double page
Break next week



бдсм команда выехала за луффи


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жду ваших реакшнфейсов





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From Redon.
- The Big Mom pirates are all good. They continue on their boat in the sea, specifically in the area of the rocks before reaching the waterfall through which they fell.
- Perospero has a Vivre Card by Big Mom and it seems that they plan to look for her with her but I think Smothie gives another idea (I'm not clear about it at all).
- Tengu talks to Tama and tells him to quit (he speaks with a Den Den Mushi mini).
- After the conversation we see the group of Big Mom, Chopper, Kiku, Tama and Momonosuke mounted on a giant lizard like Jack had (in fact, I think it's the same). He has some bumps on his head, possibly Big Mom has tamed him XD
- Big Mom has made a typical Japanese hairstyle, similar to Robin or Komurasaki. It is here when we see the map of Wanokuni and they tell us that this group goes to the mines. We also see that Momonosuke talks about Zoro and a very serious image of him appears.

- We went to the group of Nami, all have managed to escape and are with Kanjuro in a snowy area east of the capital. There is a lot of text in this scene, I do not know what they are talking about.
- In the capital we see people crying in the streets. Then we went to Sanji's group (with Usopp, Franky and Law), who is also crying over the death of Komurasaki (I think). This group is on the outskirts of the capital.
- Sanji looks thoughtfully at the Raid Suit while Usopp and Franky give him the quarrel (I do not know why XD).
- We go to the prison where the jailer with the smile of the alpaca, talks to Luffy while spitting on him without wanting to. It is a guy with the body of a man and head of alpaca XD
- Then we see the jailer with 6 legs hitting the old man, that despite the beating he eats all the udon of the soil that he has achieved without wasting anything. In this scene we see in the background another jailer who is a user of the Smile of the elephant, is a guy with a very large body and an elephant head in the stomach.
- Luffy comes running to the rescue, but I do not see what happens you suspect that Luffy is giving a beating to the jailer.
- The chapter ends with Queen arriving at the mine on a kind of giant 4-wheel motorcycle while his men girtan his name.

Dort wo wir aufgewachsen sind schlug man sich die Augen blau.

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Никогда такого не было и вот опять  coolstorybob

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а бдсм запрещен у окам? если да, то он типо отступник, которые практиктует запрещенные техники...





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Ну сука где глава где глава???





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Такое чувство, что в тюрьме нам покажут технеки Кулака северной звезды.

             _██_     _██_
         ( ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง  \(°ᴗƪ)

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Чет не думал что Кид съебется так быстро

Глава охуенная

Тут без споров

Изменено пользователем Sin4os


Мать не трогай





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глава говнище

я не осилил дочитать

ебучие перенасыщеные панели





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ну насчет вано, он конечно погорячился, пока(кроме амнезии) все +- ровно идет. 

Wake the fuck Up Samurai, we have a city to burn.

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