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One Piece of Crap


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Chapter 950: The Dreams of Warriors
Cover: Chiffon wants to see Lola again

Luffy invites Kid to fight together, but Kid had enough about this alliance thing and rejects him.
Kid leaves to take back all of his crewmates, and he brings Killer with him.

After learning that Luffy’s a pirate, the prisoners begin to have doubts.
They are also skeptical about the whole Red Scabbards coming from the past thing.
But they accept all of this after seeing that Momo is safe.

In Kuri, Shutenmaru told Kin’emon that they didn’t believe that Kin’emon and the others will return after 20 years.
So 10 years ago, they couldn’t wait any longer and attacked Onigashima, after showing Kin’emon the graves of those who died in that rebellion,
they decided to attack Onigashima 8 days later with those who’re ready.


Deep inside the forest, Zoro managed to defeat the Ninja squad. He decide that he’ll take back Shusui before the final battle, and ask Hiyori to bring him to the Bandit’s bridge in Ringo.

Zoro hints that he wants to take down Orochi in order to avenge Tonoyasu. But Hiyori reveals that she wants to kill Orochi with her own hands.

In the Flower Capital, Hawkins has captured Law, and they told him to spill all of their plans, to which Law answers with a fearless smile.

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классический нафин хеппенс





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потому что зоро нихуя не делает опять 


все ждали что будет ванор экшен каждую главу

бои на мечах, катанах, и прочем,  постоянные файто


в итоге поносная тюрьма

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ващет ван пис гаремник

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Wake the fuck up, топан. we have a chapter to read


-big mom and kaido are fighting

More spoilers:
Page 1:flower capital and coversation between shogun and furuko
and new ninjas soldier, they are sharing straw hats posters and law pirates
-sanji and shinobu are seeing the events and free bebo and his crew
-flashback how hawkins caught law
-brook , robbin and ussop they did that smile from before
-big mom eating while kaido giving her food
-big mom remove the cuffs easily
-then attacked with sword and the weather changed
-king and queen terrified when they saw big mom

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-haki effects appeared above onigashima island after big mom sword clashed with kaido's club
-queen did enel face while king the terrified just appeared with his eyes
-after the clash between kaido and big mom the sky cracked

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а потом приходит джимбей и ударом в семьсот миллиардов плит ломает обоим позвоночники, скриньте





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Ода завозит контент. В ожидании альянса двух йонко вс ворлд.

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- There are 3 races that Big Mom hasn't in her family yet.
- King is from one of these races, but there's no more information about them in the chapter.

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охуительная глава





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Она там мягко намекает что надо бы выебать кинга ради сохранения расы honkler

AugustXD понравилось это

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Stampede spoilers

>When Bullet belonged to Roger pirates, his strength was equal to Rayleigh. Since then, Bullet has been training harder.

>Urouge showed a move Inga-Zarashi (He used the same technique against Pacifista before timeskip.)

>MVP in this film is not Straw Hats nor anyone in the poster Oda drew. Smoker has some highlight scenes.

>Usopp has so many highlight scenes. Stampede is the best OP film for him so far.

>Crocodile has more highlight scenes than Lucci.

>Fight between Luffy and Urouge. Luffy doesn't use Gear 4 in this battle.

>Bullet's bounty is NOT shown in the film...

>Capone's Big Father can't hurt Bullet.

>In the end, Bullet is defeated by Luffy, Law, Sabo, Hancock, Smoker, Buggy, Lucci, Crocodile and Usopp.

>Sentoumaru gets defeated by sneak attack from Perona.

>Perona appears with Mihawk.

>So many characters are crammed into the film. Maybe 80-90% among whole OP characters appear except for characters in Whole Cake Island and Wano.

>Stampede is different from other OP films in that it heavily focuses on fights rather than human dramas or sightseeing of an island.

>Spoiler provider says Stampede somewhat reminds him of "Dragon Ball Super Broly".

>Blackbeard appears only as a flashback in Impel Down 2 years ago.

>The song "We Are!" are aired in an impressive scene.

>Roger's words near the end of the film sounds important.

>Bullet hints a new aspect of Devil Fruit that manga has not mentioned yet.

>Nami and Franky defeat random fodders. Aside from that, both of them have little impressive scenes...

>Hancock shows smiles many times.

>Zoro fights Crocodile (short time) , Fujitora and Killer.

>Sanji fights Lucci (short time) and Smoker. (Zoro's VA loves Smoker so much and he said he would be glad if Smoker takes out Sanji.)

>Ace appears only a short time, but fans will be convinced about how staffs handle him in the film








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Жаль на некст неделе Джамп не выходит

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ты правда веришь что ода способен стрикануть парочкой неплохих глав? следующая глава будет адский дехайп, можешь скринить





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