Kognak #1081 9 марта 2018 Только вот я даже вишенки не вижу пока Цитата coval_sk1 написал 11.12.2016 в 20:47: Юзер года - Kognak Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
finargot #1082 9 марта 2018 Только вот я даже вишенки не вижу покакак минимум то, что она не Ф2П, имеет меньшую долю рандома и более заточена на скилл.Ну и игру пилит создатель МТГ, то есть баланс должен быть нормальным. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
PUppee #1083 9 марта 2018 то, что она не Ф2П, имеет меньшую долю рандома и более заточена на скилл Цитата мой скучающий Тирион: грусть Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Hulster #1084 9 марта 2018 тотал дауны, судят по скринам снятым на телефон, при этом бета версия уже выглядит в разы лучше помойных гвинтов и ХС Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
kms.UFO #1085 9 марта 2018 (изменено) добавили бы еще 2 доски типо вс нейтралов голду лутать хотя все еще впереди УЕБИЩНО СДЕЛАЛИгерой может за обоих игроков играть одновременно Изменено 9 марта 2018 пользователем kms.UFO Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
iSeal #1086 9 марта 2018 герой может за обоих игроков играть одновременно типо у меня акс и у врага тоже? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
kms.UFO #1087 9 марта 2018 (изменено) ^да 2 зевса 2 ликана 2 луны(на другом лайне) и 2 новых гера (тож на другом лайне)новые арты Изменено 9 марта 2018 пользователем kms.UFO Kant понравилось это Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Dons #1088 9 марта 2018 а как по другому без одинаковых карт у игроков?там же полюбому нада будет как в хс свою колоду составить и карты с противником полюбому повторяться будут Цитата запредельный идеал Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
mazt3r #1089 9 марта 2018 УЕБИЩНО СДЕЛАЛИгерой может за обоих игроков играть одновременноЭто просто худшее, что может быть. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Dimidrol1 #1090 9 марта 2018 как минимум то, что она не Ф2П, имеет меньшую долю рандома и более заточена на скилл. это те мама сказала? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Mustache #1091 9 марта 2018 ^да 2 зевса 2 ликана 2 луны(на другом лайне) и 2 новых гера (тож на другом лайне)новые арты Сразу чувствуются китайские фриланс художники Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
kms.UFO #1092 9 марта 2018 (изменено) инфа по героям https://www.reddit.com/r/Artifact/comments/834vro/list_of_heroes_in_artifact/?st=jejmuevk&sh=72fc10d9Out of the 44 supposed heroes in the game right now, the following are confirmed, and are playable in the game like for 100% sure:Phantom AssassinLegion CommanderLunaLycanZeusBristlebackAxeSvenCrystal MaidenSorla KhanWixThe following are also playable, but no card art is shown (alot of screenshots deliberately use the above heroes, perhaps to hide the fact that these cards do not have art yet, or are still in need of tweaking)Ogre MagiDrow RangerVenomancerEarthshakerAbaddonSniperNecrophosUrsaBeastmastersomething #1 (could be any hero with horns and that the cross is masking it; but as far as I can tell, looks nothing like a current dota 2 hero)something #2These heroes can be found in Geoff Keighley's screencaps as their hero icons are found in the top left.Kanna has card art, but there is no card of her shown. She's presumably part of the 44, maybe one of the somethingsThe following are only found in miscellaneous cards in artworks, they aren't actually hero cards themselves and could be just cameos as of now.LionDeath ProphetLina (found on poster #1 as well, may as well be playable)MeepoClockwerkTroll WarlordAnti-MageWindrangerBounty HunterBecause Day9 played Bounty Hunter in the TI7 Secret Demo, it's possible that all the heroes in these card arts are indeed playable, but it is also possible that Bounty Hunter is the exception to this.These heroes can be found in the 5 artworks posted by Geoff Keighley on his twitterStorm Spirit is also on the poster, like Lina. Since this is the main poster, and Sven and Legion are playable, it is not unreasonable to assume that Storm Spirit is part of the roster at minimumSpeaking of the , the following could be playable, but it's possible they aren't heroes:Fat Monster There is a lack of knowledge of any units beyond creeps and heroes, this could very well be a hero card if there is no other type.Radiant Creep Mage Same issue as above, but possesses antlers or some sort of horn; notice, that one of the The third figure is definitely Sorla Khan.There is a peculiar card art which is unlike the cards revealed so far; this creature doesn't appear hero-like, and is obviously alligned with the dire, suggesting that there are indeed units that aren't heroes and creeps. If so, then it is likely that the above mentioned are also creeps, if you also take into consideration their position on the poster where they are behind regular creeps. However this also implies that there are units which are exclusive to which side of the board you are playing, which doesn't seem very reasonable.The following require a stretch of mind; not shown, not referred to, but is a possibility:JolixiaTom Marks is seen playing against an AI (assuming) named Jolixia . Oddly enough, she is also found in . There was speculation that these characters are potential hero designs when these were first released, it is possible these concepts came to fruition. It is doubtful that all of these characters are in the beta right now, but the following are the most likely to be in currently:PierpointMazzieThese two characters are only mentioned to in the lore through hero responses, similar to the now-present Sorla Khan. These three characters having their names mentioned by Pangolier and Dark Willow could've been hinting at their inclusion in Artifact.LalaIf we really take the "AI Names are also the names of heroes** conspiracy seriously, then naturally the AI Geoff Keighley played against could be a hero in the game. Could also be another player's username however, it's not as abstract as Jolixia. Изменено 9 марта 2018 пользователем kms.UFO Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
finargot #1093 9 марта 2018 как минимум то, что она не Ф2П, имеет меньшую долю рандома и более заточена на скилл.это те мама сказала? Это я блять в отличие от тебя не скриншоты посмотрел, а прочел что пишут люди, которые уже поиграли в игру. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Дэфрэл #1094 9 марта 2018 Ну чо, пацаны, погнали, 20к за ключ. Цитата In a mad world, only the mad are sane. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
futuresin1 #1095 9 марта 2018 (изменено) инфа по героям https://www.reddit.com/r/Artifact/comments/834vro/list_of_heroes_in_artifact/?st=jejmuevk&sh=72fc10d9Out of the 44 supposed heroes in the game right now, the following are confirmed, and are playable in the game like for 100% sure:Phantom AssassinLegion CommanderLunaLycanZeusBristlebackAxeSvenCrystal MaidenSorla KhanWixThe following are also playable, but no card art is shown (alot of screenshots deliberately use the above heroes, perhaps to hide the fact that these cards do not have art yet, or are still in need of tweaking)Ogre MagiDrow RangerVenomancerEarthshakerAbaddonSniperNecrophosUrsaBeastmastersomething #1 (could be any hero with horns and that the cross is masking it; but as far as I can tell, looks nothing like a current dota 2 hero)something #2These heroes can be found in Geoff Keighley's screencaps as their hero icons are found in the top left.Kanna has card art, but there is no card of her shown. She's presumably part of the 44, maybe one of the somethingsThe following are only found in miscellaneous cards in artworks, they aren't actually hero cards themselves and could be just cameos as of now.LionDeath ProphetLina (found on poster #1 as well, may as well be playable)MeepoClockwerkTroll WarlordAnti-MageWindrangerBounty HunterBecause Day9 played Bounty Hunter in the TI7 Secret Demo, it's possible that all the heroes in these card arts are indeed playable, but it is also possible that Bounty Hunter is the exception to this.These heroes can be found in the 5 artworks posted by Geoff Keighley on his twitterStorm Spirit is also on the poster, like Lina. Since this is the main poster, and Sven and Legion are playable, it is not unreasonable to assume that Storm Spirit is part of the roster at minimumSpeaking of the , the following could be playable, but it's possible they aren't heroes:Fat Monster There is a lack of knowledge of any units beyond creeps and heroes, this could very well be a hero card if there is no other type.Radiant Creep Mage Same issue as above, but possesses antlers or some sort of horn; notice, that one of the The third figure is definitely Sorla Khan.There is a peculiar card art which is unlike the cards revealed so far; this creature doesn't appear hero-like, and is obviously alligned with the dire, suggesting that there are indeed units that aren't heroes and creeps. If so, then it is likely that the above mentioned are also creeps, if you also take into consideration their position on the poster where they are behind regular creeps. However this also implies that there are units which are exclusive to which side of the board you are playing, which doesn't seem very reasonable.The following require a stretch of mind; not shown, not referred to, but is a possibility:JolixiaTom Marks is seen playing against an AI (assuming) named Jolixia . Oddly enough, she is also found in . There was speculation that these characters are potential hero designs when these were first released, it is possible these concepts came to fruition. It is doubtful that all of these characters are in the beta right now, but the following are the most likely to be in currently:PierpointMazzieThese two characters are only mentioned to in the lore through hero responses, similar to the now-present Sorla Khan. These three characters having their names mentioned by Pangolier and Dark Willow could've been hinting at their inclusion in Artifact.LalaIf we really take the "AI Names are also the names of heroes** conspiracy seriously, then naturally the AI Geoff Keighley played against could be a hero in the game. Could also be another player's username however, it's not as abstract as Jolixia. я на сфе выебал его на миду и он пошел рисовать новые картонки з(аточеные на скил) Изменено 9 марта 2018 пользователем futuresin1 Blaw понравилось это Цитата Раз пишешь, значит у тебя что-то болит Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Anarchu #1096 9 марта 2018 Ну чо, пацаны, погнали, 20к за ключ.к сожалению так скорее всего и будет в начале Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Дэфрэл #1097 9 марта 2018 уже начало Цитата In a mad world, only the mad are sane. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
kms.UFO #1098 9 марта 2018 интересно как они будут избегать п2в когда карты можно будет купить Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Masox_bro #1099 9 марта 2018 3-3 хуярятся или это прост 3 лайна для 1 плеера ? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение