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Неожиданно. Не в хорошем смысле

Но мне так нравятся оба персонажа, что даже говниться желания нет

Изменено пользователем Sanek_Night

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Jurota: Nay. No matter the circumstance, to a true ‘champion’ winning is all that matters.

Kazzy: Is he planning to continue fighting wth only one arm?

Sayaka: He’s thrown by a leg trip! What stability!

Jurota: He forced me to abandon my Swing. To be able to throw a counter like that… He is the real deal. You are the real Meguro Masaki.

Masaki: Mr Arashiyama, your strength is very clear. However don’t you think too low of me if you think you can throw me with just one arm? Thank you for sticking through with Judo till the very end. Its my win from here.

Technique: One Arm Shoulder Throw

Jurota: I got thrown? Me? My eyes weren't mistaking me. You are my ‘natural predator’ after all. Meguro Masaki.

Lolong: You fought well Arashiyama.

Sayaka: And we have a winner! Hayami Masaki!

Kazzy: Against such a formidable opponent too…

Okubo: Look’s like we have a Giant Slayer over ‘ere!

Fang: Looks like there’s new trouble inshore for the Kengan Association.

Waka: Yes. Toyo Electric has one again made it’s way back amidst the ranks of the Kengan Association. It is likely that his rivalry (from KAT) is not over.

Koga: Well done Hayami! Here, I brought your things. You wanna drink?

Hayami: Thanks Narushima. Well then, shall I have my earphones back? As expected, I took quite a bit of damage so I’ll pop down to the infirmary. Farewell everyone, I shall catch up with you all later.

Okubo: What the heck? He’s taking it so lightly. Is this what the new generation kids are all like?


Rino: My poor little brother. :chel::takpadazhi:


Hayami: Oww! Did an old would open up again? Man, Arashiyama sure was strong. If it wasn’t for Purgatory rules, I would’a definitely lost that. I need to become stronger. Stronger than Arashiyama. Stronger than Big Brother.

Earphones: FeiShun of the WuClan. <It seems to be Meguro Masaki’s diary entry>

Katsumasa: It is the monologue of Meguro when he was still alive. Repeating and repeating and repeating ….

Katsumasa: All for the The existence of Hayami Masaki will soon be turned into the “Perfect Meguro Masaki”. The monster has returned from the Underworld.

Narrator: Kengan has 4 wins. Purgatory has 4 wins. Only 5 matches remain.

Изменено пользователем avanturist

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4-4 достойный счет





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avanturist написал 3 часа назад:


Jurota: Nay. No matter the circumstance, to a true ‘champion’ winning is all that matters.

Kazzy: Is he planning to continue fighting wth only one arm?

Sayaka: He’s thrown by a leg trip! What stability!

Jurota: He forced me to abandon my Swing. To be able to throw a counter like that… He is the real deal. You are the real Meguro Masaki.

Masaki: Mr Arashiyama, your strength is very clear. However don’t you think too low of me if you think you can throw me with just one arm? Thank you for sticking through with Judo till the very end. Its my win from here.

Technique: One Arm Shoulder Throw

Jurota: I got thrown? Me? My eyes weren't mistaking me. You are my ‘natural predator’ after all. Meguro Masaki.

Lolong: You fought well Arashiyama.

Sayaka: And we have a winner! Hayami Masaki!

Kazzy: Against such a formidable opponent too…

Okubo: Look’s like we have a Giant Slayer over ‘ere!

Fang: Looks like there’s new trouble inshore for the Kengan Association.

Waka: Yes. Toyo Electric has one again made it’s way back amidst the ranks of the Kengan Association. It is likely that his rivalry (from KAT) is not over.

Koga: Well done Hayami! Here, I brought your things. You wanna drink?

Hayami: Thanks Narushima. Well then, shall I have my earphones back? As expected, I took quite a bit of damage so I’ll pop down to the infirmary. Farewell everyone, I shall catch up with you all later.

Okubo: What the heck? He’s taking it so lightly. Is this what the new generation kids are all like?


Rino: My poor little brother. :chel::takpadazhi:


Hayami: Oww! Did an old would open up again? Man, Arashiyama sure was strong. If it wasn’t for Purgatory rules, I would’a definitely lost that. I need to become stronger. Stronger than Arashiyama. Stronger than Big Brother.

Earphones: FeiShun of the WuClan. <It seems to be Meguro Masaki’s diary entry>

Katsumasa: It is the monologue of Meguro when he was still alive. Repeating and repeating and repeating ….

Katsumasa: All for the The existence of Hayami Masaki will soon be turned into the “Perfect Meguro Masaki”. The monster has returned from the Underworld.

Narrator: Kengan has 4 wins. Purgatory has 4 wins. Only 5 matches remain.





Типа не только клон, но еще и техника перерождения от Wu Clan 

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а помните как пургатори не казались совсем клоунами? а ведь это было 6 матчей назад всего...





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а помните that man is :omegalul:n the same level as me? :agaaga:


дальше читаемо: акою и токумичи сливают, ластецкий бой вака vs лолонга, с бласт кора лолонгу разносят ебало :trollnate:

Изменено пользователем avanturist

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бласт кор 2: возвращение бласткора

думаю он так уебет, что тот улетит как команда R





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с самого начала предиктил эту пару

окая ляжет через 2





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-Ryuki feels guilty about killing someone, and doesn't have the courage to face Koga or Yamashita. Kiryu calls Ryuki "selfish," but tells him that he can "start over." Kiryu then asks Ryuki if "for his loved ones, he has the courage to walk down the path of Ashura" (? not sure if I translated this correctly.)

-Terashi is concerned that Jurota got beaten. Lolong tells him not to worry, and that the true battle is just starting.

-Idemitsu changes the rule, so that both sides send in a fighter at the same time now for the rest of the tournament. This is something he negotiated with Nogi behind the scenes.

-Wakatsuki wants to send Akoya up first, because he doesn't want him to be the tie breaker in case it becomes 6-6.

Nicolas gets sent out as the next fighter:

-Terashi: "........Nicolas, huh......"

-Lolong: "Are you worried, Terashi?"

-Terashi: "I don't object to your decision.....but can he really win? Excluding me, isn't Nicolas the weakest member of our team?"

-Nicolas has 4 wins, 9 losses, and has been demoted to B-list one time.

-Lolong tells everyone that when Nicolas becomes "excited", he's strong. He says that Nicolas' greatest strength is his speed/explosive power.

At the end:

-Nicolas: "Boy, your face sure is scary. Why don't we have some fun? It's a party after all."

-Akoya: "Time to execute justice."

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>true battle just starting






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Рассчитываю на супер грязный бой от Акои плз

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avanturist написал 11 часов назад:

-Nicolas has 4 wins, 9 losses, and has been demoted to B-list one time.

Я один на это обратил внимание? Почему у них боев так мало? У Юмигахары то же 2.5 боя в пургатори было, в то время как в Кенгане у всяких Вакатсуи по 500+ боев в карьере :hmm:



некст раз по ебалу

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Чистилище - бои +- равных бойцов с травмами и периодами выздоровления

Кенган - ультра сильные, тот же Вакацуки, ваншотят противника и идут чилить

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