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    4 209
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  • Время онлайн

    153д 17ч 54м 1с

2 подписчика


  • Звание
    Elite Flooder

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Город над вольной Невой

Посетители профиля

20 140 просмотров профиля


Все обновления ART-MATE

  1. S EnableGroup XP off Nessa: ?XP T(500) not Alive(target(me)) : NextTarget 20576 20161 20575 20241 Nessa: ?XP T(500) npc(target(me)) and Alive(target(me)) and zone ~= 12 : Come (target(me)) 0 100 > Attack Nessa: ?XP T(500) npc(target(me)) and Alive(target(me)) and php(target(me)) < 35 and pmp(me) > 30 and zone ~= 12 and skillCoolTime($FatalStrike) == 0 : Come (target(me)) 0 300 > Cast $FatalStrike Nessa: ?XP T(500, 15000) php(me) < 50 and zone ~= 12 : UseItem 106...

    1. iQj


      S EnableGroup RES off

      ?RES @Resurrection isMember(actor) or actor == (me) : Revive 1

      ?RES P(200) now > ((nextCastBP) + 100) and MU and isHealer(actor) and isDead(actor) and skillCooltime($Resurrection) == 0 and distance(actor) < 1000 : Assign nextCastBP = now + 1000 ; Select (actor) > Cast $Resurrection

      ?RES P(200) now > ((nextCastBP) + 100) and MU and isMage(actor) and isDead(actor) and skillCooltime($Resurrection) == 0 and distance(actor) <...

    2. iQj


      S EnableGroup CLNS off

      ?CLNS PT(200) now > ((nextCastBP) + 100) and MU and skillCooltime($Cleanse) == 0 and effectLevel(actor,6381)~=0 and distance(actor) < 600 and isHealer(actor) and ItemCount(8874) > 0 : Assign nextCastBP = now + 1000; select(actor) > Cast $Cleanse noreuse

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