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бедному лудоману из восточной европы за 20 лет не повезло ни разу


Короткая дистанция  :trollpray:

Для тех, кто пишет транслитом



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сейчас в первый раз поиграл против ботов из воркшопа, которые "ranked mm ai"


ебать, они уже на 3к минимум играют  :palevo: :palevo: :palevo:

я аж вспотел, пока играл и чуть не проебал  :palevo:

Real Hero понравилось это

Торжество разума в том, чтобы уживаться с теми, у кого этого разума нет. Вольтер.
Чтобы хорошо высыпаться, нужно спать 8 часов в день. И еще столько же ночью.

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Мне поебать что сейчас, что тогда.

Хотел бы и мог бы козырнуть своими способностями - давно уже бы написал анализ не на 2х, а на всех героев.


Тебе поебать, а мне начинать что-то анализировать для челика которому поебать? :hmm:  Спасибо я лучше что-нибудь другое сделаю.

Тогда плез не нужно там просить что-то если ты сам даешь заднюю. Еще и упрекать пытаться.

На стриме только что дали бан парню на год на основном акиче. Дам подсказку кто это, это рыжеволосый картавый парень. Дальше сами (бан за песочное лп)

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Хелло трешес

No dia 19 de setembro, a Valve emitiu um comunicado oficial pelo blog do Dota2 avisando que o novo patch patch chamado de “The Dueling Fates” demoraria em torno de um mês. Hoje dia 17 de Outubro, um mês depois, os boatos do novo patch aparecem como nunca nas principais comunidades de Dota 2. Confira o changelog não oficial, que está sendo traduzido para PT-BR no momento NEW ITEMS Bronze Beetle New consumable item, Bronze Beetle +Show details Crown of Havoc New item formed from Veil of Discord, Oblivion Staff, and a Recipe +Show details Emerald Escutcheon New item from Hood of Defiance, Linken’s Sphere, and a Recipe +Show details Faerie Bomb New item formed from Faerie Fire, and a Recipe +Show details Saint’s Sandals New item formed from Tranquil Boots, Pipe of Insight, and a Recipe +Show details Sentinel Totem New item formed from Drum of Endurance, and a Vanguard +Show details Vorpal Blade New item formed from Desolator, Sange, and a Recipe +Show details Update em antigos itens Blink Dagger Damage cooldown increased from 3 seconds to 5 Diffusal Blade Purge cooldown increased from 4 seconds to 12 Drum of Endurance Recipe cost reduced from 575 to 450 Force Staff Now requires Staff of Wizardry, Ring of Health, and a Ring of Regen +Show Details Ghost Scepter Cost reduced from 1500 to 1300 Heart of Tarrasque Now requires Reaver, Vitality Booster, and an Ogre Club +Show Details Health Regeneration now grants 0.5% hp regen when on cooldown Infused Raindrop Multiple Raindrops may now be combined if the sum total of charges remaining is less than 5 Mask of Madness Berserk armor reduction increased from 6 to 10 Berserk manacost increased from 25 to 60 Monkey King Bar Damage increased from 66 to 80 Necromonicon Recipe cost decreased from 1200 to 1000 Observer Ward Cost decreased from 60 to 50 Scythe of Vyse Hex cooldown reduced from 22 seconds to 18 Update em heróis ABADDON: Strength gain from 2.6 to 2.9 Increased Mist Coil damage and heal from 100/150/200/250 to 150/200/250/300 Increased Mist Coil cast range from 800 to 1000 ALCHEMIST: Strength gain from 2.1 to 2.4 Intelligence gain from 1.8 to 2.4 Unstable Concoction Throw range increased from 775 to 1200 ANCIENT APPARITION: Movement speed reduced from 295 to 285 Reduced Chilling Touch damage from 50/60/70/80 to 40/50/60/70 Rescaled Chilling Touch attack speed slow from 20 to 30/25/20/15 BEASTMASTER: Primal Roar stun duration increased from 3/3.5/4 seconds to 4/4.5/5 BLOODSEEKER: Agility gain from 3 to 2.5 Base damage reduced by 4 Base armor reduced by 1 Bloodrite now mini-stuns any unit that it damages Rupture cast range reduced from 1000 to 800 BOUNTY HUNTER: Base intelligence from 19 to 24 Jinada slow duration rescaled from 3 seconds to 1/2/3/4 Jinada cooldown rescaled from 12/10/8/6 seconds to 6 Aghanim’s Scepter now causes Shuriken to refresh track duration on tracked units BRISTLEBACK: Warpath Max Stacks rescaled from 5/7/9 to 6/8/10 Increased Quill Spray base damage from 20/40/60/80 to 25/50/75/100 CENTAUR WARRUNNER: Base damage increased by 4 Hoof Stomp manacost reduced from 130 to 100 Centaur Warrunner Level 25 Talent from +1 seconds Hoof Stomp stun duration to +2 CHAOS KNIGHT: Chaos Bolt no longer stuns, and instead has a random chance to either root, silence, or slow for 50% for 3/4/5/6 seconds Chaos Bolt max damage increased from 200/225/250/275 to 250/300/350/400 Phantasm illusion damage taken increased form 260% to 300% Aghanim’s Scepter now grants an extra phantasm illusion Aghanim’s Scepter Phantasm cooldown reduced from 110 seconds to 60 seconds CHEN: Strength gain from 1.8 to 2.6 Level 25 talent +200 Hand of God Heal increased to +300 Level 25 talent +2 Holy Persuasion Max Count increased to +3 CLINKZ: SCEPTER ADDED +Can consume ancient creeps Strafe attack speed bonus reduced from 130 to 80 Strafe duration increased from 4/6/8/10 to 8/10/12/14 Searing Arrow manacost increased from 10 to 12 Death Pact target’s current health as health bonus rescaled from 50%/70%/90% to 30%/60%/90% CRYSTAL MAIDEN: Arcane aura allies mana regen bonus rescaled from 1/1.5/2/3 to 1/1.5/2/4 Freezing Field manacost reduced from 200/400/600 to 150/300/450 DARK SEER: Base Intelligence from 23 to 21 DAZZLE: Reworked Scepter on Dazzle +Shallow Grave cooldown is now replaced with 3 charges with a 40/30/20/10 replenish time. Shallow Grave cannot be cast on units that have been affected by Shallow Grave within the last 10 seconds DISRUPTOR: Glimpse manacost rescaled from 100 to 80/120/160/200 DOOM: Doom cooldown reduced from 145 seconds to 80 Aghanim’s Scepter now causes lifesteal from Doom Damage Aghanim’s Scepter no increases duration DRAGON KNIGHT: SCEPTER ADDED +Elder Dragon Form now grants unobstructed movement and vision DROW RANGER: Precision Aura agility as ranged attack damage bonus reduced from 20%/26%/32%/38% to 15%/20%/25%/30% Marksmanship agility bonus reduced from 40/60/80 to 25/50/75 EARTH SPIRIT Base intelligence from 18 to 15 Base armor reduced by 1 EARTHSHAKER: Aghanim’s Scepter Enchant Totem leap range increased from 900 to 1300 Aftershock damage reduced from 75/100/125/150 to 60/80/100/120 Echo Slam no longer deals any initial damage Echo Slam echo damage increased from 40/55/70 to 50/60/70 ELDER TITAN: Reworked Scepter on Elder Titan +Echo Stomp now disarms and silences targets for 2/3/4/5 seconds GYROCOPTER Base strength from 18 to 22 Base damage increased by 4 Increased movement speed from 325 to 330 Rocket Barrage search radius increased from 400 to 500 JAKIRO: Level 20 talent +400 attack range replaced with 15% cooldown reduction HUSKAR: Strength gain from 2.7 to 3.0 Agility gain from 1.4 to 1.7 LEGION COMMANDER: Fixed Legion Commander’s duel target not gaining duel damage when Legion Commander dies from Ice Blast shatter Level 25 talent +40 duel damage reduced to +30 duel damage LICH: Sacrifice coodldown reduced from 60/46/32/18 to 60/45/30/15 seconds Sacrifice current health converted mana rescaled from 30%/50%/70%/90% to 25%/50%/75%/100% Ice Armor slow reduced from 24/26/28/30% to 16/20/24/28% Ice Armor manacost increased from 50 to 80 LIFESTEALER: Base damage reduced by 3 Feast enemy current health as damage/lifesteal increased from 4.5%/5.5%/6.5%/7.5% to 5%/6%/7%/8% MIRANA: Sacred Arrow cooldown rescaled from 17 seconds to 21/18/15/12 MORPHLING: Intelligence gain from 1.1 to 1.6 Waveform manacost reduced from 140/155/160/165 to 120 NAGA SIREN: Mirror Image illusion damage taken reduced from 550%/500%/450%/400% to 400%/350%/300%/250% NECROPHOS: Death Pulse heal reduced from 60/80/100/120 to 40/60/80/100 Ghost Shroud self restoration amplification reduced from 75% to 50% Ghost Shroud self magic resistance reduction increased from 25% to 50% Level 20 talent +400 health replaced with +100% ghost shroud self restoration amplification ORACLE: Base damage increased by 15 PHANTOM LANCER: Spirit Lance cooldown increased from 7 seconds to 12 PUGNA: Movement speed reduced from 335 to 315 Derepify enemy magic resistance reduction reduced from 30%/40%/50%/60% to 20%/30%/40%/50% Life Drain cast range reduced from 800 to 600 Life Drain link break distance reduced from 1000 to 800 Life Drain manacost increased from 125/175/225 to 200/250/300 RAZOR: Plasma Field now reduces damage of all targets for 8 seconds, with a maximum damage reduction of 40% based on the target’s distance from Razor Eye of the Storm search radius increased from 500 to 700 RUBICK: Null Field now has an active component that creates a spell shield for all allies within a 900 radius that blocks all 30/60/90/120 magic damage. Cooldown 120 seconds. Mana cost: 100 RIKI: Smoke Screen duration rescaled from 6 seconds to 4.5/5/5.5/6 Blink Strike damage increased from 55/70/85/100 to 60/60/100/120 Cloak and Dagger fade delay increased from 6/5/4/3 seconds to 9/7/5/3 Cloak and Dagger backstab damage per agility is now tripled when an attack breaks invisibility +Show details SAND KING: Caustic Finale slow reduced from 30% to 10%/15%/20%/25% SHADOW DEMON: Base armor increased by 2 Shadow Poison manacost reduced from 50 to 30 Demonic Purge now mini-stuns target upon cast Demonic Purge damage type from magical to pure Demonic Purge damage reduced from 200/300/400 to 150/225/300 SHADOW SHAMAN: Ether Shock cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 14 Shackles may now be broken if distance between Shadow Shaman and his target stretches out more than 200 units away from the maximum cast range Shackles manacost increased from 140/150/160/170 to 180 Serpent Wards no longer gain bonus attack range from Aghanim’s Scepter SKYWRATH MAGE: Arcane Bolt base damage rescaled from 60/80/100/120 to 50/75/100/125 Arcane Bolt bonus damage per intelligence reduced from 1.6 to 1 Concussive Shot move speed slow reduced from 30%/35%/40%/45% to 20%/25%/30%/35% SLARDAR: Guardian Sprint movement speed bonus rescaled from 20%/28%/36%/44% to 20%/30%/40%/50% Guardian Sprint damage amplification increased from 15% to 40% SLARK: Reworked scepter on Slark +Dark Pact effect duration renders Slark invisible SNIPER” Headshot damage rescaled from 15/40/65/90 to 10/40/70/100 Scepter Assassinate critical damage increased from 280% to 350% SPECTRE: SCEPTER ADDED +Spectral Dagger will be automatically cast by all haunt illusions at the start of haunt. Haunt duration increased by 2 seconds. SPIRIT BREAKER: Charge of Darkness now no longer becomes cancelled when activating Glimmer Cape Charge of Darkness cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 15 TINY: Avalanche damage rescaled from 100/180/260/300 to 120/180/240/300 Avalanche stun duration rescaled from 1 seconds to 0.5/1/1.5/2 Grow no longer grants bonus movement speed Grow now grants 10/20/30 strength Grow attack speed loss rescaled from 20/35/50 to 20/40/60 Aghanim’s Scepter Grow bonus building damage increased from 75% to 100% Level 10 talent +6 strength replaced with +8% spell amp Level 10 talent +10 intelligence replaced with +4 mana regen Level 20 talent +14 mana regen replaced with +30 hp regen TREANT PROTECTOR: Living armor will not use up charges if the damage incurred before reductions is less than the amount of damage blocked Overgrowth duration rescaled from 3/3.75/4.5 seconds to 3/4/5 TUSK: Movement speed increased from 300 to 310 Walrus Kick damage increased from 350% critical damage to 400% Walrus Kick damage changed from 350 to 400% critical damage UNDYING: Flesh Golem effect radius reduced from 750 to 550 Flesh Golem now has max damage amplification and max move speed slow within the effect radius Level 20 talent +15 armor increased to +20 armor URSA: Enrage duration rescaled from 4 seconds to 4/5/6 VENOMANCER: Poison Sting damage no longer lethal Poison Sting slow reduced from 11%/12%/13%/14% seconds to 9%/10%/11%/12% seconds Plague Ward cooldown increased from 5 seconds to 6 VIPER: Strength gain from 2.4 to 2.1 Attack range reduced from 575 to 525 Corrosive Skin bonus magic resistance reduced from 10%/15%/20%/25% to 5%/10%/15%/20% Corrosive Skin duration reduced from 4 seconds to 3 VISAGE: Soul Assumption base damage increased from 20 to 50 Soul Assumption damage per charge reduced from 65 to 50 Gravekeeper’s Cloak max layers rescaled from 4 to 2/3/4/5 Familiar Stone Form stun duration rescaled from 1/1.25/1.5 seconds to 1 WARLOCK: Fatal Bonds cooldown reduced from 140 to 100 Shadow Word duration rescaled from 12 seconds to 8/10/12/14 Chaotic Offering cooldown reduced from 170 seconds to 130 WINDRANGER: Powershot damage rescaled from 180/260/340/420 to 150/225/300/375 Powershot damage is no longer reduced per unit hit Focus Fire manacost rescaled from 75/100/125 to 50 ZEUS: Nimbus cooldown increased from 35 seconds to 50 Nimbus Lightning Bolt base interval from 2.25 seconds to 2.75


Изменено пользователем Dark[Ol(U23)leneri]

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Observer Ward

Cost decreased from 60 to 50



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ало, тут 25 героев в чейнжлоге, такого не было лет 10 наверное


смысл его даже пытаться читать

Торжество разума в том, чтобы уживаться с теми, у кого этого разума нет. Вольтер.
Чтобы хорошо высыпаться, нужно спать 8 часов в день. И еще столько же ночью.

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ало, тут 25 героев в чейнжлоге, такого не было лет 10 наверное

 Тема на реддите апнулась до небес, да и сир там челик с репой, хуйню не вбросит

смысл его даже пытаться читать

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очевидный фейк

слишком мало изменений 

Изменено пользователем laksma

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ало, тут 25 героев в чейнжлоге, такого не было лет 10 наверное

 Тема на реддите апнулась до небес, да и сир там челик с репой, хуйню не вбросит

смысл его даже пытаться читать


да хоть сам гейб пусть вбрасывает такой чл

Торжество разума в том, чтобы уживаться с теми, у кого этого разума нет. Вольтер.
Чтобы хорошо высыпаться, нужно спать 8 часов в день. И еще столько же ночью.

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Что-то похоже на правду, что-то на хуйню. Например, глимпс 200 маны - ЗА ЩО?


Ну и итемы новые не смогли скопировать описание  :petro:

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:trollface: ладно бы еще китайский был

Для тех, кто пишет транслитом



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эххх то чувство когда тебе понравился фейковый патч(

покупаю пуджу даггер, тяну за пределы вселенной

покупаю дагер венге, свапаю почанов из других игр :nate:

покупаю етернад блейд пугне,  вызываю духов погибших героев  :vihui: :vihui:

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Если патч и сольют он будет на английском, потому что получают его изначально на английском для перевода, и получат они его примерно за час до релиза чейнджлога, только китайцы раньше всех получают что бы перевести, остальные начнут перевод чуть ли не с релизом









"Each event is preceded by prophecy. But, without the hero, there is no event."
―Zurin Arctus

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Пугну зарезали, некрофоса выебали, за пик расты тиммейты будут кидать репорты. Не верится в такое.

Про нагу не верится в иллюзии с 250% получения урона вместо 400%. Как их убить вообще, если ты не од?

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это мой комментарий к патчу после киева, есле чо


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блаблабалбалбаалбалбала ждите первое ноября и все ( ну мб второе ноября кому как

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НИкак блять это фейк ебаный









"Each event is preceded by prophecy. But, without the hero, there is no event."
―Zurin Arctus

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Еще полно времени. Не хайпите особо, по крайней мере до конца ЕЛСа

Для тех, кто пишет транслитом



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ну почти патч

но видос с матчами пара часовой давности тоже сойдёт 

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