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Лига Справедливости / Justice League

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на уровне рагнарека- самого веселого фильма марвела :buba:

ох бля, они же в один месяц с сабжем

надо заготовить попкорна, такие где битвы аутистов будут  :popcorn:

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Begins with kids filming Superman on their phones during an interview. They ask him what anchors him to Earth. Superman doesn't reply.
A montage of how crime is rising.
Batman is searching for parademons. he knows that "fear" attracts them. So, he hangs a thug off a rooftop.
Victor is concerned about the new powers he's developed because of his "new body".
Barry visits his father in prison.
Wonder Woman stops terrorists in Old Bailey.
Steppenwolf attacks Themiscyra and takes the Mother Box. Hippolyta orders to shoot a giant flaming arrow in the sky. (This is really, really dumb)
Diana sees this arrow and realizes that an "Invasion..." is underway.
Bruce and Alfred have a conversation about Bruce "liking" Diana. They discuss Lex's journal which has clues to Parademons.
Lois and Martha at the Daily Planet. Lois figures out that Star Lab Scientists are being kidnapped.
Victor hacks Wayne Enterprises and looks at some holograms.
Diana gives Bruce a "history lesson".
Bruce tries and fails to recruit Arthur Curry. (I can't believe that this isn't the first scene we see. Bruce has a beard - how did he get that?)
Bruce recruits Barry Allen.
Bruce and Barry meet Diana.
Arthur saves a fisherman and heads to Atlantis.
Steppenwolf attacks Atlantis. He fights Mera and later, Aquaman, and takes the Mother Box.
Arthur and Mera have a conversation. Probably sets up some of the Aquaman movie.
Diana tries and fails to recruit Cyborg.
Silas is kidnapped.
Gordon addresses the League on a rooftop. Cyborg mentions that his father is kidnapped.
The Tunnel Fight Scene.
The League goes to the batcave. Bruce has the idea to resurrect Superman using a Mother Box. Apparently, Diana says they don't need Superman - that she can be what he was. She also tells Bruce to stop grieving for his parents and he snaps at her for staying silent for a 100 years when her boyfriend died.
A scene with Lois that he doesn't remember.
Flash and Cyborg dig up Superman. (The idea of the League being the one to resurrect Supes is really bad. They should respect his death and let him lie in peace. It should've been Steppenwolf who disturbs Clark's grave)
They take Supes to the Kryptonian Ship and immerse him in water. Flash runs around to charge up the box. Clark wakes up "confused" and attacks Batman by saying "Tell me, do you bleed?" (Weak). Cyborg attacks Superman (his suit is auto-programmed to do so). Lois, having been called by Bruce, arrives and Supes sees her. then, grabs her and flies off. Batman, lying on the ground, says "Yep. Definitely broke something". (Super Weak)
Clark and Lois at Kent Farm, which has been sold to the bank.
A Russian family gets set for dinner when their little girl sees Parademons flying in the sky.They barricade the door.
Bruce and Diana talk about Superman's resurrection and apologize to each other.
Martha reunites with Clark.
Steppenwolf prepares to activate the Mother Boxes.
The Russian family is trying to keep the Parademons out.
Bruce tracks Steppenwolf to Russia. Cyborg is worried that he can't control himself.
"I'll take that as a yes". Clark leaves Kent farm.
The League talks in the Flying Fox. Arthur says "Honestly, I think we're all gonna die" and gets misty-eyed and stuff because Diana has her lasso wrapped around his ankle.
Steppenwolf activates the Mother Boxes and turns the skies red.
The League fights Steppenwolf.
Superman arrives and says "I love truth and I'm a big fan of justice". (I want to fucking puke.)
Cyborg hacks himself and refrains from attacking Superman.
Superman and Flash race to save the Russian family. Flash saves the family while Superman carries an apartment building over them. (Why the fuck would heroes race to save someone? Don't they care at all? Thanks for cutting the stakes - FUCKING WHEDON!!! And I know this is Whedon cause ViewerAnon said that most of Superman has been reshot. So, fuck you again Whedon.)
Steppenwolf cowers away and gets killed by his own Parademons. (Fuck me. THAT's how you end a menacing villain? Killed by his own henchmen? Of all the flying fucks...)
Lois has a voice-over about why heroes are important. (Does nobody learn from Kaufman? Voice-overs are a crutch)
Barry gets a job. Clark and Bruce move Martha back to Kent Farm because Bruce "bought the bank".
Clark goes back to work. A scene with Cyborg he can't remember.
The little Russian girl plants an alien flower that starts to bloom.
Post Credits: Flash and Supes race. (Fuck you, Whedon. You weak, weak asshole)



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Это что нахуй?

Настолько хуево что больше похоже на рофл

Ну если это правда то это какое-то дерьмо хуже защитников

Shaman.png.0cdd33d48561cd068bb3c5ee78289381.png Anna.jpeg.03c9b49363298ceec256500a5d522f7d.jpeg Nigga.jpg.f807f2556bdbf68452292a9301494591.jpg


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Flash and Cyborg dig up Superman

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Ну и да,

но лантерн


Изменено пользователем Mustache

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марвелоебы соснули уже до выхода этого годного фильма

Изменено пользователем Zenit4ik!

Tony and Friends - моя компания по бустингу в разных онлайн играх. 3-20 баксов в час в зависимости от скила и заказа.

кто лизал клитор миллионам девчонок в дрожащих лучах заката, просыпался с красным лицом и снова лизал клитор заре, и светил своей задницей возле сараев и голый купался в пруду.(с)
пруф что я олдскул - funkyimg.com/i/2QixB.png | акки на пд начиная с самого первого - DestRuBat0r, KlonD90(друг дал погонять), Sweet_Melony, YYF, Zenit4ik! и другие.   https://allmylinks.com/quadrotonyda

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пруфы будут, или опять покажешь из себя графен-мастера с дипломом?  :lol:

Изменено пользователем Zenit4ik!

Tony and Friends - моя компания по бустингу в разных онлайн играх. 3-20 баксов в час в зависимости от скила и заказа.

кто лизал клитор миллионам девчонок в дрожащих лучах заката, просыпался с красным лицом и снова лизал клитор заре, и светил своей задницей возле сараев и голый купался в пруду.(с)
пруф что я олдскул - funkyimg.com/i/2QixB.png | акки на пд начиная с самого первого - DestRuBat0r, KlonD90(друг дал погонять), Sweet_Melony, YYF, Zenit4ik! и другие.   https://allmylinks.com/quadrotonyda

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Есть мнение что марвелоблядки завезли шпиончика видона на режиссуру, рипнув дочку великого Зака. Подло конечно, суки. Но хуй там плавал



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+++ тут согл


Скрытый текст







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вот дерьмище если спойлеры не фейк :lolpalm:  

хотя энивей дерьмище наверн


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119 минут 52 секунды, официально


А я три часа хотел посидеть(

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Полюбасу многим не понравится как Бэтфлек за 5 минут соберет всю лигу

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Многим не понравится его каменное ебало,которое не менялось со времен Армагеддона.


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Многим не понравится его каменное ебало,которое не менялось со времен Армагеддона.

типа блять все остальные бетмены дохуя эмоций проявляли за всю историю этого перса, как киногероя

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