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[Dota 2 Patch] 7.00

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Ancients are no longer Spell Immune; now have 70% Magic ResistanceAny that had lower values before still have lower values.
Ну все, будем резать детей шалав на тимбере


чакрам не наносит им урона, а двумя скилами заебешься, с учетом того, что для 1го еще надо деревья грамотно подрезать

потому что дота командная игра, и каким бы ты класным игроком не был, среди 4 уебков ты становишся 5м.
RTZ Cycle




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Mist Coil cast point reduced from 0.35 to 0.25

Mist Coil now has a fast projectileHas 2000 speed.

Aphotic Shield cast point reduced from 0.452 to 0.4

Level 10: +25 Damage OR +15% XP Gain

Level 15: +5 Armor OR +200 Mana

Level 20: +25 Movement Speed OR 15% Cooldown Reduction

Level 25: +25 Strength OR +200 Shield HP




Greevil's Greed Bounty Rune multiplier rescaled from 3/4/5/6x to a constant 2x

Level 10: +20 Damage OR +4 Armor

Level 15: +15 Movement Speed OR +6 All Stats

Level 20: +30 Attack Speed OR +300 Health

Level 25: 30% Lifesteal OR -4 Acid Spray Armor


Ancient Apparition:


Cold Feet cannot target a unit already affected by Cold Feet.

Level 10: +60 Gold/Min OR +8% Spell Amplification

Level 15: +15 Intelligence OR +25 Health Regen

Level 20: +35 Movement Speed OR -30s Respawn Time

Level 25: +80 Chilling Touch Damage OR 3 Charges of Cold Feet


Anti-Mage:Scepter Added


Added a Scepter for Anti-Mage. Causes Spell Shield to passively block and reflect a targeted spell once every 12 seconds. Disabled with Break.

Level 10: +6 Strength OR +20 Damage

Level 15: +20 Attack Speed OR +250 HP

Level 20: 15% Evasion OR +10 All Stats

Level 25: -2s Blink Cooldown OR +25 Agility


Arc Warden:Added to Captains Mode


Added to Captains Mode

Spark Wraith vision type changed from flying to ground

Flux cast range reduced from 600/700/800/900 to 500/600/700/800

Tempest Double no longer copies consumables (includes Bottle)

Tempest Double cooldown increased from 40/35/30 to 60/50/40

Tempest Double gold/XP bounty increased from 160 to 180

Tempest Double now decrements its BKB charges when it uses it

Level 10: +125 Health OR +25 Attack Speed

Level 15: +30 Damage OR +8 Strength

Level 20: 10% Cooldown Reduction OR +100 Attack Range

Level 25: 30% Lifesteal OR +175 Spark Wraith Damage




Level 10: +6 Strength OR +3 Mana Regen

Level 15: +75 Damage OR +250 Health

Level 20: +25 Health Regen OR +30 Movement Speed

Level 25: +100 Battle Hunger DPS OR +15 Armor




Level 10: +6 Armor OR +200 Mana

Level 15: +25% XP Gain OR +250 Health

Level 20: +35 Movement Speed OR +175 Cast Range

Level 25: +120 Enfeeble Damage Reduction OR +200 Brain Sap Damage/Heal




Level 10: +10 Intelligence OR +4 Armor

Level 15: +175 Health OR +5% Spell Amplification

Level 20: 15% Cooldown Reduction OR +35 Movement Speed

Level 25: +8s Firefly Duration OR +200 Flamebreak AoE/Knockback




Level 10: +15% XP Gain OR +20 Movement Speed

Level 15: +12 Strength OR -25s Respawn Time

Level 20: 12% Cooldown Reduction OR +300 Health

Level 25: +175 Wild Axes Damage OR +120 Damage




Thirst now lingers for 2 seconds after a target dies.

Level 10: +5 Armor OR +25 Damage

Level 15: +30 Attack Speed OR +250 Health

Level 20: -30s Respawn Time OR +10 All Stats

Level 25: -7s Bloodrite Cooldown OR 30% Lifesteal


Bounty Hunter:Scepter Added


Added Scepter to Bounty Hunter. Allows Shuriken Toss to bounce twice on each hero (bounces on everyone once, then bounces through each one again)

Level 10: +175 Health OR +15% XP Gain

Level 15: +40 Attack Speed OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 20: +10% Spell Amplification OR +100 Damage

Level 25: 20% Evasion OR -5s Jinada Cooldown




Earth Brewling's Demolish increased from 150% to 300%

Storm Brewling's Dispel magic damage to summons increased from 850 to 1000

Drunken Haze is now a proper projectile (1600 speed).

Drunken Haze cast point reduced from 0.4 to 0.3

Drunken Haze no longer has different durations for heroes and creeps.

Drunken Haze no longer has a 200 radius.

Drunken Haze slow rescaled from 14/18/22/26% to 10/20/30/40%

Drunken Haze miss chance rescaled from 45/55/65/75% to 70%

Drunken Haze duration reduced from 8 to 4

Drunken Haze mana cost reduced from 50 to 25

Level 10: +25 Attack Speed OR +3 Mana Regen

Level 15: +20 Movement Speed OR +10% Magic Resistance

Level 20: -30s Respawn Time OR +20 Strength

Level 25: +14 Primal Split Unit Armor OR +75 Damage




Warpath Max Stacks rescaled from 5/6/7 to 5/7/9

Quill Spray now deals damage as it quickly expands outwards.At 2400 speed.

Level 10: +7 Strength OR +2 Mana Regen

Level 15: +20 Movement Speed OR +200 Health

Level 20: +45 Attack Speed OR -30s Respawn Time

Level 25: +25 Health Regen OR +4 Max Goo Stacks




Insatiable Hunger lifesteal rescaled from 60/80/100 to 60/90/120

Insatiable Hunger is no longer dispellable.

Level 10: +10 Agility OR +15% XP Gain

Level 15: 20% Cooldown Reduction OR +7 Armor

Level 20: +300 Health OR +50 Attack Speed

Level 25: +8 Max Webs OR +200 Spiderlings Health


Centaur Warrunner:


Level 10: +30 Damage OR +2 Mana Regen

Level 15: 10% Evasion OR +10% Magic Resistance

Level 20: +10% Spell Amplification OR +15 Strength

Level 25: +1s Hoof Stomp Duration OR Gains Return Aura


Chaos Knight:Scepter Added


Reality Rift now applies a -3/4/5/6 armor debuff on the target instead of dealing bonus damage.

Chaos Strike no longer applies a -5 armor debuff.

Chaos Strike crit chance increased from 10 to 12%

Chaos Strike now lifesteals for 50% when it crits. Illusions benefit from this as well.

Added Scepter. Reduces cooldown by 20 seconds and allows Phantoms to be cast on an allied hero. 1200 Cast Range

Level 10: +15 Attack Speed OR +7 Intelligence

Level 15: +15 Movement Speed OR +10 Strength

Level 20: +120 Gold/Min OR +12 All Stats

Level 25: Reality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity OR 20% Cooldown Reduction




Penitence slow and amp increased from 15/20/25/30% to 18/24/30/36%

Added overhead for the damage dealt with Test of Faith

Level 10: +15 Movement Speed OR +125 Cast Range

Level 15: +200 Health OR +25% Spell Amplification

Level 20: +90 Gold/Min OR -40s Respawn Time

Level 25: +2 Holy Persuasion Max Count OR +200 Hand of God Heal




Death Pact cooldown rescaled from 45/35/25 to 45/30/15

Level 10: +10 Intelligence OR +10% Magic Resistance

Level 15: +12 Strength OR +30 Searing Arrows Damage

Level 20: 20% Evasion OR +10 All Stats

Level 25: +70 Strafe Attack Speed OR +125 Attack Range




Level 10: +4 Armor OR +200 Mana

Level 15: +40 Damage OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 20: -25s Respawn Time OR +12% Magic Resistance

Level 25: +10s Battery Assault Duration OR +400 Health


Crystal Maiden:Scepter Reworked


Reworked Crystal Maiden Scepter. Now applies Frost Bite to any unit that has been standing in the Freezing Field for over 2.5 seconds. An enemy can only be affected once.

Level 10: +15% Magic Resistance OR +50 Damage

Level 15: +125 Cast Range OR +200 Health

Level 20: +120 Gold/Min OR -35s Respawn Time

Level 25: +1.5s Frostbite Duration OR +200 Crystal Nova Damage


Dark Seer:


Wall of Replica no longer deals damage when heroes walk through it.

Wall of Replica now applies a 1-second 75% slow to units that cross and proc the wall.

Level 10: 12% Evasion OR +100 Cast Range

Level 15: +90 Damage OR +14 Health Regen

Level 20: +12 Strength OR +25 Intelligence

Level 25: 12% Cooldown Reduction OR +70 Ion Shell Damage




Multiple instances of Poison Touch stack.

Level 10: +10 Intelligence OR +125 Health

Level 15: +100 Cast Range OR +40 Damage

Level 20: +25 Movement Speed OR -30s Respawn Time

Level 25: -6s Poison Touch Cooldown OR +60 Shadow Wave Heal


Death Prophet:


Level 10: +4% Spell Amplification OR +6 Strength

Level 15: +8% Magic Resistance OR +75 Cast Range

Level 20: 10% Cooldown Reduction OR +25 Movement Speed

Level 25: +400 Health OR +6 Exorcism Spirits




Level 10: +100 Cast Range OR +60 Gold/Min

Level 15: +200 Health OR -30s Respawn Time

Level 20: 15% Cooldown Reduction OR +10% Spell Amplification

Level 25: +30% Magic Resistance OR +4 Thunder Strike Hits




Infernal Blade mini-stun increased from 0.3 to 0.4 seconds

Level 10: +150 Health OR +8 Intelligence

Level 15: +15 Movement Speed OR +6 Armor

Level 20: +50 Damage OR +20 Health Regen

Level 25: +2% Infernal Blade Damage OR Devour Can Target Ancients


Dragon Knight:


Elder Dragon Form Corrosive Breath now affects the splashed targets.

Dragon Tail is now a fast projectile while in Dragon Form.

Level 10: +6 Strength OR +20 Attack Speed

Level 15: +25% XP Gain OR +40 Damage

Level 20: +120 Gold/Min OR +300 Health

Level 25: 2x Dragon Blood Regen/Armor OR +50 Movement Speed


Drow Ranger:


Movement Speed reduced by 10

Level 10: +15 Movement Speed OR +5 All Stats

Level 15: +175 Health OR +20 Attack Speed

Level 20: +6% Precision Aura Damage OR +14 Strength

Level 25: +350 Gust Distance/Knockback OR +25 Marksmanship Agility


Earth Spirit:


Magnetize debuff now has an overhead counter (similar to Replicate).

Level 10: +10 Intelligence OR +4 Armor

Level 15: +15% Magic Resistance OR +90 Gold/Min

Level 20: +15% Spell Amplification OR +300 Health

Level 25: +300 Rolling Boulder Damage OR -35s Respawn Time




Level 10: +250 Mana OR +8 Strength

Level 15: +20 Movement Speed OR +50 Damage

Level 20: +10% Spell Amplification OR -35s Respawn Time

Level 25: +500 Health OR -2s Enchant Totem Cooldown


Elder Titan:


Astral Spirit attack damage per hero increased from 10/20/30/40 to 12/24/36/48

Natural Order Armor reduction aura is centered around the hero, and the magical reduction aura is centered around the spirit.

- Note: When the spirit is inside your hero, both auras are centered around your hero.

Natural Order now removes 40/60/80/100% of the base magic resistance, rather than a fixed amount.Primarily impacts heroes with non-standard base magic resistances.

Natural Order aura increased from 275 to 325

Level 10: -20s Respawn Time OR +10 Strength

Level 15: +275 Health OR +25% XP Gain

Level 20: +12% Magic Resistance OR +50 Attack Speed

Level 25: +15 Armor OR +80 Astral Spirit Hero Attack


Ember Spirit:


Activate Fire Remnant damage rescaled from 100/150/200 to 100/200/300

Slight of Fist now places Ember Spirit in front of the target (from the direction of his casting location), rather than randomly around the hero.Previously resulted in random areas of distribution for cleave.

Level 10: +15% Spell Amplification OR +20 Damage

Level 15: +20 Movement Speed OR +6 All Stats

Level 20: +8 Armor OR 15% Cooldown Reduction [Note: Affects remnant charges]

Level 25: +500 Flame Guard Absorption OR +2s Searing Chains




Level 10: +5 All Stats OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 15: +8s Nature's Attendants Duration OR +40 Damage

Level 20: +12% Magic Resistance OR -25s Respawn Time

Level 25: +10 Nature's Attendants Wisps OR +25 Intelligence




Eidolon movement speed increased from 260/280/300/320 to 280/300/320/340

Black Hole now slowly rotates enemy units as it pulls them into the center.

Level 10: +20 Movement Speed OR +12% Magic Resistance

Level 15: 15% Cooldown Reduction OR +120 Gold/Min

Level 20: +300 Health OR -30s Respawn Time

Level 25: +8 Demonic Conversion Eidolons OR +12 Armor


Faceless Void:


Level 10: +15 Attack Speed OR +5 Strength

Level 15: +7 Armor OR+25 Damage

Level 20: +300 Health OR +120 Gold/Min

Level 25: +600 Timewalk Cast Range OR 20% Evasion




Scepter attack interval from 1.2 to 1.1

Homing Missile now has low attack priority.Creeps already do 0 damage to it.

Level 10: +6% Spell Amplification OR +150 Health

Level 15: +10% Magic Resistance OR +30 Damage

Level 20: +25 Movement Speed OR 20% Cooldown Reduction

Level 25: +3 Homing Missile Charges OR +4 Flak Cannon Attacks




Level 10: +150 Health OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 15: +30 Damage OR 15% Lifesteal

Level 20: +15 Strength OR +40 Attack Speed

Level 25: +100 Attack Range OR +400 Life Break Cast Range




EMP damage changed from Pure to Magical

EMP damage per mana burned increased from 50% to 60%

Invoke is no longer an upgradeable ability.

Invoke cooldown rescaled from 22/17/12/5 to 6

Invoke mana cost rescaled from 20/40/60/80 to 60

Invoke no longer consumes mana when only slot positions are updated.

Invoke Scepter cooldown rescaled from 16/8/4/2 to 2

Invoker no longer has a +6 Attribute Bonus ability at level 25.

Deafening Blast is no longer automatically upgraded when Reagents are level 7.

Forged Spirits no longer spawn multiple when Quas/Exort are level 4.

Invoker no longer gains passive attributes when leveling Reagents.

Active Exort instances damage bonus increased from 3/6/9/12/.. to 4/8/12/16/..

Active Quas instances HP regen increased from 1/2/3/4/.. to 1.5/3/4.5/6/..

Level 10: +15 Damage OR +125 Health

Level 15: +1 Forged Spirit Summoned OR +20% XP Gain

Level 20: +7 All Stats OR +35 Attack Speed

Level 25: AoE Deafening Blast OR -15s Tornado Cooldown




Level 10: +10% Magic Resistance OR +6 Armor

Level 15: +10 Mana Regen OR +10 Strength

Level 20: +20 Health Regen OR +120 Gold/Min

Level 25: +150 Spirits Damage OR -40s Respawn Time




Liquid Fire attack slow increased from 20/30/40/50 to 30/40/50/60

Liquid Fire is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.

Macropyre radius increased from 240 to 260

Level 10: +15% XP Gain OR +8% Spell Amplification

Level 15: +125 Cast Range OR +250 Health

Level 20: +400 Attack Range OR +150 Gold/Min

Level 25: +1.25s Ice Path Duration OR -50s Respawn Time




Level 10: +150 Health OR +20 Damage

Level 15: +20 Attack Speed OR +6 Armor

Level 20: +20 Movement Speed OR +8 All Stats

Level 25: +175 Blade Fury DPS OR +20 Agility


Keeper of the Light:


Level 10: +6 Strength OR +20 Movement Speed

Level 15: +20% XP Gain OR -25s Respawn Time

Level 20: +10% Magic Resistance OR +7 Armor

Level 25: +300 Cast Range OR +200 Illuminate Damage/Heal




Level 10: +20 Damage OR +150 Mana

Level 15: +15 Health Regen OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 20: +300 Health OR +120 Gold/Min

Level 25: +200 Torrent AoE OR +25% Magic Resistance


Legion Commander:


Overwhelming Odds damage per Hero increased from 20/40/60/80 to 30/60/90/120

Overwhelming Odds base damage rescaled from 40/80/120/160 to 40/60/80/100

Level 10: +7 Strength OR +15% XP Gain

Level 15: +30 Damage OR +20 Movement Speed

Level 20: +7 Armor OR -20s Respawn Time

Level 25: 25% Cooldown Reduction OR +40 Duel Damage Bonus




Lightning Storm jumps rescaled from 4/5/6/7 to 4/6/8/10

Lightning Storm cast point reduced from 0.6 to 0.45

Level 10: +125 Health OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 15: +400 Mana OR +8% Magic Resistance

Level 20: +5% Spell Amplification OR +12 Strength

Level 25: +50 Diabolic Edict Explosions OR +2s Lightning Storm Slow Duration




Frost Armor can now target invulnerable structures.

Level 10: +125 Health OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 15: +100 Cast Range OR +5 All Stats

Level 20: +150 Damage OR +120 Gold/Min

Level 25: +25 Frost Armor Structure Armor OR Attacks Apply 30% MS and AS slow




Level 10: +5 All Stats OR +15 Attack Speed

Level 15: +200 Health OR +25 Damage

Level 20: 15% Evasion OR +25 Movement Speed

Level 25: +1s Rage Duration OR +15 Armor




Level 10: +250 Mana OR +20 Damage

Level 15: -25s Respawn Time OR +100 Cast Range

Level 20: +5% Spell Amplification OR +150 Attack Range

Level 25: +1 Fiery Soul Max Stacks OR -4s Dragon Slave Cooldown




Finger of Death Scepter AoE increased from 300 to 325

Level 10: +175 Health OR +45 Damage

Level 15: +90 Gold/Min OR -30s Respawn Time

Level 20: 20% Magic Resistance OR +8% Spell Amplification

Level 25: +3 Mana Drain Multi Target OR +20 All Stats


Lone Druid:


Returning from True Form to Druid Form reduced from 1.9 to 0.8Transforming to bear form still takes 1.9 seconds.

Spirit Bear now has 0.5 Mana regen.

Level 10: +250 Health OR +200 Attack Range

Level 15: +65 Damage OR +30 Spirit Bear Damage

Level 20: +7 Spirit Bear Armor OR -50s Respawn Time

Level 25: +1.5s Entangle Duration OR -10s Savage Roar Cooldown




Level 10: +15 Damage OR +4 Armor

Level 15: +150 Health OR +40 Lucent Beam Damage

Level 20: +25 Attack Speed OR +10% Magic Resistance

Level 25: -4s Lucent Beam Cooldown OR +15 All Stats


Lycan:Hero Reworked


Howl now behaves like a normal buff, rather than a pseudo-aura.

Howl duration increased from 10 to 13

Howl hero bonus damage reduced from 14/26/38/50 to 10/15/20/25

Howl creep bonus damage reduced from 5/10/15/20 to 4/6/8/10

Howl provides 50/100/150/200 Max HP increase to heroes, 25/50/75/100 to non-heroes.

Howl has double the effect (damage/HP) at night time.

Feral Impulse no longer provides 15/20/25/30 Attack Speed.

Feral Impulse bonus damage rescaled from 15/20/25/30% to 15/26/37/48% damage

Feral Impulse now provides 1/4/7/10 HP regeneration.

Summoned Wolves Base Attack Time reduced from 1.25/1.2/1.15/1.1 to 1.2/1.1/1.0/0.9

Summoned Wolves no longer gain 15 HP regen at level 4.

Summoned Wolves now gain invisibility at level 4.

Summoned Wolves now gain cripple at level 3.

Cripple attack speed slow increased from 40 to 60

Level 10: +20 Damage OR +150 Health

Level 15: -20s Respawn Time OR +12 Strength

Level 20: 15% Evasion OR 15% Cooldown Reduction

Level 25: +15s Shapeshift Duration OR +2 Wolves Summoned




Skewer cooldown reduced from 30 to 25

Level 10: +25 Attack Speed OR +15% Spell Amplification

Level 15: +90 Gold/Min OR +50 Damage

Level 20: +15 Strength OR +20 Movement Speed

Level 25: -4s Shockwave Cooldown OR -35 Respawn Time




Level 10: +10 Intelligence OR +15 Damage

Level 15: +20 Attack Speed OR 10% Evasion

Level 20: +15 Agility OR +500 Mana

Level 25: +1s Stone Gaze Stun OR 25% Lifesteal




Meepo clones now share full attributes without Scepter.

Earthbind no longer interrupts channeling spells (it previously did on initial cast but not refresh).

Meepo strength gain reduced from 1.6 to 1.3

Level 10: +4 Armor OR +15 Damage

Level 15: 15% Lifesteal OR +20 Movement Speed

Level 20: 10% Evasion OR +25 Attack Speed

Level 25: +400 Health OR -3s Poof Cooldown




Added a charge indicator for Mirana's ultimate scepter Starstorm

Level 10: +8 Agility OR +150 Health

Level 15: +5% Spell Amplification OR +30 Attack Speed

Level 20: +40 Damage OR +8 Armor

Level 25: +100 Leap Attack Speed OR +2 Multishot Sacred Arrows




Level 10: +8 Agility OR +200 Mana

Level 15: +25 Attack Speed OR 12% Cooldown Reduction

Level 20: +25 Movement Speed OR +40 Damage

Level 25: +400 Waveform Range OR +30% Replicate Damage


Naga Siren:


Fixed Rip Tide treating Naga as the damage source rather than her illusions when the illusions apply Rip TideFixes interactions with things like Spiked Carapace.

Level 10: +250 Mana OR +125 Health

Level 15: +30 Attack Speed OR 15% Evasion

Level 20: +15 Agility OR +20 Strength

Level 25: +1 Mirror Image Illusion OR +40 Movement Speed


Nature's Prophet:


Wrath of Nature damage increment per bounce increased from 7% to 11%

Wrath of Nature base damage reduced from 140/180/225 to 110/140/170Has greater damage on the ~8th bounce.

Scepter Wrath of Nature bounce count no longer increases from 16 to 18.

Scepter Wrath of Nature base damage reduced from 155/210/275 to 135/170/205Has same +22% base damage increase from base.

Level 10: +20 Damage OR +175 Health

Level 15: +10 Intelligence OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 20: +35 Attack Speed OR +8 Armor

Level 25: +6 Treants Summoned OR -35s Respawn Time


Necrophos:Hero Reworked


Reaper's Scythe Scepter upgrade no longer disables buyback or deals extra damage.

Reaper's Scythe Scepter upgrade reduces cooldown to 55/40/25.

Death Pulse now passively provides 1/3/5/7 HP/MP regen for 7 seconds for each unit you kill (10x for heroes).

Death Pulse damage reduced from 125/175/225/275 to 80/120/160/200

Death Pulse heal reduced from 70/90/110/130 to 60/80/100/120

Replaced Sadist with a new ability, Ghost Shroud. Turns you Ethereal for 3/3.5/4/4.5 seconds and grants you a 600 AoE slow aura that reduces enemy movement speed by 12/20/28/36%. While you are in this form you take 20% more magic damage but any HP/MP you heal is amplified by 50%. Cooldown: 28/24/20/16

Level 10: +40 Damage OR +6 Strength

Level 15: +6 All Stats OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 20: +5% Spell Amplification OR +10% Magic Resistance

Level 25: +400 Health OR -1s Death Pulse Cooldown


Night Stalker:


Level 10: +7 Strength OR +100 Cast Range

Level 15: +300 Mana OR +25 Attack Speed

Level 20: +30 Movement Speed OR +50 Damage

Level 25: +12 Armor OR -6s Crippling Fear Cooldown


Nyx Assassin:


Level 10: +5% Spell Amplification OR +175 Health

Level 15: +25 Agility OR +10 Strength

Level 20: +120 Gold/Min OR +15% Magic Resistance

Level 25: +40 Movement Speed OR +200% Spiked Carapace Damage


Ogre Magi:


Level 10: +60 Gold/Min OR +100 Cast Range

Level 15: +40 Damage OR +8% Magic Resistance

Level 20: +250 Health OR +25 Movement Speed

Level 25: +15% Spell Amplification OR +40 Bloodlust Attack Speed




Repel Spell Immunity now behaves the same as Black King Bar (not dispellable).

Repel duration reduced from 5/6/7/8 to 4/5/6/7

Repel cooldown increased from 20/18/16/14 to 30/26/22/18

Repel can no longer be cast on enemies.

Purification heal rescaled from 90/180/270/360 to 90/160/230/300

Purification cooldown rescaled from 9 to 11/10/9/8

Purification mana cost reduced from 100/120/140/160 to 70/90/110/130

Level 10: +60 Gold/Min OR +15% XP Gain

Level 15: +75 Cast Range OR +8 Strength

Level 20: +100 Damage OR +6 Mana Regen

Level 25: -16% Degen Aura OR +200 Purification Damage/Heal




Level 10: -20s Respawn Time OR +15% XP Gain

Level 15: +200 Health OR +60 Gold/Min

Level 20: +25 Movement Speed OR +20 Intelligence

Level 25: +2s False Promise Duration OR +250 Cast Range


Outworld Devourer:


Astral Imprisonment cast range rescaled from 225/350/475/600 to 225/300/375/450

Level 10: +250 Mana OR +10 Movement Speed

Level 15: +5 Armor OR +20 Attack Speed

Level 20: +15 Intelligence OR +250 Health

Level 25: +60s Arcane Orb Intelligence Steal OR +8% Spell Amplification


Phantom Assassin:


Stifling Dagger base damage reduced from 75 to 70

Level 10: +150 Health OR +15 Damage

Level 15: 10% Lifesteal OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 20: +35 Attack Speed OR +10 All Stats

Level 25: +25 Agility OR Double Strike Stifling Dagger


Phantom Lancer:Scepter Added


Phantom Rush now provides 6/12/18/24 Agility when you reach the enemy. Lasts 2 seconds.Also affects Illusions.

Phantom Rush minimum proc range reduced from 300 to 250

Added Scepter to Phantom Lancer. Causes Spirit Lance to bounce on nearby enemies. Bounce Range: 400. Bounce cap: 5

Level 10: +150 Health OR +20 Attack Speed

Level 15: +8 All Stats OR 15% Cooldown Reduction

Level 20: +15% Magic Resistance OR 15% Evasion

Level 25: +600 Phantom Rush Range OR +20 Strength




Sun Ray changed from Pure to Magical damage type

Sun Ray Max HP damage increased from 1.25/2.5/3.75/5% to 1.5/3.25/5.0/6.75%

Sun Ray base damage increased from 10/15/20/25 to 14/20/26/32

Icarus Dive slow increased from 25% to 28%

Level 10: -20s Respawn Time OR +175 Health

Level 15: +90 Gold/Min OR +12 Strength

Level 20: +10 Armor OR +8% Spell Amplification

Level 25: +2 Supernova Hit Count OR +1s Supernova Stun Duration




Level 10: +8 Intelligence OR +150 Health

Level 15: +40 Damage OR +20 Movement Speed

Level 20: +8% Spell Amplification OR +20% Magic Resistance

Level 25: +300 Gold/Min OR +75% Illusory Orb Distance/Speed




Level 10: +8 Strength OR +2 Mana Regen

Level 15: +5 Armor OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 20: +150 Gold/Min OR -35s Respawn Time

Level 25: +1.75 Flesh Heap Stack Strength OR +120 Rot Damage




Nether Ward mana regen reduction per second rescaled from 1.5/3/4.5/6 to 0.25/0.5/0.75/1%

Level 10: +3 Mana Regen OR +150 Health

Level 15: -25s Respawn Time OR +10 Strength

Level 20: +10 All Stats OR +100 Cast Range

Level 25: +50% Life Drain Heal OR +100 Nether Blast Damage


Queen of Pain:


Base attack time reduced from 1.6 to 1.5

Level 10: +20 Damage OR +5 Strength

Level 15: +12% Cooldown Reduction OR +90 Gold/Min

Level 20: +100 Attack Range OR +200 Health

Level 25: 70% Spell Lifesteal (1/5 for non-heroes) OR +35 Intelligence




Level 10: +15 Movement Speed OR +10 Agility

Level 15: +5 Armor OR +150 Cast Range

Level 20: +250 Health OR +30 Attack Speed

Level 25: +175 Attack Range OR +14 Static Link Damage Steal


Riki:Scepter Added


Added a Scepter for Riki. Increases ultimate duration by 4 seconds. Allows you to target an allied hero, hiding inside them for the duration. The radius that you attack in follows the allied hero. 1000 Cast Range.

Level 10: +15 Movement Speed OR +150 Health

Level 15: +10 Agility OR +20% XP Gain

Level 20: +250 Cast Range OR +8 All Stats

Level 25: +0.4 Backstab Multiplier OR -4s Smokescreen Cooldown




Fade Bolt damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 80/160/240/320

Fade Bolt damage reduction per bounce increased from 4% to 8%

Level 10: +60 Gold/Min OR +50 Damage

Level 15: +150 Health OR +15 Intelligence

Level 20: +75 Cast Range OR +8% Spell Amplification

Level 25: 20% Cooldown Reduction OR +400 Telekinesis Land Distance


Sand King:


Burrow Strike Scepter upgrade no longer applies Caustic Finale on illusions, only real heroes.

Level 10: +200 Mana OR +5 Armor

Level 15: +12% Magic Resistance OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 20: +350 Health OR +120 Gold/Min

Level 25: +4 Epicenter Pulses OR +50 Health Regen


Shadow Demon:


Level 10: +6 Strength OR +10 Movement Speed

Level 15: +75 Cast Range OR +6% Spell Amplification

Level 20: +10% Magic Resistance OR -25s Respawn Time

Level 25: +400 Demonic Purge Damage OR -1s Shadow Poison Cooldown


Shadow Fiend:


Shadow Raze cast point reduced from 0.67 to 0.55

Level 10: +15 Movement Speed OR +20 Attack Speed

Level 15: +6% Spell Amplification OR +175 Health

Level 20: 15% Evasion OR +2 Damage Per Soul

Level 25: +150 Attack Range OR -7s Shadow Raze Cooldown


Shadow Shaman:


Mass Serpent Wards no longer deal damage in 175 AoE.

Mass Serpent Wards damage rescaled from 40/60/80 to 40/70/100

Reworked Mass Serpent Wards Scepter. Now causes Serpent Wards to have a split shot, attacking two units each for full damage.

Scepter Mass Serpent Wards attack range increases by 225.

Level 10: +150 Health OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 15: +100 Cast Range OR +20% XP Gain

Level 20: -30s Respawn Time OR +20% Magic Resistance

Level 25: +1 Serpent Wards Attacks Health OR +3s Shackles Duration




Level 10: +4 Armor OR +7 Intelligence

Level 15: +200 Health OR +60 Gold/Min

Level 20: +30 Attack Speed OR +12% Magic Resistance

Level 25: +200 Attack Range OR +20% Curse Slow


Skywrath Mage:Scepter Reworked


Reworked Skywrath Mage's Scepter. Anytime you cast an ability, a different random nearby target (heroes prioritized) will be targeted within 700 AoE of the target. For example, if you Ancient Seal a target, you will also Ancient Seal another target. If you Mystic Flare an area, a random nearby target (heroes prioritized) that isn't in the existing target area (but is within 700 range from the location) will also be hit.

Level 10: +125 Health OR +7 Intelligence

Level 15: +50 Damage OR +60 Gold/Min

Level 20: +20 Movement Speed OR +15% Magic Resistance

Level 25: -4s Ancient Seal Cooldown OR +14 Mana Regen




Level 10: +6 Health Regen OR +175 Mana

Level 15: +200 Health OR +25 Attack Speed

Level 20: +35 Damage OR +7 Armor

Level 25: +20 Strength OR +10% Bash Chance


Slark:Scepter Added


Added Scepter to Slark. Reduces ultimate cooldown from 60 to 30 and causes Shadow Dance active to be a 325 AoE, hiding allied heroes underneath it.

Level 10: 10% Life Steal OR +15 Damage

Level 15: +15 Agility OR +10 Strength

Level 20: +250 Health OR +25 Attack Speed

Level 25: +3s Pounce Leash OR +12 All Stats


Sniper:Scepter Added


Added Scepter to Sniper. Assassinate is now a ground targeted spell with 400 AoE. Upon cast, it locks onto the targets in the area, and after the channel period launches a 2.8x critical strike and procs headshot on the player-controlled units in the AoE. (only affects visible heroes/illusions)

Level 10: +4 Mana Regen OR +15 Attack Speed

Level 15: +20 Shrapnel DPS OR +200 Health

Level 20: +8 Armor OR 25% Cooldown Reduction

Level 25: +100 Attack Range OR +4 Shrapnel Charges




Level 10: +20 Damage OR +5 Armor

Level 15: +6 All Stats OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 20: +25 Attack Speed OR +12 Strength

Level 25: -10s Spectral Dagger Cooldown OR 400 Health


Spirit Breaker:


Level 10: +5 All Stats OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 15: +20 Damage OR +5 Armor

Level 20: +120 Gold/Min OR -40s Respawn Time

Level 25: +17% Greater Bash Chance OR +500 Charge Speed


Storm Spirit:


Level 10: +20 Damage OR +3 Mana Regen

Level 15: +175 Health OR +10 Intelligence

Level 20: +40 Attack Speed OR +7 Armor

Level 25: +0.75s Electric Vortex OR +10% Spell Amplification




Level 10: +6 Strength OR +200 Mana

Level 15: +15 Movement Speed OR +6 All Stats

Level 20: +30 Attack Speed OR 15% Evasion

Level 25: +65 Damage OR -5s Stormbolt Cooldown


Techies:Hero Reworked


Land Mines renamed to Proximity Mines

Proximity Mines are no longer revealed with True Sight, and instead become visible when there is an enemy within 400 AoE.

Proximity Mines detonate whenever an enemy is standing in the AoE for 1.6 seconds (if you walk in and out instantly, it doesn't explode).

Proximity Mines require 1.75 seconds to be active and invisible.

Proximity Mines can no longer be auto-attacked (via attack-move).

Proximity Mines damage type is now Magical.

Proximity Mines cooldown increased from 9/8/7/5 to 12

Proximity Mines damage increased from 150/190/225/260 to 225/400/575/750

Proximity Mines mana cost is 110/130/150/170.

Proximity Mines do full damage in the AoE (rather than half at a certain radius).

Proximity Mines can no longer be placed within the active AoE of another Proximity Mine (400 AoE).

Proximity Mines have 1 HP.

Proximity Mines deal 25% damage to buildings.

Proximity Mines bounty changed from 10/14 gold/XP to 30/0

Proximity Mines now do damage based on the current level of the ability, rather than its level when placed.

Proximity Mines must be directly targeted to be attacked.

Quell can no longer target Proximity mines (Quelling Blade, Iron Talon, Battle Fury).


Replaced Suicide Squad Attack with Blast Off

Blast Off is a 400 AoE spell and has a 1000 cast range; propels you towards the target location and then explodes

Blast Off deals 300/400/500/600 Magical damage and silences enemies for 4/5/6/7 seconds.

Blast Off deals 50% of your Max HP to yourself upon landing at the destination.

Blast Off has a 35 second cooldown.

Blast Off has a 1 second cast time.


Stasis Trap now roots enemies instead of stunning.

Stasis Trap no longer has a 1.5 detonation delay.

Stasis Trap activation time increased from 1.5 to 2

Stasis Trap Trigger radius reduced from 450 to 400

Stasis Trap effect radius increased from 450 to 600

Stasis Trap root duration is 2/3/4/5.

Stasis Trap no longer expire.

Stasis Trap no longer gives vision, but reveals the area upon detonation.


Remote Mines now have a 0.25 second Detonation delay.

Remote Mines cast time reduced from 1.5 to 1.0

Level 10: +20 Movement Speed OR +2 Mana Regen

Level 15: +25% XP Gain OR +200 Cast Range

Level 20: +120 Gold/Min OR -60s Respawn Time

Level 25: +400 Blast Off Damage OR 25% Cooldown Reduction


Templar Assassin:


Psi Blades now work when illusions of Templar Assassin attack

Level 10: +25 Attack Speed OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 15: +6 All Stats OR 12% Evasion

Level 20: +250 Health OR +40 Damage

Level 25: +3 Refraction Instances OR -30s Respawn Time




Level 10: +6 Health Regen OR +15 Attack Speed

Level 15: +25 Damage OR +175 Health

Level 20: +15 Agility OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 25: +15 All Stats OR -30s Sunder Cooldown




Gush projectile speed reduced from 4000 to 2500

Level 10: +50 Damage OR +150 Health

Level 15: +7 Armor OR +30% XP Gain

Level 20: +6 Mana Regen OR +15 Strength

Level 25: -5 Gush Armor OR 20% Cooldown Reduction




Level 10: +150 Health OR +10% XP Gain

Level 15: +14 Health Regen OR +15 Intelligence

Level 20: +5% Spell Amplification OR +125 Cast Range

Level 25: +6% Whirling Death Attribute Reduction OR +20 Strength




Level 10: +8 Intelligence OR +5 Armor

Level 15: +200 Health OR 4% Spell Amplification

Level 20: +75 Cast Range OR 15% Magic Resistance

Level 25: 20% Spell Lifesteal (1/5 for non-heroes) OR +100 Laser Damage




Craggy Exterior Armor increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6

Craggy Exterior proc now only affects melee heroes, no longer has a 300 range.

Craggy Exterior proc damage increased from 25/35/45/55 to 40/50/60/70

Craggy Exterior chance rescaled from 10/15/20/25% to 25%

Craggy Exterior stun duration rescaled from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75 to 0.5/1.0/1.5/2

Level 10: +6 Strength OR +10 Intelligence

Level 15: +45 Damage OR +15 Movement Speed

Level 20: +25 Attack Speed OR +14 Mana Regen

Level 25: 20% Cooldown Reduction OR +200 Avalanche Damage


Treant Protector:Hero Reworked


Nature's Guise is now a passive ability. Whenever you are within 265 range of a tree for 6/5/4/3 seconds (without attacking), you gain invisibility and 16/22/28/34% movement speed bonus. When you attack out of invisibility, you bash the target for 1/1.4/1.8/2.2 seconds. Distance-to-tree check still has a 0.75 grace period before invisibility is removed. Your attack out of invisibility cannot miss. You can cast while invisible.

Level 10: +30 Attack Speed OR +2 Mana Regen

Level 15: +90 Gold/Min OR +25 Movement Speed

Level 20: 15% Cooldown Reduction OR +65 Damage

Level 25: +5 Living Armor Block Instances OR +20% 2s Bash


Troll Warlord:


Level 10: +6 Strength OR 10 Agility

Level 15: +15 Movement Speed OR +6 Armor

Level 20: +300 Health OR +40 Damage

Level 25: -7s Whirling Axes Cooldown OR +20% Magic Resistance




Walrus Kick range increased from 900 to 1400

Walrus Punch attack range increased from 128 to 150

Walrus Kick attack range increased from 128 to 150

Fixed Walrus Punch having old cooldown values on level 1 and 2 when Scepter is equipped (it went from 36/24/12 to 20/16/12)

Level 10: +20% XP Gain OR +30 Damage

Level 15: +15 Strength OR +90 Gold/Min

Level 20: +6 Armor OR +10% Magic Resistance

Level 25: +500 Health OR +150% Walrus Punch Crit


Underlord:Added to Captains Mode


Added to Captains Mode

Pit of Malice no longer pierces Spell Immunity.

Pit of Malice no longer interrupts.

Pit of Malice no longer deals damage.

Pit of Malice root duration reduced from 1/1.5/2/2.5 to 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8

Pit of Malice now affects units every 3.5 seconds.

Pit of Malice duration increased from 7 to 12

Pit of Malice radius increased from 275 to 375

Pit of Malice cast point reduced from 0.6 to 0.45

Pit of Malice cooldown increased from 21/18/15/12 to 30/26/22/18

Dark Rift radius increased from 450 to 600

Dark Rift delay increased from 5/4/3 to 6/5/4

Level 10: +4 Armor OR +2 Mana Regen

Level 15: +200 Health OR +8% Spell Amplification

Level 20: +50 Attack Speed OR +100 Cast Range

Level 25: +0.4s Pit of Malice Root OR +50 Health Regen




Flesh Golem Heal increased from 6% per hero to 10%

Level 10: -30s Respawn Time OR +90 Gold/Min

Level 15: +30% XP Gain OR +300 Health

Level 20: +10 All Stats OR +20 Movement Speed

Level 25: +40 Tombstone Zombie Damage OR +12 Armor




Level 10: +25 Damage OR +8% Magic Resistance

Level 15: +5 Armor OR +20 Attack Speed

Level 20: +15 Movement Speed OR +250 Health

Level 25: +10 Fury Swipes Damage OR +14 All Stats


Vengeful Spirit:


Wave of Terror damage type changed from Pure to Magic

Wave of Terror damage increased from 30/50/70/90 to 45/70/95/120

Level 10: +8% Magic Resistance OR +25 Attack Speed

Level 15: +100 Magic Missile Damage OR +8 All Stats

Level 20: +50 Damage OR +20 Movement Speed

Level 25: +20% Vengeance Aura Damage OR Magic Missile Pierces Spell Immunity




Level 10: +20% XP Gain OR +20 Movement Speed

Level 15: +175 Health OR +150 Cast Range

Level 20: +15% Magic Resistance OR +75 Damage

Level 25: 3x Plague Ward HP/Damage OR -60s Respawn Time




Nether Toxin base damage increased from 2.5/5/7.5/10 to 3/6/9/12 (Maximum damage increased from 40/80/120/160 to 48/96/144/192)

Level 10: +15 Damage OR +125 Health

Level 15: +7 Strength OR +14 Agility

Level 20: +7 Armor OR +75 Attack Range

Level 25: Poison Attack Affects Buildings OR +80 Viper Strike DPS




Gravekeeper's Cloak minimum damage threshold increased from 15 to 50

Gravekeeper's Cloak now reduces all damage by 8/12/16/20% per layer.

Gravekeeper's Cloak recovery time rescaled from 3 to 6/5/4/3

Gravekeeper's Cloak now affects Familiars within 900 distance of your hero (their block is based on your stack count).

Summon Familiars cooldown reduced from 180/160/140 to 160/145/130

Familiars now have 500/750/1000 HP (instead of 3 hits).

Familiars now interact with regeneration effects normally.

Familiars no longer regenerate attack damage with Stone Form.

Familiars attack damage recharge time reduced from 15 to 2

Familiars are no longer Spell Immune.

Familiars now have 35% magic resistance.

Familiars movement speed rescaled from 380/390/400 to 430

Familiars damage per charge rescaled from 8/14/22 to 8/16/24

Stone Form duration reduced from 8 to 6 seconds

Stone Form cooldown reduced from 20 to 14

Level 10: +60 Gold/Min OR +15% XP Gain

Level 15: +50 Damage OR +100 Cast Range

Level 20: +250 Health OR -30s Respawn Time

Level 25: +20% Spell Amplification OR +120 Familiars Movement Speed




Fatal Bonds mana cost increased from 120 to 140

Fixed Fatal Bonds continuing to do damage to you after the buff was dispelled

Level 10: +6 All Stats OR +15% XP Gain

Level 15: +125 Cast Range OR +20 Movement Speed

Level 20: +350 Health OR -30s Respawn Time

Level 25: Spell Immunity for Chaotic Offering Golems OR +15 Chaotic Offering Golems Armor




Agility gain from 2.5 to 2.8

Level 10: +6 Strength OR +30 Shukuchi Damage

Level 15: +25 Damage OR +7 All Stats

Level 20: +200 Health OR +15 Agility

Level 25: +200 Shukuchi Movement Speed OR +20% Magic Resistance




Powershot damage reduction per unit hit increased from 10% to 20%

Powershot damage rescaled from 120/200/280/360 to 120/220/320/420

Level 10: +15 Damage OR +4 Mana Regen

Level 15: +150 Health OR +13 Intelligence

Level 20: +12% Spell Amplification OR +12% Magic Resistance

Level 25: +100 Attack Range OR -5s Powershot Cooldown


Winter Wyvern:


Level 10: +8 Intelligence OR +5 Strength

Level 15: +15 Movement Speed OR +40 Damage

Level 20: +120 Gold/Min OR -35s Respawn Time

Level 25: -3s Splinter Blast Cooldown OR +15% Arctic Burn Slow


Witch Doctor:


Maledict DPS increased from 5/


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Mist Coil cast point reduced from 0.35 to 0.25

Mist Coil now has a fast projectileHas 2000 speed.
Aphotic Shield cast point reduced from 0.452 to 0.4
Level 10: +25 Damage OR +15% XP Gain
Level 15: +5 Armor OR +200 Mana
Level 20: +25 Movement Speed OR 15% Cooldown Reduction
Level 25: +25 Strength OR +200 Shield HP



>Хорошо сыграно!

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есть хоть 1 пруф что это не фейк?

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уроды на слотах валв не могут залить текст хотябы в стим ?






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ЩАс эпик будет, тупой валет комментил фейк



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