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Всем привет, меня и мою семью пытают.

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wally написал 11 часов назад:

Feeling myself as a controlled whistleblower, unfortunatelly.

The "torturers" did discover my handwriting (maybe coincidence), which wasn't been somehow showen on devices or something else except my eyesight and periodically long-term memory triggering in some "places".


The last couple days i do getting been tortured by using some exposurer pointed on the longest way to shock CNS (fingers on the feet's). As i can understand it is EM source of radiation and it immidiatelly slowing down brain-proceeding, also as CNS (reaction etc.)
Fingers on the hands is also heavy ionized , so , torturers also testing the results of periodically pointing on them too.

By the way, there is insanely funny moments happens time-to-time, i mean dreams, when you are consciously fighting someones invasion in your alpha-channel proceeding to damage your organism by huge dose of adrenaline :D


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Это же насколько нехуй делать, что бы такое придумать

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I'm a "show" for some groups, it is ,by the way, money (Criminal Minds tv.show experience), depend on my placement.

I do have couple of placements to living - one in the center of the Donetsk city , Shevchenko Bulvar. and another on Novorossiyskaya (funny i know) street, same city, which is more safer from EM/Microwave/Ionized sources of radiation, but it is more dangerous commonly as a easy to take down place. By the way every glass-packet is wrecked after fights since 2014, one even blowed by 120mm mine shrapnel thru 3 layers of glass, thank to my luck i wasnt in this living place at April 14 2021. (There is lots of leet meanings by the way, it isn't joke, can be try to made this case more interesting, i don't know)


In the Shevchenko street apartments is non-stop interesting show going on, my mother time-to-time  going so mad, caused , mostly the same effects of radiation which is damaging my body too, but she don't have enought of power of will to control herself and today she even tryes to kill me by wrecked glass.

I'm lost, actually, i don't know how to being in this type of the situations, i'm feeling myself not just a inmate - even worse, just as raped guy by well organized groups.

I'm not crying, not showing my weaknesses, i'm trying to hold myself and not afraiding to type on this sh*tforum because i'm not guilty person.


I'm a cripple, already know this, it's definetely will take lots of time to drop down this level of radiation and unfortunatelly i don't know about this radar-desease which was explained couple posts before in hidden-bar, so would be it able to remove the injuries caused of this or no isn't known for me.


I do have all documents to leave this place (Donetsk) and start a new life, right now i'm just being slowed down by already explained huge amount of factors.

Also seriously thinking about the guardian, because i'm wouldnt be able to do lots of stuff when i so heavy radiosensitive, and ofcourse one of the most important aspects of this mind - is ruined family, allies with some groups against Me.

Thank you for your attention.

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Маловато хохлы бомбас бомбят.

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If you follow me уou will only get lost, if you try to get closer we'll only lose touch. But you already know too much and you're not going anywhere.

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wally написал 2 часа назад:

I'm a "show" for some groups, it is ,by the way, money (Criminal Minds tv.show experience), depend on my placement.

I do have couple of placements to living - one in the center of the Donetsk city , Shevchenko Bulvar. and another on Novorossiyskaya (funny i know) street, same city, which is more safer from EM/Microwave/Ionized sources of radiation, but it is more dangerous commonly as a easy to take down place. By the way every glass-packet is wrecked after fights since 2014, one even blowed by 120mm mine shrapnel thru 3 layers of glass, thank to my luck i wasnt in this living place at April 14 2021. (There is lots of leet meanings by the way, it isn't joke, can be try to made this case more interesting, i don't know)


In the Shevchenko street apartments is non-stop interesting show going on, my mother time-to-time  going so mad, caused , mostly the same effects of radiation which is damaging my body too, but she don't have enought of power of will to control herself and today she even tryes to kill me by wrecked glass.

I'm lost, actually, i don't know how to being in this type of the situations, i'm feeling myself not just a inmate - even worse, just as raped guy by well organized groups.

I'm not crying, not showing my weaknesses, i'm trying to hold myself and not afraiding to type on this sh*tforum because i'm not guilty person.


I'm a cripple, already know this, it's definetely will take lots of time to drop down this level of radiation and unfortunatelly i don't know about this radar-desease which was explained couple posts before in hidden-bar, so would be it able to remove the injuries caused of this or no isn't known for me.


I do have all documents to leave this place (Donetsk) and start a new life, right now i'm just being slowed down by already explained huge amount of factors.

Also seriously thinking about the guardian, because i'm wouldnt be able to do lots of stuff when i so heavy radiosensitive, and ofcourse one of the most important aspects of this mind - is ruined family, allies with some groups against Me.

Thank you for your attention.


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это прикол какой?

Изменено пользователем Banderas

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wally написал 10.01.2022 в 22:08:

I'm a "show" for some groups, it is ,by the way, money (Criminal Minds tv.show experience), depend on my placement.

I do have couple of placements to living - one in the center of the Donetsk city , Shevchenko Bulvar. and another on Novorossiyskaya (funny i know) street, same city, which is more safer from EM/Microwave/Ionized sources of radiation, but it is more dangerous commonly as a easy to take down place. By the way every glass-packet is wrecked after fights since 2014, one even blowed by 120mm mine shrapnel thru 3 layers of glass, thank to my luck i wasnt in this living place at April 14 2021. (There is lots of leet meanings by the way, it isn't joke, can be try to made this case more interesting, i don't know)


In the Shevchenko street apartments is non-stop interesting show going on, my mother time-to-time  going so mad, caused , mostly the same effects of radiation which is damaging my body too, but she don't have enought of power of will to control herself and today she even tryes to kill me by wrecked glass.

I'm lost, actually, i don't know how to being in this type of the situations, i'm feeling myself not just a inmate - even worse, just as raped guy by well organized groups.

I'm not crying, not showing my weaknesses, i'm trying to hold myself and not afraiding to type on this sh*tforum because i'm not guilty person.


I'm a cripple, already know this, it's definetely will take lots of time to drop down this level of radiation and unfortunatelly i don't know about this radar-desease which was explained couple posts before in hidden-bar, so would be it able to remove the injuries caused of this or no isn't known for me.


I do have all documents to leave this place (Donetsk) and start a new life, right now i'm just being slowed down by already explained huge amount of factors.

Also seriously thinking about the guardian, because i'm wouldnt be able to do lots of stuff when i so heavy radiosensitive, and ofcourse one of the most important aspects of this mind - is ruined family, allies with some groups against Me.

Thank you for your attention.


FunkySheet и Edgarchik понравилось это

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найден пациент из пыточной "Библиотека" :monkamega:

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Особенности психики тса не отменяют факта экспериментов над украинцами, всё больше подтверждений в СМИ вбрасывается. Только зачем сумеречные гении полезли в Украину, если им раньше хватало Африки - неясно=(

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Rus|Verm написал 04.09.2021 в 17:59:

А уебище со второго сделало себе суицид лежа в ванной с кровью.


то есть он налил в ванну кровь и сделал там суицид получается?

а какой в этом смысл?

Opera написал 02.09.2021 в 06:30:

Сегодня на работе решил разгогреть еду в микроволновке, понял то что через меня проходит микроволновое излучение

область спектра электромагнитного излучения прошедшее через мою плоть с длинами волн от одного метра до одного миллиметра, соответствующими частотам от 300 МГц и до 300 ГГц соответственно.

Во всех случаях влияния излучения на мое тело микроволнами, которые  включают весь СВЧ-диапазон (от 3 до 30 ГГц или от 10 до 1 см) минимум.

При этом надо понимать, что СВЧ-излучение не является ионизирующей радиацией (то есть не выбивает электроны из атомов и уж тем более не разбивает ядра элементов), и единственный эффект, который микроволны оказывают на еду и тело — это обычное нагревание.

Так что меня так прогрело нихуево, что можно сказать "Сгорел на работе". думаю против меня заговор инопланетян, потому что я играю в доту на 980 ммр.


микроволновка на одной частоте работает


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Just_rampage написал 10 минут назад:

микроволновка на одной частоте работает



Изменено пользователем слепой старец

Ваш репертуар убогий, как словозапас у шлюхи Нет, я не самый умный
Но умней тебя в раз десять я  ебу за раз весь game Ты лох убей себя, исчезни

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Jestem "show" dla niektórych grup, to jest, nawiasem mówiąc, pieniądze (Criminal Minds tv.show experience), zależy od mojego stażu.

Mam kilka miejsc do zamieszkania - jedno w centrum Doniecka, przy ulicy Szewczenki (Shevchenko Bulvar), a drugie przy ulicy Noworosyjskiej (zabawne, wiem), w tym samym mieście, co jest bezpieczniejsze od źródeł promieniowania EM/Mikrofalowego/Jonizacyjnego, ale jest bardziej niebezpieczne jako miejsce, które łatwo zdemolować. Przy okazji, każdy pakiet szybowy jest zniszczony po walkach od 2014 roku, jeden nawet został wysadzony przez odłamek miny 120 mm przez 3 warstwy szkła, dzięki mojemu szczęściu nie było mnie w tym miejscu 14 kwietnia 2021 roku. (Przy okazji, jest wiele leet meanings, to nie jest żart, można spróbować uczynić tę sprawę bardziej interesującą, nie wiem)


W mieszkaniach na ulicy Szewczenki ciągle dzieje się coś ciekawego, moja matka od czasu do czasu wpada w szał, spowodowany w większości tymi samymi skutkami promieniowania, które uszkadzają również moje ciało, ale nie ma dość siły woli, żeby się opanować i dzisiaj nawet próbuje mnie zabić rozbitą szybą.

Jestem zagubiony, właściwie nie wiem, jak się zachować w tego typu sytuacjach, czuję się nie tylko więźniem - co gorsza, gwałconym przez dobrze zorganizowane grupy.

Nie płaczę, nie pokazuję swoich słabości, staram się trzymać siebie w ryzach i nie boję się pisać na tym forum, bo nie jestem winny.


Jestem kaleką, już o tym wiem, zejście z tego poziomu promieniowania na pewno zajmie dużo czasu, a niestety nie wiem o tej chorobie radarowej, która została wyjaśniona kilka postów wcześniej w ukrytym pasku, więc czy byłby on w stanie usunąć spowodowane tym obrażenia, czy nie, tego nie wiem.


Mam wszystkie dokumenty, żeby opuścić to miejsce (Donieck) i zacząć nowe życie, teraz po prostu spowalnia mnie ogromna ilość wyjaśnionych już czynników.

Poważnie zastanawiam się też nad opiekunem, bo nie mógłbym robić wielu rzeczy, mając tak silną nadwrażliwość na promieniowanie, no i oczywiście jednym z najważniejszych aspektów tego umysłu - jest zrujnowana rodzina, sprzymierzona z jakimiś grupami przeciwko mnie.

Dziękuję za uwagę.


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