Liouville #3382 10 октября 2017 я, канеш, оценил их любовь к оригиналу еще в 7ом эпизоде, но это уже будет перебор Цитата мой трибьют писхеверу Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
ward #3383 10 октября 2017 войн клонов(сирик) кто не в курсе это - детское ебливое аниме с высратыми из жопы персонажами и мотивацией, где джедаи летают в космосе без скафандра Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Juron #3384 10 октября 2017 все еще жду фильмачей по Wistick^^ понравилось это Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Kant #3385 10 октября 2017 чет шишка дыбом от трейлера Цитата Торжество разума в том, чтобы уживаться с теми, у кого этого разума нет. Вольтер.Чтобы хорошо высыпаться, нужно спать 8 часов в день. И еще столько же ночью. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Kant #3386 10 октября 2017 Тут человек проведший самое долгое время на моей памяти с какахами под авой обзывает всех негоже!Сколько дается дней за оскорбление стаффа? А всего стаффа? Или верните ему звание без возможности помилованияЯ поэтому и не стал листать топик, потому что этот юзер изгадил несколько предидущих страниц хоть один пруф скрином что у меня было гавно под авой Uncleeee, sviper, Juron и 1 другому понравилось это Цитата Торжество разума в том, чтобы уживаться с теми, у кого этого разума нет. Вольтер.Чтобы хорошо высыпаться, нужно спать 8 часов в день. И еще столько же ночью. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
ward #3387 10 октября 2017 все еще жду фильмачей по да канеш лучше всех этих зашквареных высеров которые местные зашкварышы глорят, но:1. Клише с рождением одаренных детей2. Клише с предательством3. Клише с переходом на темную сторону4. Клише со смертью близкого друга/семьи5. Клише "come with me" и это так бегло не вдаваясь в подробности Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
D_E_C_T_P_O_E_P #3388 10 октября 2017 Поступила инфа, естественно, непроверенная.I was let go on Friday from Lucasfilm as a partner in marketing so go ahead, ask me anything about the film. Yes, rough cut has been done for weeks, many important people have seen it and I've been involved with a ton of marketing. Don't know what people care about or want to see as this film has been my life for months so go ahead. Yes, I'm a little pissy but my friend said I can take my anger out on here since they let a few of us go and people would love free info.[/size] вопросы и ответы 1"Does Ray even slightly go to the dark side?"[/size]No but this might be a good time to point out that she is a reincarnation of the first force user. She has a scene with Luke where they walk through the force and she's able to sense everything around her with ease. The idea is, she is in tune with her emotions which Yoda used to believe was wrong so she is a very angry force user when she faces Ben again. There is a literal blue light she walks around that is the force and you see how it can be twisted to create new powers etc. like the "dark".[/size] 2Is Snoke really that boy from the Force tree incident?[/size]Do they do anything to make Rey not painted as a Mary Sue this time around?[/size] Not sure what you're referring to but there is a tree that the original force users worshipped and eventually lived in. This is where Luke found a lot of journals and decided it's better to let force users die off because it will be a never ending cycle otherwise. Yoda does not agree but admits they might've done more harm than good with Anakin themselves. [/size]No, Rey is pretty powerful and does some new stuff. She can change the shape of things in a way and she can communicate with the force at will. Luke explains to her that she is a reincarnation of the first force user. Her parents are never brought up and this scene is done early on because Rian wanted to focus on the viewers learning more about the force and what Luke/Yoda/Anakin learned.[/size] 3Is the new character Rose Tico actually a First Order Spy and betrays the resistance?[/size]Does Hayden get a force ghost cameo?[/size]Will Carrie's last scene be emotional?[/size] No but her sister along with a bunch of resistance join the FO after they've been held prisoner and they were left behind. This is a main part of Finn/Poe's story.[/size]Yes, Anakin is in this and has one of the biggest surprise reveals in the film. You meet him early but he's actually an animal (no one knows this except Luke which is why when he appears "human" again, it's supposed to be a "gasp" moment we call it). [/size]Her last scene is leaving an old rebel base to meet with Luke before he confronts the first order. It obviously won't work out.[/size] 4Rey is told by Luke there is a creature in the sea consumed with hate. She eventually has to face it. It's a like giant sloth but it actually looks really neat. I'd say in the middle of the film, after she attacks it, she realizes the best way to defeat it is to get it on land where it will have trouble moving. Yes, she senses it's not real and after a moment, it changes into Anakin. This along with Finn and Rose rescuing some of the resistance only to be betrayed are two of the best scenes in the film only because they're so unexpected.[/size] 5So Kylo's arc is him essentially going on a soul searching trek across the galaxy to learn more about Vader before coming back to the light at the end? Does Vader's castle from RO make an appearance? [/size]What happens to Phasma? [/size]Finn's arc is pretty much him and the asian chick trying to find out who Snoke is? [/size]Anakin has a pretty big role? [/size]Who are Rey's parents and what happened to them?[/size] He's not coming to the light. I think he's going to be even more evil. He does go to a castle but I'm not sure it's the same one. It's not in the marketing anyway. [/size]Phasma has a huge battle with Finn and some of the resistance. I'd say it's a draw because she absolutely tears them a new one (this is on the "affluent" planet where they meet Zenn). Hux dies here. Finn unleashes a bunch of horse like creatures on him. Not joking. [/size]Yes although we don't learn a lot besides he's liked, has friends everywhere and the body he's in is not his original body. [/size]Anakin has one scene alone with Rey, one with Luke and one when Ben shows up. [/size]They're not mentioned except that their kid was basically too much to handle. She was destroying things around herself and before they could get to Luke with her, they were being chased by Snoke so they dropped her off and died escaping. They knew she was strong with the force and thought it was best to take her to Luke's school.[/size] краткое содержание Luke meets Rey, he tells her how the force brought her to him. Her parents were scared of her abilities. She is told after a couple scenes that she was born out of necessity, that this balance will continue forever with the force, since the beginning all the way to his dad and now her. Luke trains her but tells her after Snoke is defeated, they will cease to fight and will not continue the Jedi order. They have a meditation scene together where she literally walks through a beam of light and she can control everything around her. She can change shapes and warp everything around her. Luke tells her she will be even more powerful than Yoda and she says who? (this got some chuckles). She also battles a creature that Luke claims is filled with evil intent and has been threatening the porgs, creatures more in tune with the force than even himself (think penguins on crack). She defeats this creature only to see it become a ghost of anakin. Basically, Luke has tried to push her emotionally in every direction on the island in order to wake her full potential quickly. He wants Snoke gone now. It’s made clear that Luke is not happy with what Snoke did to Ben and will do anything to make Rey become stronger quickly to destroy him. We get a flashback with Anakin at Luke’s school and everything is destroyed. Luke sees young Ben and says “I don’t want to kill you…but your life is in my hands now”. We learn later Luke knew someone else would come along to balance things out with Ben so he left to get answers as to why the Jedi always fail. He used the force to shut R2 down until this person was found. I’m cutting out a ton of details but basically you find out the force is literally connected to everything and even something like a droid can be aligned to it if it is willed. Rey confronts Luke about his feelings towards the Jedi, his abandonment of his friends and everything that’s happened and they don’t come to an agreement. He speaks with Yoda, she meditates.[/size] Yoda admits she is right, that the Jedi of old were hopeful but arrogant and a the dark side of the force can’t be the only future (something like that). [/size]Ren spends the majority of the film with Snoke. He’s more unstable and leaves to trace Vader’s life in hopes that he will meet his spirit. From the way Snoke acts, he doesn’t seem to care much. Also, force ghosts can be destroyed. They’re adding new powers into this film the same way J.J./Kasdan added new abilities in TFA. Rian did write the film he wanted but there was definitely things they wanted included in this film for future media. [/size]After Finn wakes up, the entire ship they’re on is destroyed. Leia asked him to go find Snoke’s weakness, she’s been told someone has information on how to destroy him and they’ve arrived at the meeting point (a new planet). No one likes Leia on this planet. Rose leaves with him because it’s the last escape pod and her sister trusts Finn. [/size]Poe leaves after the ship is destroyed as well with Leia and some remaining resistance. The FO take prisoners. [/size]They spend most of the film on the run and meet up with Holdo who immediately butts heads with what they should do next. She wants to have an alliance with the FO, Leia thinks thats a bad idea and in the meantime, sends Poe to rescue the remaining resistance supporters.[/size]Finn goes to Snoke’s home planet and finds a crypt. Think dracula. Very expensive looking place and a tomb that’s opened. Basically, we learn Snoke has switched bodies and is actually well liked by a lot of races. No one alive has seen his original body. He’s with Rose and Zenn. All of this takes place after they escaped the “affluent planet” and found the kidnapped resistance members who after these past few years have decided to join the FO. Finn appeals to some of them but not all.[/size] This is taking too long and I’m everywhere now in the story so I’ll cut to the chase with everyone. Luke eventually understands that training one person at a time might be the best way forward and thanks to Rey, that this will never end so they’ll have to make their own rules going forward (Anakin told her that repressing your emotions is what leads to their downfall). There will always be someone out there more powerful, good or evil. Ben finds out the location of the island because Rey was alone meditating and he sensed her. Ben doesn’t tell Snoke by the way so something is going on there. [/size]Ben fights Rey on the island, wins. Luke destroys Ben’s guards with one move (they come in to attack at once, next shot, they’re all on the ground). This got a great reaction but the move itself was definitely not a typical Jedi action. Ben asks Luke why he failed and that it was his parents fault for not being there for him. Luke asks Ben what he wants and asks him to help take down Snoke, that it can lead him to a new path. Ben agrees. In shock, Rey follows them (Luke has an A wing on the island!). Honestly, the Luke/Rey stuff is way more interesting than Finn’s story. This has almost turned into a weird review haha. The film ends with Luke standing before Snoke as the destroyer flies away. Rey and Kylo flew off after she attacked his ship.[/size] ленивец/тварь из моря прочесть целиком: Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Admin Panzara #3389 10 октября 2017 Воу, до чего же крутой трейлер. Мэй би нерадивый сынок перейдет на светлую сторону; вот возьмет и не будет фигачить по матери, такого ещё не было в ЗВ (переход Энакина обратно не в счёт) Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Juron #3390 10 октября 2017 бля, почему то вспомнилось Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Mustache #3392 10 октября 2017 Такое чувство, что я где-то это уже видел ? Обучение у опытного жыдая, переходы туда-сюда... Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Mayhem #3393 10 октября 2017 лепить из Рей супер йобу чтобы хоть как-то оправдать новые части, реинкарнация первого форс-юзера Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Admin Panzara #3394 10 октября 2017 (изменено) Блин, видос старый, дерьморез так и не разобрал новый трейлер Изменено 10 октября 2017 пользователем Admin Panzara Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Lann1ster #3395 10 октября 2017 (изменено) Я надеюсь они объяснят в новом фильие-че это вообще за орден, почему он так развился после победы республики, че это вообще за повстанцы, что делали войска республики, пока им планеты из звезды смерти крошат и т.д. А иначе полная параша будет, калька с Империя наносит ответный удар. Изменено 10 октября 2017 пользователем Lann1ster Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Aesthetics #3396 10 октября 2017 По-моему это все объясняется в книгах. Читал в обсуждениях Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Florence_ #3397 10 октября 2017 хуйня как и 7 часть будет Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
finargot #3398 10 октября 2017 Кто боится умереть от смеха. просьба не открывать Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Гость LifeIsPain #3399 10 октября 2017 хуйня ебаннаязаруинили зв 7й частью, уже нихуя не исправишь Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Fiend.Jackson #3400 10 октября 2017 А вот и спойлеры подъехали Kant и Immolate понравилось это Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение