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[Dota 2 Patch] 7.00

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сосу :hohol:

на второй у худшего патча

Изменено пользователем Kognak

coval_sk1 написал 11.12.2016 в 20:47:

Юзер года - Kognak

tClenUI.png                            3x

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Если с талантами не рофел - то Габен хотя бы понимает, что он максимум перетянет плееров из лола в доту и проебёт основную дота2 аудиторию? 

Дойная корова уйдёт тогда с таким понтом в тот же лолец. 

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Это не может быть правдой.

Boneless понравилось это



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на 1

:petro: :petro:

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Эти таланты не как в лоле, эти таланты как в хотсе.





17к за почти 7 лет против 10к за 4 года.

Пропорцию сам нарисуешь?


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нахуя два топана?

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то чувство, когда рад, что забросил доту

раньше был разочарован, какую хуйню с ней делают

счас рад (что нахуй вышел из этой помойки)

m()stEVIL понравилось это

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на 1

:petro: :petro:



тю сука реперы ебаные:( 

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Пиздец, ждал говна, но не такого, жаль проигроков. Осфрод худший подонок. Дота рип.

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ПРичем тут таланты? эта система спизжена из ХоТСа, в лоле дерево талантов, а тут как в Хотсе прямо в игре достигнув определенного лвлла дается возможность выбрать то что усиляет какую то твою способность. Надеюсь будет вариативность а не 1 улучшение на 1 способность 




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бля я синий все сайты не работают блять че случилось

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:fffuuu: не смайло пост. Спасибо Гейб.


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не могу смотреть нса. пол часа читает одну строку и пытается что-то сказать. или он слабоумный, или за слабоумных держит  своих зрителей - другого не дано. (??)

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а обязательно бомжа вместе с эмобоем слушать?

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Introducing the Hero Talent Tree

The Ancients have unveiled a new way to help heroes adapt to the needs of each battle. Every hero has gained a series of Hero Talents that players can select at levels 10/15/20/25, offering powerful augmentations to their capabilities.


Choose Your Branch

Select your Hero Talents at levels 10/15/20/25 to gain special bonuses for your hero or their abilities. Each level offers unique branches, and bypassed branches are not available at future levels. Each hero has their own unique set of Talents to choose from.


Talent Tree Spotlight - Wraith King


Mana Break got your Level 25 Wraith King feeling down? Choosing to have no Reincarnation mana cost can help pick the King up off the ground.





Moved Roshan to new area near top Powerup Rune spot

Roshan attack range increased from 128 to 150

Roshan armor increased from 5 to 15

Roshan HP reduced from 8000 to 5500

Roshan HP gain per 4 minutes reduced from 700 to 460

Roshan armor gain per 4 minutes increased from 0.7 to 1.1

dded new building type — Shrine (has 1500 HP, 20 Armor)


There are Shrines near each team's Secret Shop and new Ancient Camp locations. Shrines can be teleported to. Shrines become vulnerable whenever all Tier 2 towers fall for the respective team.

Each team also has 5 Shrines inside the base.

Shrines have an ability with a 5 minute cooldown. Allied heroes can right-click to activate it, generating a 500 AoE aura that lasts for 5 seconds. The aura provides 120/40 HP/MP regeneration per second (heal values increase during the game by 2 HP / 1 MP per minute). Activates once you are in melee range after right-clicking on it. Shrines ability becomes available to use outside of the base once creeps spawn at 0:00.

Shrines do not grant vision.

Shrines provide a 150 gold bounty for each player on the team when killed.





Лес сил Тьмы и Света был полностью изменен и разделен на две части: primary and secondary. Теперь primary-часть леса каждой команды имеет по 1 спавну древних крипов, 2 спавна сильных крипов, 2 средних и 1 маленький. Раньше в лесу было 2 спавна сильных крипов, 2 средних и 1 маленький.




Secondary-лес каждой команды имеет 1 спавн древних крипов, 1 спавн сильных крипов и 1 средний. Раньше в этой части леса был 1 спавн древних крипов и 1 спавн сильных крипов.







Runes are now two different categories: Powerup Runes (Haste, Double Damage, etc.) and Bounty Runes.

Bounty Runes are no longer located in the River.

Powerup Rune spawns now occur at only one river location at a time.They do not spawn at the start of the game.

Each of the four jungles now spawns a Bounty Rune every 2 minutes.Including the start of the game.

Greevil's Greed Bounty Rune multiplier rescaled from 3/4/5/6x to a constant 2x

Bottle now only replenishes 2 charges when filled with a Bounty Rune.Hero will auto-consume Bounty Runes if Bottle already has full charges.





Reworked the paths and hiding spots to the left and right of the side lanes

Reworked many ward spot locations and juke paths

Added various juke paths near the map edges between tier 1 and tier 2 towers

Adjusted tree distribution to the left of the top radiant barracks





Neutrals spawn time from 0:30/1/2/3/4/etc. to 0:30/1/3/5/7/etc.

Dying to Neutral creeps now cause your hero to have a minimum respawn time of 26 (equal to level 6 respawn time)

Ancients are no longer Spell Immune; now have 70% Magic ResistanceAny that had lower values before still have lower values.

The following abilities do not affect Ancients: Arcane Orb and ChakramMidnight Pulse already ignores Ancients.

Neutral creeps now have 1 mana regenPreviously most had no mana regen.

Swapped order of Ancient Thunderhide abilities (Slam is now 3rd)Relevant for Doom.

Swapped order of Ancient Black Dragon abilities (Dragonhide Aura is now 3rd)Relevant for Doom.





Tier 4 towers now have the same regeneration as the Ancient.3 HP/sec.

Using TP scroll no longer destroys nearby trees.Terrain around towers has been adjusted to ensure there isn't a spot you can get stuck.

Glyph cooldown refresh is now granted 1 second after a Tier 1 tower dies rather than immediately.

Ancient Building vision increased from 1900/1200 to 2600Grants basic vision over the base high ground area.

Reduced Effigy building count in each base from 15 to 5

Adjusted Effigy building positions in the base

Effigy buildings HP increased from 500 to 1000

Effigy buildings armor increased from 10 to 12

Effigy buildings bounty increased from 111 to 125 to the killer

Fixed Glyph not affecting Effigy buildings


Tier 2/3/4 towers damage rescaled from 122-182 to 142-162Same average damage.



Illusions now give Gold and XP bounties


Illusions provide 5 + Level Gold and XPFor example, a level 15 illusion gives a 20 gold/XP bounty.

Illusions attack damage penalty against buildings increased from 30% to 50%

Attack Speed bonuses now work on Illusions.Previously some sources worked and most didn't, in particular raw item bonuses.

Magic Resistance bonuses no longer work on Illusions.Previously some sources worked and some didn't.

The following Auras are now generated by illusionsMost auras behave this way.: Heartstopper Aura, Precision Aura, and Essence Aura.

Illusions no longer benefit from Dragon Blood armor bonus.Now the same as how other direct armor bonuses do not benefit illusions.

The following illusions have a constant bounty value (rather than the formula above):

Juxtapose illusions give a constant 5 gold/xp bounty.

Wall of Replica illusions give a constant 5 gold/xp bounty.


:fffuuu:  :fffuuu:  :fffuuu:  :fffuuu:  :fffuuu:  :fffuuu:  :fffuuu:

coval_sk1 написал 11.12.2016 в 20:47:

Юзер года - Kognak

tClenUI.png                            3x

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зачем сабж если ни скринов, ни инфы?


Щас пролапс пройдет, на офф сайте и посмотрим

Изменено пользователем D3s~


Вся суть Папеча





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то чувство, когда рад, что забросил доту

раньше был разочарован, какую хуйню с ней делают

счас рад (что нахуй вышел из этой помойки)

очень интересно что ты там забросил, бездарный долбоеб

RomanPope, vidurr, summerwave и 3 другим понравилось это

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